Ognjen Bonacci

Ognjen Bonacci
University of Split · Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split

Professor emeritus


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October 1976 - October 2013
University of Split
  • Professor Emeritus


Publications (477)
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Dana 11. rujna 2024. dijelove središnje Europe zahvatila je oluja (ciklona) Boris, koja je bila praćena ekstremnim oborinama i snažnim vjetrovima. Sljedećeg dana oluja je pogodila južnu Poljsku. U nekim dijelovima te zemlje palo je 200 mm kiše u manje od 24 sata, što je uzrokovalo poplave u mnogim gradovima. Dana 13. rujna, na sjeveru Češke Republi...
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The article analyzes the development of air temperatures and precipitation on two remote islands in the Adriatic Sea from 1961 to 2023, examining annual and monthly time scales. Lastovo Island is located in the southern Adriatic, and Lošinj Island is situated 277 km north, and both exhibit a sharp rise in air temperatures since 1998, though precipi...
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U radu su analizirani svi raspoloživi nizovi minimalnih i maksimalnih godišnjih protoka proračunati na 13 vodomjernih postaja duž toka rijeke Save u Hrvatskoj. Korišteni su isključivo službeni podaci DHMZ-a iz Zagreba. Duljine nizova su različite. Unutar pojedinih nizova postoje prekidi u opažanjima. Posljednja uključena u analizu je 2022. godina....
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U časopisu Communication Earth Environment grupa međunarodnih istraživača iz SAD-a, Egipta i Australije objavila je članak "Lanac egipatskih piramida izgrađen je uzduž Ahramata, danas nestalog rukavca Nila" (Ghoneim i sur. 2024). Njihova istraživanja sugeriraju da je sada zatrpano i mrtvo riječno korito Ahramata odigralo ključnu ulogu u izgradnji p...
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The study analyzed available data series of the Sava River's water temperature measured at the Zagreb gauging station. Official data from the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) in Zagreb were utilized. Over the 73 years from 1948 to 2020, there are only 53 years with complete measurement records. Despite this limiting fact, it...
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This study highlights significant recent increases in water and air temperatures in the rapidly developing city of Belgrade, Serbia to raise awareness of the anticipated negative impacts and the urgent need to develop appropriate mitigation strategies. We investigate the mean annual water temperature trends at the confluence of the Sava and Danube...
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Rijeka Kongo (Zaïre) druga je rijeka po površini sliva i količini voda na planeti. Sliv se prostire između 9º N, 12º E i 13,3º S, 34º E (Tshimanga 2012.). Nalazi se u središnjem dijelu afričkog kontinenta, u regiji poznatoj kao zapadna ekvatorijalna Afrika. Prema Alsdorf i sur. (2016.) ima površina sliva od 3.687.000 km2, dok Laraque i sur. (2020.)...
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U radu su analizirani svi raspoloživi nizovi srednjih godišnjih protoka izračunati na 13 vodomjernih postaja duž toka rijeke Save u Hrvatskoj. Korišteni su isključivo službeni podaci DHMZ-a iz Zagreba. Duljine nizova su različite, unutar pojedinih nizova postoje prekidi u opažanjima, ali svi završavaju s 2022. godinom. Jasno je uočen trend opadanja...
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The analysis examines various impacts of global warming (GW) and urban heat island (UHI) effects at four meteorological stations in and around Zagreb, Croatia, spanning from 1981 to 2021. The goal was to determine the intensity and causes of the different warming tendencies and behaviour of air temperature variations observed in various parts of Za...
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Sliv rijeke Amazone smješten je na sjeveru Južne Amerike. Izvorišno područje rijeke nalazi se u području Anda u Peruu, odakle rijeka teče prema istoku te se ulijeva u Atlantski ocean. Sliv rijeke Amazone prostire se kroz sljedećih šest država: (1) Peru; (2) Ekvador; (3) Kolumbija; (4) Venezuela; (5) Bolivija; (6) Brazil. Daleko najveći dio sliva Am...
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The climate is changing intensively, causing major variations in the local, regional, and eventually global hydrological cycle. Furthermore, climate changes strongly affect individual components of the hydrological cycle. The prevailing present-day opinion is that climate change is primarily caused by anthropogenic production of CO2. This assumptio...
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The paper analyses the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and surface air temperature (SAT) measured at nine climatological stations along the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea. Climate changes, mostly manifested through the global warming effect, have strongly and seriously influenced the Adriatic Sea and its coastal region in rece...
