Olena Lutsenko

Olena Lutsenko
KHARKIV INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES · Department of Socio-Humanitarian and Biomedical Sciences

Doctor of Psychology


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Publications (39)
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Луценко О. Л. Втрачена та нова адаптивність: сучасні психологічні особливості, що пов’язані з еволюційним минулим : монографія / О. Л. Луценко. – Х. : ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2018. – 312 с. ISBN 987-966-285-456-5 У монографії висвітлюється новий напрям психології – еволюційна психологія, що спрямована на вивчення зв’язку між сучасними психологічн...
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Презентація моногрфії ЄВтрачена та нова адаптивністьЖ сучасні психологічні особливості, що пов'язані з еволюційним минулим (українською мовою)
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The article presents an overview of the foreign experience of professional monitoring of children exposed to domestic violence, which is characterized by structured approaches and the wide use of short screening tests-questionnaires for all involved parties - children, parents, teachers, nurses, pediatricians, and mental health specialists. For dia...
The article deals with the concept of emotional intelligence and its enhancement in the context of higher education. The aim of the present research was to design and test tools aimed at developing emotional intelligence of students in the process of studying English in classes taught in the speaking club format. The authors offer a 4-component ins...
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The aim of the study was to adapt a very popular in the world screening questionnaire for assessment of children psychosocial functioning. Both (parent and youth) versions of Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC, Y-PSC) of M. S. Jellinek, J. M. Murphy et al. were validated in Ukraine so to find out their cross-cultural universality and usefulness. The...
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Studies of the characteristics of hetero- and homosexual couples relationships are fragmentary. Modern Ukrainian society remains insufficiently aware of this issue, which leads to the stigmatization of a person because of his sexual orientation. The purpose of our study was to determine the relationship between emotional creativity and the quality...
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The characteristics of the individual’s time perspective in relation to changes in social, economic, and political conditions are of major conceptual interest. We assessed the time orientations of 1588 Ukrainian students living in two different regions (western and south-eastern Ukraine) with the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) before (2...
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Актуальність. Проблема психологічного стану представниць СМ є практично не дослідженою в Україні. Представниці СМ потенційно психологічно більш уразливі через стигматизацію та агресивне ставлення до них представників гетеросексуальної більшості, в тому числі, найближчих родичів. Мета дослідження - виявити, наскільки жінки, що відносяться до сексуал...
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The objective is analysis and evaluation of the psychological training component in the long-term archery training system in different countries at the present sport development stage. Materials and methods. Theoretical review of scientific and educational sources, their systematization, comparison, and results generalization were done. Through the...
Conference Paper
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Purpose of the article: to identify and compare career orientations and professional responsibility peculiarities in women with different sexual orientations to determine whether members of sexual minorities (SM) in Ukraine are less adapted to professional activity than members of the heterosexual majority. The study involved 162 Ukrainian women ag...
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From the first expeditions, adaptation to the harsh environment of Antarctica, the expeditionists complained of a trouble sleeping. During a long stay on the continent, the polar explorers are exposed to a large number of extreme environmental factors both at the station and outside it, but the main physical factors of sleep disturbances are consid...
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SLOW FACIAL SIGNS AND THEIR PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC VALUE S. 0. Bida, 0. L. Lutsenko olena.lutsenko@karazin.ua Abstract. The current study is devoted to the identification of the scientific basis of permanent facial expression as a psychodiagnotic measure. The aim of the research is to investigate relationships between slow facial signs (SFS) and emotiona...
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This paper focuses on the time perspective dynamics of the Ukrainian 17–24-year-olds which reside in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, such as Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa regions, during the period 2012–2015. The study included areas bordering the zone of military conflict, or those that are an area of great national importance and there...
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The aim was to identify which psychological state experience students – internally displaced persons (IDPs), particularly how they feel fears and stress in compare with the control group (ordinary students). In the study were involved 63 students of classical university of 1-4 years of studying of different faculties. Experimental group included 35...
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Стаття присвячена висвітленню процедури та результатів конструювання методики схильності до низької фізичної активності. Вибірку дослідження склали 286 осіб, які були студентами денного та заочного відділень різних факультетів Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна віком від 17 до 43 років, з яких 163 жінки та 123 чоловіка. В р...
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У статті представлено результати дослідження критеріїв оцінки політичних лідерів виборцями, отримані завдяки застосуванню психосемантичного аналізу за допомогою методу репертуарних решіток Келлі. Цей метод дав змогу ви­явити рейтинг різноманітних інтерпретаційних висловлювань, за допомогою яких виборці описують і оцінюють політиків. Результатом уза...
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This E-Manual was designed under the EU Tempus Impress Project “Improving the Efficiency of Student Services” funded by the European Commission and lasts from October 15, 2012 - October 14, 2015 (Project number 530534-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK- TEMPUS-SMGR ). The consortium of the participants of course development E-Manual Soft skills includes the follow...
