Oana ŞerbanUniversity of Bucharest | Unibuc · Faculty of Philosophy
Oana Şerban
PhD Lecturer
Teaching philosophy (modern philosophy, aesthetics, biopolitics) at the Faculty of Philosophy and the UNESCO Chair - UB
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Publications (52)
About Kuhn we have already read, in 60 years since the release of the Structure of Scientific Revolutions, critiques portraying him as a transgressor, a visionary, a reformist of the history and philosophy of science. But to achieve all this capital of notoriety and to raise a tradition by itself – for which many turned the partisanship for his con...
This article tackles the role of emotions in convincing on the dualism advanced by Descartes, closely following the constitution of love at the edge of modus cognoscendi and modus volendi. The following two questions inspire the reflection on love as a spiritual exercise and a constitutive emotion for (self)knowledge: Does love represent a core-emo...
Social Bodies: In Search of a Pascalian Politics. This article tackles the possibility of briefly sketching Pascalian politics emerging from Bourdieu's Pascalian Meditations. Inspired by Pascal's reflections on space, faith, the logic of heart, or the role of emotions on corporeal actions, Bourdieu conceives a sociological work blurred with philoso...
cercetare a istoriei și circulației ideilor filosofice Unfulfilled biopolitics: the metaphilosophy of Edgar Morin or what's left of the metodical civilisation of the homo sapiens? This article tackles the philosophical inheritance of Edgar Morin by questioning its biopolitical insights. Closely reflecting on metaphilosophy as a reaction to both pos...
This article tackles the possibility to understand the process of curating the digital self by treating virtual identities as a form of anti-art. The museification of the world engaged by social networks such as Instagram, a platform canonically devoted to visual content, seems to restore the Dada tradition of the photomontage, as well as the turn...
Trebuie să citiți "O vară cu Rimbaud", a lui Sylvain Tesson, proaspăt ieșită de sub tipar, la Cartea Românească Educațional; o carte pe care am tradus-o sperând că va fi un remediu bun pentru plictiseala sau dezgustul de viață.
În Franța culturii biopolitice, acolo unde lockdown-ul a fost printre cele mai dure măsuri – mă feresc să spun încă macron...
This article is devoted to the so-called “passionate thought” that Hobbes coins in the Leviathan, as a particular manner to reshape, by modern perspectives and tools, the scholastic relationship between reason and passions, tracked as motions of the soul, either natural or voluntary. The main aim of this research is to explain to what extent the Ar...
Bauman coined liquid modernity as a metaphor to describe the implications of constant mobility in reconsidering the social and artistic ecosystems of our contemporary culture that tends to adopt a global turn. The Western world had to confront the crisis of ideologies, whereas supremacy and patriarchy are progressively dismantled. In this context,...
This edited collection examines alternative or entangled modernities as competitive narratives that blend ethics, aesthetics, and critical thinking to depict the human condition. It includes chapters covering the rivalry between scientific and aesthetic revolutions; contemporary trends in postmodernity; and study-cases on visual arts and cinema. Th...
This edited collection examines alternative or entangled modernities as competitive narratives that blend ethics, aesthetics, and critical thinking to depict the human condition. It includes chapters covering the rivalry between scientific and aesthetic revolutions; contemporary trends in postmodernity; and study-cases on visual arts and cinema....
Inspired by Bourdieu’s thought, this book explores the notion of cultural capital, offering insights into its various definitions, its evolution and the critical theories that engage with it.
Designed for use by students and teachers, it addresses the limitations and expansion of Bourdieu's theory of capital and power, considering the relationship...
The main aim of this article is to highlight the role of digital tools and social-media in reproducing two phenomena closely criticized by Bourdieu, the rise of cultural capital-partially shaped by knowledge and educational contents-and the reproduction of social inequalities. As Bourdieu is canonical for the sociology and philosophy of education,...
This paper tackles the role of social-media in performing biopolitical incursions into the so-called "immunization" process that harmed communities and collateral victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war deal with, in overcoming abusive actions policies applied by aggressors. My argument is that within the era of post-truth, social-media transgresses a...
The aim of this article is to explain to what extent the mechanisms of truth-telling diagnostics and other relevant information to the patients suffering from vascular dementia (VaD) must be adapted to the seven stages of evolution represented by the pathology of this disease. We argue in favor of preserving a deontological moral approach of truth-...
This book reflects the most recent research devoted to a systematized perspective and a critical (re)construction of previous theoretical attempts of explaining, justifying and continuing Kuhn’s ingenious hypothesis in arts. Hofstadter, Clignet and Habermas revealed to be the most engaged scholars in solving this aesthetic "puzzled-problem". In thi...
This paper tackles the role of social-media in performing biopolitical incursions into the so-called "immunization" process that harmed communities and collateral victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war deal with, in overcoming abusive actions policies applied by aggressors. My argument is that within the era of post-truth, social-media transgresses a...