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The paper analyses the series of water levels (1920-2021) and discharges (1926-2021) observed at the Zagreb hydrological station on the Sava River. Significant variations between the series of minimum and average annual levels were determined. In the 1920-1974 sub-period, no trends were observed. In the 1975-1993 sub-period, a more significant down...
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Krški izvor Omble spada među najizdašnije izvore Dinarskog krša. U ovom radu naglasak je stavljen na analizu njegove temperature vode. Raspolagalo se s podacima satnih mjerenja u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2007. u 0 sati do 31. prosinca 2021. u 23 sata. Vršene su analize na različitim vremenskim skalama od godine preko mjeseca i dana do sata. Utvrđen...
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The aim of the study is to analyse changes and predict the course of mean monthly water temperatures of the Danube River at various locations for the future. The first part of the study involves conducting a statistical analysis of the annual and monthly average air temperatures, water temperatures, and discharges along the Danube River. The study...
The paper analyzes the data of groundwater level (GWL), groundwater temperature (TW), and electrical conductivity (EC) measurements in three deep piezometers (B1, B2, B3) in the Jadro spring basin, taken from October 2010 to December 2021. The variation of these parameters is analyzed at different time scales: annually, monthly, daily (24 hours), a...
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The paper analyzes the data of groundwater level (GWL), groundwater temperature (TW), and electrical conductivity (EC) measurements in three deep piezometers (B1, B2, B3) in the Jadro spring basin, taken from October 2010 to December 2021. The variation of these parameters is analyzed at different time scales: annually, monthly, daily (24 hours), a...
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Megafloods that far exceed previously observed records often take citizens and experts by surprise, resulting in extremely severe damage and loss of life. Existing methods based on local and regional information rarely go beyond national borders and cannot predict these floods well because of limited data on megafloods, and because flood generation...
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The paper focuses on analyzing the water temperature of Ombla, the largest karst spring in the Dinaric Karst. Hourly measurement data were available from January 1, 2007, at 0:00 a.m. to December 31, 2021, at 11:00 p.m. It has been established that, within that period, there were two sub-periods with different characteristic (minimum, average, and...
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This paper analyzed the variations of two air temperature indices, diurnal temperature range (DTR) and annual temperature range (ATR), calculated based on observations at the Zagreb Grič Observatory over a period of 133 years (1887–2019). In intense climate changes strongly manifested by the increased air temperature, these two climate indices were...
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Crveno i Modro jezero kod Imotskog spadaju u dva svjetski poznata krška vodna fenomena o kojima su napisani relativno brojni radovi. Usprkos golemom interesu saznanja o hidrološko-hidrogeološkoj povezanosti između ta dva bliska vodna tijela još uvijek predstavlja veliku i neriješenu tajnu. Kako je tijekom 2022. godine prvi put do sada u razdoblju o...
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The variability of continuous hourly water temperature data and electrical conductivity measured at the Jadro karst spring was analysed for the period from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2021. In this paper, the mean daily air temperature and daily precipitation data measured at the meteorological station Sinj, and the mean daily flow of the Jadr...
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Sažetak U članku se tretira problematika istraživanja krša u republici Hrvatskoj. Posebno je ukazano na činjenicu da do sada, a čini se da će to biti i u doglednoj budućnosti, nije riješen problem sustavnijeg, učinkovitijeg i bolje organiziranog izučavanja i prezentiranja vrijednosti krških fenomena hrvatskog dijela Dinarskog krša. Zaštita vrijedni...
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This paper examines the long-term changes in temperature and precipitation in the karst region of Imotski, Croatia, which is of particular interest due to its abundance of karst phenomena. This study analyses temperatures and precipitation on monthly and annual scales at two climatological stations in the region, Imotski and Ričice. Linear regressi...
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Stručni članak | Professional paper | UDK: 556.535(497.5) Primljeno (Received): 10.12.2022.; Prihvaćeno (Accepted): 29.03.2023. ANALIZA ODUZIMANJA VODE IZ IZVORA JADRA U RAZDOBLJU 2010.-2021. dr. sc. Ognjen Bonacci, prof. emerit. Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Matice hrvatske 15, Split, Hrvatska, obonacci@gra...
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Below-average precipitation and above-average air temperature are important factors in the occurrence and intensity of drought. In the context of global climate change, air temperature increase, as a key climatological parameter, has to be considered when calculating the drought index. We introduce a new method of drought analysis, relying on stand...