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Surrogacy is a relatively new phenomenon in the life of modern society. There is an ambiguous attitude that manifests itself in the form of legislative prohibition or regulation, implemented in different countries. In Ukraine it is allowed only gestational surrogacy (full, that is, the surrogate mother is not genetically related with fetus, its egg...
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In research it was examined state of organism regulation systems by heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. It was hypothesized that various psychological types, defense mechanisms and healthy habits have specific relations with regulation systems. The purpose was to study regulation system state in connection with different psychological types, ego...
Conference Paper
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The problem of health and psychological well-being is at the center of discussions on the evaluation of the welfare and happiness of peoples populations. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of well-being and a tendency to break a healthy lifestyle among students. 42 students were tested by K. Ryff Well-being...
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Lutsenko O.L. ‘Sex and Love Addiction: Phenomenology, Psychophysiological Basis, Methods of Correction’. Article is the review of contemporary Russian and English sources about the problem of poor researched behavioral addictions – sex and love ones. These addictions have many common features because they are the relationship addictions or social a...
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The aim of this work is researching the manifestations of social and personal characteristics of bullying-relations participants in the medium school classes. The sample: 97 pupils of 5-7 years of studying of secondary school and theirs form-masters. The methods: a form of bullying manifestations for pupils and theirs form-masters, sociometry, Dram...
Conference Paper
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In research was examined state of organism regulation systems by heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. It was hypothesized that psychological types, defense mechanisms and healthy habits have different relations with regulation systems. It is known that their disbalance and low HRV bring to decrease of life quality and longevity. At sample of 217...
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Adaptive peculiarities of women who are going to become surrogate mothers have been studied. Data about their personal adaptive potential, behavior regulation, communicative potential, moral standards as well as basic personal set of symptoms were compared with characteristics of women who refused to participate in the programs of surrogate motheri...
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The problems about student’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real and non training situations are discussed in the article. The definition of knowledge and knowledge transfer are given, distinctive features of the declarative and procedural knowledge are described. Attention is paid to the efficiency of transfer declarative knowledge to t...
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В статье описывается процесс конструирования нового Опросника нарушений здорового поведения, который диагностирует общий показатель склонности нарушать здоровый образ жизни, и отдельные показатели тяги к алкоголю, курению, нарушениям питания, пренебрежения безопасностью, низкого самоконтроля, эмоциональной некомпетентности, саморазрушительного пове...
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The aim of this work is researching personality aspects of bullying in the environment of senior school. A research selection was made by 92 pupils of 8-11 years of studying of secondary school and their form-masters. We used such psychodiagnostic methods: author`s questionnaire of bullying manifestations for pupils and their form-masters, «Diagnos...
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The aim of this article is to study social-psychological and personal aspects of bullying in the earlier school environment. The sample of the research was 100 pupils of 2-4 school years and their class teachers. It was used experimental tasks method for envy revealing, sociometry, author’s inquiry form for revealing main sorts of bullying (physica...
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The aim of this work is researching the manifestations and social-psychological aspects of bullying in the senior classes of school environment. The sample: 92 pupils of 8-11 years of studying of secondary school and theirs form-masters. The methods: a form of bullying manifestations for pupils and theirs form-masters, sociometry, Drama triangle qu...
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In the O.L. Lutsenko and K.Y. Tkachuk’s article “Bullying adultly: the psychological features of the bullying victims in a teachers environment” it was studied the degree of teachers workplace bullying, which can be initiated by other teachers and school administration. In the research it was tested 60 teachers and instructors from two Kharkiv scho...
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Bullying – harassment, intimidation and maltreatment of other (in most cases, of the weaker) members of the collective – has become the object of close attention among anthropologists, psychologists, ethologists, and sociologists in the last decades. The article shows how widespread this phenomenon is in human societies. The goal of the study is th...
Conference Paper
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The problem of relations in-low has its nuances in different cultures. A number of various researches are evidences of this as in modern societies, so in traditional ones (Apostolou M., Voland E., Beise J., Wu T.F, Yeh K.H, Cross S.E., Larson L.M., Wang Y.C., Tsai Y.L., Pavlenko V.N.). However our interest to this problem appeared much before we co...
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У книзі наведено відомості про історію техніки освоєння морських глибин, пристрої дихальних апаратів виробництва України, Росії. США, Німеччини та інших країн. Головне в книзі - безпека людини під водою. Велику увагу приділено організації спусків і критичних ситуацій, що виникають при зануреннях. Розглянуто фізичні і фізіологічні аспекти перебуванн...
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Chapter devoted to the psychological aspects of diving as a recreational activity. The chapter describes the role of extreme abilities and readiness of divers, the factors of monotony and satiety, fatigue, anxiety, panic, fear, pecularities of women and teenage diving, psychological compatibility in groups of divers. Psychology of salvation and a p...


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