Oleksandra YeremenkoKharkiv National University of Radio Electronics · Department of Infocommunication Engineering (ICE)
Oleksandra Yeremenko
Doctor of Engineering Sciences
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November 2011 - January 2017
Publications (159)
В основу запропонованого методу проєктування кіберстійкої інфокомунікаційної мережі (ІКМ) покладено розв’язання оптимізаційної задачі, пов’язаної з взаємопогодженим розрахунком різнотипних керуючих змінних, які відповідають за вибір топології мережі; порядок підключення мереж доступу до маршрутизаторів ядра ІКМ; визначення характеристик використано...
This article is devoted to enhancing the mathematical models for traffic engineering routing and load balancing to ensure differentiated quality of service for packet flows with varying priorities in communication networks. The research focuses on formulating updated load-balancing conditions considering packet-flow priorities and conducting a comp...
Based on the analysis, it is established that to ensure and improve the reliability of information and communication networks (ICN), it is necessary to comprehensively involve the functionality of all layers of the Open Systems Interconnection reference model. The solutions of individual layers should be implemented systematically in different part...
This article investigates the problem of classifying network devices based on their security parameters using machine learning. Due to the constant growth of threats in cyberspace and the need to ensure a high level of network security, the relevance of using machine learning technologies to identify and classify secure devices is exceptionally hig...
Background. The combination of secure routing and hard QoS is a worthwhile topic that involves designing and implementing network protocols and systems that can provide high performance and robust protection for data flow due to shared goals. Secure QoS routing over disjoint paths is a challenging problem that requires balancing the trade-off betwe...
The work analyzes solutions for ensuring the Quality of Service (QoS) in communication networks through traffic management. It has been established that routing protocols, which implement load balancing based on Traffic Engineering technology, effectively ensure QoS based on network performance indicators (bandwidth, delay, jitter, packet loss). Ho...
The article is devoted to a relevant scientific and applied problem related to improving potential solutions to increase network resilience by means of reliable routing. The study of several routing models is presented, taking into account different types of metrics, in particular, the metric based on the availability indicator. The technological t...
The work improves the flow-based model of secure routing with load balancing in accordance with the Traffic Engineering concept by considering the network security parameters in an information and communication network (ICN). Within the framework of the proposed model, the solution to the technological problem of secure routing with load balancing...
This study focuses on creating and investigating models that optimize load balancing in communication networks by managing routing and traffic limitations. The purpose is to use these models to optimize the network’s routing and traffic limitations while ensuring predictable quality of service levels, and adhering to traffic engineering requirement...
The work proposes developing a bilinear Quality of Service routing model over disjoint paths with bandwidth guarantees in the Software-Defined Network data plane. The advantage of the solution is formulating the routing problem as optimization under bilinear conditions aimed at bandwidth guarantee over the set of disjoint paths (multipath). Solving...
Currently, network requirements are placed on the efficiency and size of the networks. These conditions can be ensured by modern converged networks that integrate the functions of both data and telecommunication networks. Line or router failures have always been a part of transmission networks, which is no different from converged networks. As a re...
The article presents and investigates flow-based models of secure routing under base score metrics of vulnerability criticality in Software-Defined Networks (SDN). The analysis of the routing means functionality against possible attacks confirmed the perspective of their application, taking into account the base score metrics of vulnerability criti...
The work is devoted to research and implementation of the main directions of the Fast ReRoute (FRR) facility backup approach in programmable networks. The basic FRR flow-based model has been described under link, node, and bandwidth protection schemes during the primary and backup routes calculation within the data plane communication. Additionally...
This work is devoted to improving a two-level hierarchical queue management method based on priority and balancing under the interaction prediction principle. The lower level of calculations was connected with the problem optimization solution and was responsible for two tasks. Firstly, the packet flow aggregation and distribution among the macro-q...
The research presents an approach to resilience improvement by Traffic Engineering fault-tolerant routing in programmable networks. The mathematical model allows formalizing software-defined network data plane construction that connects with multiple access networks. Additionally, to increase fault-tolerance, several border routers were utilized. T...
IP networks have evolved into converged and multimedia platforms. These networks nowadays support diverse service types, including crucial and real-time applications. However, these services have higher requirements on network performance and are negatively impacted by the unpredictable failure. When a line or node failure occurs, the convergence p...
