Odile RohmerUniversity of Strasbourg | UNISTRA · Laboratoire de Psychologie des Cognitions
Odile Rohmer
Professor in social psychology
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Social Cognition, prejudice and discrimination, stereotyping, disability, inclusion, emotional well-being
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September 2004 - August 2007
September 2004 - August 2007
September 2007 - present
Publications (113)
Le retour au travail après un cancer est une préoccupation majeure en France. Des freins sont exprimés par les personnes malades, mais aussi par les employeurs souvent démunis face à cette situation. Or, peu d’études se sont focalisées sur l’origine des difficultés des employeurs à ce sujet. En s’appuyant sur la littérature en psychologie sociale,...
Cultural theory and the psychometric paradigm are two frameworks proposed to explain risk perceptions, mostly used independently of each other. On the one hand, psychometric research identified key characteristics of hazards responsible for their level of perceived riskiness. On the other hand, cultural studies provided evidence that different worl...
La Théorie Culturelle (Douglas & Wildavsky, 1982) défend l'idée que les valeurs socioculturelles (VSC ; égalitarisme, hiérarchisme-individualisme et fatalisme) auxquelles les individus adhèrent contribuent à la façon dont ils jugent les technologies ou les situations risquées. Les individus adhérant à l’égalitarisme perçoivent par exemple ce qui vi...
Le premier objectif de cette étude était d’observer, à partir des attendus de la recherche, les pratiques enseignantes pour développer la conscience phonologique des élèves pré-lecteurs. Le second objectif était de déterminer si celles-ci varient en fonction de l’origine socio-économique des élèves. Ces pratiques ont été observées en situation réel...
While it has been established that inclusive education training enhances attitudes and self-efficacy, which are predictors of burnout, the specific relation between these constructs has not yet been investigated. In this study, the impact of an online training course was assessed using a pretest-intervention-posttest design. The interest constructs...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has had devastating effects on the Ukrainian population and the global economy, environment, and political order. However, little is known about the psychological states surrounding the outbreak of war, particularly the mental well-being of individuals outside Ukraine. Here, we present a longitu...
According to cognitive-dissonance theory, performing counterattitudinal behavior produces a state of dissonance that people are motivated to resolve, usually by changing their attitude to be in line with their behavior. One of the most popular experimental paradigms used to produce such attitude change is the induced-compliance paradigm. Despite it...
Exposure to public stigma can lead to the internalization of autism-related stigma (i.e., self-stigma), associated with negative health, occupational and social outcomes. Importantly, self-stigma is linked to shame and social isolation. Although elevated self-stigma has been reported in autistic adults, to the best of our knowledge, in...
Malgré le développement d’une école souhaitée toujours plus inclusive, les élèves en situation de handicap (ESH) ne poursuivent pas toujours au lycée après le collège. Cet article examine le regard des enseignant·es vis-à-vis de ces élèves, particulièrement lorsqu’ils ou elles bénéficient d’aménagements dans leur scolarité. Plus précisément, en rai...
The literature suggests that people with invisible disabilities face more social difficulties than those with visible ones. Thus, the visibility criterion can constitute a core factor to understand the stigmatisation of people with disabilities. The main aim of this research is to examine if the “warm but incompetent” stereotype associated with dis...
We present a global experience‐sampling method (ESM) study aimed at describing, predicting, and understanding individual differences in well‐being during times of crisis such as the COVID‐19 pandemic. This international ESM study is a collaborative effort of over 60 interdisciplinary researchers from around the world in the “Coping with Corona” (Co...
We present a global experience-sampling method (ESM) study aimed at describing, predicting, and understanding individual differences in well-being during times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This international ESM study is a collaborative effort of over 60 interdisciplinary researchers from around the world in the “Coping with Corona” (Co...
People with mental disorders face frequent stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors from others. Importantly, they can internalize such negative attitudes and thus self-stigmatize. Self-stigma is involved in diminished coping skills leading to social avoidance and difficulties in adhering to care. Reducing self-stigma and its emotional corol...
The present study examines the poor fit between the idea of school meritocracy and the successful inclusion of students with special educational needs (SEN). Because students with SEN are assigned negative stereotypes related to suffering, failure, and difficulty regarding their school achievement, we argue that, if they succeed at levels comparabl...
Building on the Stereotype Content Model, the present work examined the heterogeneity of the stereotypes about older people. We aimed to broaden the range of perceived predictors of competence in older people and included respect in addition to status. Seventeen subtypes were selected in a pilot study (n = 77). The main study was conducted on a Fre...
