Olena BudnykVasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University · Pedagogy
Olena Budnyk
PhD, Doctor of Education, Professor
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I am a Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Director of the Center for Innovative Educational Technology “PNU-EcoSystem” 💻 (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine). 📚In the past, I have acted as Leading Scientific Employee at Scientific and Methodical Center “Ukrainian Ethnopedagogy and Folk Knowledge” 🌻 of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Head of Chair of Pedagogy of Primary Education.👩🎓
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April 2017 - present
Publications (166)
The article defines critical pedagogy’s metatheoretical concepts (in particular, the essence, meaning, and tasks) in modern science and practice. The article presents the content of the idea of (un)critical pedagogy, which is determined by the necessity to overcome stereotypes about the organization of the educational process in an academic institu...
The subject and, at the same time, purpose of the following article is to present the results of original empirical research conducted among principals of primary schools in Poland and Ukraine. The aim of the research was to find an answer to the research question: What actions were implemented by school principals in western Ukraine in...
The article explores rural education in the context of the Ukrainian war from 2014 to 2024, drawing insights from scientific research and media publications. It delves into how military aggression has impacted the distinctive features, challenges, and risks encountered by individuals involved in the educational process in rural schools. Moreover, i...
The article provides the analysis of the scientific work of the prominent Polish philosopher, cultural critic, sociologist, and educator Lech Witkowski in the field of modern humanities, application of hermeneutics, critical reflection, and anthropology, including: (1) scientific reflections on the integration of humanities and social sciences, the...
Following the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine, many women and children were forced to flee their homeland out of fear for lives. Poland, as a country bordering Ukraine, has accepted the most refugees, compared to other EU states. Soon after, Ukrainian school-age children began their education in Polish schools, but the process of their enrol...
The article explores how spirituality determines the scientific outlook on human existence and value orientations. This is why one of the important tasks of the educator's activity is the development of a high level of spirituality among students. To investigate this issue, the her-meneutic context, which has traditionally gained popularity in the...
Spiritualita člověka určuje vědecký pohled na lidskou existenci a hodnotové orientace. Jed-ním z důležitých úkolů pedagogické činnosti je proto rozvoj vysoké úrovně spirituality mezi studenty. Pro zkoumání této problematiky byl zvolen hermeneutický kontext, který se tra-dičně těší oblibě při analýze problémů psychologických, pedagogických a humanit...
The article substantiates the pedagogical aspects of the humanities as presented by the Polish scholar Florian Znaniecki, through the prism of current concerns of Ukrainian science, using the materials from Lech Witkowski’s extensive book “False claims and transactuality in the Humanities. Florian Znaniecki: the legacy of ideas and its ruptures.” A...
The article focuses on a relevant contemporary issue – the tragic events taking place in modern Ukraine, struggling for independence in a bloody war against the Russian occupier. In the era of globalisation, the civilisation crossroads where Ukraine is located, determine the accessibility of common cultural values, the necessity of historical conso...
The article substantiates the pedagogical aspects of the humanities as presented by the Polish scholar Florian Znaniecki, through the prism of current concerns of Ukrainian science, using the materials from Lech Witkowski’s extensive book Uroszczenia i transaktualność w humanistyce. Florian Znaniecki: dziedzictwo idei i jego pęknięcia [False claims...
The research dives into similarities between historical events in the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries, drawing connections to Borys Hrinchenko's inspirations which resonate with contemporary efforts in resisting russian occupation, emphasizing the struggle for Ukrainian independence, identity, and freedom through primarily ideological, c...
The article aims to (1) substantiate the necessity for scientific reflection on the problem of spiritual development of the individual, to focus the global community’s attention on the phenomena of (un)spirituality in the modern world (in particular, during armed conflicts and wars, reflecting the struggle of worldviews, identities, religions, spir...
Known as the breadbasket of Europe, Ukraine, presently being in the center of international concerns and hopes, shows new dimensions of dignity and determination for which it may be called the school of the world. This collection of texts on inclusion of persons with special educational needs and disabilities from international and Ukrainian schola...
Автор рецензованої монографії - професор Григорій Васянович – глибокий пошановувач багатогранної творчості «українського Сократа», який не лише написав десятки наукових праць та авторські вірші про Григорія Сковороду, а й глибинно дослідив маловідомі пласти його творчості. Книга «Християнсько-філософський персоналізм Григорія Сковороди» є узагальне...