The paper proposes the results of an investigation of the improved multicast routing model with support of Traffic Engineering and its application in Software-Defined Networking. The optimization model is based on the criterion to minimize the most loaded network link utilization. Research of the presented model has been conducted on several networ...
The advanced tensor solution to the problem of inter-domain routing with normalized Quality of Service under hierarchical coordination in a communication network is proposed in the paper. The novelty of the method based on the tensor model lies in the more flexible load balancing over the network due to the presence of requirements to average end-t...
An analysis of existing network security solutions shows that a promising direction is to improve traffic management and routing process that should consider network performance parameters and network security parameters that characterize the efficiency of network intrusion detection systems and analyze vulnerabilities and risks. A flow-based model...
The article presents and investigates a flow-based mathematical model of fault-tolerant multicast routing. Under the proposed mathematical model, the technical task of fault-tolerant multicast routing was reduced to the Boolean programming optimization problem. The mathematical model was based on linear optimality criterion and constraints represen...
The work presents and investigates the method of calculating the probability of confidential message compromise during secure routing in infocommunication networks, fragments of which are transmitted by intersecting paths. In comparison with existing approaches, in particular with the well-known SPREAD method, which allows the routing of confidenti...
The article is devoted to developing and researching the model of secure routing with load balancing in SD-WAN-based networks. In addition, an analysis of numerical research results using Python, GEKKO Optimization Suite, and NumPy has been carried out. The technical task of secure routing with load balancing was formulated as an optimization probl...
A study was undertaken to identify the missing skill and expertise of teachers and other stakeholders in the field of EU cyber security regulatory documents and frameworks. In order to increase the knowledge in this area and promote the EU security frameworks the model for the continuous building of teacher competence has been proposed and planned...
In this paper, a tensor flow-based fast reroute model with multimedia quality protection is proposed. In the model, the conditions for implementing a multipath routing strategy and flow conservation are introduced taking into account possible packet loss at the network nodes and preventing overloading communication links both when using the primary...
One of the main challenges encountered in the learning process is determining the content and concepts that present challenges for students, defined by the literature as troublesome knowledge. This paper focuses on exploring the potential threshold concept in the context of cyber security programmes delivered in higher education institutions. The a...
The paper is devoted to the research of the influence the probability of compromise in Secure Based Traffic Engineering Model in software-defined networks. The flow-based mathematical model under investigation is a further development of the classical Traffic Engineering model. The novelty of the secure based model is the modification of the load b...
The paper is aimed at solving an urgent and important problem of developing a system for monitoring human health in the combined action of occupational hazards using artificial intelligence methods and infocommunications to ensure its resilience and security. It envisages conducting experimental research on animals under the combined occupational h...
In the article, we present the research and development of an improved delay-sensitive routing tensor model for the core of the IoT network. The flow-based tensor model is considered within the coordinate system of interpolar paths and internal node pairs. The advantage of the presented model is the application for IoT architectures to ensure the Q...
In the work, the flow-based model of the QoE Fast ReRouting is proposed. The model is based on the implementation of the single path or multipath routing, the conditions of flow conservation, which are introduced for routing variables that regulate the construction of both primary and backup paths. In addition, restrictions have been introduced to...
How to cite this paper: I. Kuzminykh, M. Yevdokymenko, O. Yeremenko, O. Lemeshko, " Increasing Teacher Competence in Cybersecurity Using the EU Security Frameworks", International Journal of Modern Education and
Computer Science(IJMECS), Vol.13, No.6, pp. 60-68, 2021.
The paper proposes a flow-based model of Fast ReRoute in a multiservice network with Quality of Service protection under multiple parameters, such as bandwidth, probability of packet loss, and average end-to-end delay. In the course of solving the task within the framework of this model, a result was obtained, the use of which contributes to the op...
The article proposes a tensor multiflow routing model with the aim of ensuring the guaranteed Quality of Service based on load balancing in a network. The novelty of this model is that it is focused on providing specified numerical values of Quality of Service indicators such as flow rate and average packet delay. This was achieved by introducing i...
The paper is devoted to the investigation of the load-balancing Fast ReRouting model with providing fair priority-based Traffic Policing. A primary place in the model is distinguished for the conditions of network elements protection, as well as network bandwidth together with the provision of load-balancing. The novelty of the studied model is in...
Образование будущих специалистов по кибербезопасности должна включать и дополнять современный теоретическое содержание соответствующих курсов необходимыми практическими навыками. В области образования в кибербезопасности предполагается, что преподаватели и практические / лабораторные работы под их руководством должны мотивировать студентов к выполн...
