Oki rahadianto SutopoUniversitas Gadjah Mada | UGM · Department of Sociology
Oki rahadianto Sutopo
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August 2017 - present
Youth Studies Centre Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Director
September 2018 - present
Graduate School of Media and Cultural Studies
- Lecturer
August 2021 - present
Graduate School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies
- Lecturer
February 2013 - March 2016
August 2008 - August 2010
August 2003 - August 2007
Publications (94)
This article examines reflexive practice among young creative workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, during COVID-19. Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed a series of relentless and overlapping crises across the Indonesian archipelago. In urban centres across Indonesia, the arts and creative sectors are among the key economic sectors se...
This article explores the reflexive practice of early and mid-career young Indonesian academics as a form of resistance within the neoliberal university environment. Drawing on the concept of reflexivity as an analytical tool, the study examines how these academics navigate and challenge the structural constraints imposed by neoliberal policies in...
Conceptualizations of modern Indonesia were active agents in shaping the way we saw the present Indonesia and its problems. This study is concerned with some major conceptions of modern Indonesia, namely, the primordial sentiments thesis, the transitional stage thesis, the historical structural thesis, and the cultural imperialism thesis. Our speci...
In the mid-1990s, extreme metal music in Indonesia was defined as a threat to the authoritarian regime’s unquestioned values of harmony and social stability. Consequently, the music had to rely on the local communities in Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Bandung. After the downfall of the military-based authoritarian regime in 1998, the alliance between ext...
Independent Performance Practice in Extreme Metal Scene. Music performance, including extreme metal, is an integral part of music-based youth groups’ socio-cultural practices. The practice and meaning construction of music performance could not be considered as stagnant, but dynamic in its relationship with surrounding objective structure. In order...
Abstrak Artikel ini mengeksplorasi lima logika nonexistence dari Boaventura de Sousa Santos secara dialektis sebagai kemungkinan dekolonisasi Sosiologi Indonesia. Kelima logika tersebut adalah pengetahuan monokultur, linearitas, klasifikasi sosial, superioritas skala universal dan global, serta produktivitas. Eksplorasi dialektis dirancang dengan m...
p> This article examines the practice of self-reflexivity among young Indonesian musicians in the era of late modernity. In particular, young musicians’ musical practice from amateur phase into Do It Yourself (DIY) career become an important temporal and spatial dimensions of the analysis. This article applies self-reflexivity theory from Anthony G...
Artikel ini membahas mengenai perdebatan perspektif transisi dalam kajian kepemudaan. Dengan menggunakan studi pustaka, artikel ini menjelaskan empat hal yaitu terkait transisi berdasarkan umur vs dimensi sosiologis, terkait dengan dilema struktur-agensi, terkait dengan transisi vs generasi, relevansi interseksionalitas dalam kajian empiris transis...
Abstrak : Artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai peran agama dan keluarga dalam transisi pemuda menuju pernikahan di era modernitas lanjut. Studi ini merepresentasikan sintesa antara tiga jenis kajian, yaitu perubahan sosial, kajian kepemudaan, dan sosiologi agama. Dengan mengkombinasikan temuan, kesimpulan, dan narasi dari studi-studi terdahulu, artikel...
This report explores the impact of COVID-19 by focusing on a place considered to be
Indonesia’s cultural hub, a place where tradition, modernity, arts and history overlap.
The province of Yogyakarta is home to 172,000 creative workers who collectively
contribute US$230 million to the economy, and here we examine the disruption to
their lives caused...
This article focuses on the separation between music and work that has been done by Yogyakarta’ extreme metal musician. Along with a deeper explanation of youth cultural practices in Yogyakarta, this article also provides a gap bridge between youth culture and youth transition perspective. In order to obtain those purposes, this article utilizes yo...
