Norma Osterberg-Kaufmann

Norma Osterberg-Kaufmann
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | HU Berlin · Department of Social Sciences

Dr. phil.


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I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. I am specialized in the research of democracy, legitimacy and measurement methods. I teach mainly in the subjects BA "Education at Primary Schools", MA "Teaching at Primary Schools" as well as the BA and MA programs of the Institute for Social Sciences. I am responsible for the training of prospective teachers in social sciences at Humboldt University.
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April 2013 - March 2016
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Publications (27)
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Der Beitrag argumentiert, dass Inklusion und Exklusion als zwei der Demokratie inhärente Bestandteile zu verstehen sind, die i.S. von Berechtigung und Entrechtung Hand in Hand gehen und die Inklusion möglichst Vieler eine notwendige Voraussetzung für das Funktionieren von Demokratie ist. Die Grenze zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion ist dabei nicht s...
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As part of recent years’ efforts at reaching a more context- and diversity-sensitive study of international relations, the nexus between fields of IR and Area Studies (AS) has received a renewed attention. While AS is usually presented as the “contextualizer” of the disciplines, this forum reverses the perspective by suggesting that an awareness of...
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This article formulates the concept of democracy as a configuration to overcome the rigid universalist, liberal-proceduralist dominated conceptions of democracy that define invariant core elements and combine them with culturally individualistic features. Instead, the approach presented here focuses on the basic principles behind democracy. Lincoln...
A growing global trend towards authoritarianism has left democracy, especially its liberal form, under strain. This has occurred despite earlier promises of democratization between the end of the Cold War and the early twenty-first century. Our essay examines how the dynamics of post-democratization politics have played out across several polities...
Democracy is subject to constant and seemingly interminable contestation in academic and policy contexts, and yet, empirically and methodologically robust analysis of what the term means in practice for actual citizens has remained an area of relative lacuna. Admittedly, large-N surveys have attempted to address this research gap by examining attit...
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Democratic systems are currently facing multiple challenges. A central component of this is the disintegrating relationship between citizens and political actors; citizens simply do not feel represented by political actors any longer. As a result, we are seeing a decline in trust in politicians, increasing questioning of whether democracy is still...
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This article uses a study on the impact of political (EU-specific) knowledge on perceptions of the legitimacy of the European Union to demonstrate the potential of the repertory grid method in the social sciences. The first objective of the study is methodological. The aim is to test the added value of the repertory grid method for surveying attitu...
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The question of the contested nature of the concept of democracy is neither in doubt within the political science debate, nor new. What is new, however, is the attention paid to the knowledge of competing ideas of democracy in literature. The development of concepts of the “D-word” beyond Eurocentric hegemony was accompanied by a critical review of...
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Research on meanings and understandings of democracy is growing. But besides useful theoretical and empirical insights, this research produces open questions concerning the conceptualization and the measurement of meanings of democracy. This special section—and especially this introductory paper and the different contributions—reflect on several ke...
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Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von EU-spezifischem politischen Wissen auf die Legitimitätswahrnehmung der Europäischen Union (EU). Die Literatur zur Einstellungsforschung lässt sowohl einen positiven als auch einen negativen Einfluss erwarten. Mit Hilfe eines quasi-experimentellen Designs mit Repertory Grid li...
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht mittels der Methode Repertory Grid den Einfluss politischen (Europäische Union-spezifischen) Wissens auf die Legitimitätswahrnehmung der Europäischen Union. Das Ziel der Untersuchung ist erstens methodischer Art. Geprüft werden soll die Bedeutung politischen Wissens zum Untersuchungsgegenstand als mögliche Einschr...
This chapter analyzes constitutional politics in Albania since 1991. It outlines the argument that radical change was only possible due to extreme events opening up windows of opportunity because of their disruptive nature shaking the existing institutions. It also demonstrates that the replacement of the ruling elites led to new political actors c...
The following article discusses methodological challenges in surveying support for democracy in countries beyond the West. Considering the Traveling Premise, a universal understanding of democracy cannot be assumed. As traditional methods mostly ignore the variety of how people view democracy worldwide, they produce data with limited meaning, espec...
Key literature in EU legitimisation research indicates deep-rooted delegitimisation of the EU. While this perception has been validated empirically for elites, no data exists to support this thesis from the citizens’ perspective. The following paper discusses how methodological deficits in survey research could be the cause of such common findings...
Key literature in EU legitimisation research indicates deep-rooted delegitimisation of the EU. While this perception has been validated empirically for elites, no data exists to support this thesis from the citizens’ perspective. The following paper discusses how methodological deficits in survey research could be the cause of such common findings...
Die Demokratieanalyse hat, trotz ähnlich anmutender Defekte, insbesondere in den ersten zehn Jahren der Transformation in Albanien und Kroatien, grundsätzliche Unterschiede zwischen beiden Ländern deutlich gemacht. Auf die wesentliche Erkenntnis der Demokratieanalyse reduziert, ist in Kroatien die Akzeptanz formaler Regeln und die Durchdringung der...
Einige osteuropäische Länder der dritten Transformationswelle haben die Herausforderungen der Demokratisierung erfolgreicher gemeistert als andere. Statt eines geschlossenen Siegeszuges der Demokratie in den post-sozialistischen Ländern, entfernen sich diese in ihrer Entwicklung immer weiter voneinander. Während vor allem die mittelosteuropäischen...
Grundlage des Konzeptes ist die Demokratiedefinition Robert Dahls (1971). Seiner Definition folgend ist Polyarchie die realistischste Variante der Demokratie und sie definiert sich durch die interdependenten Dimensionen politischer Partizipation und politischer Konkurrenz. Dieser Demokratiebegriff wird von Merkel et al. (2003) um zwei weitere Dimen...
Mit der Aufteilung der Region in die Einflussbereiche des Osmanischen Reichs und des Habsburger Reichs wurden für das heutige Albanien und Kroatien die grundsätzlichen Weichen für die Zukunft gestellt. Das heutige Albanien fiel Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts an das Osmanische Reich und konnte seine Unabhängigkeit von der Fremdherrschaft erst 1912 durchs...


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