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Núria Armentano

Núria Armentano
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya · Professora Associada del Departament de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia, de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

PhD Biological Anthropology; Archaeologist.


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I’m archaeologist and anthropologist, I have a background in both human osteology and archaeological fieldwork. My principle interests are skeletal taphonomy, patterns of decomposition and skeletal disarticulation, mass/collective burials and funerary practices. I'm also interested in the biology and paleopathology of past populations.
Additional affiliations
September 2019 - September 2020
Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Professor (Associate)
January 2017 - February 2017
University of Girona
  • Professor
January 2014 - February 2014
University of Girona
  • Professor
September 2008 - September 2013
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Field of study
  • Biological Anthropology
September 2001 - September 2003
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Field of study
  • Human Biology
September 1993 - February 1998
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Field of study
  • History - Archaeology


Publications (118)
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En este trabajo se presentan los datos sobre La Serreta, un asentamiento prehistórico al aire libre en el llano prelitoral catalán del Penedès (Barcelona). El yacimiento está formado por estructuras como silos, tumbas, fosos y posibles cabañas. En dos campañas sucesivas se documentaron 89 estructuras negativas, que pertenecen a cronologías entre el...
Lime is commonly used in human burials, but its effects on bodies are not clear at all. Different short-time experimental studies concluded that lime does not inhibit the decomposition of bodies. To provide the long-term effects of lime on bodies, this work presents the results of six burials of pig carcasses completely or partially covered with li...
The post-mortem changes that take place during the decomposition of corpses are extremely complex and have been the subject of considerable research because of their obvious importance to forensic scientists. Considerable advances have been made in understanding the interplay of the various factors that influence decay, and the timescales over whic...
Conference Paper
Limestone and derivatives (quicklime and hydrated lime) are commonly used in the agriculture and industry. Although the effects on bodies are not well defined, lime is also used in human burials. It is considered that lime reduces the smell of the putrefaction and it accelerates the decomposition, but it is believed that it helps to the conservatio...
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Biological and forensic anthropologists face limitations while studying skeletal remains altered by taphonomic alterations and perimortem trauma, such as in remains from the Spanish Civil War. However, virtual anthropology techniques can optimize the information inferred from fragmented and deformed remains by generating and restoring three-dimensi...
Conference Paper
La Tafonomía se define como el estudio de la “transición de restos orgánicos desde la biosfera a la litosfera” (Efremov, 1940), aplicable a los estudios de Arqueología, Paleontología y, aunque poco habitual, en Antropología Biológica. Identificando los efectos tafonómicos en los restos cadavéricos, es posible inferir los agentes y procesos tafonómi...
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Se presentan los resultados de la excavación y estudio de la necrópolis ibérica de Les Esquarterades (Ulldecona, Tarragona) y la reconstrucción del ritual funerario del período Ibérico Antiguo a partir de los mismos. Este yacimiento se sitúa en una zona donde existen datos relativamente abundantes sobre el mundo funerario, incluyendo varias necrópo...
Taphonomy is also useful to understand the post mortem processes and changes in human cadaveric remains both in forensic and paleoanthropological contexts. However, there is not much information to identify the taphonomic modifications and therefore, cases cannot always be solved. Because of that, more experimentation is needed to recognize the tap...
La concepció i la projecció del procés de recuperació i reivindicació del conjunt arquitectònic de l'Antic Hospital del Coll de Balaguer, a càrrec de l'Ajuntament de Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, ha comportat que s'hagin portat a terme un seguit d'actuacions que han esdevingut cabdals per a la preservació d'aquest conjunt monumental. Aquest...
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S'analitza un enterrament de la necròpolis de ritus islàmic excavada a la Plaça Comercial de Barcelona, l'any 1991. Conserva les restes d'uns grillons als peus, el que ens porta a pensar en un possible esclau. D'altra banda s'explica el laboriós treball de conservació-restauració al tractar-se de dos materials diferenciats, os i metall.
The excavation of the mass grave outside the Figuerola d’Orcau cemetery was carried out in the framework of interventions linked to the 2017-18 Mass Graves Plan of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Government of Catalonia. The exhumations took place in June 2017 subsequent to a series of tasks which...
