Nuning NurcahyaniLampung University · Department of Biology
Nuning Nurcahyani
Doctor of Philosophy
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (87)
Cancer is one of the major problems affecting the people of Indonesia and the world. Lack of public awareness for early detection causes a delay in diagnosis. One of the medicinal plants that are commonly found in Indonesia is lime (C. aurantifolia). In lime peel extract, there is essential oil composed of D-Limonene (38.94%), β-pinen (26.66%), α-t...
Mealybugs (Insecta; Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) are the important pest of agricultural crops and ornamental plants worldwide, including in Indonesia. Beside their high invasive nature and high economic impact, mealybugs are difficult to control so that the presence of this insect is of serious concern. That is why research to find effective ways to...
One of aging-related changes in the testes in male is impairment of spermatogenic process that make spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids cells decreased which ultimately reduces fertility. There are many phytochemical compounds that are known to have anti-aging properties. One plant that is known to contain anti-aging compounds is the kerse...
Increased levels of free radicals in the body are thought to trigger oxidative stress and cause aging. Biologists state that aging is one of the causes of infertility in men. Squid ink is known to have high antioxidant activity so that it can be used as an alternative treatment. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect...
Salah satu penyebab utama kematian wanita Indonesia adalah kanker serviks. Pertumbuhan sel jaringan tubuh yang tidak terkendali yang berubah menjadi tumor adalah akar penyebab penyakit ini. Banyak peneliti sedang menyelidiki beragam bahan kimia alami dari habitat laut sebagai pilihan pengobatan antikanker karena pengobatan kanker serviks memiliki e...
Many treatments of cervical cancer leave some side effects. Therefore, other cancer treatment which can reduce the side effects must be elaborated, one is by searching of some natural products. Some of the natural products could be obtained from the marine biota such as seagrass, Cymodecea rotundata and Enhalus acoroides. Most of seagrass have bioa...
Hornbills play an important role in maintaining tree gene flow among fragmented populations in forests. But hornbill populations in Asia have been declining, mainly due to loss of forest cover and poaching. The presence of hornbills in a forest is highly dependent on environmental factors such as the condition of food trees in their habitat. The pu...
The COVID-19 virus infection some time ago caused a pandemic and became a health problem in the world, including Indonesia. The cause of COVID-19 infection is the SARS-CoV-2 virus which can be detected by Real Time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). Platelets play a role in inflammation and the pathogenesis of various inflam...
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) is a plant that has traditional medicinal properties. In bitter melon fruit, there are several toxic compounds, namely momordicoside K and L, which are thought to have cytotoxic properties. This study aims to determine the teratogenic effect of bitter melon fruit extract given to pregnant females on the length...
Hyperglycemia is an early symptom of diabetes caused by the pancreas not being able to produce enough insulin. This condition can disrupt blood glucose metabolism, thereby damaging organs in the body such as the pancreas. Hyperglycemia can be treated using traditional plant medicines. Songgo Langit leaves (Tridax procumbens L.) are reported to have...
Snake plant or Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain) is a plant possessing of many ethnobotanical uses one of which is for medicinal. Previous pharmacological studies showed that this plant has several properties such as healing lesions, anthelmenthic, antimicrobial and cytotoxic. This research was conducted to investigate phytocom...
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an illness that is brought about by the dengue virus and transmitted through female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The majority of repellents that are available in the market contain hazardous synthetic chemicals, including N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). Isoamyl acetate and saponins, which have the potential to repe...
Kaskoyo H, Hartati F, Bakri S, Febryano IG, Dewi BS, Nurcahyani N. 2023. Satellite based analysis of mangrove cover and density change in mangroves of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 3019-3028. Being a threatened ecosystem of the world, mangroves require regular monitoring to identify areas that need improveme...
Upaya pelestarian anggrek, khususnya anggrek spesies merupakan salah satu kegiatan konservasi lingkungan hidup. Dalam rangka pelestarian lingkungan, lingkungan kampus sudah dipenuhi berbagai pohon-pohon rindang dan tinggi, yang sangat sesuai untuk habitat anggrek hutan. Adanya tanaman-tanaman ini merupakan salah satu upaya konservasi lingkungan, ke...
Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. KabupatenPesawaran, Lampung merupakan daerah endemis malaria, selama rentang waktu 5 tahun (2013-2017) termasuk daerahdengan high case insidence (HCI) karena memiliki annual parasite incidence (API) lebih dari 5‰. Upaya yangdilakukan menuju daerah bebas...
