Örjan Berglund

Örjan Berglund
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | SLU · Department of Soil and Environment



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September 2002 - present
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
August 1996 - December 2000


Publications (38)
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Background To align with climate goals, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture must be reduced significantly. Cultivated peatlands are an important source of such emissions. One proposed measure is to convert arable fields on peatlands to grassland, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default emission factors (EF) for o...
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Background Cultivated peatlands are widespread in temperate and boreal climate zones. For example, in Europe about 15% of the pristine peatland area have been lost through drainage for agricultural use. When drained, these organic soils are a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To reach climate goals, the agricultural sector must...
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Report to KSLA on a research trial about GHG emissions and leachage of nutrients.
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Greenhouse gas emissions from drained agricultural peatlands contribute significantly to global warming. In a laboratory study using intact cores of peat soil from eight different sites in Sweden, factors controlling the emission of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) were examined. Soil properties, and the abundance of the t...
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Northern peatlands are important carbon (C) reservoirs, storing about one-third of the global terrestrial soil C pool. Anthropogenic influences, such as drainage for agriculture and forestry, lower the originally high groundwater level, leading to peat aeration and decomposition. This is particularly reflected in significant losses of CO2, while fl...
Technical Report
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Dikade torvjordar avger stora mängder växthusgaser och ca 10% av Gotlands odlingar sker på organogena jordar. Denna rapport är en kunskapssammanställning gällande den odlade torvjordens utsläpp och upptag av växthusgaser ur ett gotländskt perspektiv med förslag på hur dessa jordar bör brukas. Rapporten tar avstamp i den forskning om växthusgasemiss...
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In Northern, Eastern and Central European countries, peat soils drained for agriculture are a considerable source of greenhouse gas emissions. Since emissions from this source have high mitigation potential, they will likely be a focus of the European Union’s future climate goals. We describe and compare the similarities and differences in the soci...
Detailed, accurate information on soil temperature is crucial for understanding processes leading to solute leaching and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from managed peat soils, but few studies have attempted to study these processes in detail. Drained peat soils have different characteristics from pristine peat. Cultivated peat soils, in particular...
Areas of abandoned peat soil in mid-Sweden. Tables
Technical Report
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A GIS analysis using old maps, EU-maps and land cover data to find and quantify abandoned, former agricultural, peat soil. This report is in Swedish.
Peatlands offer a series of ecosystem services including carbon storage, biomass production, and climate regulation. Climate change and rapid land use change are degrading peatlands, liberating their stored carbon (C) into the atmosphere. To conserve peatlands and help in realising the Paris Agreement, we need to understand their extent, status, an...
Loss of organic matter from cultivated peat soils is a threat to farmers, due to the surface subsidence associated with organic matter loss, and to the atmosphere, due to CO2 and N2O emissions from the soil. In a three-year field experiment (2015–2017) on a drained, cultivated fen peat in southern Sweden, we tested whether reed canary grass (Phalar...
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Only a few studies have quantified and measured ecosystem services (ES) specifically related to soil. To address this gap, we have developed and applied a methodology to assess changes in ecosystem services, based on measured or estimated soil property changes that were stimulated by soil management measures (e.g., mulching, terracing, no-till). We...
Conference Paper
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Peatlands store a large share of the world’s soil organic carbon and are widespread in Northern and Central European countries. Drainage is a precondition for traditional agricultural production on organic soils. Drainage increase peat mineralization and changes the physical and chemical soil quality. Only a few decades after initial drainage, agri...
Drained peatlands contribute to anthropic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), so a better understanding of the underlying processes and identification of mitigation options for agricultural peatlands are urgently required. Peatland soil properties vary greatly and, in combination with drainage, can affect emissions of CO2 both directly and indirectl...
Management of peat soils is regionally important as they cover large land areas and have important but conflicting ecosystems services. A recent management trend for drained peatlands is the control of greenhouse gases (GHG) by changes in agricultural practices, peatland restoration or paludiculture. Due to complex antagonistic controls of moisture...
