Nóra Dr. Obermayer

Nóra Dr. Obermayer
University of Pannonia · Department of Management



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Nóra Obermayer, PhD, is a Full Professor, Head of Department of Management and Vice-dean for Development at the University of Pannonia in Veszprém, Hungary. Her research fields are: knowledge management, organizational and/or national culture, AI, digital technologies, social media and Industry 4.0.
Additional affiliations
July 2008 - March 2016
University of Pannonia
  • Professor


Publications (47)
Napjainkban a legtöbb szoftverprojekt rugalmas, például agilis, extrém vagy hibrid környezetben valósul meg. Ezekben a környezetekben a projektekben szereplő tevékenységek végrehajtásához prioritásokat rendelnek. A kötött végrehajtási struktúra helyett pedig általában a rugalmas végrehajtás a jellemző, ahol a tevékenységek végrehajtási sorrendje a...
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Global competitiveness emphasizes that nations with digitally literate and adaptable populations are likely to be more competitive in the global economy. In the contemporary global landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness. Nations that prioritize the development of digital skills and foster a gr...
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Nowadays, we live in the fourth industrial revolution (the so-called digital revolution), which is fundamentally reshaping industry and business as well as the economy and civil society. Within the research activities of the National Laboratory for Social Innovation project, a research plan has been drawn up taking into account the quadruple helix...
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Az ipari forradalmak mindegyike megkövetelt bizonyos készségeket és kompetenciákat az emberektől, amelyeket fejleszteniük kellett ahhoz, hogy relevánsak maradjanak a munkakörnyezetben. Az első forradalom a gépesítést hozta, a második ipari forradalom már a kognitív készségeket érintette. Az Ipar 4.0 már a digitális készségekről szól. A szükséges ké...
A tudományos utánpótlás-nevelés eredendően a mester-tanítvány viszonyban rejlő intellektuális és kapcsolati lehetőségek sikeres kiaknázásán alapul, amelyet bőséges szakirodalmi források támasztanak alá. Azonban ezen viszony doktori fokozatszerzést követő fenntartásának hozadéka meglehetősen alulkutatott téma. Ennek az űrnek a csökkentésére vállalko...
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In our digital age, the effects of digital transformation, the scope and speed of current changes, and the emergence of digital technologies have led to a radical transformation of workplaces, resulting in a reduction of demand for employees carrying out routine, manual tasks, while evokes a need for digitally-skilled employees emphasising the impo...
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The Erasmus mobility exchange program is one of the most considerable cooperation and mobility networks in the world; however, the driving forces of the mobility exchange program are still questionable. Integrating various databases and including new indicators, such as crimes, collaboration, and culture, called the 3Cs in our model, offers us new...
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Industry 4.0 is the fourth and most current industrial revolution, which refers to the integration of the digital and physical worlds in a manufacturing context. It is the current trend in organizational automation and data interchange. It denotes intelligent manufacturing processes that combine cyber and physical systems via a collection of techno...
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The change caused by Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has fundamentally changed our lives and operations of organisations. The objective of the article is to reveal whether I4.0 implementation supports human workforces, knowledge sharing and knowledge storage in case of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The data were obtained from 122 complet...
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The aim of the research is to provide a survey-based result on the individual digital skills and human characteristics of the workforce influenced by digital transformation. The online questionnaire is completed by managers and white collar workers of Hungarian manufacturing companies in spring 2021 (n=489). Descriptive statistics and relationship...
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The digitalisation has become an imperative for most organisations and their workforces in our world of emergent and continuous changes. Digital technologies are evolving at the speed of light, such as big data analytics, social media, artificial intelligence, internet of things, etc., and the platform built with these technologies. In this context...
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The COVID-19 pandemic brought CDTs to the forefront of business life. This study provides an important insight into a specific country's context, which has not been sufficiently investigated. This paper aims 1) to investigate how companies’ general characteristics impact the use of contactless digital technologies (CDTs) in Hungary; 2) to examine e...
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Purpose Both Hungary and Germany belong to the old-world wine-producing countries and have long winemaking traditions. This paper aims at exploring and comparing online branding strategies of family SME (small and medium sized enterprises) wineries at Lake Balaton (Hungary) and Lake Constance (Germany), as two wine regions with similar geographic c...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discover how Hungarian manufacturing companies interpret technology and human resources as driving forces and barriers in terms of Industry 4.0 implementation. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted 23 semi-structured interviews with corporate leaders and applied qualitative content analysis using...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate how family businesses utilise social media tools, to determine what the purposes, benefits and challenges are, and to discover competencies that are important in social networking and cooperation. A multiple case study method was employed based on semi-structured interviews with six wineries located in th...