People with mental disorders face frequent stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors from others. Importantly, they can internalize such negative attitudes and thus self-stigmatize. Self-stigma is involved in diminished coping skills leading to social avoidance and difficulties in adhering to care. Reducing self-stigma and its emotional cor...
In this theoretical article we present our hypothesis on the incompatibility of the inclusive education policy toward students with special educational needs with the meritocratic principle of education. If considering and recognizing the needs of these students is necessary to achieve a successful inclusive environment, we propose that this goal c...
While social neuroscience has already provided evidence for a deficit of affective empathy in racial prejudice, little is known about other less visible social categories when considered as an outgroup. We studied the process of empathy through event-related brain potentials (ERPs). We focused on the group "people with disabilities" as they are the...
It is crucial to understand why people comply with measures to contain viruses and their effects during pandemics. We provide evidence from 35 countries ( N total = 12,553) from 6 continents during the COVID-19 pandemic (between 2021 and 2022) obtained via cross-sectional surveys that the social perception of key protagonists on two basic dimension...
Teachers' level of knowledge regarding autism and their attitudes towards inclusion are major levers for the successful schooling of autistic students. However, there are currently insufficient validated tools for evaluating these two concepts among teachers that are adapted to the French context and to the constraints of the classroom...
De nombreux pays soutiennent l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap. Toutefois, notre société semble encore peiner à octroyer le droit à la citoyenneté à l’ensemble des personnes en situation de handicap, y compris dans un contexte aussi fondamental que celui de l’école. Sans un processus d’inclusion efficace, ces enfants se retrouvent...
The goal of this research is to evaluate the effect of priming the knowledge of the social valorization of a certain type of stress beliefs on people's blame judgments about a person in psychological distress at work. Specifically, we want to activate the knowledge that beliefs about either positive or negative consequences of stress (« Stress-is-e...
There is clear evidence that people with mental disability suffer from discrimination at school, at work, and in society. Less is known about the psychological processes and perceptions that guide such behaviors and even less if these perceptions vary according to the type of disability. Our objective was to build on well-established social psychol...
Contemporary approaches of impression formation and stereotypes celebrate the role of the Big Two in social evaluation: the horizontal and vertical dimensions (Abele et al., 2021). Recently, interest has grown in making further distinctions within each of these dimensions (Abele et al., 2008). Here, we focused on the vertical facets, namely, assert...
L’inclusion des élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers (BEP), malgré une réelle volonté politique devant la favoriser, reste difficile à mettre en place (Lambert & Frederickson, 2015). Dans nos travaux, nous proposons qu’une des explications à cette difficulté se trouve en partie, dans le fait qu’elle serait incompatible avec la norme de méritocra...
It is crucial to understand why people comply with measures to contain viruses and their effects during pandemics. We provide evidence from 35 countries (Ntotal = 12,553) from six continents during the COVID-19 pandemic that the social perception of key protagonists on two basic dimensions of social perception – warmth and competence – played a cru...
Les auteur·es de cet ouvrage sont des enseignant·es-chercheur·es en psychologie sociale et des enseignant·es de terrain. Sur la base de travaux scientifiques rigoureux, ils proposent des pistes d'analyse sur les obstacles et les leviers à la scolarisation des élèves en situation de handicap. Parmi les questions traitées se trouve notamment celle du...
Ce symposium réunit des communications qui visent à explorer les dimensions du jugement social à travers les facettes qui les composent. Il s'agira ainsi d'explorer de nouvelles perspectives de recherche sur la perception sociale à travers la présentation d'un panel de travaux s'intéressant aux relations entre les dimensions fondamentales du jugeme...
Malgré son inscription dans les réformes consécutives pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, l’inclusion des élèves « à besoins éducatifs particuliers » (BEP) reste encore difficile (Lambert & Frederickson, 2015).
En effet, puisqu’elle nécessite de prendre en compte les « spécificités » des élèves dans leur scolarité, elle apparait comme incompa...
Western countries have placed a lot of importance on school inclusion policies in the last decade. Strong promotion of these policies encourages teachers to express egalitarian attitudes and behaviours towards all students. However, at the same time teachers may experience feelings of discomfort because of perceived difficulties and powerlessness i...
People with autism spectrum disorder are frequently exposed to public stigma which can lead to numerous negative health, occupational and social outcomes. Public stigma can also be assimilated by patients themselves. Interiorized-stigma or self-stigma is a process of identity transformation in which patients accept the negative stereo...
Medical comics are a suitable educational tool for paediatric populations. The emotions conveyed by the characters should not evoke negative feelings, which could then be associated with care or caregivers. The eyes and mouth are the first areas of the face to be analysed. One study attempted to assess the ability of children to perceive the emotio...