Drainage of peatlands affects the fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Organic soils used for agriculture contribute a large proportion of anthropogenic GHG emissions, and on-farm mitigation options are important. This field study investigated whether choice of a cropping system can be used to mitigate emissions of N2O and influence CH4 fluxes from c...
Drained and cultivated organic soils contribute a substantial proportion of estimated anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden. According to rough estimates, different cropping systems give rise to different subsidence rates and, since some of this subsidence originates from oxidation of organic material, soil respiration may also vary with...
Conference Paper
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The aim of the study was to investigate whether reed canarygrass is a better option when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions and yield than grass ley in the production of substrates for biogas reactors. Reed canarygrass can withstand a higher groundwater level while maintaining a high production and competes well for the nitrogen in the soil. Gree...
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Methods used to estimate the CO2 emission from soil commonly measure the total CO2 flux. To be able to quantify the net CO2 emission from cultivated peat soils there is a need to distinguish between soil organic matter-derived CO2 respiration and plant-derived respiration. In this investigation we used the root exclusion method to separate the plan...
A lysimeter method using undisturbed soil columns was used to investigate the effect of water table depth and soil properties on soil organic matter decomposition and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cultivated peat soils. The study was carried out using cultivated organic soils from two locations in Sweden: Örke, a typical cultivated fen peat w...
Conference Paper
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Approximately 15 percent of Sweden's land area is covered by peat ( 30 cm deep). In drained peatlands, decomposition of the peat produces greenhouse gases such as CO2 and N2O. Electric conductivity, measured with the instrument EM38, can be used to assess spatial variation in soil properties. To easier decide the quantity of the CO2-emissions from...
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Greenhouse gas emissions and peat subsidence are major concerns both from an environmental perspective and for farmers with declining soil production capacity. Agricultural databases, digitised maps of quaternary deposits and 40K radiation have been used in a GIS analysis to estimate the distribution and land use of agricultural organic soils in Sw...
Digitised maps of Quaternary deposits, 40K radiation data and Integrated Agricultural Control System databases (IACS) were used in a GIS analysis to estimate the distribution and land use of agricultural peat and gyttja soils in Sweden. The total area of agricultural land (cropland and pastures) in Sweden was estimated at 3,496,665 ha and 8.6% of t...
A lysimeter method was evaluated for its suitability in gas emission studies by studying the effect of temperature on CO2 emissions (dark respiration) from cultivated peat soils. The study was carried out with organic soils from two locations in Sweden, a typical cultivated fen peat with low pH and high organic matter content (Örke) and a more unco...
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The objective was to study if the farmer by choosing drainage depth can mitigate the emission of CO2. A lysimeter study was carried out with organic soils from two locations, Örke, a very well decomposed fen peat with low pH and high organic matter content and Majnegården, a well decomposed fen peat with high pH and low organic matter content. A dr...
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Digitised maps of Quaternary deposits, 40K radiation and agricultural databases (IACS) were used to estimate the distribution and land use of agricultural organic soils in Sweden. The total area of agricultural land (cropland and pastures) in Sweden 2003 was estimated to be 3 496 665 ha and 8.7% of this area (301 487 ha) was classified as agricultu...
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Syftet med denna studie har varit att göra en uppskattning av arealen odlad organogen jord i Sverige, analysera vad som odlas på dessa jordar samt se hur odlingen förändrats sedan 1999 och fram till idag (2008). Det går med relativt stor noggrannhet att bestämma arealen odlad organogen jord med hjälp av Sveriges Geologiska Undersöknings (SGU) jorda...
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Den spatiala variationen i markegenskaper och koldioxidavgång från en odlad torvjord på Bälinge mossar undersöktes under hösten 2008 och våren 2009. Variationen jämfördes också med konduktivitetsvärden (uppmätta med EM38) och strålningsdata från Cs137, U238, Th232 och K40 (uppmätta med "The Mole"). Variationen uppmätt med EM38 visade på stabila var...
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Digitised maps of Quaternary deposits, 40K radiation and agricultural databases (IACS) were used to estimate the distribution and land use of agricultural organic soils in Sweden. The total area of agricultural land (cropland and pastures) in Sweden was estimated to be 3 496 665 ha and 8.7% of this area (300 487 ha) was classified as agricultural o...
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Soil structure index is a method to evaluate the physical status of the soil and the effect of the farming system on soil structure. The index consists of three parts. One part where basic soil physical requirements are checked, a farming system part where yearly measures by the farmer are evaluated and finally a soil structure field test. In the...


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