Nukhak Nufita Sari

Nukhak Nufita Sari
Lambung Mangkurat University | UNLAM · Department of Agroecotechnology



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Additional affiliations
March 2019 - present
Lambung Mangkurat University
  • Lecturer
December 2017 - January 2019
Politeknik Negeri Jember
  • Lecturer
March 2015 - February 2016
Ehime University
Field of study
  • Soil Fertility Science
August 2013 - October 2017
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Field of study
  • Soil Science
June 2010 - October 2010
Kasetsart University
Field of study
  • Tropical Agriculture


Publications (25)
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Kacang-kacangan merupakan komoditas pangan yang memerankan peranan penting di Indonesia, termasuk di dalamnya kacang edamame (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Sifat fisik dan kimia tanah gambut penting untuk diketahui terutama saat digunakan untuk budidaya edamame. Penggunaan pupuk organic, seperti kompos limbah padat (sludge) kepala sawit, yang diaplikasi...
The supply of nutritious food through a variety of food consumption is very important in reducing stunting prevalence. Some areas of Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) Regency are the alabio polder area with high cases of stunting children and unproductive swamp land conditions when flooded with rainwater. This service activity provides a solution in utilizin...
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Oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) is a large amount of palm oil industry waste and has the potential to be used as bokashi fertilizer with the addition of livestock manure to enrich its nutrient content. This study aims to determine the chemical quality of OPEFB bokashi by adding each chicken, cow, and goat manure based on the quality standards of...
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Tidal swamp land is an important resource in providing rice in the border area of Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan-Malaysia. However, rice production capacity in tidal swamp land is still low. Applying appropriate and balanced fertilizers tailored to the unique nutrient requirements and salinity levels of tidal swamp soil can support optimal paddy g...
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The use of fish pond mud in improving soil quality is generally still not widely used. This study used various doses of pond mud to determine the effect of pond mud doses on the availability of N and Fe-soluble in Ultisol soil planted with mustard greens. The research was conducted in the Greenhouse in April - May 2022 with a Completely Randomized...
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Desa Palam merupakan salah satu kecamatan Cempaka yang memiliki banyak rumah tangga petani, dan sebagian besar mata pencaharian masyarakatnya adalah petani. Pertanian menjadi salah satu sektor penting dalam menjaga stabilitas ketersediaan pangan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh petani desa Palam adalah serangan hama dan penyakit tanaman. Hal terseb...
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Beberapa permasalahan terjadi di Desa Bentok Darat salah satunya penurunan produksi padi akibat serangan gejala nekrosis dan lesi pada daun dan juga malai yang mengalami patah leher diduga mengalami penyakit blas yang disebabkan oleh jamur Pyricularia dengan ditemukannya miselia putih pada benih padi. Pada wawancara dengan ketua kelompok tani perma...
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A buffer zone is an area designated to protect a conservation area from being disturbed by the surrounding environment. The concept of a buffer zone can be adopted to protect an area or land from contamination by factories, household, and agricultural waste. Teluk Sinar Village is a village located in a freshwater swamp area where there are mines a...
Conference Paper
The demand for ornamental plant commodities is increasing, so it is necessary to select propagation techniques that are in accordance with the type of plant. This study aims to find out the best plant stem cuttings and the best Rootone-F concentration on each of these stem cuttings. This research used Nested Design with a Complete Random Design pat...
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Rice productivity in tidal land is still low due to the chemical, physical, and biological properties of the soil. The research was carried out in January-May 2020 on tidal land type B, Maluka Baulin Village, Kurau District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The aim of the study was to determine the best combination of fertilizer doses...
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Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk mengenalkan dan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan masyarakat khususnya di Desa Liang Anggang Kecamatan Bati-Bati mengenai intensifikasi pekarangan guna memenuhi kebutuhan gizi pada masa pandemic Covid-19. Metode yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan atau ceramah kepada masyarakat d...
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Lettuce is a vegetable plant whose needs always increase every year according to population growth. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to increase the production of lettuce by increasing the number of seeds per planting hole using the DFT hydroponic system. This study aims to determine the effect of the number of seeds per planting hole on...
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Acid sulfate soils are one of the potential lands for agriculture with appropriate treatment. The main problem in these soils is the chemical properties, which is high in acidity and limited nutrients availability and Fe and Al toxicity. Amelioration techniques are needed to improve the chemical properties of the soil, which is oyster mushroom bagl...
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Rice production in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, is still not optimal and needs to be increased. Increasing rice production can be done with the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method. One of the needs for rice plant nutrients using the SRI method is by using Fish Amino Acid (FAA). The use of FAA as liquid organic fertilizer in organic rice cul...
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One of the main factors that play an essential role in controlling CH4 flux in wetlands is water management through the formation of aerobic and anaerobic soil conditions. Rice plants act as an intermediary medium for the CH4 flux release from the soil to the atmosphere through aerenchyma and trigger CH4 production. Therefore, this study had design...
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Pemberian amelioran berupa bokashi dari limbah baglog jamur tiram yang memiliki kandungan nitrogen dan pH tinggi perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah sulfat masam. Peningkatan pH akan mempengaruhi penyerapan nutrisi seperti amonium dan nitrat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bokashi te...
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The common problem of acid sulfate soils is their acidity, which affects the availability of nutrients. Soil pH is an important factor because interval pH defined the availability of nutrients in the soil. Amelioration could improved soils pH, and techniques that are often used is liming. However, Ramsar convention lime’s application is not recomme...
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Banjarbaru merupakan kota pemukiman yang sebagian besar penduduknya tinggal di lahan sempit. Diversifikasi tanaman pekarangan perlu dilakukan di Kota Banjarbaru. Salah satu tanaman pekarangan yang mulai dibudidayakan masyarakat perkotaan pada saat ini dikenal dengan sebutan bayam Brazil (Alternanthera sissoo). Tanaman ini mulai diimpor dan diperken...
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To support the government’s program towards world food barns in 2045, the use of sub-optimal wetlands such as peatlands and tidal land is a viable alternative. The problem of acidity in both types of land can be controlled, one of which is by providing ameliorant. Thus, the purposes of this study were to examine the effect of ameliorant application...
Conference Paper
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Flowering of garlic in tropical regions such as Indonesia has never been found, so that generational multiplication cannot be done yet. Induction of garlic flowering can be done by vernalizing the seed tubers to trigger flowering. This study aims to determine the hormone status of IAA, GA3, at the time of initial growth of leaf tissue, after going...
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Green manure application helps maintain soil fertility, reduce chemical fertilizer use, and carbon sequestration in the soil. Nevertheless, the application of organic matter in paddy fields induces CH4 and N2O emissions. Prolonging mid-season drainage reduces CH4 emissions in paddy fields. Therefore, the combined effects of green manure application...
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Majority paddy fields in Indonesia are cultivated under conventional management practices. Recently, organic farming has been developed due to a high demand of more healthy food and soil fertility improvement of farmer field. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate N2O emission from organic (O) and conventional rice field (K) collected...
Conference Paper
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Wonokerto Village, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency is one of the new areas in the development of garlic. The sustainability of the garlic development program in this village is very dependent on the quality and sustainable supply of seeds. The need for garlic seedlings in this village ranges from 500 to 700 kg / hectare and until now the pro...
Conference Paper
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Most of Indonesian like a spicy food, and they put chili pepper to get a spicy flavor. Due to of that, chili pepper becomes a primary ingredient in every single kitchen in Indonesia. The increasing of chili pepper demand, especially red chili pepper, do not meet their production, so that we need a technology to improve the production. DRIS (diagnos...


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