Oleksandr StakhovskyiNational Cancer Institute · Oncourology
Oleksandr Stakhovskyi
Doctor of Philosophy
Minimally invasive surgeon with focus on prostate, kidney and bladder cancer/
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July 2010 - June 2012
Publications (113)
The current study aimed to evaluate short‐ and long‐term complication rates and functional outcomes in a substantial cohort of patients undergoing ileal ureter interposition at two high‐volume medical centres.
Materials and methods
A retrospective single‐arm analysis was conducted on patients who underwent ureter reconstruction using ileum between...
Background: The goal of this studywas to select the key factors affecting choice between radical nephrectomy (RN) and partial nephrectomy (PN) for patients with localized RCC based on clinical and nephrometry data. Methods: A special retrospective cohort study was conducted in National Cancer Institute of Ukraine, which results were further val...
The present study aimed to assess the efficacy of the multimodal fast-track surgery (FTS) program supplemented with the exclusion of renal thermal ischemia, urinary tract drainage, and postoperative wound management in patients undergoing partial nephrectomy for localized T1 RCC. Methods. A total of 150 patients diagnosed with localized RCC in stag...
This study analyzed oncological outcomes of patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) treated with cytoreductive partial nephrectomy or nephrectomy.
This prospective non-randomized cohort study included 109 patients with metastatic ccRCC who underwent surgical treatment between 2011 and 2020. Patients were st...
In this study, we investigated the relationship between the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME), histological differentiation and hypoxia in patients with muscular-invasive urothelial carcinomas (MIUC) after radical cystectomy. Forty-two cases of pT2-3N0M0 MIUCs underwent clinical, histological and immunohistochemical evaluation by counting CD8+,...
Many Ukrainian oncologists woke up to a new wartime reality on Feb 24, 2022. In this Reportage, we describe the unique challenges in Ukraine and ways oncologists coped with them in the early days of the humanitarian disaster. Two authors are Ukrainian oncologists from the National Cancer Institute in Kyiv, Ukraine. Through a messaging service, they...
The aim of this work was to conduct a population analysis on the basis of the National Cancer Registry with the primary goal: to determine the effectiveness of urothelial cancer treatment in Ukraine; and the secondary goal: to identify the main trends and approaches to therapy with an assessment of their impact on overall survival. Materials and me...
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of neoadjuvant targeted therapy (TT) in patients with localised clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
Materials and methods:
A special randomised trial was planned and conducted by the Research Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncology in the National Cancer Institute of Ukraine for testing...
Goal - to determine efficacy of the Ileosigmo-pouch (ISP) as a method of transrectal urinary diversion in invasive bladder cancer (BC) treatment. Retrospective analysis of clinical data of patients that undergone radical cystectomy (RC), followed by ISP method of urinary diversion. Study compared two groups of patients: the first group of 22 (23.6%...
Radical cystectomy (RC) has been used for over 100 years as an effective treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). However, the main surgical challenge is not only to remove an affected organ but also to replace its functional component - urine diversion. The aim of our work is to study the efficacy of the modified ureterocut...
Objective. To study the efficacy of neoadjuvant targeted therapy in treatment of localized reno-cellular cancer and to determine its impact on the perioperative complications rate.
Materials and methods. There are presented the results of randomized investigation, conducted in 152 patients with localized reno-cellular cancer. Into the main group 7...
Molecular subtypes of a bladder cancer: evolution of classifications and clinical significance
The aim of the study was to we describe the new surgical approach of constructing single site transperitoneal cutaneostomy with the use of sigmoid colon accompanied by skin modified fixation technique and its clinical outcomes.
Patients and methods:
Materials and methods: 89 patients were included in a single center study from January...
DNA repair gene variants play an important role in the development of different types of cancer, especially environmentally induced cancer. The X-ray repair cross-complementing 1 (XRCC1) gene is a component of the base excision repair (BER) pathway and is an alternative pathway for DNA double-strand break repair. XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorp...
Objective. To rise the efficacy of treatment in patients, suffering localized reno-cellular cancer (LRCC), studying quality of life in patients and determination of optimal procedure of operative treatment.
Materials and methods. Of 511 patients, suffering LRCC (T1-T2 N0M0), in whom quality of life was estimated in accordance to the SF-36 question...
Upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma is a rare tumor. Data about its correct management are controversial. Investigational technology development made it possible to diagnose asymptomatic small tumors, which can be successfully managed endoscopically. We report the case of bilateral urothelial cancer and hydronephrosis in patient aged 38. After...
Мета. Визначити особливості морфологічних змін під впливом неоад’ювантної таргетної терапії (ТТ), проведеної хворим з локалізованим нирково-клітинним раком (НКР).
Матеріали і методи. Вивчено дані 58 пацієнтів з локалізованим НКР, яким проведено два блоки неоад’ювантної ТТ з визначенням об’єктивної відповіді на лікування, подальшим оперативним втру...
Мета. Визначити оптимальну тривалість проведення неоад’ювантної таргетної терапії (ТТ) в лікуванні хворих з локалізованим нирково-клітинним раком (НКР).
Матеріали і методи. До рандомізованого проспективного дослідження включено 24 пацієнти з локалізованим світлоклітинним НКР (Т1а-2bN0M0), яких розподілено на дві групи: 1-ша група - 12 пацієнтів, я...
Мета. Покращення результатів лікування хворих з місцево-розповсюдженими та рецидивними солідними пухлинами черевної порожнини та заочеревинного простору.
Матеріали і методи. За період з червня 2015 по січень 2018 р. в Національному інституті раку виконали комбіновані оперативні втручання з нефректомією 28 хворим з приводу первинних місцево-розпов...
Aim. To determine the frequency of TP53 polymorphic variants in bladder cancer patients and define possible association of this polymorphism with a bladder cancer in Ukrainians patients. Methods. The genotypes of TP53 gene at codon 72 were detected by PCR with allele specific primers. We investigated Arg72Pro polymorphism in 114 DNA samples of pati...
Aim. Mutations in BRCA1/2 genes are known to increase the risk of human breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. In Ukraine only mutations in woman BRCA1/2 were studied, thus the situation with these diseases related to disturbance of these genes in Ukrainian men remains poorly explored. 6174delT is a frameshift mutation and is results...
Tumour hypoxia, which is frequent in many cancer types, is associated with treatment resistance and poor prognosis. The role of hypoxia in surgically treated bladder cancer (BC) is not well described. We studied the role of hypoxia in two independent series of urothelial bladder cancers treated with radical cystectomy.
279 p...
There were observed 30 patients (32 tumors), to whom preoperatively for renal-cell cancer (ROC) a neoadjuvant target therapy (NATTH) was conducted. In 19 (66.7%) of them a pazopanib (800 mg per os once a day through 2 mo) was applied, and in 10 (33.3%)--sunitinib (50 mg per os once a day through 28 days, the gap--14 days, repeated course--28 days)....
Clinical analysis was conducted in 74 oncological patients, in whom 103 iatrogenic injuries of ureter (IIU) were revealed and for which they were treated in Scientific-nvestigative Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology. Restoration of renal and ureteric function were noted in terms up to 6 mo, in these terms were revealed all complic...
Results of examination and treatment of 119 patients for oncological diseases were analyzed, in whom iatrogenic injury of ureter (IIU) have occurred. Remission of oncological diseases plastic operations were performed in 48 (40.3%) patients, reconstructive - in 23 (19.3%), restoration - in 3 (2.5%); while a progress - palliative nephrostomy in 41 (...
Basing on analysis of the examination and treatment results in 53 patients, suffering iatrogenic injury of ureter (IIU), the indications for ureteric reconstruction using intestinal segment were the ureter long irreversible changes, while renal function preserved. A segmental ureteric plasty was done in 8 (15.1%) patients, a subtotal one--in 16 (30...
Most significant nephrometric parameters, impacting the operative procedure choice, basing on analysis of examination and treatment of 903 patients, suffering localized nephrocellular cancer (NCC), were determined a residual volume of kidney parenchyma, maximal size and localization of tumor. The authors elaborated the estimation system for tumor a...
Patients with palpable and nonpalpable testicular lesions may have benign rather than malignant tumors. The organ-sparing approach with partial orchiectomy is an option to preserve testicular function. The role for PO is less well established for malignant tumors but can be safely performed for solitary tumors, <2 cm in diameter when the blood supp...
Objective of this manuscript is to provide an evidence-based analysis of the current status and future perspectives in kidney biopsies in small renal masses (BSRM). A PubMed search has been performed for all relevant urological literature regarding BSRM. A literature research of English, French and Spanish languages was performed using the Pubmed d...