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The Generalitat de Catalunya between 2006 and 2016 commisioned the excavation of a series of mass graves from the Spanish Civil War and subsequent Franco dictatorship to identify the victims. The final step of this process consisted of genetic analyses to both ascertain or confirm the identifications of the victims. In spite of the fact that certai...
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L’excavació de la fossa fora del cementiri de Figuerola d’Orcau va formar part d’una de les intervencions del Pla de Fosses 2017-2018 del Departament d’Afers Exteriors, Relacions Institucionals i Transparència de la Generalitat de Catalunya. L’exhumació de les restes es va realitzar el juny de 2017, després d’una sèrie de treballs arqueològics que...
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El novembre de 2019, l’òrgan de contractació del Govern de les Illes Balear va resoldre adjudicar el contracte de «Serveis d’excavació, exhumació i identificació de cossos de fosses de la Guerra Civil, de tasques de coordinació de les exhumacions i d’elaboració d’estudi antropològic dels cossos de la fossa de Porreres i d’estudi històric sobre el C...
This paper presents the differential diagnosis of a calcified mass found in the pelvic cavity of an adult male dating to the 10th century AD. Skeletal remains of an adult male exhumed from the cemetery associated with the early medieval church of Riner (Solsonès, Catalonia). The structure and composition of the mass were examined by x-ray imaging,...
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Background The fungi present in the decaying remains enable a better understanding of the processes of decomposition after death. There are not many studies about fungi on decaying bodies and it is not known which fungal sampling methods are effective. Aims The main objective of this study was to find the best method for sampling fungi in carcasse...
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L’any 2016 es va posar al descobert una cista intacta al Camp de la Bruna, a Lladurs (el Solsonès), a causa d’uns treballs agrícoles. Aleshores, el Servei d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia va decidir realitzar una excavació d’urgència per tal de documentar-la, intervenció que va proporcionar uns interessants resultats d’una cista del neolític mitjà-rec...
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Al llarg del 2017 es va realitzar el treball de recerca, prospecció, excavació i exhumació d'una fossa adjacent al cementiri de la localitat de Figuerola d'Orcau. Es presenten els resultats de la fossa comuna localitzada a l'exterior del cementiri de Figuerola d'Orcau, que contenia les restes esquelètiques de 17 individus masculins de l'exèrcit reb...
A consecuencia de los cambios anatómicos que conllevó el hecho de andar erguidos, los humanos tenemos que pagar un precio muy elevado derivado de la bipedestación, como son los dolores en la columna vertebral y extremidades inferiores, las ptosis viscerales, como las hernias y los prolapsos, las varices, etc.
Presentamos el estudio que realizamos del pie derecho de la Reina Blanca d'ANjou (Nápoles, 1280- Barcelona, 1310), princesa de Nápoles y reina consorte de la Corona de Aragón, estudio antropológico que se realizó en el marco del 850 aniversario de la fundación del Real Monasterio de Santes Creus (Aiguamúrcia, Tarragona), espacio donde se enterró a...
Objectifs: Les squelettes de femmes en cours de grossesse avec un foetus situé au niveau de la région pelvienne sont rares au sein des archives archéologiques. Nous avons voulu recenser les différents cas décrits de décès foeto-maternels dans les sociétés préhistoriques et pré-modernes. Méthodes: nous avons réalisé une revue de la littérature via...
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A partir de las evidencias publicadas en un artículo previo, podemos afirmar que el texto epigráfico realizado en 1460 y grabado en la arqueta-osario dedicada a Cipriano, utiliza un formulario y un léxico muy vinculados con el primer cristianismo y con la tradición visigótica; en cambio, no hay paralelo alguno en otros epitafios de la catedral de T...
Cyprian’s casket-ossuary uses a formulaic structure and a lexicon deeply rooted in the early Christian and Visigothic tradition; however, there is nothing similar to it in any other epitaph in Tarragona cathedral between 11th and the 15th centuries. There is some evidence to confirm that the inscription we read today on Cyprian’s casket-ossuary may...
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Reseña bibliográfica: Lagarde, Margarita; Terrazas, Alejandro; Vargas, Luís Alberto. (Coords.). 2017. Parentalidad II: Antropogénesis. México: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, y Libertad bajo palabra Editorial.