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Forecasting upstream flow amount based on downstream flow values is a new way of managing flood risk. This kind of prediction of the flow, size, and intensity of rivers in the alluvial aquifers is, in most cases, a challenging task due to climate change, as well as anthropogenic impacts on river flows. The presented methodology allows for organizin...
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Obnova (restauracija, sanacija ili revitalizacija) otvorenih vodotoka jedna je od najaktualnijih tema i aktivnosti u međunarodnoj znanstvenoj i široj ekološkoj zajednici. Do sada su napisani brojni članci i knjige, izvedeni brojni radovi za koje su utrošena ogromna sredstva, ali je nažalost činjenica da nisu polučeni ni očekivani niti zadovoljavaju...
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1) Uvod 2) Oduzimanje vode iz izvora 3) Površina sliva izvora Jadra 4) Temperatura vode izvora Jadra 5) Električna vodljivost vode izvora 6) Analiza razina podzemne vode, električne vodljivosti i temperature vode mjerene u piezometrima B1, B2 i B3
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The Karst covers approximately 20% of the global ice-free continental land. There is still a lack of an understanding of the scientific connotation of the karst critical zone as well as a lack of reliable explanations of dangerous water related phenomena in it. A wide range of closed surface depressions, a well-developed underground drainage system...
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U našim sredstvima javnog informiranja, osobito u udarnim televizijskim emisijama, čuje se vrlo često da je temperatura bila ili da će biti viša od prosječne, tj. iznadprosječno visoka. Pri tome se gotovo nikada ne kaže o kojem se prosjeku radi, tj. na koje se vremensko razdoblje ta usporedba odnosi. Isto tako se rijetko može čuti koliko je ta izna...
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A historical review of extreme air temperature analysis in Croatia is presented. Two capital works on the subject were published in the 1970s by the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) and Faculty of Science University of Zagreb (PMF-Zagreb), respectively. The first is a monography on extreme value theory or extreme value analys...
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The air temperature trends measured at the central meteorological station Varaždin and the water temperature measured at the Botovo station on the Drava River were analyzed from 1 January 1969 to 31 December 2021. Analyses were performed for three different time scales: year, month, and day. Mann–Kendall testing statistically determined the signifi...
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This paper discusses the highly topical issue of forming and using hydrological models. Their significance in water resource management and achieving sustainable development goals is underlined, particularly in the context of climate change. Some shortcomings in hydrological process modelling are pointed out, ones that can significantly affect the...
Social, economic, and political development, both in the past and today, is largely linked to the availability and distribution of freshwater contained in rivers. However, very often, and especially in recent decades, rivers are brought into the context of danger to humans, either in the event of high waters or because of their increasing pollution...
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Brojnost poplava u urbanim prostorima u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, a osobito njihove sve katastrofalnije posljedice, kako izraženo u opsegu razornih šteta tako i u gubicima ljudskih života, ukazale su na nužnost pronalaženja i primjene novih učinkovitijih postupaka za njihovo ublažavanje. Ekonomski gubici i razorne te dugoročne socijalne i ek...
The paper applies the relatively new day-today (DTD) method to analyse the day-today variability of minimum, mean and maximum daily air temperatures measured at the Zagreb Grič Observatory in the period from 1878 to 2018. The observatory is located in the centre of this rapidly developed city. The DTD values were calculated and compared for the who...
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In many media, especially in prime-time television shows, we often hear that the temperature is or will be higher than average or above average. It is seldom said which average it is, namely which period this comparison refers to. It is also rare to hear how much this above-average temperature is higher than one average. The question is what the cl...
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The paper compares air and sea surface temperatures in recent years on two islands in the Adriatic Sea. The data measured at the climatological station Krk on the island of Krk and the main meteorological station Lastovo on the island of Lastovo are used. The island of Krk is located in the north of the Adriatic Sea and Lastovo in the south. Since...
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Nil spada među najznačajnije planetarne rijeke. On je koljevka jedne od najvećih, najstarijih i najrazvijenijih civilizacija čiji dosezi i danas fasciniraju svjetsku javnost kako onu stručnu tako i onu najširu. Na njemu je do sada izgrađeno nekoliko brana. Najveća od njih, velika Asuanska brana na Pustinjskom Nilu u Egiptu bitno je promijenila kako...
