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Publications (69)
Clay minerals are the source of many chemical and physical properties that influence the provision of soil-based ecosystem services. This study aimed to identify the most significant soil characteristics contributing to the spatial variability of clay minerals in a semi-arid region of Turkiye. Additionally, the study assessed the predictive capabil...
Carbon sequestration in earth surface is higher than the atmosphere, and the amount of carbon stored in wetlands is much greater than all other land surfaces. The purpose of this study was to estimate soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) and investigate spatial distribution pattern of Yuksekova wetlands and surrounding lands in Hakkari province of Tur...
Carbon sequestration in earth surface is higher than the atmosphere, and the amount of carbon stored in wetlands is much
greater than all other land surfaces. The purpose of this study was to estimate soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) and investigate spatial distribution pattern of Yuksekova wetlands and surrounding lands in Hakkari province of Tu...
zet Su kaynaklarına nitrat ve fosfatın aşırı deşarjı, nehir ve göl gibi yüzey sularının ötrofikasyonuna neden olurken, insan sağlığını ve su canlılarının yaşamlarını da tehdit etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Hakkâri ili için en değerli tarım arazilerinin yer aldığı ve tüm bölge için çeşitli ekosistem hizmetlerinin üretildiği Nehil Sazlığına sahip olan Yüks...
The differences in land use can potentially affect soil quality. In this respect, this study sought to assess the long-term effect of horticulture and arable lands on the soil quality of the clayey Arıklı soils (Entic Chromoxerert). Physical, chemical, biological and fertility indicators of the soil were analyzed to determine the soil quality index...
Carbon sequestration in earth surface is higher than the atmosphere, and the amount of carbon stored in wetlands is much greater than all other land surfaces. The purpose of this study was to estimate soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) and investigate spatial distribution pattern of Yuksekova wetlands and surrounding lands in Hakkari province of Tur...
Rational planning of soil resources based on their capabilities are needed for the sustainable use of agricultural lands. Land suitability classification is an important evaluation tool for the management of soil resources. This study aimed to evaluate the land suitability for wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation using an approach that integrates...
Soil salinity is a major land degradation process reducing biological productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Therefore, its effective monitoring and management is inevitable. Recent developments in remote sensing technology have made it possible to accurately identify and effectively monitor soil salinity. Hence, this study determined salinity...
Agricultural practices should be carefully monitored for long-term impacts on soil quality to avoid further deterioration in ecosystem services provided by soils. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of two conventional (CT), three reduced (RT) and two no-till (NT) tillage practices on soil quality of a clayey soil in a ten...
Improved soil health is essential to sustain agricultural production. Therefore, understanding the effects of management on soil health is crucial to implement new agricultural practices. This study aimed to assess the effects of long-term tillage systems on biochemical indicators of a Typic Haploxerert soil under winter wheat-soybean-corn rotation...
Prevention of agricultural land degradation due to the natural or anthropogenic impacts and recovery of degraded
lands have recently become among the strategic targets of many countries. In this context, the concept of land degradation
neutrality (LDN) is defined as an indicator of reducing the rate of land degradation and increasing the rate of im...
Maintaining and improving the quality of soils are vital to provide the food and fiber demands of increasing human population and support the sustainability of the ecosystem services. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of land use change on soil quality and related functions of natural grassland and adjacent cropland which has been use...
Current agricultural practices and their impacts on the sustainability of crop production can be evaluated by simple and reliable soil structure assessment tools. The study was conducted to determine the effects of long‐term (2006‐2017) tillage systems on structural quality of a clayey soil using the visual evaluation of soil structure (VESS) and c...
Toprakta devam eden birçok
fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik süreç üzerine önemli düzeyde etkiye sahip olan
parçacık büyüklük dağılımının doğru belirlenmesi, süreçler hakkında daha doğru
yorum yapılabilmesini mümkün kılacaktır. Bu çalışmada, organik madde (OM)
uzaklaştırılması ön muamelesinin kil içerikleri %18.8 ile %83.4 arasında
değişen 80 toprağı...
Spesifik yüzey alanı (SYA), toprakta gerçekleşen birçok fiziksel ve kimyasal işlemin gerçekleştiği ortamı tanımlayan ve bu nedenle besin döngüsü, üretkenlik, kirleticilerin tutulması ve filtre edilmesi, bozulmaya karşı direnç gösterme ve dayanıklılık gibi toprakların sahip olduğu fonksiyonların gerçekleşmesinde etkin olan bir özelliktir. Gaz (azot...
Yüksekova’da bulunan sulak alanlar, ekosistem hizmetlerinin tedariki ve bölgedeki insanların geçim kaynaklarının desteklenmesi bakımından oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Ancak iklim değişimleri ve son zamanlarda artan antropojenik baskılar, mevcut sulak alanların önemli oranda azalmasına yol açmış ve sulak alanların sağladığı ekosistem hizmetlerinin s...
