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Olena Vadimivna Kolesnikova

Olena Vadimivna Kolesnikova
GI "L.T. Malaya Therapy Institute of the NAMS Ukraine" · Department of aging and prevention of metabolic-associated diseases



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Research experience: 2008 - 2017 Improvement of early diagnosis and prognosis of chronic non-communicable diseases (dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension), the search for predictors of cardiovascular risk individualization of preventive and therapeutic measures. 2017-present time: Genetic determination of risk factors for premature aging in the mechanisms of metabolic-associated diseases.


Publications (89)
Background: Military conflicts and associated stress often lead to lifestyle changes. Unhealthy behaviors play a pivotal role in the development of cardiovascular risk factors and are potentially reversible. However, data on this topic remain scarce and outdated. Therefore, the objective of our study was to assess the prevalence of behavioral risk...
Стаття містить узагальнені дані наукових досліджень щодо механізмів процесів метилювання ДНК та їхньої ролі в епігенетичній регуляції в організмі людини, її здоров’ї, сприятливості до хронічних неінфекційних захворювань, гомеостазі та нормальному функціонуванні клітин, метаболізмі нуклеотидів, білків і ліпідів, синтезі нейротрансмітерів, кислотно‑о...
Objective — to assess the prevalence of major cardiometabolic diseases by identifying their risk factors and comparing them with metabolic disorders and stress indicators in military personnel. Materials and methods. The study included 74 male military personnel with an average age of 43.4 [31.4; 50.6] years. Among all the participants, the proport...
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In the paper the problems of the efficiency of healthcare systems are considered, the different definitions are presented and comparative analysis is provided. As the research problem the relation between financial mechanisms of healthcare and the quality of healthcare services and satisfaction of patients on the example of the EU countries is defi...
Objective — to evaluate clinical and biochemical parameters and related differences in the rate of aging in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) during the year 2023. Materials and methods. Examinations involved 39 patients with AH with a median age of 51.4 [46.9; 63.2] years, from them 27 were men (69.2%). Examinations were performed twice: at...
Objective — to evaluate two distinct methods for determining biological age (BA) and aging rates among patients with arterial hypertension (AH) in combination with subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) that can be applicable to practical medical settings. Materials and methods. The study involved 150 patients (women 54.7%, n=82) with an average age of 47...
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Objective — to study the basic principles of the strategic human resource management in healthcare, to analyze the features of human resource management in healthcare organizations, to analyze the long‑term trends of the human resources in the healthcare in Poland and to propose the recommendations for the implementation of measures for strategic h...
The purpose of the study was to estimate the frequency of the most probable stress factors and behavioural disorders based on the our own survey results among Ukrainians in accordance with the place of residence. The study was conducted from January to August 2023 and included 160 participants, divided into 3 groups: 1 group – those who remained in...
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Materials and methods. As part of the longitudinal study, 29 civilians were examined; all of them remained in their place of residence during the war, were not directly in the combat areas and did not receive physical damage. Body composition was determined by the method of bioelectrical impedance using Composition Monitor BF511, Omron, including b...
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One of the most common diseases of our time is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Recently published research results indicate that patients with NAFLD along with traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have "new" risk factors such as endothelial dysfunction (ED), carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), an increase in the...
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Objective — evaluate gender differences in aging rates among patients with non‑alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and their relationship with cardiometabolic disorders. Materials and methods. Examinations involved 94 patients with NAFLD with the mean age of 49.5 [41.5;57.9] years. All patients were divided into groups depending on gender: group...
Objective — to assess anthropometric indicators and body composition in patients with certain cardiometabolic diseases depending on their aging rates and the number of existing comorbid pathologies. Materials and methods. Examinations involved 92 patients with cardiometabolic diseases, including arterial hypertension (AH), non‑alcoholic fatty liver...
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Introduction: SIRT1 has attracted great interest due to its role as a regulator of longevity, and its therapeutic potential for the prevention and treatment of aging and age-related comorbidities. However, the mechanisms by which SIRT1 influences the course of aging remain unknown. Methods: The study population included 88 apparently healthy subjec...
The aim of the work was to determine association between anthropometric parameters, indicators of aging and markers of oxidative stress, as a possible link between anthropometric status and rates of aging, among patients with arterial hypertension (AH). Materials and methods. Examinations involved 97 with AH of I — II stage (60.8 % women), with the...
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The substantial improvement of diagnostic methods, treatment and preventive measures in recent years resulted in the significant increase in life expectancy, which in turn contributed to an increase in the frequency of chronic noncommunicable diseases among elderly patients. Pathological conditions that are related to the gastrointestinal (GI) trac...
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There is an increase in the frequency and severity of metabolic disorders in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) in combination with subclinical hypothyroidism (SH), that is accompanied by accelerated aging rates, but the research findings on the aging rates in this category of patients are extremely few in number. Therefore, the aim of our st...