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Az autentikus vezetés korunk komplex elvárásaira reagáló vezetésfelfogás. Nemzetközi súlyának növekedését a folyamatosan bővülő publikációszám is alátámasztja, ugyanakkor kevés hazai vizsgálat található a témában. A szerzők tanulmányukat hiánypótló szándékkal készítették, amelyben az autentikus vezetők jellemzőit vizsgálták hazai felső vezetők élet...
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Internet, közösségi média, digitális transzformáció, dolgok internete, okos technológiák, mesterséges intelligencia: egyre inkább a hétköznapok részévé válnak. Az automatizáció és a robotika az Ipar 4.0 alapkövei. A vállalatoknak most kell dönteniük arról, hogy integrálják-e a mesterséges intelligenciát, robotokat a működésükbe, továbbá bátorítják-...
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Absztrakt A szoftverrel támogatott tartalomelemzés lehetőséget ad a háttéresemények alaposabb megismerésére és összefüggések feltárására, az eredmények kvantifikált módon történő megjelenítésére. Szöveganalitikai módszer segítségével mutatjuk be az ipar 4.0 és az empolyer branding közötti implicit kapcsolatot. Az elmúlt években a magyar gazdaság is...
Knowledge management and social media have become trendy expressions in the business life. Knowledge is seen as the most important strategic asset and knowledge workers play a central role in value creation. Organizations have an urgent need to pay attention to effective knowledge sharing, thus, it is important to understand what encourages individ...
This chapter introduces the possible differences revealed of the applied methods in knowledge sharing based on generational differences. In addition the chapter investigates the relationship of knowledge sharing to competences, emotional intelligence and social media tools and presents research that were carried out between 2006-2015. The aim of th...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the individual and organizational factors that influence knowledge sharing (KS) behavior within Hungarian organizations. Design/methodology/approach The data were obtained from 238 completed questionnaires collected via the LimeSurvey system. The analysis is based on applied quantitative methodology...
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Az elmúlt néhány évtizedben a magyar borászatok és a bor helyzete kiemelten fontos területté vált. Ezt támasztja alá az utóbbi évek több kezdeményezése (támogatások, szervezetek) is. A szakemberek szerint először itthon kell a fogyasztókat „megtanítani” a borfogyasztás kultúrájára. A közösség média manapság megkerülhetetlen, a fiatalabb (Y, Z) gene...
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The region of Balaton is the second most popular tourist destination in Hungary, so the sustainable development and the cooperation of its enterprises are essential. One of the arising solutions to this is to explore the possibilities of using knowledge-based networking tools (like social media technologies) and develop good practices and case stud...
Social media technologies become mainstream, modify personal relationships and generate new opportunities for knowledge sharing and facilitating collaboration. Most of the people use these tools to develop personal networks, gather information or manage business processes, communication and marketing. As a result organizations are finding the way t...
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Social media technologies become mainstream, modify personal relationships and generate new opportunities for knowledge sharing and facilitating collaboration. Most of the people use these tools to develop personal networks, gather information or manage business processes, communication and marketing. As a result organizations are finding the way t...
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Behind the success of an organization can be found the ability to manage the constantly ‘renewing’ knowledge effectively. Knowledge sharing is a vital part of knowledge management. The recent remarkable growth in Internet-based business activities has proved that many different advantages can be derived from communication technology platforms. Inte...
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One of the key factors behind the success of an organization lies in its ability to manage the constant effective "renewal" of knowledge. The exchange of knowledge among employees is a vital component of knowledge renewal and hence, also of knowledge management. Hence, organizations have an urgent need to pay attention to effective knowledge sharin...
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This chapter introduces the possible differences revealed of the applied methods in knowledge sharing based on generational differences. In addition the chapter investigates the relationship of knowledge sharing to competences, emotional intelligence and social media tools and presents research that were carried out between 2006-2015. The aim of th...
Conference Paper
As economies shift from industrial to knowledge-based economies, the importance of effective knowledge management is arising. Nowadays organisations no longer compete on the basis of financial capital and strength. Organisations have to cope with continuous changing, thus focusing on innovation and revolution seems to be inevitable. One basic objec...
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Knowledge management and social media have become trendy expressions in the business life. Knowledge is seen as the most important strategic asset and knowledge workers play a central role in value creation. Organizations have an urgent need to pay attention to effective knowledge sharing, thus, it is important to understand what encourages individ...