Örtü bitkileri, sonbahar veya kış dönemlerinde ürün rotasyonlarındaki boş bırakılan arazilerde ekilir ve sonraki ana ürün ekilmeden önce sonlandırılır. Erozyon kontrolü, besin elementi temini ve nitrat yıkanmasının azaltılması için kullanılan örtücü bitkiler, toprakların kalitelerinin iyileştirilmesi ve fonksiyonlarının geri kazanılmasında etkin bi...
Yarı-kurak iklimin hüküm sürdüğü Kırşehir ili son 15 yılda devletin hayvancılığa verdiği desteklerle büyükbaş hayvan yetiştiriciliğinde çok hızlı bir gelişme göstermiştir. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu verilerine göre 2005 yılında 72530 olan büyükbaş hayvan sayısı, 2010 yılında %33.7’lık bir artışla 96960, 2014 yılında %57.0’lik bir artışla 113834 ve 2...
Ekosistemlerin insanlara sağladığı birçok fayda, ekosistem hizmetleri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Ekosistem hizmetleri düzenli olarak temiz içme suyunun sağlanmasına ve atıkların ayrıştırılmasına katılmaktadır. Millennium Ekosistem Değerlendirmesi (MA) ekosistem hizmetlerini yiyecek ve su üretimi; iklim ve hastalığın kontrolü gibi düzenleme; besin dön...
Biyoçarların gözeneklilik, spesifik yüzey alanı, negatif yük kaynağı fonksiyonel grupları, parçacık büyüklüğü ile hidrofilik özellikleri ve uygulamanın yapıldığı toprakların agregat durumu ve hacim ağırlığı gibi fiziksel özellikler, uygulama yapılan toprakların hidrolik iletkenlik ve su tutma kapasitesi gibi özelliklerini önemli düzeyde etkilemekte...
The ability of a soil to provide the productivity service depends on the fulfillment of the functions that enable the realization of productivity service (PS). This study was conducted to determine and map the PS capacity of surface and subsurface soils in a 195-ha farmland located at Amasya province of Turkey. Functions that contribute to the prov...
Meralar, işlemeli tarımın yapılmaması ve sürekli bitki örtüsü ile kaplı olmalarından dolayı ekosistem için oldukça önemli görevler yerine getirmektedir. İnsanlar, ekosistemden çeşitli hizmetleri elde edebilmek için ekosistemlere müdahalede bulunurlar. Gübreleme, sulama, tohumlama, otlatmanın düzenlenmesi gibi çeşitli müdahalelerle, ilgi sağlama hiz...
Toprak pH’sı, besin maddelerinin yarayışlılığı ve topraktaki çeşitli biyolojik fonksiyonları yorumlamaya yardımcı olan önemli bir parametredir. Toprak pH’sı, çoğunlukla tuzluluk göstergesi kabul edilen elektriksel iletkenlik (EC) ölçümleri de birlikte gerçekleştirilmektedir. Uluslararası Standardizasyon Örgütü (ISO) her iki özelliğin ölçümünde topr...
Bir toprağın katyon değişim kapasitesi (KDK), elektrostatik güçlerle tutulan katyonların bulunduğu toprak yüzeylerindeki negatif yüklerin bir göstergesidir. Tamponlama kapasitesinin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilen KDK, toprak kalitesi ve üretkenliğin tanımlanmasında yaygın olarak kullanılan önemli bir göstergedir. Ancak, toprak verimliliğini etk...
Daha fazla yiyecek ve lif üretmek için yapılan yoğun toprak işleme, kullanılan mineral gübre ve tarımsal ilaçlar, ekosistemin doğal düzenini bozarak, tarımsal üretimin sürdürülebilirliğini tehdit etmeye başlamıştır. Yoğun toprak işlemeye dayalı geleneksel tarım uygulamaları, hasat atıklarının uzaklaştırılması ya da yerinde yakılması, toprağın dayan...
Z Arazi kullanımlarının etkin bir şekilde planlanması ve yönetilmesi, bir bölgedeki toprakların özelliklerinin dağılımlarının doğru ve güvenilir enterpolasyon yöntemleri ile tahmin edilebilmesine bağlıdır. Bu çalışmada, Çerikli sulama sahasındaki toprakların tuzluluk, pH ve değişebilir sodyum yüzdesinin (ESP) mesafeye bağlı değişkenliklerinin tahmi...
Spatial variability of soil properties which vary greatly depending on land use, parent material and topography
significantly affects soil fertility, quality, and overall sustainability. This study was carried out to determine and map the
spatial variability of some of soil properties in Gökhöyük Agricultural Farm, which is approximately 1900 ha, a...