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Red Lake near the town of Imotski in Croatia is one of the most impressive examples of karst features in the Dinaric Karst. This area is rich in karst formations, and Red Lake is one of the least explored. The reason for this is the difficult access to the lake, which requires more complex, demanding, and, above all, resource-intensive research. Th...
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Ključan čimbenik pojave i intenziteta suše u svakom okolišu je manja količina oborina od prosječne. Uz to, na fenomen suše snažan utjecaj vrši i temperatura zraka. Što je ona viša od prosječne vrijednosti u određenom dijelu godine, to su i negativne posljedice suše teže. U doba recentne globalne promjene klime koja se najizrazitije manifestira upra...
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The relationship between four monthly Northern Hemisphere (NH) atmospheric circulation indices, defined as Varimax rotated principal components (VRPC) of monthly average 500 hPa surface geopotential heights for the NH, and the Danube River Basin (DRB) monthly precipitation amount anomalies for 26 weather stations and average monthly discharge anoma...
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Changes in the streamflow pattern raise a plethora of implications on the morphological, economic, social, and cultural aspects of an entire river basin. Trend analysis of hydrological time series is the most common method to identify these changes. Several methods have been proposed to identify the trends in time series. In the present study, Mann...
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This paper analyses complex hydrological and hydrogeological properties of a deep karstic lake and its surroundings. Red Lake (Croatia) is a cryptodepression in the karst massif rich in well-developed extreme surface karst forms and underground conduit system. It is interconnected with other close water bodies and offers information on groundwater...
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U članku su analizirani nizovi srednjih dnevnih, mjesečnih i godišnjih temperatura zraka i mjesečnih i godišnjih oborina mjereni na tri postaje na otoku visu. korišteni su podaci opaženi na glavnoj meteorološkoj postaji komiža (1956.-2019.) i automatskim postajama Hum (2012.-2019.) i dračevo polje (2017.-2019.). Osim toga analizirani su i nizovi sr...
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U povijesti poplave su uzrokovale neizrecive patnje i stradanja milijuna ljudi, ali su istovremeno odigrale izrazito važnu pozitivnu ulogu za razvoj civilizacije. I danas, ne samo u nerazvijenim dijelovima svijeta, poplave predstavljaju najčešću i najrazorniju prirodnu katastrofu od koje stradavaju brojni ljudi i koja uzrokuju goleme štete. Najrazv...
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Suša predstavlja ekstremni klimatski događaj koji može preći u prirodnu katastrofu. Zbog toga se po svojim negativnim posljedicama svrstava uz poplave, potrese, erupcije vulkana, velike šumske požare, tsunamije itd. Razornim utjecajem na okoliš, ali istodobno i na socio-ekonomska kao i politička kretanja uzrokuje destabilizaciju postignute ravnotež...
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Tijekom povijesti poplave su uzrokovale neizrecive patnje i stradanja milijuna ljudi, ali su istovremeno odigrale izrazito važnu ulogu za razvoj civilizacije i pružanju podrške ekosustavima. I danas one predstavljaju najčešću i najrazorniju prirodnu katastrofu od koje stradavaju brojni ljudi i koja uzrokuju goleme štete. Čini se da najrazvijenije z...
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Analizirani su nizovi srednjih mjesečnih i godišnjih temperatura površine mora izmjereni na tri postaje u hrvatskom dijelu srednjeg Jadrana: (1) Split (1960.-2019.); (2) Hvar (1964.-2019.); (3) Komiža (1991.-2019.). S ciljem da se izuči odnos temperature površine mora i temperature zraka analizirane su i temperature zraka izmjerene na iste tri post...
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This paper examines monthly, seasonal, and annual trends in temperature and precipitation time series in Osijek during the period between 1900 and 2018. Two new methods, innovative trend analysis (ITA) and successive average methodology (SAM), together with the classic Mann–Kendall (M–K) and Sen’s slope methods, have been applied to determine poten...
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Air temperature is the main climatic variable for climate change and global warming assessment. In different regions, different climatic features and forcing factors affect air temperature behaviour and development differently. In this paper time series of monthly and annual absolute minimum, mean and absolute maximum air temperatures measured in t...
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Povezanost površinske temperature mora (PTM) i površinske temperature zraka (PTZ) izmjerene na malome otoku Hvaru (Jadransko more) ispituju se na godišnjim i mjesečnim vremenskim ljestvicama, koristeći se podacima za razdoblje od pedeset pet godina (1964. – 2018.). Analizirana su sljedeća tri indeksa PTM-a i PTZ-a: (1) apsolutni minimum, (2) srednj...