Background. The research is devoted to the issue of preserving the mental health of educational process participants (students, teachers) in crisis, in particular, the current Russian-Ukrainian war. Amid psychological imbalance, students and educators have experienced anxiety symptoms or conditions that negatively affect their health, well-being, l...
The textbook contains theoretical and methodological issues regarding the use of information and communication technologies in distance / blended learning in an inclusive educational environment. The author offers a new academic discipline “E-learning & Inclusive Education” for future teachers to develop their digital competence. The book provides...
A abordagem de ensino para crianças ucranianas afetadas pela guerra: enfrentando os desafios do século XXI O artigo examina aspectos históricos, pedagógicos e axiológicos relativos à educação de crianças afetadas pelas consequências traumáticas da invasão total da Ucrânia pela Rússia em fevereiro de 2022. Com base em uma análise abrangente da liter...
The significance of the defined issue of psychological and pedagogical support of children affected by the russian military aggression in Ukraine (2022-2023) is substantiated in the article based on the analysis of scientific literature and monitoring of media resources. Several types of crimes against Ukrainian children are presented, such as kidn...
The article elaborates on the leading theoretical concepts of critical pedagogy in a modern rural school as a new philosophy of education aimed at developing students' critical literacy and reflection. Based on the analysis of the pedagogical ideas of the criticism of the Brazilian education reformer Paulo Freire, the authors emphasize the necessit...
The article highlights the relevance of the problems of critical pedagogy, associated with the name of the Brazilian scientist Paulo Freire (60s of the XX century), who promotes problem-oriented learning, anthropological interpretation of culture, and concepts of humanity. The main content of the concept of critical pedagogy is highlighted due to t...
The article defines the relevance of the development and support of educational innovation processes and the peculiarities of the organization of university education in Ukraine during the difficult period of the Russian military aggression. The experience of distance education of Ukrainian students in wartime conditions is substantiated, in partic...
Typical challenges facing teachers educating Ukrainian students affected by the russian military aggression are identified in the article. The didactic tools and methods most often used by teachers to work with temporarily displaced children due to the war in Ukraine have been determined. The results of an empirical study are presented, teachers of...
The article highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of distance education in Ukraine, which has become especially active in the current conditions of the coronavirus pandemic and the imposed martial law due to large-scale Russian invasion. The research methods that allowed to conduct high-quality scientific research on...
The article presents the issue and features of the innovative approach to the organization of the educational process in Ukrainian educational institutions in martial law. The following research methods were used: the analytical method, surveys, and qualitative and quantitative analysis of empirical data. The author's understanding of innovative ap...
У статті висвітлено актуальність проблеми впровадження інновацій в освітній процес сучасної початкової школи, зокрема інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) та цифрових ресурсів. Обґрунтовано теоретичне значення дидактичних коміксів, подано їх видове різноманіття. Автори розглядають комікс як соціокультурне явище та ефективний педагогічний за...
In the article the results of theoretical research of the problem of forming a tolerant attitude towards people with special educational needs (SEN) are substantiated, defining the essence of the basic concepts of the research, psychological approaches to understanding the content and levels of tolerance. The following research methods were used: s...
The article presents the urgency of the problem of improving the quality of economic education in educational institutions of different types under modern social challenges regarding the cooperation of society and nature, forecasting economic development of regions, organization of production taking into account environmental and socioeconomic prec...
The article presents the urgency of the problem of improving thequality of economic education in educational institutions of different types under modern social challenges regarding the cooperation of society and nature, forecasting economic development of regions, organization of production taking into account environmental and socio-economic prec...
Purpose of the article The purpose of the article is to present the possibilities of using selected Lean Management instruments to rationalize the way of managing an enterprise. It is a modern concept that allows to simplify all processes and flows so as to avoid errors and waste. The study was presented using a distribution warehouse of a large co...
The article highlights the urgency of the problem of introducing innovations in the educational process of modern primary school, including information and communication technologies (ICT) and digital resources. The theoretical significance of didactic comics is substantiated, their various types are given. The authors consider comics as a socio-cu...
The article substantiates and offers a personalized approach to the analysis of the problem of inclusion. It emphasizes the need to adhere to the principle of human and child-centeredness in the process of working with people with special needs. It provides not only a humane, democratic attitude to a person, but also gives the opportunity to take f...