Background. In modern telecommunication networks, the functioning of network protocols is aimed at achieving a high level of Quality of Service and network security. Therefore, an urgent scientific and applied problem is the adaptation of routing solutions with load balancing to the requirements of network security. The novelty of the proposed mode...
The article is devoted to the Network Layer means to ensure resilience during designing an infocommunication system that can counteract faults and failures. A review of the default gateway redundancy protocols concept and analysis of recent developments to overcome fault tolerance challenges in the Software-Defined Networks (SDN) control plane are...
Today's IP networks are experiencing a high increase in used and connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices and related deployed critical services. This puts increased demands on the reliability of underlayer transport networks. Therefore, modern networks must meet specific qualitative and quantitative parameters to satisfy customer service demands...
The paper proposes a system of solutions to the maximum number of disjoint paths computation under the Quality of Service and security parameters. The field of application of the calculation models the set of disjoint paths has been explained during the provision of the network capabilities such as Quality of Service (QoS) and Network Security by t...
The paper is devoted to the approach development and investigation of the policing based Traffic Engineering Fast ReRoute in SD-WAN architectures. The paper proposes a mathematical model of Fast ReRoute with load balancing based on the principles of Traffic Engineering (TE) and differentiated traffic policing in communication networks. The basis of...
The sprawling nature of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors require the comprehensive management and reliability of the entire network. Modern Internet Protocol (IP) networks demand specific qualitative and quantitative parameters that need to be met. One of these requirements is the minimal packet loss in the network. After a node or link failure wit...
У роботі запропоновано вдосконалену оптимізаційну модель маршрутизації чутливого до затримок трафіка в інфокомунікаційних мережах. Новизною моделі є використання критерію оптимальності, що пов'язаний з мінімізацію середньої міжкінцевої затримки пакетів. В основу зазначеного критерію оптимальності покладено математичний вираз, який дозволяє аналітич...
The paper proposes a Fast ReRoute model with the realization of path and bandwidth protection scheme, which can be used in MPLS for SDN. The task of calculating the set of disjoint primary and backup paths during fast rerouting was reduced to solving the optimization problem of Integer Linear Programming. The advantage of the proposed solution is t...
Предметом дослідження в статті є процеси швидкої перемаршрутизації з реалізацією схеми захисту шляху та пропускної здатності. Мета роботи – вдосконалення моделі швидкої перемаршрутизації з реалізацією схеми захисту шляху та пропускної здатності, яка може бути використана для програмно-конфігурованих мереж. У статті вирішуються наступні завдання: вд...
The paper proposes a tensor based load balancing multiflow model under self-similar traffic properties with guaranteed QoS. The novelty of the proposed model is that it is aimed at providing demanded values of QoS indicators such as flow rate and average packet delay taking into account the self-similarity of data traffic when calculating...
Монографія присвячена питанням, пов’язаним із синтезом математичних моделей і методів маршрутизації, які б слугували подальшою теоретичною основою перспективних протоколів маршрутизації та технологічних засобів управління трафіком для підвищення якості обслуговування, відмовостійкості та масштабованості інфокомунікаційних мереж, а також рівня їх ме...
Abstract —When a routing protocol detects a link or node failure, a network convergence process starts in the network. This process may take from a few hundred ms to tens of seconds. During this process, the data affected by specific failure is permanently lost. For these reasons, Fast ReRoute (FRR) has been developed. FRR is a technology, that min...
The subject of research in the article is the processes of fast rerouting with the protection of the Quality of Service level in infocommunication networks. The aim of the work is the development of a mathematical model of Fast ReRouting with the protection of the Quality of Service level by the bandwidth and probability of packet loss for data tra...
This work presents the study of attack detection by using fractal analysis. The change of fractal characteristics was studied for the legitimate traffic and for traffic that consists DDoS attacks. The fractal analysis showed the presence of explicit multifractal properties in attack realizations of different types. These properties significantly di...
У роботі запропоновано математичну модель швидкої перемаршрутизації із забезпеченням балансування навантаження на принципах Traffic Engineering (TE) та диференційованого обмеження трафіка в територіальнорозподілених програмно-конфігурованих мережах. Основу моделі складають умови реалізації багатошляхової маршрутизації сумісно з модифікованими умова...