La publicació vol ser una baula més en la recerca dels nostres orígens com a comunitat i com a país. No pretén ser un llibre d'història d'Agramunt, sinó un llibre sobre la seva arqueologia. Es pretén que esdevingui una obra divulgativa i a l'abast de tothom, i és que sovint els resultats dels treballs arqueològics es presenten en informes i memòrie...
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La intervenció arqueològica a la Casa Brou de Seròs (Segrià) es va dur a terme dins la campanya d'excavacions d'urgències que la Generalitat de Catalunya va realitzar l'any 2011. La troballa fortuïta de restes humanes al jardí de la finca de la Plaça Mestre Viladegut núm. 7, va estar motivada per la construcció d’una rampa d’accés d’un futur pàrqui...
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El març de 1938, quan l'ofensiva nacionalista va trencar el front d'Aragó i les tropes avançaren cap a Vinaròs, Catalunya es va aïllar de la resta del territori republicà. Al mateix temps, les tropes rebels van ocupar la Vall d'Aran i la part occidental dels rius Noguera Pallaresa, Segre i Ebre; el seu progrés en el Pallars tenia l'objectiu de cont...
Conference Paper
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In March 1938 when Nationalist offensive broke the Aragon front and the troops advanced to Vinarós, Catalonia was isolated from the rest of the Republican territory. At the same time the rebel troops occupied the Vall d’Aran and the western part of the Noguera Pallaresa, Segre and Ebro rivers; his progress on the Pallars had the objective of contro...
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La Antropología forense se concibe actualmente como una ciencia multidisciplinar, cuyos objetivos van más allá de la identificación de unos restos esqueléticos. Dentro de esta multidisciplinariedad, juega un papel preponderante la Arqueología forense. La Arqueología forense participa como método de aplicación de las técnicas arqueológicas clásicas...
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Resumen (máx. 2500 p)-COMUNICACIÓN ORAL El proyecto experimental Taphos-m nace de la necesidad de reconocer y entender los efectos tafonómicos observados en el campo, durante la excavación y exhumación de restos humanos. El objetivo inicial de este proyecto, pionero en el estado español, se centra en observar qué diferencias hay a nivel esquelético...
Conference Paper
El estudio de las muestras micológicas obtenidas en las escenas forenses nos ayudan a entender las circunstancias de la muerte del individuo.
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Resum La intervenció arqueològica realitzada l’any 2011 al cementiri de Barruera va permetre documentar les restes de l’enterrament d’un individu de sexe masculí d’uns 40–50 anys d’edat. L’inhumat mostrava el braç dret disposat en hiperabducció amb l’avantbraç sobre el crani, l’húmer desplaçat de la cavitat glenoidea i el colze senyalant un angle d...
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En el presente artículo se estudian las características genéticas de la población del yacimiento talayótico de la Cova des Pas, que revelan una importante endogamia a nivel de ADN mitocondrial. La comparación con otras series contemporáneas de las Islas Baleares permite hipotetizar la existencia de grupos cerrados, con limitados linajes femeninos y...
Taphos-m is an experimental archaeology and anthropology project, created in 2011, with the objective of knowing what taphonomic agents and processes could be responsible for the observable effects in the field. The first stage of the project consisted of the burial of 26 domestic pig carcases under different environmental conditions and burial typ...
During 2005 and 2006, the archaeological digging of the Cova des Pas (Ferreries, Menorca) was carried out by an interdisciplinary team coming from the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat de les Illes Balears, and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [1]. The site was a burial cave used over the last stages of the prehistory of the island, wi...
Taphonomy helps to understand the issues related to changes of the cadaveric remains in the frame of palaeontology and archaeology as well as in the frame of forensic anthropology. The first objective of the experimental project Taphos-m was to generate a corpus of information on taphonomy to know what taphonomic agents and process could be respons...
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Aquest treball presenta l’anàlisi antropològica de les restes medievals procedents dels entorns de l’església de la Mare de Déu de la Trobada (Montferrer, Alt Urgell) excavades durant les campanyes d’intervenció del 1998-1999 en motiu d’uns treballs de drenatge i localització d’una antiga cripta, però que van conduir a l’ampliació de l’abast de la...
