Ognjen Žurovec

Ognjen Žurovec
South East Technological University



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January 2010 - October 2014
University of Sarajevo
  • Researcher
July 2008 - July 2009
Federal institute of agropedology, Sarajevo
  • Trainee


Publications (26)
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Half of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BH) population lives in rural areas. Agricultural production is a backbone of the rural economy and generates significant economic value for the country. BH is highly vulnerable to climate change, which poses a significant development challenge given the climate-sensitivity of the agricultural sector, the share of...
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The rural population in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), which constitutes more than half of the total population, experienced serious incidences of extreme weather events in the past two decades. This part of the population is vulnerable to climate change due to significant dependence on agriculture as a climate-sensitive livelihood option. However, t...
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Conservation tillage is expected to have a positive effect on soil physical properties, soil Carbon (C) storage, while reducing fuel, labour and machinery costs. However, reduced tillage could increase soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and offset the expected gains from increased C sequestration. To date, conservation tillage is barely practiced o...
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Meeting sustainable food production challenges requires efficient ways to manage nutrients and mitigate the losses of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to water. Future nutrient management therefore requires a clearer understanding of the relative influence of soils, geology, farm practice, landscape and weather on the propensity for nutrients to be...
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Soil pH is generally considered a master variable, controlling a wide range of physical, chemical and biological properties, including a significant effect on microbial processes responsible for production and consumption of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas. Evidence of this pH impact on microbial denitrification mainly stems from obser...
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Ovo je modul Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Baziran je na EU praksama koje je tiču održive poljoprivrede, očuvanja okoliša, smanjenja rizika od prirodnih katastrofa i klimatskih promjena. Modul koristi savremene tehnike za prenos znanja i iskustava, podstiče učesnike da rade u interkulturalnom okruženju i daje svojim polaznicima pril...
In this paper, we discuss the need for personal transformation in the rapidly changing environmental context. We also provide a short reflective and analytical framework for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and its linkages with vulnerability, resilience, and livelihoods and reflect on how CSA can impact positively on the livelihoods of smallholder...
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This study analyzes farm households’ adaptation in a broad livelihood context, showing how both household internal dynamics and broader external factors, such as agro-ecological, climatic, and institutional economic and political frame conditions, influence both the perception of and adaptation to climate variations and change. Nearly a third of th...
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This paper presents the results of the ninety analyzed samples for the content of the following heavy metals: Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Mercury and Cobalt. Samples were taken from the soil surface (0-15 cm), at the precisely determined locations in Canton Sarajevo. Extraction of heavy metals in was carried out using aqua regia as an extractor an...
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In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the number of weather stations (WS) that are monitoring all climatic parameters required for FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (FAO-PM) equation is limited. In fact, it is of great need and importance to achieve the possibility of calculating reference evapotranspiration (ET0) for every WS in BiH (around 150), regardless of th...
The rural population in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), which constitutes more than half of the total population, experienced serious incidences of extreme weather events in the past two decades. This part of the population is vulnerable to climate change due to significant dependence on agriculture as a climate-sensitive livelihood option. However, t...
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The manuscript is primarily intended for the population involved in agricultural consultancy (advisory services), students and any readers interested in climate change and its effect on agricultural production. This publication will thus influence the strengthening of the capacity of agricultural extension services and farmers in the implementation...
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Ovaj rukopis prvenstveno je namijenjen za populaciju koja s e bavi poljoprivre dnim savjetovanjem (savjetodavne službe), studente i one čitaoce koje interesuju klimatske promjene i njihov uticaj na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Ova publikacija će i na taj način uticati na jačanje kapaciteta poljoprivrednih savjetodavnih službi i samih poljoprivrednik...
Conference Paper
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This discussion paper highlights the need for transformation in how we understand and deal with climate change. This transformation is necessary if we are to move toward sustainable future. Climate change is a multi-dimensional problem, including more than just social or environmental issues. Its primary causes and consequences are deeply rooted in...
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Potreba za harmonizacijom podataka o pokrivenosti zemljišta sa drugim evropskim državama, posebno potaknuto procesom pristupanja Evropskoj uniji, rezultirala je priključenjem Bosne i Hercegovine CORINE projektu. CORINE (COoRdination of INformation on the Environment) predstavlja bazu podataka Evropske agencije za životnu sredinu (EEA) i njenih zema...
Conference Paper
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Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH); due to its geographical position, natural capital, and the socio-economic relevance of climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture and forestry; is highly vulnerable to climate change (CC). Using the EH5OM model, temperature is projected to increase (+0.7-1.6°C during 2031-2060) and average net precipitation to decre...
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Results of the soil water balance on the B&H level show that most part of the annual precipitation (51,2%) is used for evapotranspiration, that is for food and biomass production and for sustainability of the ecosystem. This part of the water is called green water which was marginalized in all previous calculations by the planers, managers and poli...
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The complexity of water budgeting module as shown in this paper is represented in phases. By experimental measurement of precipitation and lysimetric measurement of percolation runoff the first phase establishes monthly and annual soil-water budgets of skeletal and clayey soils, and hence the influence of soil water-retention potential on hydrologi...
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In the city of Tuzla, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a thermo electric power plant provides heat and electricity to private households and industry. The power plant is fed with coal excavated from mines near Tuzla. One of the by-products of energy generation from coal is huge amounts of combustion residues which need to be disposed of. In Tuzla...
Conference Paper
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Knowledge about land resources is an essential prerequisite for planning the optimal ways of soil usage, and it occupies a key position in the strategy of development for each country. Soil, as an important part of ecosystem, is actively involved in natural cycle of substances and it is necessary to investigate their pollutants content in order to...


Question (1)
I have two raster files (.TIFF) with changes in temperature and precipitation for two reference periods. I was trying to use ArcGIS 10.2 to normalize the values from 0 to 1 in order to use it for my research, but everything I try results in error of a different kind. I tried to use:
1. Raster Calculator: (raster - mean) / stdv works, but the next step: ( raster - min(raster) ) / ( max(raster) - min(raster) ) results in error
2. Transformations tool from Geomorphometry & Gradient Metrics toolbox: I get this error every time:
RuntimeError: Object: Error in getting parameter as text
Failed to execute (transformations).
Coming from the agricultural sciences and hardly calling myself a GIS expert, I would appreciate any advice from you.
Thanks in advance.


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