Ninety percent of the world’s youth live in Africa, Latin America and the developing countries of Asia. Despite this, the field of Youth Studies, like many others, is dominated by the knowledge economy of the Global North. To address these geopolitical inequalities of knowledge, The Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies offers a contributio...
This article investigates the young extreme metal musicians’ musical practices in Yogyakarta within the context of neoliberal era. To construct an empirical knowledge based on young extreme metal musicians’ narratives, this research utilized qualitative approach, specifically ethnography, from April to August 2019. In order to articulate conflictua...
An examination into the changing patterns, meaning, norms, and discourses around marriage - in the context of transition to adulthood - offers a unique window to disentangle the complex processes of social change in post -Reformasi Indonesia. Among the many dimensions of social change affecting changing patterns of marriage and transition to adulth...
Economic development and social-political change in Indonesia have been accompanied by wider education access especially for women. These have resulted in a number of profound inter-generational shifts in the process of transition to work and marriage – one of them is a trend toward self-choice marriage. This study uses qualitative methods in parti...
This article explains the transition process and youth strategy in Yogyakarta in the era of late modernity. Departing from the context of late modernity in Indonesia, this article applies the concept of mobility as a strategy and reflexive capacity of youth in transition. This article explores the biographical narratives of the four young final-yea...
Artikel ini mengeksplorasi kritik terhadap ‘sosiologi modern’ Indonesia dengan menggunakan perspektif southern theory dari Raewyn Connell. Secara spesifik kritik termanifestasi melalui empat karakteristik tekstual antara lain the claim of universality, reading from the center, gesture of exclusion dan grand erasure. Selain itu kritik juga dilakukan...
This article examines the practice of resistance among young DIY musicians in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in the context of the post-reform era. DIY young musicians negotiate how to provide for their everyday economic needs while also upholding their music genre’s spirit of resistance against market commodification. Lately, commodification not only comes...
This study explores the struggle and its subjectivity among young people in Yogyakarta who choose being-musician as a way of life. Faced with limited job opportunity, they manage and keep alive their aspirations as mucisian in the local music scene. Their decisions to become musician embody a certain element of resistance against dominant view of w...
Using Joshua Oppenheimer’s documentary films about mass killings in Indonesia – The Act of Killing (2012) and The Look of Silence (2014) – as an entry point, this article explores how perpetrators remember the past and how it is interpreted by them in the present in relation to this particular socio-historical context using a Bourdieusian approach....
Kata kunci tentang buku ini adalah transisi energi, perubahan sosial, teknologi energi terbarukan, produktivitas, serta pemberdayaan masyarakat kepulauan dan wilayah terpencil. Kata-kata kunci tersebut, selain mengekspresikan keberpihakan, dari sudut pandang tertentu juga menunjukkan bahwa manfaat pembangunan belum dirasakan sepenuhnya oleh semua m...
Youth is often constructed as a stage of identity exploration. However, not all young people are able to explore their identity freely. Some young people have to experience transition inside the prison (LPKA). This article explores strategy and hope of the future among youth in prison. This research uses qualitative methods combining observation, i...
Post-Fordism is a relevant context in framing the issue of school to work transition faced by the young generation. In this era, the labor market not only requires energy, but also more specific skills. In addition, rapid and massive social change in the Post-Fordism era requires young people to compete at the local, national and global level. On t...
This chapter explores young musicians’ strategies to accumulate relevant forms of capital in their struggle in the music fields. Particularly, the site of analysis focuses on the music scenes in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which is famous as a city of culture and tolerance. As a manifestation of secondary habitus, the music community and its night activ...
This chapter draws from a study of young Indonesian musicians to challenge the domination of time-honoured Global North frameworks for thinking about youth transitions to work and adulthood. As a new form of work in Indonesia, gaining income in the precarious sector of contemporary music exemplifies the need for mobility, achieved in part through t...
Central Java is one of provinces that is progressive in developing its industries, especially in manufacturing. However, the unemployment rate among youth in this province turns out to be considerably high. The high number of unemployment rates and low participation in the labor market among youth are caused by various factors. One of them is the g...