Conference Paper
A nadie debería extrañar que en todas las actuaciones médico-legales donde un cadáver se encuentre enterrado deberían participar otros profesionales especializados con el registro y este tipo de escenas, como son los arqueólogos (Polo-Cerdá, 2002). Sin embargo, en España esta circunstancia se antoja una excepción, no siendo su participación una nor...
Introduction: Taphonomy helps to understand the issues related to changes of the cadaveric remains in the frame of palaeontology and archaeology as well as in the frame of forensic anthropology. The first objective of the experimental project Taphos-m was to generate a corpus of information on taphonomy to know what taphonomic agents and process co...
Conference Paper
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Resumen Describimos como tafonomía la rama científica que analiza los cambios que sufren los organismos a través del tiempo, desde el momento de la muerte hasta su recuperación. Es por ello que los estudios de tafonomía ayudan a entender las cuestiones relacionadas con las modificaciones de los restos óseos, tanto en el campo de la paleontología co...
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The results of archaeological intervention from Morulls de Gerb that took place on October 2011 in Museum of La Noguera de Balaguer are presented in this paper. Two stone sarcophagi have been transported from the necropolis Morulls de Gerb (Os de Balaguer) to the Museum of Balaguer. The aims of this intervention were to known the state of the paleo...
Conference Paper
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Control of the works in the old town of Agramunt allowed us to document lots of archaeological remains, mainly related to the agricultural production of modern times. In addition, some medieval remains were also discovered, specifically part of the cemetery of Santa Maria d'Agramunt's church and a section of the medieval defensive system. At the sa...
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The work presents the results of the archaeological emergency excavation carried out in March 2013 at the necropoli of Mirambó (Sant Martí de Maldà, Urgell). The excavation was carried out after some slabs of two cist graves and some human bones were fortuitously uncovered. However, the presence of the necropoli and other archaeological evidence ve...
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The results of archaeological intervention from Morulls de Gerb that took place on October 2011 in Museum of La Noguera de Balaguer are presented in this paper. Two stone sarcophagi have been transported from the necropolis Morulls de Gerb (Os de Balaguer) to the Museum of Balaguer. The aims of this intervention were to known the state of the paleo...
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The work presents the results of the archaeological emergency excavation carried out in March 2013 at the necropoli of Mirambó (Sant Martí de Maldà, Urgell). The excavation was carried out after some slabs of two cist graves and some human bones were fortuitously uncovered. However, the presence of the necropoli and other archaeological evidence ve...
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Control of the works in the old town of Agramunt allowed us to document lots of archaeological remains, mainly related to the agricultural production of modern times. In addition, some medieval remains were also discovered, specifically part of the cemetery of Santa Maria d'Agramunt's church and a section of the medieval defensive system. At the sa...
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Les restes de La Cantorella es van posar al descobert arran dels treballs de construcció del tram IV del canal Segarra-Garrigues, durant els anys 2010 i 2011. El jaciment de Cantorella es troba al terme municipal de Maldà (Urgell), situat sobre una paleoterrassa quaternària de graves que es localitza al marge esquerre del riu Corb. L'indret assenya...
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This work gives an account of the results of the archaeological excavations carried out in 2009 in the early medieval necropolis of Creu del Rebollar de Bellpui (Aguilar and Alt Urgell Valleys). The excavation was conducted due to locating, by chance, some human bones and graves in boxed slabs following a landslide. Throughout the years of this int...
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The work provides the results of the study carried out by means of the archaeological excavations in the necropolis of Hortó, located in the old district of Parròquia d’Hortó (Ribera d’Urgellet, Alt Urgell), where there is a tomb that was partially excavated by a few poachers illegally. This tomb probably corresponds to one of the three stone grave...
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The excavation carried out in 2011 under the “Open Romanesque” programme has enabled a deeper understanding and development of the church of Sant Feliu de Barruera, the least studied of the Romanesque churches in the Boi Valley. We are presenting the results of the archaeological project and the new construction sequences inserted into the monument...
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An archaeological excavation was carried out on the sites of Pla de Tabac I due to the planned expansion of the rubble landfill site in the municipality of Montoliu de Lleida. Thirty Bronze Age structures (silos, ovens/combustion structures and possible post holes) were excavated.