Mamalia kecil seperti Rodentia dan Scandentia adalah salah satu satwa liar yang sering dianggap sebagai hama perusak, sehingga kurang dijaga kelestariannya. Keberadaan Rodentia dan Scandentia dalam ekosistem sangat penting antara lain sebagai sarana penyebaran biji tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan sebagai kontrol terhadap serangga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan...
Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women in developing countries. Various ways of treating cervical cancer continue to be developed, one of which is the discovery of cytotoxic agents. Sargassum sp is one of macroalgae which presumably has a potential as a chemopreventive agents because of its secondary metabolites antipr...
Hiperglikemia terjadi ketika keadaan kadar glukosa darah melebihi batas normal. Daun pepaya (Carica papaya L.) dan daun kemangi (Ocimum x africanum Lour.) dilaporkan mengandung senyawa yang berperan sebagai antihiperglikemia. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena dari beberapa khasus di Indonesia, penderita hiperglikemia cukup tinggi maka penelitian ini...
Demam berdarah merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Dengue dan ditularkan/dibawa oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus. Penyakit DBD ini erat sekali hubungannya dengan masalah kebersihan lingkungan. Saat ini masih banyak Ibu-ibu PKK yang belum mengetahui tempat-tempat yang berpotensi sebagai tempat perindukan nyamuk demam berdarah...
Kebun Raya Liwa (KRL) merupakan destinasi wisata unggulan Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Wisatawan yang pernah berkunjung ke KRL umumnya ingin memperoleh pengingat terhadap kunjungan yang pernah dilakukan. Disamping produk pertanian, cinderamata merupakan suatu alternatif pengingat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat sekitar...
A B S T R A K Kebun Raya Liwa (KRL) merupakan destinasi wisata unggulan Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Wisatawan yang pernah berkunjung ke KRL umumnya ingin memperoleh pengingat terhadap kunjungan yang pernah dilakukan. Disamping produk pertanian, cinderamata merupakan suatu alternatif pengingat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masy...
Birds are one of the most diverse animals in the world, especially in Indonesia. Liwa Botanical Garden located in Pekon Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District, West Lampung Regency, is a conservation area with the theme of conservation and development of ornamental plants, representing the flora of Southern Sumatra. This research is a continuation of th...
Birds have an important role in controlling natural ecosystems. The presence of hunting traces every year indicates hunting at the Way Canguk Research Station. If this happens continuously, it can cause a decrease in the diversity and population of chirping birds. Therefore, this research needs to be carried out to determine the diversity, evenness...
Enggang klihingan merupakan salah satu jenis rangkong (Bucerotidae) yang hidup berkelompok, berperan penting secara ekologis sebagai penyebar biji. Perilaku bersarangnya unik, selama mengerami induk betina mengurung diri di lubang pohon yang ditutup lumpur dan disisakan lubang kecil untuk enggang lainnya melewatkan pakan dari luar sarang. Penelitia...
Pemakaian obat tradisional telah berkembang dengan baik dan saat ini sudah banyak digunakan sebagai obat alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan. Obat tradisional akan memberikan khasiat yang baik apabila dikonsumsi dengan cara dan dosis yang tepat untuk tujuan pengobatan. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya pemberian jintan hitam (Nigella sativ...
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases are quite high in Indonesia. One of the causes of high dengue cases is the high vector population, namely the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Mosquito control Ae. aegypti one of them uses larvicides to break the chain of reproduction. The use of chemical-based larvicides can be bad because it can pollute the environment...
Adapun tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan calon pemandu wisata birdwatching dalam identifikasi dan pengamatan burung dengan metode Index Point of Abundance (IPA) di Taman Kehati. Taman Kehati merupakan salah satu kawasan pelestarian alam yang ada di Lampung Barat dan sedang dikembangkan untuk objek wisata da...
The rise of hornbill hunting and deforestation that occurred in Indonesia, especially the island of Sumatra lately, threatening the preservation of these birds in nature. The purpose of this study was to determine thediversity of hornbill species in the Way Canguk Research Station, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. The method used in this study...
Tanaman Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida (L.,) Kunth.) merupakan tanaman obat yang memiliki senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tanin, dan steroid. Berbagai senyawa kimia tersebut yang berpotensi sebagai obat tetapi perlu diperhatikan kemungkinan adanya efek samping terhadap organisme khususnya pada masa kehamilan. Peneliti...
Tanaman suruhan memiliki kandungan metabolit sekunder yaitu saponin, flavonoid, dan alkaloid yang diduga berpotensi mengakibatkan sitotoksik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui keamanan dalam mengonksumsi tanaman suruhan, terutama apabila dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan berat badan, pan...