Вступ. Прогнозування кардіоваскулярного ризику (КВР ) і ефективності профілактики метаболічно-асоційованих захворювань (МАЗ ) є серйозним викликом сучасної медицини. Останнім часом з цією метою запропоновано оцінювати біологічний вік (БВ) людини для своєчасного визначення передчасного старіння. Календарний вік (КВ ) є важливим фактором ризику розви...
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FRI049 Association of the biological age and the level of global deoxyribonucleic acid methylation with metabolic parameters in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Olena Kolesnikova1, Anastasiia Radchenko1, Valentina Galchinskaya2. 1L.T. Mala Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Department o...
Objective — to assess the rates of aging in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) of different age groups and their association with the nature of metabolic disorders and the state of prooxidant‑antioxidant balance. Materials and methods. The study involved 151 patients with AH and various variants of metabolic disorders (dyslipidemia, obesity,...
The aim of the study was to establish the relationship between factors of metabolic‑associated diseases and markers of premature aging and biological age in patients of different age groups. Materials and methods. The study included 151 patients with metabolic disorders but without clinical signs of cardiovascular disease, who were hospitalized or...
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Life expectancy is a key indicator for assessing the population health, as it includes an estimate of lifetime mortality rates from various causes. Since 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become the main cause of increased mortality and decreased life expectancy. This is mainly due to unfavorable outcomes of COVID-19 in the acute period...
Артеріальна гіпертензія (АГ) та субклінічний гіпотиреоз (СГ) мають спільні фактори ризику й патогенетичні механізми, тому їх комбінований перебіг може призводити до появи або поглиблення кардіоваскулярних порушень. Порушення процесів оксидативного стресу розглядають як один із ключових механізмів розвитку обох захворювань. Супероксиддисмутаза‑2 (SO...
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It is known that the presence of overt hypothyroidism carries additional risks of developing cardiovascular diseases due to impaired lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. But whether subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) has the same negative impact is still controversial. The assessment of its role is especially important in patients with existing arterial...
Assessment of the rate of aging is of great importance in modern medicine, since people of middle age may have a discrepancy between the calendar and biological age. Biological age is a measure of biological capabilities, which determines not only the past, but also the measures of the forthcoming life expectancy, as well as the risk of certain age...
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Background: The aim our study was to identify factors affecting blood pressure in patients with hypertension (HTN) and subclinical hypothyroidism (SH). Material and methods: One hundred and thirty-eight patients aged from 25 to 59 years were examined and divided into control group (n = 30), euthyroid patients with HTN (n = 45) and patients with HTN...
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Relevance. The study is relevant due to the increase in the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH) with age, as well as the presence of common developmental mechanism with aging processes, that is a violation of antioxidant protection. Given the changes in the antioxidant state with age, studying their relationship with biological age (BA) may be...
Objective — to assess the oxidative status and severity of inflammatory processes in patients with hypertension (AH) and subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) and their relationship to the rate of aging. Materials and methods. 98 patients (38 men and 61 women) of young and middle age with a median age of 48.3 years were examined. All patients were divide...
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Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: Public grant(s) – National budget only. Main funding source(s): National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Background Identifying reliable biomarkers of early ageing is an important goal for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Chronological age (CA) is an essential risk factor for...
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Patients with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and subclinical hypothyroidism are at risk of cardiovascular complications that cause cardiometabolic changes, thus enabling to broaden our understanding of the cardiovascular events risk in a comorbid patient. The aim: The study of hormonal and metabolic indicators and cardiovascular risk fac...
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Мета — визначити зв’язок між біологічним віком (БВ), клініко-біохімічними параметрами, когнітивними функціями і суб’єктивною оцінкою здоров’я в осіб з артеріальною гіпертензією (АГ) і кардіоваскулярним ризиком низьких градацій.Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 95 пацієнтів (50 чоловіків і 45 жінок) середнім віком 43,8 року (від 25,0 до 59,8 років). Па...
Resistant hypertension (RH) is an important cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Both true and pseudo-resistant arterial hypertension (AH) represent a big problem not only in blood pressure (BP) control, but also in those possible adverse cardiovascular events, the development of which is associated with failure to achieve target BP lev...
Важливе значення в сучасній медицині має комплексна оцінка темпу старіння, оскільки в осіб середнього віку може спостерігатися невідповідність між календарним та біологічним віком. Біологічний, або епігенетичний, вік є мірою біологічних можливостей, яка не лише визначає кількість прожитих років, а і може прогнозувати тривалість життя та ризик виник...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of premature deaths globally and in Ukraine. Dyslipidemia is a recognized risk factor for the development of CVD. Therefore, early detection and appropriate management of dyslipidemia are essential for the primary prevention of CVDs. However, currently, there is a lack of Ukraine-specific guideli...
The study of the clinical and laboratory dynamics after an intensive phase of treatment in patients with firstly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis (FDTB) with alcohol consumption, and the development of a method for predicting the effectiveness of treatment. Examined 109 men with FDTB aged 20 to 50 years. Depending on the level of alcohol consumptio...