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The analysis of skeletal remains, from any individual or community, and from any period, is a specialized task that provides new information about a person or/and about a population. When these remains are paleoanthropological remains, they lead towards an exhaustive revision or reinterpretation on written sources. In this article, the anthropologi...
El hallazgo de restos esqueléticos o en avanzado estado de descomposición implica la resolución de cuestiones fundamentales como su procedencia, el intervalo posmortal y la determinación de los efectos tafonómicos observados. Este trabajo presenta un proyecto innovador en el campo de la tafonomía forense en España que utiliza restos cementeriales c...
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The archaeological survey and intervention on the Ca l'Arnella site were motivated by the works of the Martorell-Figueres pipeline, and let to the finding and excavation of two neolithic funerary hypogeal. The structures, buried individuals and materials are studied in this article. A geometric flint implement found near the lumbar vertebrae may ha...
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Taphonomy aims to provide a theoretical and methodological frame to understand the transition of biological remains from the moment of death to their recovery, as well as to interpret the funerary gesture of the past societies. In this article, the reconstruction of the taphonomic history of the human remains from Montanissell cave (Lleida) is pres...
Conference Paper
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Amb motiu de la celebració del 850è aniversari de la fundació del Monestir de Santes Creus (Aiguamúrcia, Alt Camp) el Museu d’Història de Catalunya va tirar endavant el projecte de restauració de les Tombes Reials situades vora l’altar major, el qual va incloure l’obertura dels sepulcres i estudi de les restes antropològiques. La tomba bisoma del m...
Conference Paper
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El Monestir de Santes Creus va ser l’espai que els reis Pere el Gran i Jaume II el Just van escollir com a pan· teó. Les restes d’aquests reis reposen a l’església en dos monuments funeraris considerats obres cabdals del primer gòtic català. Arran de la restauració que requerien aquests monuments, l’any 2010, dins del projecte de restauració de les...
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Taphonomy aims to provide a theoretical and methodological frame to understand the transition of biological remains from the moment of death to their recovery, as well as to interpret the funerary gesture of the past societies. In this article, the reconstruction of the taphonomic history of the human remains from the Montanissell cave (Lleida) is...
To analyze the bone lesions of the ear region from a late Bronze Age individual to establish the most probable diagnosis. There has been evidence of diseases of the ear region since way back in history, but few human remains have been recognized. The case presented here corresponds to an ear lesion from a prehistoric skeleton found in the archeolog...
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The material studied in this thesis corresponds to the palaeoanthropological remains of seven funeral sets of collective burial of the late third millennium, second millennium and first half of the first millennium cal BC, from the western Mediterranean: Can Filuà, Can Ballarà , Mas Vilalba, Cova de Montanissell , Cova des Pas, Balma de Solans de R...
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RESUMEN. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio pluridisciplinar de un esqueleto aparecido en la excavación arqueológica de Erill Castell en la localidad de Pont de Suert. En esta intervención se documentaron tres tumbas datadas en época alto medieval. Con el estudio antropológico de los restos se pudo observar que el individuo procedente de la tumba...
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RESUMEN. Se presenta un caso de calcificación pélvica procedente de un esqueleto de mujer de 30-40 años, del siglo V. A pesar de que el diagnóstico diferencial sobre las calcificaciones pélvicas es complejo en contexto arqueológico y paleoantropológico, en este caso, la localización precisa, las características macroscópicas de la pieza, y la prese...
Conference Paper
A study of human skeletal remains from the Roman villa in Torre Llauder (Mataró, Maresme) is presented. The detailed study of these remains and of the site itself, links its origins to Roman times. One of the individuals presents a cranial injury. The diagnosis is between a possible fistulized sinusitis or taphonomic alteration.
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Resumen Se encontraron los restos esqueléticos de un varón de entre 25-29 años fallecido durante la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939) en Seròs (Lleida, España). El estudio antropológico evidenció la presencia de lesiones perimortales por proyectil de arma de fuego a nivel craneal como causa de muerte. El estudio del resto del esqueleto destacó una...
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We report here a very unusual pelvic calcification recovered from the remains of a 30-40-year-old woman found at the late Roman period archeological site of La Fogonussa (Lleida, Catalonia). Although differential diagnoses for calcifications of the pelvis are complicated in archeological contexts, the precise localization, macroscopic features, and...
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