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Power Point prezentacija na skupu organiziranom od strane UNDP-a pod nazivom "UPRAVLJANJE RIJEČNIM PROTOCIMA RADI EKOLOŠKOG INTEGRITETA". Organizatori: Zavod za vodoprivredu d.o.o. Bijeljina i Zavod za vodoprivredu, d.d. Sarajevo Jahorina, Hotel Termag, 01-02.07.2021.
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The article analyses the values of daily, monthly and annual precipitation measured during the period 1948-2019 at the following four stations: (1) Split, (2) Hvar, (3) Lastovo and (4) Zagreb. The first three stations are located in a Mediterranean climate, while the station in Zagreb is located in a continental climate. The aim of the performed an...
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Je li Zemlja bila vodeni svijet? Najnovija istraživanja usredotočena na proučavanje plašta zemlje sugeriraju kako je prije nekoliko milijardi godina naš planet bio pokriven globalnim oceanom i predstavljao vodeni svijet. Pitanje u naslovu odavno zaokuplja znanstve-nu zajednicu koja se bavi problematikom ge-ološke prošlosti Zemlje. Ranije studije su...
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Power Point prezentacija na skupu organiziranom od strane UNDP-a pod nazivom "UPRAVLJANJE RIJEČNIM PROTOCIMA RADI EKOLOŠKOG INTEGRITETA". Organizatori: Zavod za vodoprivredu d.o.o. Bijeljina i Zavod za vodoprivredu, d.d. Sarajevo Jahorina, Hotel Termag, 01-02.07.2021.
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Relationship of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Surface Air Temperature (SAT) measured at small island of Hvar (Adriatic Sea) are examined on annual and monthly time scales using data for a period of 55 years (1964-2018). The following three SST and SAT indices had been analysed: (1) absolute minimum; (2) mean; (3) absolute maximum. The results h...
Flood protection based around “grey” infrastructure measures, such as dikes and dams, comprise traditional flood alleviation schemes. Besides their advantages, reflected in well-established design principles and construction techniques, they cannot fully respond to the challenge of increasing trends of flood magnitudes driven by impacts of climate...
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Red Lake is an example of a karst phenomenon near the town of Imotski (Croatia), in the central part of Dinaric Karst. It is considered the deepest submerged karst feature in the world, located in an inaccessible area with large slopes of the lakeshore, which makes the research difficult and resource intensive. For this reason, to better understand...
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The paper studies drastic hydrological changes caused by construction of five reservoirs and six hydroelectric power plants (HEPP), built mostly in the 1960s, along the watercourse of the karst river Cetina, located in deep and well-developed Dinaric karst. The total river length from its spring to mouth in the Adriatic Sea is about 105 km. Dischar...
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U članku su izneseni principi i smjerovi razvoja hidrologije u 21. stoljeću. Tretirana je problematika i uloga ekohidrologije kao i vodnog otiska te vrijednosti i cijene vode. Osobita pažnja je usmjerena na novo objašnjavanje nove interdisciplinarne znanosti nazvane socio-hidrologija. Složene probleme koji se javljaju u odnosu čovjeka i vode potreb...
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The Adriatic Sea and its coastal region have experienced significant environmental changes in recent decades, aggravated by climate change. The most prominent effects of climate change (namely, an increase in sea surface and air temperature together with changes in the precipitation regime) could have an adverse effect on social and environmental p...
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Generalni sekretar UN-a Kofi Annan, u svom je govoru na Generalnoj skupštini 2001. godine rekao: „Nalazimo se na početku novog stoljeću u kojem će voda, očuvanje njene kakvoće i količine, a osobito pravedna raspodjela predstavljati najveći globalni socijalni izazov. Potrebno nam je osigurati globalno snabdijevanje zdravom vodom i slobodan pristup s...
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The article analyses the series of annual, monthly and daily air temperatures and annual and monthly rainfall at two meteorological stations in Vela Luka and Korčula on the island of Korčula (Croatia), for which there are long time series of observations. Today’s locations of meteorological stations are only 33.5 km apart. The average annual air te...
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The paper presents the principles and directions of hydrology development in the 21st century. It addresses the issues and role of ecohydrology and water footprint, value and price. Special attention is paid to explaining the new interdisciplinary science called sociohydrology. Complex problems that occur in the relationship between man and water s...