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Background. The aim was to establish the features of hemodynamic and metabolic parameters in obese patients with true and pseudo-resistant arterial hypertension (AH). Material and methods. The study included 200 patients with uncontrolled AH and obesity. Patients were initially prescribed dual antihypertensive therapy. Those patients who did not re...
Наведено новітні дані щодо відмінностей хронічного панкреатиту (ХП) при цукровому діабеті (ЦД) 3с типу, які слід ураховувати для ранньої діагностики та своєчасного призначення медикаментозної терапії. Особливу увагу приділено вторинному ЦД, який розвинувся внаслідок гетерогенних екзокринних захворювань підшлункової залози (ПЗ), об’єднаних у класифі...
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Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia is associated with a high risk of early ischemic heart disease onset and cardio-vascular death. There is almost no data about the prevalence of the disease in the Ukrainian population. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of familial hypercholesterolemia among patients who were treated in "L.T....
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Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia is associated with a high risk of early ischemic heart disease onset and cardiovascular death. There is almost no data about the prevalence of the disease in the Ukrainian population. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of familial hypercholesterolemia among patients who were treated in “L.T....
The data presented in the paper were based on the recent investigations and currentrecommendations. The pathological changes in the gastroenterological profile are proved to be most prevalent in subjects aged 65 years and older. In this category of patients, the disorders may be mild or atypical, resulting in the late diagnosis and delays in the ad...
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A simple method of assessment of electrocardiogram (ECG) quality based on lossless data compression is proposed. It is intended for a quick preliminary assessment of ECG in terms of further analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) based on a sequence of R-peaks. The method does not require a priori information about the type, nature and intensity o...
Огляд присвячено обговоренню популяційних, медико-біологічних та соціально-економічних аспектів старіння. Наведено дані про демографічну ситуацію в світі, що обумовлена швидким зростанням темпів старіння в XXI сторіччі та питання, які постають у зв’язку з цим перед організаціями охорони здоров’я та суспільством в цілому. Наведено результати дискусі...
Background: Hereditary component plays a significant role in the formation of insulin resistance (IR) - one of the pathogenetic links of arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). However, the genetic predisposition to IR can not be realized and does not manifest itself clinically in the absence of appropriate factors of the en...
Наведено дані щодо участі інфекції Helicobacter pylori в ініціації та прогресуванні змін метаболічного статусу в пацієнтів з цукровим діабетом 2 типу (ЦД-2), інсулінорезистентністю, ожирінням, серцево-судинними захворюваннями. Доведено внесок інфекції H. pylori в збільшення частоти інфарктів міокарда та інсультів у пацієнтів з ЦД-2. Обґрунтовано тр...
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Overweight and obesity is the result of abnormal or excessive body fat that can be harmful to health. So, the main aim of the study is the determination of the body mass index and body composition at the carriers of polymorphic variants of beta 2- and 3-adrenergic receptors. To achieve this goal, the authors used different kinds experimental method...
Мета — встановити вікові та гормонально-метаболічні особливості пацієнтів із неалкогольною жировою хворобою печінки (НАЖХП) у поєднанні із субклінічним гіпотиреозом (СГТ).Матеріали та методи. В дослідженні взяли участь 185 пацієнтів із НАЖХП, яких розподілили на дві групи: 1-ша група — 57 хворих на НАЖХП, 2-га — 128 хворих на НАЖХП у поєднанні із С...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an independent risk factor for metabolic disorders and cardiovascular events. Patients with metabolic disorders are also predisposed to the development of NAFLD and are at increased risk of cardiovascular events. Management of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors is therefore important in patients with...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an independent risk factor for metabolic disorders and cardiovascular events. Patients with metabolic disorders are also predisposed to the development of NAFLD and are at increased risk of cardiovascular events. Management of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors is therefore important in patients with...
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In this article the problems of the prevalence of esophageal cancer and the spatial distribution of mortality rates from this disease are considered using as examples the NUTS 2 regions in six countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary). The rates of mortality from esophageal cancer a...
Conference Paper
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Background: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and obesity are associated with low grade inflammation. Experimental data suggest crucial role of interleukin 15 (IL-15) in NAFLD development. Y. Cepero-Donates et al. showed that exceeded secretion of IL-15 promotes fat accumulation in mice. The aim was to investigate IL-15 concentration in pat...
The article presents the results of research which demonstrated that the features of fat distribution in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which depended on the sex and the activity of alanine transaminase. It is shown that carriers G allele rs6666089ADIPOR1 had significantly higher levels of visceral, subcutaneous adipose ti...
In recent years, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is regarded as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events. The refinement of traditional and non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is relevant. Therefore, we studied the influence of the adiponectin receptor 2 polymorphic gene and met...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease represents a widespread health impairment associated with development of a variety of complications, particularly: cardiovascular diseases. Thus, the current investigation of common pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the formation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, and associated...
The aim of the research was to study the link between the polymorphic gene ADIPOR1 and the development of cardiovascular risk in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It was found that the carriers of the G allele ADIPOR1 rs 1342387, compared with the carriers of the A allele have a potentially higher degree of cardiovascular ris...


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