Biological indicators allow to define early changes in soil environment due to the impacts in land management over
time. This study investigated the effects of long-term (2006-2015) two conventional (CT-1 and CT-2), three reduced
(RT-1, RT-2 and RT-3) and a no-till (NT) on soil organic carbon (SOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and betaglucosidas...
Long-term no-till or reduced tillage may decline functioning ability of soils due to surface/subsurface com-paction and/or stratification of plant nutrients. A long-term (ten years) field experiment was established in 2006 in the Çukurova region of Turkey to evaluate the impact of tillage on the physical properties of a soil under a Mediterranean c...
Poor management, low vegetation cover, and severe erosion are undermining the stability and sustainability of lands. In this study, modified Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) method was used to identify environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) to desertification in Tigris Basin, Turkey. Soil samplings (0–20 cm) and field observation...
Comparing responses of the same soil under long-term different treatments is vital in determining the best management practices to conserve soil health and sustain productivity. This study was investigated to determine the effects of longterm (2006-2015) two conventional (CT), three reduced (RT) and a no-till (NT) treatment on bulk density (BD), fi...
Assessment, evaluation and mapping of the spatial characteristics of soil properties are crucial to ensure the
sustainability of plant production and the development of appropriate management practices in the areas of intensive
agricultural production. In this study, some physical and chemical soil characteristics of Dicle Basin, where most of the...
Toprak sıkışması (Kazova/Tokat) Sıfır toprak işleme ile ikinci ürün mısır bitkisinde ilk çıkışlar (Adana) Toprak işleme; yaklaşık 4000 yıl önce öküzler tarafından çekilen tahta pulluklar ile toprak yüzeyinde tohum için uygun ortam oluşturmak amacı ile başlatılan ve bugün bitkisel üretimin önemli bir bileşeni haline gelmiş bir uygulamadır. Üreticile...
Toprak sıkışması (Kazova/Tokat) Sıfır toprak işleme ile ikinci ürün mısır bitkisinde ilk çıkışlar (Adana) Toprak işleme; yaklaşık 4000 yıl önce öküzler tarafından çekilen tahta pulluklar ile toprak yüzeyinde tohum için uygun ortam oluşturmak amacı ile başlatılan ve bugün bitkisel üretimin önemli bir bileşeni haline gelmiş bir uygulamadır. Üreticile...
Economic life of the Tigris basin, part of the Mesopotamian depends heavily on agricultural production for thousands of years. Sustainability of agricultural production in this ancient region may only be possible by conserving and improving the ability of soils to function. Therefore, soil quality indexes were computed to evaluate and monitor funct...
Quantification of soil quality is important to establish an early warning tool of adverse impacts from change in land use type. In this study, multivariate statistic (principal component analyses, PCA) was used to select the most representative indicators of soil quality to establish a benchmark to monitor and evaluate the impact of land u...
Economic life of the Tigris basin, part of the Mesopotamian depends heavily on agricultural production for thousands of years. Sustainability of agricultural production in this ancient basin may be only possible by conserving and improving the ability of soils to function. Therefore, soil quality indexes were computed to evaluate functioning abilit...
Long standing anthropogenic impact has substantially altered ecosystems and affected the ecosystem services by changing the functioning ability of soils around the globe. The agricultural production potential of soils has severely been impaired by some of changes in soil quality. The aims of this study are to establish a minimum data set (MDS) that...
The harvest residues onthe surface and lack of mechanical disturbance in reduced or no-till systems affects chemical propertiesof soils. The effects of the six tillage treatments on the distribution of some chemical properties within the first 30 cm depth was determined in a field trial conducted for 9 years on a high clay soil. The experiment was...
Conservational tillage methods have been developed with the aim of sustaining agricultural production and preventing degradation caused by traditional methods. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of six different tillage methods applied for nine years on a clayey soil under Cukurova conditions on soil chemical quality (SCQ). SC...
Aggregation is binding of mineral particles through organic and inorganic components of
soils and stability of aggregates is often considered an important indicator of soil quality. This
study aims to determine the effects of long term tillage systems on aggregate stability along
with s...
Plant production can be potentially limited by physical soil conditions that reduce aeriation and water availability or increase mechanical resistance to root growth. This study was carried out with the aim of revealing the effects of six different tillage methods applied for nine years at a clayey soil under corn-wheat-soy bean rotation under Çuku...
Decline in soil fertility is a major limiting factor of agricultural productivity. Management practice applied is the main reason in reduction of productivity function of soils. Under intensive cultivation, soil erosion and loss in organic matter are the important processes responsible from the decline in productivity. The purpose of this study is...
Tillage affect the composition and activities of microorganisms as well as other biological characteristics of soils due the impact on carbon cycle and soil structure. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of different tillage practices which have been practicing from 2006 in a clayey soil on biological characteristics of soil. The...