The aim of study was to determine any anticancer potential from Avicennia marina leaf extract compare to taurine on cytotoxic and anti-proliferation activities against HeLa cervical cancer cell line by using the MTT method (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl))-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide). The results indicated that methanol extraction of A. marina...
Diabetes arises due to interference with the work of the pancreas in secreting the hormone insulin. The disease can cause a decrease in body immunity and complications of various vital organs such as the kidneys. Jeruju ( Acanthus ilicifolius L.) leaf and taurine is reported to have antioxidant activity that is potential as antidiabetic agents. The...
The high exposure to free radicals and glucose blood levels in diabetes potentially damage the body cells and decrease body immune status that is shown by changes in the number of blood cells that can cause complications. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of ethanol extracts of jeruju (holy mangrove) leaves (Acanthus ilicifolius...
Placement of goats of various ages and the number of animals that exceed the maximum limit in one cage can cause the spread of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, etc. One of them can cause pneumonia. Dirt and extreme temperatures in East Lampung are feared to increase the growth of bacteria that cause pneumonia. The purpose of this research was...
Kelelawar, satu-satunya mamalia terbang, dapat terlihat di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK), termasuk Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG). Keberadaan kelelawar dipengaruhi oleh struktur fisik habitat, iklim mikro, ketersediaan air dan sumber makanan, serta interaksi dengan satwa liar lainnya. Di Indonesia terdapat 9 dari 18 kelompok kelelawar dunia, yaitu Pt...
Motivation/Background: Rat is cosmopolitan animal which means they can live in all type of places worldwide, including highlands, lowlands, rice fields, forests, and settlements. A high rat population can have an impact on losses in various fields of human life. The Liwa Botanical Garden is one of the areas developed for tourism so the presence of...
The diversity of bird species can reflect the high biodiversity of an area. it means that birds can be used as a bio-indicator of environmental quality. Determining the quality and level ofenvironmental damage can be seen from the diversity of bird species in the region. Environmental quality will be better if the diversity of bird species in the r...
The Liwa Botanical Garden is located in Kubu Perahu Village, Balik Bukit District, West
Lampung Regency. The Liwa Botanical Garden has an area of 86 ha, built in 2007 with the
theme of Indonesian Ornamental Plants. The Liwa Botanical Garden is one of the
destinations that is being developed for tourism activities and used as a recreational object....
Kelimpahan dan kelimpahan relatif dung beetle berperan penting sebagai bioindikator kerusakan hutan dan habitat. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kelimpahan spesies dan kelimpahan relatif spesies dung beetle di Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung Blok Lindung, Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman pada Desember 2018-Februari 2019. Metode...
Jeruju had various chemical components. This study was conducted on the teratogenic test of jeruju leaf extract to determine abnormalities in fetal mice (Mus musculus L.). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with 20 pregnant female mice divided into 4 groups: 1 group as a control and 3 groups treated with a dose of 3.75 mg/3...
Abstract To enrich new evidence about the anti-fertility activity of seeds extract of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in test animals, especially mice. Male mice (n=20) were grouped into four. The first group received only distilled water containing 1% CMC as the control. Group 2, 3 and 4 consecutively received papaya seeds extract of 2, 4 and 8 mg/40 g...
Objective: To enrich new evidence about the anti-fertility activity of seeds extract of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in test animals, especially mice. Methodology: Male mice (n=20) were grouped into four. The first group received only distilled water containing 1% CMC as the control. Group 2, 3 and 4 consecutively received papaya seeds extract of 2, 4...
The ginger rhizome contains antioxidants and is chemoprotective, therefore we suspect it can decrease the aging rate in the reproductive system. The purpose of this study, to determine the effect of ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) against reproductive aging of male mice (Mus musculus). This study, using 36 male mice (Mus musculus) aged 12-14 m...
Elephant Training Center (ETC) Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) was built to support human-elephant
mitigation conflict. The small population of captive sumatran elephant in ETC WKNP need a comprehensive
strategy in order to maintain the genetic variation of each individual and avoid inbreeding drive. Currently, genetic
studies have opened new field...
Plant extracts of cocor bebek, Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers., containing
various types of bioactive compound expected to have cosmetic benefits, however
studies on its uses in haircare is lacking. Current study is a part of our effort in
extending seeks of plant species growing in Indonesia that are potent to be use as hairgrowth
promoting agents....