Self‐judgement is known to play a crucial role in academic achievement, and as such, may be expected to have an impact on students with dyslexia. Their self‐judgements may reflect the negative stereotype of low competence that targets people with disabilities. Their repeated academic failures may lead to a negative association between “school” and...
De nombreuses recherches en psychologie sociale s’accordent actuellement pour considérer que le jugement social repose sur deux dimensions fondamentales, appelées dans le cadre de la théorie de la valeur sociale : désirabilité et utilité sociale. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser dans quelle mesure deux sous-dimensions de l’utilité sociale (i...
The positive attitudes of teachers toward inclusive education appear to be necessary to successfully implement this policy. The present research, conducted within the French context, seeks to replicate the previous findings regarding students’ type of disability or teachers’ status and extend them by specifically examining the interaction between t...
Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are less included within mainstream educational systems. We argued that teachers’ attitudes toward their inclusion represent a key factor to understand this issue. Based on previous research showing that teachers are frequently reluctant to include them in mainstream education, we hypothesized...
The involvement of the central nervous system is not rare in rheumatoid diseases. Even though children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) may face academic difficulties until adulthood, very few studies have evaluated potential cognitive disorders in these patients. The present research aims to thoroughly investigate the cognitive...
Research has shown that negative attitudes toward a different child can appear very early in development. Unfortunately, these negative attitudes are one of the most important barriers to the school inclusion of children with autism. Despite the increasing amount of research, no tool reliably measures these attitudes among young students. The objec...
In front of the diversity of needs and difficulties faced by students in order to succeed in French universities, and in particular those in situation of handicap, our study focuses on the approach of the universal conception of learning as a pedagogic scheme to en-courage success in university courses. This study analyses the pedagogic practices t...
The involvement of the central nervous system is not rare in rheumatoid diseases. Even though children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) may face academic difficulties until adulthood, very few studies have evaluated potential cognitive disorders in these patients. The present research aims to thoroughly investigate the cognitive...
Teachers are caught between the injunction of an inclusive school for all students and the logistic difficulties of such prescriptions. As a consequence, they might be tolerant toward a discriminating peer when they justify the exclusion of students with disability with benevolent arguments. Indeed, people are more likely to accept discriminatory b...
La littérature scientifique montre qu’il existe un lien entre position fœtale en fin de gestation, développement de la latéralité et troubles du développement. Toutefois, un manque de consensus existe quant à la nature des relations existant entre degré de latéralisation et développement cognitif. Certaines positions théoriques considèrent que les...
In Western societies, statistics on the integration of people with disabilities into the labor market consistently indicate that this category of workers faces serious discrimination. Research has evidenced negative perceptions about their occupational skills, despite positive beliefs about their personal qualities. The main purpose of this study w...
L’hémophilie se caractérise par un déficit d’un facteur de coagulation du sang, avec pour conséquence possible des hémorragies internes ou externes. Cette pathologie est actuellement très bien soignée et la scolarité des enfants en milieu ordinaire ne comporte pas de danger au quotidien. Néanmoins, ces élèves sont davantage en difficultés scolaires...
Dans le contexte scolaire, de nombreuses mesures législatives récentes comme la loi de février 2005 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées, font la promotion de l'inclusion scolaire de tous les enfants, sans aucune distinction, qu’ils soient en situation de handicap ou non. Ces mesures...
Positive judgments on the Self are good predictors of academic achievement. It could be useful to benefit from an instrument able to assess how pupils elaborate self-judgments. So far, such a tool does not exist. The purpose of the present study was to develop a self-report measure of social judgment for children at school (the School Social Judgme...
Objectives: This article examines whether sports practice can influence the stereotype content associated with people with physical disability from the viewpoint of people without disability. Design: Both implicit and explicit stereotypes were assessed for people with disability compared with people without disability (Study 1), people with disabil...
Building on the two fundamental dimensions of social judgment distinguishing communion from agency, the purpose of the present work was to show that the strength of the relationship between social status and agency depends on specific component at issue: assertiveness, competence and effort. Four experimental studies were conducted using two comple...
Building on the two fundamental dimensions of social judgment distinguishing communion from agency, the purpose of the present work was to show that the strength of the relationship between social status and agency depends on specific component at issue: assertiveness, competence and effort. Four experimental studies were conducted using two comple...
Colorectal surgery has an important impact on a patient’s quality of life, and postoperative rehabilitation shows large variations. To enhance the understanding of recovery after colorectal cancer, health-related quality of life has become a standard outcome measurement for clinical care and research. Therefore, we aimed to correlate the...