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Social media is no longer a negligible phenomenon; tools like Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube have taken the world in a storm. Social media has become a mainstream, modified personal relationships, allowed individuals to contribute to number of issues and generated new possibilities and challenges to facilitate collaboration. Organizations have urgen...
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Abstract Purpose: The presented paper aims to reveal the relationship between emotional intelligence and knowledge sharing of employees of Hungarian organisations. Furthermore, the emphasis is placed on identifying the specific emotional intelligence traits which enable knowledge sharing. Design/methodology/approach: The database includes 215 full...
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Abstract Over the past decades, it is seen that among all intangibles, knowledge - as one of the core competencies - constitutes competitive advantage for the organizations. In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge overshadows tangible assets and there is an intense demand for accumulating, utilizing and sharing knowledge. Individuals’ knowledge...
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(Springer link: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4614-6865-3_3) The twenty-first century offers new challenges for the global economy. Globalization is reflected in the cross-border trade in goods and services, international financial flows, and increasing flows of labor. On the score of the last one, for international business, cu...
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The authors’ paper focuses on knowledge management and maturity models by introducing two research conducted by the Strategic Management Research Group at University of Pannonia. The first research, attempted to model the key features of organizational level of knowledge management, and to form a continuous maturity model for mapping knowledge mana...
Conference Paper
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The way knowledge is shared by organizational members plays an essential and central role in the success of organizations. It should not be forgotten that those who take part in the knowledge sharing process also benefit from it. Middle managers after playing a significant role in the vertical communication their organization influence the knowledg...
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Nowadays knowledge is becoming an increasingly important factor of organizational competitiveness. The way it is shared within the organization is essential and central not only to the success of organizations but also among those who share it, since those who take part in the knowledge sharing process also benefit from it. Since middle managers ha...
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For knowledge-intensive organizations, it is important to carry out an objective assessment of their current position in the area of knowledge management activities and processes. Uncertainty presents a barrier to the introduction of suitable activities for improving knowledge management. We believe that the results of the research will be signific...
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What inspires employees especially managers, working under top managers, to share their knowledge within their organization? The authors have conducted an empirical survey in Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia, which intends to answer this question. Beyond studies focusing mainly on the regions of the USA, Japan and Western Europe, there is barely any re...
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What inspires employees especially managers working under top managers to share their knowledge within their organization at middle and large sized enterprises in Hungary? The authors, at the University of Pannonia, Department of Management in Hungary, have conducted an empirical survey, which intends to answer this question. Beyond studies focusin...
Conference Paper
Why do people share their knowledge? Who and what inspires them to do it especially within organizations in Central-Eastern European countries? The authors, at the University of Pannonia, Department of Management in Hungary, have conducted an empirical survey, which has investigated the characteristic features of knowledge sharing of managers, work...
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The new economic order manifests itself in the transformation of the characteristic features of enterprises. Underlying the new scenario, the development of cultural and intellectual components is separated from the physical production of goods. In addition to physical, human and natural capital a further extremely important factor has been identif...
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A szervezetek üzleti sikere nagyban függ attól, hogy a munkatársak tudását milyen módon sikerül hasznosítani. A tudás a piaci verseny egyik meghatározó tényezőjévé vált. A 2000-ben megrendezett lisszaboni csúcson az Európai Unió államfői elhatározták, hogy az uniót „2010-ig a világ legversenyképesebb és legdinamikusabb tudásalapú gazdasági egységév...
The idea that organizational knowledge constitutes valuable strategic capital is increasingly popular nowadays. In order to maintain their position and to be competitive, organizations need to generate, collect, share, and exploit organizational knowledge efficiently and effectively. The effective handling of such knowledge is ever more widely reco...
Conference Paper
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This article is devoted to the formulation of a new knowledge management maturity model, which is believed to be of vital importance in the quest of the successful knowledge management practice. The main objective of our research is to develop a practically applicable and, at the same time, theoretically and methodologically founded approach that c...
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Knowledge Management has been considered as a critical factor in organizations’ capability to sustain a long-term competitive advantage. Knowledge management is already practiced somehow in organizations, although it is rarely a conscious proceeding. Relevant literature shows that most of the approaches found in the field of knowledge management ar...
Nowadays, organizations focus on knowledge management emphasising that knowledge is one of the most valuable resource. In the knowledge economy where changes in information and technological innovations are incredibly rapid and where the development speed of the environment increases constantly, organisations are forced to improve continually in or...


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