Știm toți vechea poveste, deoarece pare realistă: bogăția lumii, sărăcirea existențelor; triumful capitalului, lichidarea științei de a trăi; suprasolicitarea finanțelor, „proletarizarea” și unificarea stilurilor de viață, prin industrializarea gunoiului-kitsch și a produselor de unică folosință, interschimbabile, fără sens – capitalismul este o ma...
Găsiți în paginile acestei lucrări trei cărți reunite: "Ca un cântec de speranță", "Ghidul celor rătăciți" și "Osana fără sfârșit". O luciditate copleșitoare și un spirit de avangardă fac ca aceste cărți să fie printre cele mai bune testamente filosofice citite vreodată. Au dragostea de viață din "Amor fără miză" și echilibrul specific povestirilor...
As the 21st century became shaped by the matters of public health, the Covid-19 pandemic revealed that it is a trap to believe that we have to choose between the medicalisation of politics and the politicisation of medicine. My thesis is that models of good governance in the post-pandemic world must be shaped by leftist principles, values and pract...
„Cartea pe care o citiți acum vă oferă prilejul de a gândi împreună cu un grup remarcabil de teologi și de filosofi, cercetători și profesori la unele dintre cele mai importante facultăți de profil sau institute de cercetări din țară, asupra unei teme cruciale atât pentru teologie și filosofie, ca domenii sistematice ale științelor umaniste, cât și...
Deși avem așteptarea de a găsi o lucrare de nuanță scolastică, teza de licență a lui Mircea Eliade e, mai degrabă, o evaluare a Renașterii din perspectiva intersecției dintre metafizică, religie și artă. Cei pasionați de filosofie vor găsi, în aceste pagini, începutul unui demers de cercetare care viza nouă capitole: doar trei au fost scrise în ved...
The multiple facets of this volume belong to five large themes. The first theme, that of persuasion and manipulation, is studied here through electoral campaigns (i.e., mental filters used in voting manipulation, the mechanisms of vote mobilisation, manipulation and storytelling models). The institutionalization of education represents the second t...
The multiple facets of this volume belong to five large themes. The first theme, that of persuasion and manipulation, is studied here through electoral campaigns (i.e., mental filters used in voting manipulation, the mechanisms of vote mobilisation, manipulation and storytelling models). The institutionalization of education represents the second t...
Teza lui Anton Dumitriu este una avangardistă: Occidentul se întoarce împotriva lui însuși. Vestul e miracolul inteligenței care se autodistruge. Cele mai mari finaluri din istorie sunt cele autodistructive, iar Occidentul are parte de așa ceva.
Occidentul este paradigma cuceririi naturii de către om. O falsă stăpânire. Orientul însă e cel care la...
Volumul de față deschide seria unor compendii dedicate traducerii și interpretării unor texte semnificative, care au marcat estetica și filosofia artei în secolele XIX și XX.
Ceci n’est pas Heidegger. The Representation of Nothing: From “Van Gogh’s
Shoes” to Magritte’s Pipe. This article explores the correspondence between Heidegger’s
interpretation on Van Gogh’s paintings and Foucault’s reading of Magritte’s so-called
tableau-objet. These cases reflect contemporary understandings of the relationship between representat...
The main aim of this paper is to examine the tangible forms of cultural heritage represented by European hospital buildings from states across the Black Sea that are still functional or have been closed, and that are subjected, due to the lack of sustainable financial means for conservation and restoration, to degradation, abandonment, and destruct...
The main aim of this chapter is to argue in favor of a biopolitical potential of art. The ideational foundation of the biopolitical potential of art is rooted in Foucault’s considerations on biopolitics and modern art, albeit the French philosopher has never explicitly assumed that an inherent connection between these two is arguable. Nevertheless,...
The main aim of this chapter is to argue in favor of a biopolitical potential of art. The ideational foundation of the biopolitical potential of art is rooted in Foucault’s considerations on biopolitics and modern art, albeit the French philosopher has never explicitly assumed that an inherent connection between these two is arguable. Nevertheless,...
The aim of this paper is to examine and define the transpolitical individualism as expression of the postcommunist transition to democracy, based on the analysis that Gilles Lipovetsky devoted to the French revolution of May’68. This historical moment has been regarded not only as a powerful instrument to achieve the so-called privatization of post...
This research explores the modernist trajectories of Constantin Brâncuşi's masterpieces, raised in affinity with formal expressions of non-Western culture and art, such as Romanian peasant traditions or African rituals and artefacts. In a boarder sense, these cultural nuances trace the transnational roots of Brâncuşi's portfolio, which remain of pe...
At 50 years from May ’68 and 150 years from the moment when Marx’s Capital was published, revisiting the Situationist International appears to be one of the most urgent tasks that any attentive observer of the effects of the French “intellectual revolution” must fulfil in order to explain the cultural synchronicities and mutual interdependencies be...