The present research aimed to contribute to a better understanding of why discrimination towards persons with disability persists despite legislation promoting equal rights. We analyzed the stereotype content (warmth and competence) and prejudiced attitudes associated with persons with disability at an explicit and an implicit level. Study 1 examin...
En référence aux modèles actuels dans le domaine du jugement social, l’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser comment les personnes en situation de handicap sont jugées dans un contexte éducatif (Étude 1) et professionnel (Étude 2). Les participants sans handicap devaient évaluer des personnes avec ou sans handicap, sur des traits reflétant les prin...
Le double objectif de cette recherche a été de mettre en évidence l’impact des interactions sociales dans les prises de décisions en radiothérapie et d'identifier en quoi ces décisions peuvent être liées à des risques potentiels pour le patient. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé l’activité réelle de préparation des traitements des patients au sein...
The present research further extends recent data revealing implicit attitude towards persons with disability, with the aim to explore if meditation practice can reduce automatic mental processes initiating prejudice. Forty adult experienced meditators and 34 meditation-naïve individuals performed an evaluative priming task. None of them presented a...
Focusing on the two fundamental dimensions underlying stereotype content (warmth/competence), the major aim of the present research was to test implicit stereotyping toward persons with disability. We hypothesized that persons with disability are associated with less warmth than persons without disability and with less competence, especially when a...
This study tested the effect of voter's political orientation on the importance they placed on agency, competence, morality, and sociability as qualities required for being President of the French Republic. It furthermore assessed the participants' judgments of the five main candidates of the French Presidential Election of 2012 on those dimensions...
This study tested the effect of voter’s political orientation on the importance they placed on agency, competence, morality, and sociability as qualities required for being President of the French Republic. It furthermore assessed the participants’ judgments of the five main candidates of the French Presidential Election of 2012 on those dimensions...
L’objectif de notre recherche est de mesurer l’évaluation de soi en termes de valeur sociale de collégiens dyslexiques. Nos résultats indiquent que les jeunes dyslexiques s’attribuent moins d’utilité sociale comparativement à des collégiens sans troubles des apprentissages. En particulier, ils se dévalorisent sur les compétences. Cette auto-...
L’objectif de notre recherche est de mesurer comment l’évaluation de soi de collégiens dyslexiques reflète le jugement que leurs professeurs portent sur eux. Après avoir demandé à des collégiens dyslexiques et des professeurs du même collège de remplir un questionnaire d’attribution de valeur sociale, nos résultats indiquent que les collégie...
Research consistently showed that stress and organizational change are closely related.Objective
This study was conducted to identify the psychosocial job characteristics that are responsible for psychological stress in a context of organizational change.Method
An expanded 30-item version of the Job Content Questionnaire was used to measure psychol...
A great deal of recent work has found that two fundamental dimensions underlie social judgment. The most common labels used to denote these dimensions are agency versus communion, and competence versus warmth. The present work aimed to disentangle agency understood as the motivation to promote the self from competence understood as ability, and to...
There is a broad consensus' about the bidimensional structure of social judgment. These two dimensions have received various designations, such as agency-communion or competence-warmth. However, the concepts of agency and competence as presented in literature on social judgment seem to reflect different realities rather than simple interchangeable...
The current literature suggests that there are two fundamental dimensions of social value that underlie social judgments: social desirability and social utility. The purpose of the present research is to explore whether two components of social utility (i.e., competence and effort) have distinct roles in predicting academic success among students p...
There is a broad consensus about the bidimensional structure of social judgment. These two dimensions have received various designations, such as agency-communion or competence-warmth. However, the concepts of agency and competence as presented in literature on social judgment seem to reflect different realities rather than simple interchangeable d...
The present study investigated the effects of nocturnal railway noise on waking EEG and cognitive performance in persons who had been living for more than 10 years either near a railway track (RW) or in a quiet environment (QE). Forty subjects divided into two groups depending on their living environment spent three nights in the laboratory: one ha...
In three experimental studies, the effects of priming participants with the disability stereotype were investigated with respect to their subsequent motor performance. Also explored were effects of activating two similar stereotypes, persons with a disability and elderly people. In Study 1, participants were primed with the disability stereotype ve...
The present research aimed to show that the mixed stereotype content of persons with disability observed at an explicit level does not manifest itself using implicit measures. Two experimental studies were conducted to analyse the stereotype content of persons with a disability at the implicit level. The procedure used in this study was the concept...
Respiratory events during sleep usually lead to micro arousals resulting in consecutive daytime sleepiness even in healthy snorers. The present study investigated the evolution of subjective and objective daytime sleepiness and reaction time in healthy snorers submitted to acute and chronic sleep deprivation.
Objective sleepiness was measured by th...