The article substantiates the relevance of practice-oriented learning and highlights the importance of practice in school in the process of training future teachers. The authors define progressive ideas of teachers' practical professional training in Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus. A comparative analysis of the Field Placement Program of studen...
The article aims to present the comparative results of a study of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students of some pedagogical specialties; to analyze the content of the students’ healthy lifestyle formation in English lessons, and to present materials on health issues from the works of Ukrainian and Polish authors which could be integra...
The article analyzes the challenges to higher education in the new pandemic
reality. In the 旐eld of education, the global transition from classroom learning to online
learning has been rapid, dramatic and unprecedented. It caused an urgent need to increase the IT competence of teachers and students, and develop their skills of using new online pl...
In the article theoretical and practical aspects of the formation and development of media culture of preschool and primary school children are highlighted. The authors consider the technologies in the broadest sense (radio, television, satellites, mobile phones, landlines, network equipment and software, etc.), through which the child receives the...
The aim of the paper is to reveal the challenges of implementation of inclusive education in typical rural schools of Ukraine. The authors performed empirical research to identify attitudes of rural school teachers towards inclusive education as well as their understanding of existing barriers and priorities to improve the quality of educational se...
The results of the study of international experience show that digital technologies are the driving force of economic recovery in many countries and determine the basis for sustainable development in the future. The global Covid-19 pandemic has become a challenge for the educational community: schools and universities have stepped up their efforts...
У навчальному посібнику представлено теоретичні засади підготовки маґістрантів спеціальності 013 Початкова освіта до використання інноваційних методик електронного навчання у професійній діяльності. Подано зміст і структуру курсу «Методика електронного навчання в початковій школі», запропоновано методичний матеріал для проведення лекцій і семінарсь...
The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in ru...
The necessity of distance learning of specialists practitioners, in particular in the field of knowledge «Health care», which is induced by COVID-19, causes a significant public response. This is due to a possible decline in the quality of higher education, and therefore the security of citizens and the state. Consequently, the search of modern, ef...
The necessity of distance learning of specialists practitioners, in particular in the field of knowledge «Health care», which is induced by COVID-19, causes a significant public response. This is due to a possible decline in the quality of higher education, and therefore the security of citizens and the state. Consequently, the search of modern, ef...
The article highlights the urgency of the problem of digitalization of education, substantiates the need to develop digital competence of young people in the context of using various electronic resources, technologies, the ability to be critical of the accuracy of information, competently use digital media to achieve personal, professional or socia...
The article outlines the essence of professional creativity in pedagogical activity. The teacher’s creativity is described as a complex of intellectual and personality characteristics of the individual, contributing to the independent generation of original ideas and their non-traditional solution. On the basis of comparative experimental research,...
У сучасних умовах цифровізації всіх сторін суспільного життя та упровадження концептуальних засад реформи «Нова українська школа» актуалізується проблема розвитку цифрової компетентності всіх учасників освітнього процесу. Передусім це стосується педагогічних працівників, котрі повинні бути готовими професійно використовувати кращі європейські практ...
The purpose of the article is to present the problems of a typical rural school in a mountainous region in terms of the organization of the educational process, in particular distance learning of students in a coronary virus pandemic. The following research methods were used: analytic-synthetic, empirical and mathematical statistics. The specifics...
The current pace of technology development determines large-scale changes in the organization of the education system in different countries. University 2030 is a base of innovative ideas and commercialization; ecosystem of students, teachers, graduates, stakeholders, community, on the basis of which future specialists are trained for effective pro...
У книзі зібрано наукові статті, які підготовлені та опубліковані у різних виданнях у рамках проєкту програми ЄС ERASMUS+ К2 «Модернізація вищої педагогічної освіти з використанням інноваційних інструментів викладання – MoPED» (№586098-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). Значна увага у пропонованому збірнику приділена питанням цифровізації освіти, вико...
У монографії висвітлено теоретичні засади використання педагогічних інновацій, зокрема цифрових інструментів і ресурсів, в освітньому процесі в умовах реформування вітчизняної системи освіти України. Книга підготовлена за результатами спільної роботи академічної групи Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника у рамках проєкт...
The article introduces the Inquiry Based Learning approach for innovative contemporary teaching STEAM subjects in primary and secondary school sectors. The Go-Lab ecosystem features are presented (https://www.golabz.eu). The Go-Lab repository offers the large set of educational apps, extensive collection of remote and virtual laboratories as well a...