Balik Bukit Resort Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) is a protected area where various amphibians habitat. The conditions and quality of habitat, of course determines the diversity of amphibians. This study aimed to analyze the diversity to detect that the amphibians (order Anura), comparing the diversity of amphibians (order Anura) based...
Way Kambas National Park is facing human-wildlife conflict due to most of its borderline with settlement areas. Braja Harjosari, one of 37 villages next to the national park, has agricultural damage and economy lost due to wildlife conflict especially sumatran elephant. Braja Harjosari has great landscapes including river, swamp and traditional agr...
Diare merupakan suatu gejala klinis dan gangguan saluran pencernaan yang ditandai dengan bertambahnya frekuensi defekasi, disertai dengan perubahan konsistensi feses menjadi lebih cair/lembek. Rumput teki merupakan herbal menahun yang tumbuh liar dan kurang mendapat perhatian, padahal bagian tanaman ini terutama umbinya dapat digunakan sebagai obat...
Aims: Purwoceng herbs, Pimpinella pruatjan Molk., are widely marketed in Indonesia; it is believed that the plant was used by ancient Javanese kings as an aphrodisiac. Unfortunately, the claim that purwoceng is an effective aphrodisiac lacks support from biological and pharmacological studies. This study aimed to test whether purwoceng extract affe...
Efforts in seeking effective medicine for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth are still continues worldwide. This study investigate effects of ethanolic plant extract of suruhan, Indonesian name for Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth., on rabbit hairs growth. Four healty, male rabbits, aged 4-5 months, weighing 1.5 kg-2 kg were used for the...
The leaves of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) contains flavonoid, tannin and saponin which plays a role in wound healing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of bitter melon leaves (M. charantia L.) ethanolic extract on wound healing the back injury on male mice. The parameters of this study were the length of wound closure...
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of taurine supplementation on the totalcount of leucocyte cells and erythrocyte cells of mice that have been induced to benzo (α)pyrene in vivo. The parameters of this experiment were the total count of leucocyte cells anderythrocyte cells of mice (Mus musculus L.). This experiment was conducted...
Rumput teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) is a weed plant possesses biological and pharmacological activities and commonly used in treatment of various disease in many folk remedy systems. However, scientific studies on the safety and biological side effects of this plant use is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the possible effects of crude e...
Nut grass rhizome contains several chemical compounds including aetheric oil, flavonoid, saponine, and antidiabetic agents, where as amaryl is a chemical medicine used to treat diabetes. A study about the comparison between amaryl and nut grass rhizome extract on blood sugar levels of male mice has been conducted. The study aimed to determine the e...
Gourami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) as one of the freshwater fishes, are easily to be cultured but slow in growth rate. One of the ways to enhance their growth rate is by feeding them with high nutritious food. Sargassum sp. and inositol are known compound able to stimulate the growth of some fishes. The study was conducted to determine the effect o...
Diare merupakan pengeluaran feses cair berulang kali atau lebih dari tiga kali sehari. Penyebab diare bermacam-macam, antara lain adanya infeksi virus, infeksi bakteri, makanan basi, beracun atau alergi terhadap makanan. Zat aktif kimia yang terdapat dalam rimpang rumput teki (C. rotundus L.) teki antara lain: alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, pati, glik...
Rimpang teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) mengandung senyawa saponin, sineol, pinen, siperon, rotunol, siperenon, tanin, siperol, alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, pati, glikosida dan furochromones, serta seskuiterpenoid. Dengan hadirnya senyawa ini diperlukan untuk menguji efek samping penggunaannya pada janin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efe...
Rumput teki (C. rotundus) mengandung senyawa yang zat-zat aktif yang dapat mempengaruhi proses hormonal jika digunakan secara langsung sehingga dapat memberikan efek samping khususnya jika dikonsumsi oleh wanita hamil. Pada periode organogenesis, embrio sangat sensitif terhadap masuknya suatu zat ke dalam tubuhnya. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada 23...
Abstrak. Areal pertambakan merupakan salah satu habitat yang disukai oleh jenis burung, khususnya burung air. Penelitian ini ini bertujuan untuk indentifikasi keanekaragaman jenis-jenis burung yang terdapat pada areal pertambakan udang intensif. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua areal tambak intensif terbesar di Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung pada bulan...
Bird is one of the wild animals that often utilized by people. Since the condition of natural ecosystems pressed continually, the conservation efforts for bird also need to be done. Qece 4ionservation efforts also need to be done in other areas, one of them is at the community forest. One of the community forest identified as bird habitats is the c...