This article gives a critical account of the development of the jazz scene in
Indonesia, since the 1980s. It looks specifically at the question of why young
jazz musicians did not take the initiative in creating new kinds of jazz composition and
playing, unlike their age peers in other nonmainstream music genres. In other words,
why was...
div> This article tries to explain the role of reflexive capacity among young people during transition to work. Specifically, four informants in this research are representations of middle class youth from Yogyakarta. This research applies qualitative methods and in-depth interviews as techniques to gather data. This article shows the relevancy of...
Using Bourdieusian approach, this article explores the reflexive strategies of young jazz musicians in order to develop their musical practices in a contemporary urban context of Yogyakarta, a city of culture and activism in Indonesia. In detail, the reflexive strategy (Sweetman 2003; Threadgold & Nilan 2009) will be explained as the manifestation...
In this article, we draw on a study of the transition experiences of young Indonesian musicians to argue that the social capital of creative youth may be productively understood in relation to reflexivity and temporality. This is particularly important if they move to other locations to further their careers. In brief, we offer three key contributi...
This article focus on the resistance practice by the DIY metal agents towards popularization of metal in Yogyakarta. Beside, this article also attempt to elaborate the survival startegy of the metal agents in Yogyakarta to maintain the Do-It-Yourself practice. Regarding to those focus, this article does not treat metal as a single entity, rather as...
Using ethnographic and interview data, this article explores hopes for the future of young Indonesian musicians. The young people are seen to consider their future trajectories in multiple, hierarchical music fields. The article also takes into account the ontological insecurity of jobs as a professional musician, arguing that there is continuous r...
These notes from the field explore the author’s reflections on contemporary debates around the 1965 Indonesian mass killings, using two documentary films, The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence, as an entry point. The article contextualizes, criticizes, and expands the narrative of these films. Despite their largely positive international recep...
Artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai transisi pemuda dari daerah perbatasan. Dengan
menggunakan metode kualitatif ditemukan bahwa dalam proses transisi, pemuda perbatasan
mengalami hambatan-hambatan struktural terutama minimnya fasilitas dasar seperti listrik,
jalan, pendidikan dan kesehatan. Hambatan struktural ini berdampak pada tiga rute transisi
Artikel ini menawarkan ide-ide kritis untuk mengembangkan kajian kepemudaan di Indonesia.
Secara spesifik, ide-ide ini difokuskan pada agenda teoritis dan praktis yang relevan dengan
kondisi kontemporer pemuda di Indonesia. Pemuda sebagai subjek studi menempati posisi
ambigu dalam konstelasi produksi pengetahuan. Pemuda dianggap penting dan krusial...
This article aims to apply the generation perspective as a tool to evaluate program of agropolitant village in Perpat, Belitung. Using qualitative methods especially through application of observation and in-depth interview techniques, this evaluation study finds that the change of generation in a local scope and low participations among young peop...
The life journey of contemporary young people can no longer be seen as a linear transition to adulthood, but can be described as a long zigzag. In Indonesia, youth as social actors have experienced hard times in the past thirty years. The general pattern shows that the younger generation is typically better educated than their parents, but the prob...
This paper offers an analysis of young male jazz musicians moving between the cities of Yogyakarta to Bali to develop their professional careers. Both Yogyakarta and Bali jazz music field have different feel of the game; this becomes objective conditions that young jazz musicians have to negotiate. They have to be able to convert on hand stock of s...
Youth transitions process can be described as the journey to becoming an adult that consist of three core domains of successful transition: education, work and marriage. Besides getting a job, marriage and parenthood are also still important indicators that define a person as an adult in Indonesia as part of Global South countries. However, youth i...
This article explains about the aspirations, obstacles and uncertainties of youth transition from school to work using youth transition and risk society perspective. It is more difficult for young people to handle the transition in the conditions of late modernity era. They have to deal with uncertainty and risk without certain direction of their f...