This book brings together scholars from different fields of the humanities around the question of the contemporaryEuropean identity, revealing philosophical, linguistic, historical and artistic insights into the challenge of rebordering and rebranding Europe through the practices of multiculturalism.The European legacy of marginality brought our cr...
There are no more than 100 years since Octavio Paz’s birthday and no less than 27 years from his Nobel Prize Lecture, “In the Search of the Present”. This double anniversary praises, in fact, the modern spirit of Octavio Paz’s writings, either as poetical meditations or as cultural inquiries. Nevertheless, when it comes to modernity, provisional ex...
The main aim of this article is to investigate the conceptual and normative constitution of a critical-social theory of artistic capitalism, following its definition proposed by Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy. In the first part of my research, I will discuss the double character of art, that of being simultaneously autonomous and a social fact....
The aim of this paper is to reshape the so-called Jewish question from the Bauer-Marx dispute in order to extract the coordinates of what I consider being the “immunitarian” modern project for transnational minorities, constituted on the grounds and means of secular criticism. In my opinion, this very problematic concept of “transnational minoritie...
This article takes up Lipovetsky‟s discussion on artistic capitalism in L’esthétisation du monde. Vivre à l’âge du capitalisme artiste, to trace its definitions and methodological construction, but also in order to create a critical theory of artistic capitalism, based on the following working- hypothesis: the production of art and
the production...
The aim of this paper is to examine and define a potential new aesthetic paradigm for the genealogy of artistic representations, inspired by Foucault’s critique of museums as heterotopias, developed in his essay, “Different Spaces”, from 1967. The working hypothesis is that, by resort to this premise, it might be constituted a critique of the work...
The main aim of this article is to examine the contrast between humanism and anti-humanism as two different modern paradigms of considering the individual's relationship with nature. My thesis is that ecology, as an ideological discourse, reshaped the both the democratic and totalitarian perspectives on humanism and anti-humanism by addressing libe...
"Autorul acestei carti, Oana serban, indrazneste sa puna in chip frontal cateva intrebari fundamentale cu privire la sensul de evolutie al societatii actuale. Pentru aceasta dificila intreprindere teoretica recurge la aducerea in planul din fata al analizei sale - uneori chiar temerare, tinand seama de idiosincrasii notorii existente in spatiul pub...
The main aim of this article is to analyse the relationship between two innovative concepts—the technoself and process identity—from a perspective inspired by process ontology. The working hypothesis is that industrialized and mass societies entered into a post-industrial or informational sphere of capitalism, becoming networking societies—also kno...
The Kuhnian Premises for a Theory of the Aesthetic Validity. The Limits of Applying the Model of the Structure of Scientific Revolutions in Art. Inspired by the polemics between E.M. Hafner and Th. Kuhn on the applicability of the structure of scientific revolutions in art, the main aim of this research is to examine and define the " aesthetic vali...
The aim of this paper is to analyse and define a certain perspective on Foucault's pragmatism, from a methodological perspective. The working hypothesis is that Foucault's pragmatism is based on a methodological dualism, resulted from the synergy of archaeology and genealogy as two traditions of critical inquiry, that are applied to perform problem...
This article aims to coin the concept of “democratic attraction / affect” meaning the power of the cinema, as mass art, to produce the truth both in theory and in practice, as ideology and liberation. My working hypothesis is inspired by Alain Badiou’s perspective on cinema as a paradoxical relationship between an aristocratic component – determine...
The aim of this paper is to examine the sublime’s reception in iconoclasm, criticizing the following three thesis, with philosophical, cultural and aesthetical incursions: (1) Both in art and theology, God’s transcendence and unrepresentability “ought not to accept the opposition between God and nature set up by modern philosophy, nor between subli...
Raportată la critica nietzscheană a subiectului ca destituire a cogito-ului cartesian, miza acestui articol constă în probarea ipotezei de lucru potrivit căreia istoria subiectivităţii moderne traversează un moment de cotitură, dedicat gândirii ca moment epistemologic. Odată cu proiectul voinţei de putere, Nietzsche propune regândirea cogito-ului c...
The Lawlikeness of Aesthetic Value between Autonomy and Power. The aim of this article is to research the lawlikeness of aesthetic value, as well as its autonomy, following Hartmann's interpretation of the aesthetic object as " a relation of apparition ". Therefore, I operate the distinction between real and unreal as an explanatory ontological mod...
The aim of this paper is to examine and define artistic capitalism as the expression of the postmodern culture of authenticity, based on the analysis that Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy dedicated to the hedonist individualism that dominates the contemporary societies of consumption, regarded not only as part of the historical civilization of the...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the relation between possibility and potentiality
that exists in forgiving the Other’s death, following Jankélévitch’s philosophical assumptions,
which claims that the Subject’s quality is changing depending on different moral roles
and values that the Person takes in exercising the forgiveness itself. Therefore,...