The article highlights the versatility of one of the most prominent figures of the Greek Catholic Church Andrey Sheptytsky, the Metropolitan Archbishop of the first half of the twentieth century: his views on the Christian family and the spiritual upbringing of children and youth; formation of patriotism; involving them in science and art. The auth...
The aim of this article is to substantiate the requirements to the head of an inclusive education institution in the context of modern realities, to present the results of an experimental study of the development of education manager’s inclusive competence, the cognitive-activity and analytical-performance components of readiness to solve professio...
Inthis the essence of the problem of organizing interaction of the subjects of the educational process. A review of scientific sources on the research problem is done. Based on empirical research, the results of studying the readiness of primary school teachers to organize interaction in the classroom are presented. The analysis of the survey, in w...
The article highlights brief theoretical aspects of the origin of distance learning tracing the experience of foreign counties as well as Ukraine’s practice in this regard. The paper outlines practical and social aspects of distance education; definition of what successful distance learning should look like; effective solution to the problem of imp...
The article highlights theoretical aspects of the socio-pedagogical direction of pedagogical practice of future primary school teachers.The tasks of pedagogical practice as a mandatory component of professional training of future specialists are outlined. The necessity of involvement employers in cooperation with higher education institutions to en...
The article highlights theoretical and practical aspects of the relevant contemporary issue of development of future teachers’ media literacy. The definition of the concepts “media literacy”, “media competence” is generalized, the factors actualizing media education are outlined. Media literacy is seen as the ability to choose, use, critically anal...
Обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми розвитку інфомедійної грамотності майбутніх педагогів в умовах цифровізації суспільства. Схарактеризовано інформаційно-цифрову компетентність здобувачів освіти як одну із пріоритетних у Новій українській школі. З’ясовано стан окресленої проблеми у науковій літературі. Представлено педагогічні можливості навчальної...
The article highlights the relevance of using innovative teaching methods by means of modern digital tools and resources. The authors present the pedagogical capabilities of Go-Lab ecosystem (https://www.golabz.eu) for the implementation of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL), digital competence development and critical thinking of students. It is noted t...
The article deals with the problem of using digital distance learning technologies, intensified in the current situation because of the coronavirus pandemic. Today's societal challenges require teachers with innovative thinking, the ability to adapt to different professional conditions, the ability to respond to innovations and use them in digital...
The article examines theoretical and practical aspects of the issue of developing school children’s reading culture. The definition of the concept of “reading culture” is generalized, and the factors influencing formation of this type of culture are outlined. Reading is considered to be a creative act, a process of interpersonal communication, a fo...
The article substantiates the nature of conflict in educational institutions through the contradictions arising from differences in attitudes, interests, and aspirations and are perceived and evaluated by participants as incompatible with their own. According to the authors, this is mostly accompanied by attempts to force their own position and lea...
The article highlights current issues in training of social and educational professionals. The best experience of different countries on the development of social skills and abilities of children and youth, providing psychological and pedagogical support in crisis situations is presented. It was found out that the organization of the system of juve...
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність використання методу дослідницько орієнтованого навчання предметів STEAM у закладах загальної середньої освіти. Представлено можливості екосистеми Go-Lab (https://www.golabz.eu), яка сьогодні містить найбільшу колекцію віддалених / віртуальних лабораторій, освітніх додатків, понад тисячу дослідницьких навчальних се...
The article introduces the Inquiry Based Learning approach for innovative contemporary teaching STEAM subjects in primary and secondary school sectors. The Go-Lab ecosystem features are presented (https://www.golabz.eu). The Go-Lab repository offers the large set of educational apps, extensive collection of remote and virtual laboratories as well a...
The urgency of the problem of developing artistic and aesthetic abilities of students in the era of globalization and digital technologies is substantiated in the article. The influence of the educational and mental environment of the country on the development of aesthetic interests of students is characterized.
Methods of research: survey (N = 26...
The article analyzes the essence and content of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects of classical pragmatism and neopragmatism. The studies of texts by American scholars Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, John Dewey have proved that the founders of pragmatism set out to substantiate a scientific method that would actively contri...
The article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of organizing educational dialogue with students and the teacher’s ability to implement communicative activities effectively. The importance of methods of problem-based learning is substantiated, which stimulates students to active communicative interaction, cooperation and...
Preserving young people’ health is an important task of the world community, especially during today's global spread of dangerous infections (in particular, the coronavirus pandemic), stressful situations and conflicts, bulling and cyberbullying, financial, economic and social instability, etc. The purpose of the article is to make the analysis of...