This paper offers insights into the lives of contemporary young people outside the Northern Metropole, in the Muslim-majority developing nation of Indonesia. It presents some analysis of data from a study of young male jazz and indie musicians in Indonesia moving between the cities of Yogyakarta and Jakarta and the island of Bali as they join bands...
This article explains the transition process of the contemporary Indonesian generation in the neoliberal era. I use social generation, the concept of class and youth transition perspective to analyse the impact of neoliberal domination on the constructed meaning of transition among young people from different classes. Public higher education has be...
The configuration of cooperation between industry, government and society has experienced a shift from partial process to integrative process, from top down to bottom up. One of the triggers of these changes is the practice of cooperation based on shared value. A cooperation based on the production of competitive shared value's orientation, based o...
This paper argues that young jazz musicians in Yogyakarta over four decades did not observably express the DIY impulse in the local jazz scene. Rather, in each new decade, shifts in local jazz by young musicians were driven primarily by external pressures and senior figures who expressed conservative or commodified views about what could and should...
Theoretically, economic development will create equality of wealth distribution to the people. This is not the case in Proppo disctrict Pamekasan Madura after being declared as one of Batik centre, Proppo has the highest rate of disadvantaged people compared with other districts. Using qualitative method, specifically in-depth interview and observa...
This article presents four narratives of youth transition from school to work in Yogyakarta as representative of the narratives of global South. Previous studies of youth transition are dominated by theories from Metropole/Global North which treats the Periphery/Global South only as a source of data. Instead of contending that young people is free...
This article shows the experiences of six young people from Yogyakarta who struggle in the process of school to work transition. These young people creatively implemented long term strategy both inside and outside the field of education They accumulate various kind of capitals so that it can be converted in the future. All of the informants are fro...
Dinamika pembangunan membuka peluang bagi setiap lembaga
untuk melakukan kerjasama, terutama di kalangan
swasta, pemerintah dan institusi pendidikan tinggi. Pada
kenyataannya, tidak mudah untuk mempertahankan kerjasama
antara masing-masing lembaga. Karena budaya yang berbeda dan pengaturan norma, perlu kesiapan dan saling pengertian antar lemba...
Globalization does not authomatically brings equal relation between north metropole and south periphery, including the production of sociological knowledge. In the context of Indonesia, the reproduction of knowledge especially sociological theory are related with power relation. During development era, in the name of national stability, Parsonian’s...
This article wants to show the relevants of Peter.l Berger’s thought in Pyramids of Sacrifice (1974) especially the human cost concept. This concept is contextualized in neoliberal era especially after the economic crisis 1998 in Indonesia. For Berger, every political decisions or development model has to consider the ethical values called human co...
This article tells about the process of contestation between jazz londo and jazz jowo in Jogjakarta’s jazz field. Using debunking process suggested by Berger (1963), this article wants to show how the jazz londo vis versa jazz jowo as an identity is being constructed, what kind of criterias and how’s the process of contestation between them. One of...
This article tries to show the transformation of jazz music as a
cultural product in Yogyakarta. This transformation is, according
to Baumann, fluid, contradictory, and ambivalent. In the origin,
this music became a symbol of resistance by the lower class, whereas in Indonesia jazz became the upper middle class consumption. However, in its devel...
In American tradition, debates between qualitative(Qual) and quantitative (Quant) methods has happened since 20 th century and only recently there is new offer to methods called Mixed methods. This methods are treated as the third way to the unfinished debates on methods even they are embedded and paradigm argument which does not agree with this ne...
Previous studies about jazz in Indonesia tend to generalize and hold a bias against narration from the mainstream, they do not see the different narration from micro scope. Using Yogyakarta jazz community as an entry point, this study shows that jazz community is not a single entity, rather, it involved various identities including educational as w...