Wetland as one of natural habitat for wild animals in Indonesia have been changed a lot. Wetland at Sungai Luar and Kibang Pacing are the nature habitat for settler birds diversity and place to stop over for migratory birds. The purpose of this research is to know, the population of kingfisher (Halcyonidae) and population ratio at two research loca...
Repong Damar in Pahmungan village, West Coast Regency is a Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park buffers, plays an important role a national preservation zone. Reptile is one of fauna in Pahmungan, the research had to be done because there wasn’t available data abaut reptiles. The research was conducted on June 2015, the aim of this study was to know...
Kerusakan hutan primer di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) menyebabkan beberapa satwa penghuninya bergerak ke luar area taman nasional dan merusak lahan pertanian warga. Kerusakan lahan pertanian menimbulkan kerugian dan keresahan masyarakat desa penyangga TNWK. Salah satu program kegiatan tim Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahua...
Kerusakan hutan primer di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) menyebabkan beberapa satwa penghuninya bergerak ke luar area taman nasional dan merusak lahan pertanian warga. Kerusakan lahan pertanian menimbulkan kerugian dan keresahan masyarakat desa penyangga TNWK. Salah satu program kegiatan tim Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahua...
Kerusakan hutan primer di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) menyebabkan beberapa satwa penghuninya bergerak ke luar area taman nasional dan merusak lahan pertanian warga. Kerusakan lahan pertanian menimbulkan kerugian dan keresahan masyarakat desa penyangga TNWK. Salah satu program kegiatan tim Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahua...
p>Taurine in diet affected increasing in body weight and length as well as survival rate of juveniles or adults of many marine fishes. It is explained that taurine presumably increased in their ability to tolerate the hypertonicity of seawater as well as to improve their metabolism which leaded to induce maturation. In order to elucidate the effect...
p>Anak Krakatau Island is a volcanic island in the Krakatau preservation complex. With its regular explosions, ranging from2 80 times/day in the year 2013, it was expected that the biodiversity would experience many changes. In orderto determine the recent condition of the biodiversity, especially animal inhabitants, a survey was conducted within t...
Way Pegadungan wetlands is a wetland closure difference between the two riparian communities. One of the wetlands is converted into paddies fields, while the other is a natural wetland which are still overgrown with trees. To determine diversity differences in bird species between two wetlands research communities, the point count method (IPA) and...
This research was conducted in the area of green open Lampung University, to determine the daily behavior of doves (Streptopelia chinensis) in the presence of human activity. The experiment was conducted in September- October 2013 at the University of Lampung tennis courts. The experiment was conducted using focal animal sampling methods and method...
Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura WAR (HPKTTW) merupakan bentuk kerjasama Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Lampung dengan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung, dengan luas 1.143 ha. Hutan pendidikan ini dapat membentuk komponen ekosistem bagi habitat burung yang tinggal di tajuk pohon atau di batang pohon (UPTD Tahura WAR, 2009). Tujuan dari pen...
Way Kambas National Parklocated inLampung Provinceis habitat for gibbon (H. syndactylus), frugivorous primate which plays a role as seeds dispersal process in tropical rainforests with its activities. Purpose of the research is to determine the gibbon’s role as seeds dispersal. It was conducted in August 2012 in the Way Kanan Resort of Way Kambas N...
Radiasi gelombang elektromagnet yang dipancarkan oleh lampu merkuri dapat mem- pengaruhi proses pembelahan sel embrio mencit. Radiasi yang mengenai sel embrio tersebut akan menyebabkan pertumbuhan tidak normal dan mempengaruhi morfologi fetus mencit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh radiasi lampu merkuri terhadap berat dan pan...
Kebisingan adalah salah satu faktor stres bagi manusia. Stress karena bising dapat mempengaruhi sistem endokrin sehingga membahayakan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mem-buktikan bahwa kebisingan dapat mempengaruhi kadar glukosa darah mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei - Juni 2013 di Labo...
Lampu merkuri menjadi salah satu pilihan karena memiliki umur nyala yang panjang, hingga 24.000 jam. Radiasi yang dipancarkan lampu ini bukan hanya dalam bentuk fisik tampak, tetapi juga berupa gelombang elektromagnetik dan akan berinterakasi dengan semua materi yang memiliki potensial listrik. Untuk melihat pengaruh radiasi cahaya lampu merkuri te...
Jenis pakan monyet ekor panjang dapat berupa daun, buah, biji, bunga, serangga, dan telur burung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tumbuhan dan bagian tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai sumber pakan monyet ekor panjang serta lokasi tempat mencari makan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Agustus sampai dengan September 201...