The results of the empirical research of forming teachers’ cognitive readiness to organize dialogic learning of students are described in the article. Methods of research: survey, pedagogical experiment (N = 294), methods of pedagogical statistics. The experiment revealed the level of cognitive readiness of future school teachers to organize a clas...
Introduction. In the conditions of digitalization of all spheres of public life the problem of using of digital technologies in the studying of persons with special educational needs becomes actual.
Purpose: based on the results of empirical research to substantiate the ways, opportunities and difficulties of using digital technologies in the inclu...
The article highlights the relevance of the problem of teacher preparation for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process in the context of implementation of the New Ukrainian School reform. The importance of digital technologies in the organization of distance learning in educational institutions in quar...
The article highlights the problem of spare time and leisure of pupils in conditions of globalization changes and a new socio-cultural reality. The structure and content of spare time of young people aged 12-15 years living in the Ukrainian and Polish Carpathians have been defined. The study involved 138 Polish (71 girls and 67 boys) and 131 Ukrain...
Дослідження присвячене вивченню творчості доктора педагогічних наук, професора Григорія Васяновича, щедро обдарованого талантом педагога, філософа, митця, оратора, психолога-гуманіста та ін. Морська тема у спадщині Григорія Петровича є не випадковою, оскільки значна частка життя була присвячена військово-морській справі. Видатний учений, офіцер із...
The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of using information and communication technologies (ICT) to partially solve the problem of accessibility to education for certain categories of people with disabilities and improving the quality of educational services. The need for introducing open access repositories with educational and sci...
У статті висвітлено актуальність проблеми підготовки вчителя до використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) в освітньому процесі в контексті впровадження реформи Нової української школи. Обґрунтовано значення цифрових технологій в організації дистанційного навчання закладів освіти в умовах карантину. Наголошено на потребі запровадженн...
The necessity of development of digital competence of a modern teacher in the conditions of digital society and reforming of education is substantiated in the article. Digital competence, according to the author's point of view predicts the awareness of legal and ethical principles according to using of various electronic resources, digital technol...
One of the p ositive effects of glo balization processes is providing international q uality
of education, promoting the development of information and communication techno logies and their dissemination in education. Globalization manifestations of ensuring the quality of education are: training a specialist of innovative type; international mobi...
On the basis of the noological concept the problems of spiritual development and self-development of a future teacher are analyzed. Besides, the attention is focused not only on the present state of this completed social, psychological and pedagogical process (the data of the recording experiment are taught), but also the dynamics of its developmen...
У посібнику вміщено матеріали для вивчення майбутніми вчителями початкової школи навчальної дисципліни «Порівняльна педагогіка». Подано структуру програми спеціального курсу, навчально-методичні матеріали до вивчення основних тем, завдання для самостійної роботи, тестові завдання, список рекомендованої літератури, питання для підсумкового контролю....
У навчальному посібнику висвітлено сутність, завдання і принципи впровадження інклюзивної освіти в Новій українській школі; організаційні засади щодо освітнього менеджменту у роботі з дітьми з особливостями психофізичного розвитку; специфіку проектування інклюзивного освітнього середовища з урахуванням принципів універсального дизайну у закладах за...
Online (virtual and remote) experiments are the essential part of the contemporary science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Although online experiments are broadly employed in higher and secondary school class instructions, they should still be presented in a primary school to teachers, education administration, and design...
The article outlines the theoretical and practical aspects of designing a model of social-pedagogical activity for effective introduction of an inclusive form of education. The authors substantiate the strategic tasks that today are facing the world education community. The theoretical basis for realization of the model of social-pedagogical activi...
The essence of the innovative competence of the teacher in the way of integration into the world space of education. The main tendencies of teacher's training for professional innovation activity are described. Best European practices according to the using of innovative studying technologies in the work with students are examined. The author prove...
In the article on the basis of primary sources the philosophical foundations of the modern inclusive education are examined. The content description of the idea "inclusive education" is presented, the necessity of its implementation is proved. It is focused on two basic philosophical foundations of its development: personalism and intuitionism. Suc...
The article substantiates theoretical and practical aspects of implementing inclusive education in the conditions of integration of Ukraine and other former Soviet countries into a global educational space, and also characterizes important socio-pedagogical aspects of the inclusive environment. It emphasizes a demand for forming a new philosophy of...