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Premještanje rijeka (river piracy, river capture) je vrlo kompleksan fenomen koji se relativno često dešava, ali je nedovoljno izučen, kako u svijetu tako i kod nas. Premještanje rijeka (river piracy i/ili river capture) predstavlja geomorfološki fenomen kod kojeg se tok rijeke, zbog određenih ra-zloga, preusmjeri iz jednog korita u neko drugo, naj...
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Analizirani su karakteristični (minimalni, srednji, maksimalni) dnevni, mjesečni i godišnji vodostaji opaženi na vodomjeru Šipak, locirani u jezeru Sladinac, jednom od pet povezanih jezera (Plitko, Podgora, Očuša, Sladinac, Crniševo) i jednom nepovezanom jezeru (Vrbnik) u sustavu Baćinskih jezera. Na raspolaganju je stajao niz dnevnih vodostaja od...
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The article analyzes the series of characteristic annual air temperatures (minimum, mean and maximum), measured on the small island of Palagruža in the Adriatic Sea in the period of 69 years (1950-2018). Using the Mann-Kendall (M-K) test, the existence of a statistically insignificant trend of increasing minimum annual air temperatures was determin...
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The paper studies drastic hydrological changes caused by construction of five reservoirs and six hydro-electric power plants (HEPP), built mostly in the 1960s, along the watercourse of the karst river Cetina, located in deep and well-developed Dinaric karst. The total river length from its spring to mouth in the Adriatic Sea is about 105 km. Discha...
In this study, a hybrid model (WA-ANFIS) which couples wavelet analysis (WA) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) is proposed to forecast daily river water temperature as a case study. Four mother wavelets, including Daubechies, Symlet, discrete Meyer and Haar, are considered to develop the WA-ANFIS model. The hybrid model is applied...
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The Mediterranean region is one of the regions in the world that is most vulnerable to the impact of imminent climate change. In particular, climate change has an adverse effect on both the ecosystem and socioeconomic system, influencing water availability for both human and environmental purposes. The most endangered water resources are along the...
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O. Bonacci i I. Ljubenkov RAZLIČITE VRIJEDNOSTI I TRENDOVI TEMPERATURA ZRAKA NA DVIJE POSTAJE NA MALOM OTOKU... Prethodno priopćenje Preliminary report UDK 524 (497.5 Korčula) Primljeno (Received): 12.12.2019.; Prihvaćeno (Accepted): 16.7.2020. U članku se analiziraju nizovi srednjih godišnjih, srednjih mjesečnih i srednjih dnevnih temperatura zrak...
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I 57 I HRVATSKA VODOPRIVREDA I srpanj/rujan 2020. INŽENJERSKO HIDROLOŠKI VIDOVI POPLAVE ZAGREBA prof. emeritus Ognjen Bonacci prof. emerita Tanja Roje-Bonacci U OBJAVI-PRIOPĆENJU pod nazivom URBANA POPLAVA U GRADU ZAGREBU TIJEKOM NOĆI S 24. NA 25. SRPNJA 2020. objavljenoj od strane Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavo-da dana 29. srpnja 2020. na strani...
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Antarktika je kontinent na južnom polu, čija površina iznosi 14×106 km2, što predstavlja 10 % ukupne kopnene na planeti. Približno 98 % toga, po veličini petoga kontinenta, pokriveno je ledom prosječne debljine 1900 m. Procijenjeno je, da je na Antarktiku uskladišteno 30×106 km3 ledu, što predstavlja približno 90 % slatke vode našega planeta. Anta...
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Izučavajući ovu problematiku u prostoru Dinarskog krša izneseno je da su potresi i speleološki objekti povezani s rasjednim zonama i tektonskim procesima koji se odvijaju u njima. Ukazano je na značajnu interaktivnu (uzročno-posljedičnu) vezu među njima. Naglašeno je da je područje Dinarskog krša tipičan primjer za spomenuti međuodnos. Konačni je z...
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Pustinja Gobi čija površina iznosi oko 1.295.000 km2 peta je po veličini u svijetu. Po položaju predstavlja najsjevernija pustinja na planeti. Gobi je hladna pustinja čija se nadmorska visina kreće od oko 910 metara nad morem (mnm) do 1.520 mnm. Dužina pustinje iznosi preko 1.600 km, a prosječna joj je širina oko 800 km. Prostire se na području juž...
