Nurainas Nurainas

Nurainas Nurainas
Andalas University | ANDA · Department of Biology (Faculty of Sciences)


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Publications (17)
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This research informs about the biodiversity of flowering plants in the Silokek Geopark, West Sumatra, a unique karst area. Field surveys were conducted to inventory flowering plant species and evaluate their rarity status, conservation, and ecological uniqueness. The results show the presence of 164 species of flowering plants within 121 genera an...
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Lamiaceae is a family of plants that are important in health and cosmetics because of their essential oils content. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) is one of the species that has been produced for commercial purposes. This study aims to find out about Lamiaceae species and their distribution in West Sumatra based on specimens stored in the Herbarium...
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Hydrophyte merupakan kelompok tumbuhan yang hidup di air baik terendam sebagian atau seluruhnya. Indonesia memiliki kekayaan jenis hydrophyte yang sangat tinggi, namun penelitian terkait inventarisasi belum dilakukan secara menyeluruh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekayaan jenis hydrophyte air tawar yang ada di Sumatera Barat dan d...
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Dewi SI, Syamsuardi, Nurainas. 2023. Short Communication: Diversity, distribution and potential uses of Ficus spp. in Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 3431-3437. The Andalas Herbarium is the largest herbarium in Sumatra, with specimens totaling 34,850 sheets and 2011 species of vascular plants from 126 families and 491 genera. It serves as a v...
Background and Objective: Nepenthes is a marsupial plant that is a modification of the leaf tip and serves to trap insects. The difference in the position of the pitcher is expected to distinguish the insects that inhabit it. One of the locations Nepenthes was Gunung Kunyit which is included in the Kerinci Seblat National Park Area. Insects trapped...
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The existence Nepenthes in its natural habitat has begun to be threatened with extinction due to several factors, namely by illegal logging, forest fires and forest land conversion. This study aims to determine the structure and composition of plants in the habitat of the semar bag (Nepenthes spp.). This study used the plot method squared and deter...
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Recently, Castanopsis argentea (Blume) A.DC. and Castanopsis tungurrut (Blume) A.DC. have been listed as endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). For conservation planning, it is important to know the full distribution of species. This study aimed to predict the potential distribution of C. argentea and C...
Conference Paper
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Light exposure from the sun is the most crucial variable for producing optimal pitcher size and colour variation in Nepenthes. This study aimed to observe the effect of forest canopy structure on morphological character of Nepenthes ampullaria's pitcher parts (longitudinal, front, and peristome) both on size and shape using Geometric morphometric (...
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An Introduction to the Biological Education and Research Forest of Andalas University This is the first reference book describing the Biological Education and Research Forest (called as HPPB) of Andalas University written in English to reach a wider audience. Here, writers provide general information about history and management of the HPPB, biodi...
Zingiber alba is a new species from West Sumatra. Scaphoclamys perakensis is newly recorded species from the Eastern part of Sumatra. Detailed descriptions and photographs are given for each species.
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Duku 'Kumpeh' is one of the potential local type cultivars of Duku Lansium parasiticum (Osbeck) K.C. Sahni & Bennet.), from specific area in the Jambi. For sustainable utilization of this local germplasm of tropical fruit, understanding of reproduction and genetic information of the plant is needed. The reproductive system of a plant species is a f...
Conference Paper
Studi etnobotani upacara adat perkawinan Horja Haroan Boru masyarakat suku Batak Angkola di Joring Natobang Padangsidimpuan telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Juni 2015. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan koleksi langsung tumbuhan di lapangan, dilanjutkan dengan proses identifikasi di Herbarium Universitas Andalas Padang. Hasil...
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Delapan jenis tumbuhan dari suku Zingiberaceae diekstrak secara serial dengan pelarut yang berbeda kepolarannya (heksana, etil asetat dan methanol). Enam puluh sembilan ekstrak yang diperoleh diuji aktivitas penangkap radikal bebas terhadap DPPH dengan metode bioautografi. Hasil skrining terhadap 69 ekstrak yang diuji menunjukkan terdapat 29 ekstra...
Conference Paper
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The area of palm oil plantation of Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Company flowed by several river systems which are part of Batang Hari watershed. Located at the east of Bukit Barisan mountain range caused all of rivers having an outlet into Batang Hari River which flows to the east of Sumatra, to Malacca strait. From the inventory study on fish diversi...
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Floribunda 4(7) 2013 161 Anaphalis spp. adalah jenis tumbuhan dari suku Asteraceae yang hidup di daerah pegunungan dengan ketinggian antara 800-3400 m di atas per-mukaaan laut. Tumbuhan ini dikenal sebagai bunga abadi karena sangat tahan lama dan tidak mudah rusak (Yuzammi dkk. 2010), sehingga orang me-nyebutnya sebagai edelweis yang mengacu pada n...
Pollen morphology of nine taxa of Globba (Globba leucantha, G. patens, G. variabilis, G. hasseltii,, G. fecunda, G. atrosanguinea, G. aurantiaca, G. multifolia dan G. Paniculata) that collected from various fi elds in the regions of West Sumatra were examined. Four diagnostic characteristics (pollen types, shapes, apertures and ornamentations) were...
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An inventory of Gesneriaceae in Sumatra based on herbarium specimens and field trips resulted in 17 genera. The genus Cyrtandra was the most diverse genus, followed by Aeschynanthus. Here we enumerate the species of Aeschynanthus in Sumatra. Distribution and altitudinal notes on 17 species of Aeschynanthus were made and the late Mary Mendum of the...


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