Akbas F., Gunal H., Acir N. (2017): Spatial variability of soil potassium and its relationship to land use and parent material. Soil & Water Res. Information on the spatial distribution of plant nutrients is a prerequisite to predict their behaviour and to monitor the fertility in a watershed. This study was conducted to evaluate variations of plan...
Compaction problem occurs under long-term conservative tillage practices when soil loosening is not adequate or never takes place. The occasional tillage called strategic till (ST) where moldboard plow is used only once in no-till is considered as a prevailing management option to the solution of compaction in no-till systems without degrading the...
Tarım arazilerinde aşırı fosfor kullanımının yüzey sularının kirlenmesi şeklinde tanımlanan ötrofikasyon olayını tanımlamaktadır. Ayrıca organik maddenin önemi ve toprak kalitesine etkisi anlatılmaktadır.
Toprağın fonksiyon gösterme kapasitesi olarak bilinen toprağın kalitesinin tanımı ve önemini açıklayan bir bilgi notudur.
Salinity and high boron concentration soils are important problems constrain the agricultural productionin arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Considering the significant high spatial variation of salinityand boron concentration in the use of agricultural production and improvement of the problems isrequired in terms of time, labor and cost ef...
Dünyanın özellikle kurak ve yarı-kurak bölgelerinde tuzluluk ve yüksek bor içeriği tarımsal üretimi sınırlandıran önemli sorunlardır. Her iki sorunda arazi içerisinde önemli düzeyde yüksek değişkenliğe sahip olduğundan, toprakların üretimde kullanımları ve iyileştirilmelerinde bu değişkenliğin dikkate alınması zaman, iş gücü ve maliyet açısından zo...
High boron content is a key factor limiting the recla-mation of arid region soils. The objective was to deter-mine spatial variability of soil properties in a boron-toxic field irrigated by pivot sprinklers prior to the development of a proper management strategy. Top soils (0-30 cm) and sub-soils (30-60 cm) were separately sampled at each of 56 pr...
İklim salınımları, artan gıda ve giyinme gereksinimini karşılayabilmek için yapılan yoğun tarımsal faaliyetler, barınma ve endüstrileşme
için yapılan arazi işgalleri neticesinde kurak ve yarı-kurak bölgelerde biyolojik üretkenliğin hemen hemen geri dönüşümsüz olarak yitirilmesine
neden olan arazi bozulması olayı çölleşme olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Çö...
Wetlands are natural or artificial and permanent or temporary areas. Their water might be stagnant or flowing, fresh, brackish or salty.
The depth of water in wetlands do not exceed six meters. Wetlands shelter many species and ensure the sustainability, development and increase
of biodiversity. This study was conducted through field surveys and so...
Soil management practices can have negative or positive effects on soil quality. Our objective was to assess the effect of long-term agricultural practices by evaluating selected soil physical and chemical properties. Soil samples were collected from two depths (0 to 15 and 15 to 30 cm) within a native pasture and an adjacent agricultural field tha...
Multivariate statistical techniques are useful for characterizing and estimating dynamic soil properties. Multivariate statistical techniques of cluster analysis (CA) and factor analysis (FA)/principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to comprehend the complex relationships between salinity, sodicity and some soil properties in irrigated part...
Physical, chemical and biological attributes of soil surface are significantly affected by tillage practices and crop rotation. The objective of this study was to determine the short-term (2006-2009) effects of conventional and conservational tillage practices on selected soil physical properties of a heavy clay soil under two wheat-corn and wheat-...
Spatial distribution of heavy metals can be used for planning, risk assessment, and decision making in the environmental management of a region. In this context, the present research has three specific objectives: to characterize spatial distribution of heavy metals in a saline environment, to determine the relationship between some of soil propert...
Spatial distribution of heavy metals can be used for planning, risk assessment, and decision making in the environmental management of a region. In this context, the present research has three specific objectives: to characterize spatial distribution of heavy metals in a saline environment, to determine the relationship between some of soil propert...
The purpose of this study was to characterize spatial and temporal variations in soil physical properties and to examine possible differences that might occur when the crop rotation shifted to rice cultivation. Soil samples from 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm depth were collected on a 100×100 m grid basis over a 45 ha field, in May 2005 and May 2011. The geo...
Micronutrients are important components of plant production. Due to the high pH and calcium carbonate contents, micronutrient deficiencies are widespread in the soils of arid regions. The purpose of this study was to find out the relationships between spatial distribution of soil properties and available micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn) in a hig...
Soil particle-size distributions can provide valuable information on the processes and products of soil formation. The purpose of this study was to assess the pretreatment effect on the particle size distribution and corresponding fractal dimension of particle size (D s). Twenty nine soil samples were collected from diverse climatic and pedogenic c...