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U radu je primijenjena relativno nova metoda dan za danom (day to day) (u daljnjem tekstu DTD) kojom se analiziraju varijacije dan za danom minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih dnevnih temperatura zraka mjerenih u opservatoriju Zagreb Grič u razdoblju od 1878. do 2018. Proračunate su i uspoređene DTD vrijednosti za razdoblje cijele godine (1. siječnj...
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The paper analyses a series of annual, monthly, and daily air temperatures, and annual and monthly precipitation at the Lastovo meteorological station on the island of Lastovo (Croatia) during the 1948-2018 period. The small carbonate Adriatic island of Lastovo is the most remote inhabited island in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea. The absolu...
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Najnoviji rezultati interpretacije satelitskih snimaka inženjerskih struktura koje su izgrađene na velikim riječnim sustavima izneseni su u prosincu 2019. godine na jesenskom skupu Američke Geofizičke Unije (AGU Fall Meeting) održanom u San Francisku. Započevši 2018. godine hidrolog Tamlin Pavelsky sa Sveučilišta Sjeverne Karoline iz Chapel Hil-a s...
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The objective of this paper was to stress the significance of a holistic interdisciplinary approach to analyses of a small karst island valuable and vulnerable ecosystem. To reach that aim, this paper presents ecohydrological data and standard methods of biological surveying in subterranean habitats. The Island of Brač, with a total area of 394.57...
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Knjiga tretira jednu od najaktualnijih tema koje danas zaokuplja ne samo stručnjake već i najširu javnost. Radi se o interdisciplinarnoj problematici upravljanja otvorenim vodotocima koji predstavljaju ključne prostore bitne za pružanje podrške svekolikom održivom razvoju i biološkoj raznolikosti i to ne samo neposredno uz vodotok već i na širem sl...
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In the framework of the GEF/UNEP-MAP Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem, UNESCO-IHP executed a component on “Management of coastal aquifers and groundwater”, which included an activity on “Implementation of eco-hydrogeology applications for management and protection of coastal wetlands”. UNESCO-IHP sought the coo...
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Po svemu sudeći grupa naučnika (šest iz SAD-a i jedan iz Novog Zelanda) rešila je misteriju položaja i razlog podizanja tajanstvenih i svetski poznatih megalitskih kipova/spomenika/skulptura na Uskršnjem ostrvu u južnom Pacifiku. Njihove detaljne i naučno utemeljene analize, iznesene su u radu objavljenom u časopisu PLoS ONE (2019.) pod nazivom 'Ra...
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Na našoj planeti postoji mnogo krucijalnih pitanja na koja čovjek već tisućljećima pokušava naći pouzdan odgovor i nažalost pouzdanog odgovora još uvijek nema. Jedno od takvih pitanja je: „Kako je i kada voda došla na našu planetu?“ Odgovor na njega nije bitan samo one koji se na bilo koji način bave najrazličitijim praktičnim vidovima problematike...
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The Ombla Spring represents a typical abundant coastal karst spring located in the vicinity of the town of Dubrovnik (Croatia). Its outlet is at an altitude of 2.5 m above sea level and the water from it immediately flows into the Adriatic Sea. The Trebišnjica River traverses through the Ombla Spring catchment. The mean annual discharge, after the...
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Suša predstavlja ekstremni klimatski događaj koji može preći u prirodnu katastrofu. Zbog toga se po svojim negativnim posljedicama svrstava uz poplave, potrese, erupcije vulkana, velike šumske požare, tsunamije itd. Razornim utjecajem na okoliš, ali istodobno i na socio-ekonomska kao i politička kretanja uzrokuje destabilizaciju postignute ravnotež...
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Planetary water as well as all other resources are under severe stress. They are significantly affected by global change, which involves more than climate change. The major drivers of global change are: population growth, climate change and/or variability, uncontrolled and unsustainable urbanization and industrialization, expansion of infrastructur...
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Ecohydrology of wetlands
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Water is the topic of the day on the international scene, because of a critical situation in numerous countries and regions. Fresh water is perhaps the single most important resource on the Earth. World is faced with growing vulnerability of society to natural and anthropogenic water disasters. At present international scientific community is face...
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Karstology can be defined as the science of integrating hydrological, geomorphological, hydrogeological, ecological, biological, chemical, socio-economics, political and all others processes over varied spatial and temporal scales in specific karst regions. Scientists, as well as practitioners do not agree on the details of the definition, importan...
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Water value and price