Noé Manuel MontañoMetropolitan Autonomous University | UAM · Departamento de Biología
Noé Manuel Montaño
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September 2011 - present
Publications (74)
The community assembly of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere results from the recruitment and selection of different AMF species with different functional traits. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between biotic and abiotic factors and the AMF community assembly in the rhizosphere of four secondary vegetation...
The relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and secondary vegetation (SV) species at early phenological stages is critical for the successful establishment of these plants on disturbance sites in temperate forests. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of AMF colonization on the early phenological stages (ger...
The relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and secondary vegetation (SV) species at early phenological stages is critical for the successful establishment of these plants on disturbance sites in temperate forests. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of AMF colonization on the early phenological stages (ger...
Mexico is a center of diversity for the genus Pinus, with 44% of pine species being endemic to the country. Mexican pine forests are recognized as hotspots for ectomycorrhizal fungi and bacteria due to the extensive interactions that take place between microorganisms and plants in their roots. These microorganisms play a vital role in the survival...
The effect of an inoculum composed of Amanita stranella and Suillus decipiens was evaluated on morphological features and total phenolic compounds in seedlings of Pinus pseudostrobus var. coatepecensis – a narrow endemic Mexican variety. The treatments were used: (1) A. stranella; (2) S. decipiens; (3) combined inoculum and (4) control, using a com...
Antecedentes: En plantas, las compensaciones morfo-fisiológicas, así como las asociaciones microbianas, regulan el uso de recursos limitantes y el ensamblaje de las comunidades vegetales.
Pregunta: ¿Qué relación tienen la micorrización arbuscular y nodulación bacteriana en el crecimiento y asignación de biomasa de ocho especies de Mimosa?
Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Leguminosae) forms symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia (NFB). The tripartite relationship uses molecular singals to establish intracellular symbioses in roots. The goal of this study was to determine if Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 and exogenous riboflavin (vitamin B2) have an effect o...
Key message
Woody Mimosa species, forming resource islands or not, affected the structure of mycorrhizal communities and increased soil fertility, being thus priority targets for conservation and reclamation of edaphic functions.
In arid and semiarid ecosystems woody plants forming resource islands (RIs) contribute to improve soil fertili...
Biocrusts are multifunctional elements in deserts that have been widely studied in Australia, China, and the USA. However, biocrust research in Mexico have also increased in the last two decades. Mexico has deserts (Chihuahuan and Sonoran) and semideserts (Querétaro and Tehuacán) with particular environmental characteristics that likely have differ...
Analysis of soil samples collected in the rhizosphere of Agave karwinskii in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico, revealed an undescribed species of Racocetra that possesses ornamented spores. The ornamentation on the outer layer of the external spore wall consisted of rounded and elongated processes, which are organized in such a way that they l...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and biocrusts (BC), occur inside and outside Mimosa luisana resource islands (M. luisana-RI) at the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, Puebla-Oaxaca, Mexico.
To determine: 1) Whether there are AMF within biocrusts, 2) The abundance and richness of AMF, and 3) The potential of AMF propagation in BC...
The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of Acaena elongata colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to different phosphorus (P) concentrations, as a measure of AMF dependency. A. elongata, is a species from soils where P availability is limited, such as temperate forests. Our research questions were: 1) How do different P concen...
Accurate taxonomic identification of alien species is crucial to detect new incursions, prevent or reduce the arrival of new invaders and implement management options such as biological control. Globally, the taxonomy of non-native Prosopis species is problematic due to misidentification and extensive hybridization. We performed a genetic analysis...
Changes in the forest plant community alter litter decomposition by modifying its chemical composition and microbial activity. In this study, the effect of the arboreal tree stratum heterogeneity on litter decomposition in an Abies religiosa forest was evaluated. Three different conditions of tree stratum were compared: “homogeneous with Abies” (Hm...
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) cultivation is one of the most widespread agricultural systems in tropical areas. The increasing energetic demand for sugar and ethanol in the last decade has led to further expansion of this crop over preserved areas of tropical and subtropical dry forests. The aim of this study was to compare soil essential eleme...
Folates are multifunctional metabolites in plants that are essential for cell division, nucleic acids and amino acid synthesis. During symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes, these cofactors are needed for de novo purine biosynthesis, meaning that changes in the folate pools could directly affect the flow of fixed nitrogen to the plant. Its role re...
Los encinos se asocian con hongos micorrízicos y endofíticos septados, pero se desconoce cómo estos hongos impactan su desarrollo.
¿Cómo la interacción entre hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) y endófitos septados (HES) afecta el desarrollo de Q. hintonii?
Especies de estudio:
Quercus hintonii
Sitio de estudio y fecha...
Antecedentes y Objetivos:
El café genera importantes ingresos en el mundo y en particular en Chiapas, México. Sin embargo, su producción podría mejorarse usando hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares (HMA) en lugar de sustituir una especie de cafeto por otra, como ocurre en México. En este trabajo se estimó la diversidad de HMA en plantaciones de Coffe...
Septoglomus mexicanum is here described as a new species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF; Glomeromycota) based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses. It was isolated from rhizospheric soil of two endemic Mexican legumes: Prosopis laevigata and Mimosa luisana, which grow in semiarid regions of central Mexico. Septoglomus mexicanum is chara...
Los matorrales y pastizales xerófilos están compuestos por plantas leñosas de porte bajo; suculentas, herbáceas y gramíneas, son parte fundamental del ciclo del carbono, debido a su importancia en la liberación y captura de CO2 por su amplia distribución a nivel global (Poulter et al., 2014; Ahlstrom et al., 2015); en México cubren más de la mitad...
Tlaxcala state, Mexico, show environmental problems related to soil erosion; however, in some areas of Andosols, with pine forests and even in agricultural areas, it has been observed that their degradation is minimal. The abundant presence of mycelium even in subsurface horizons can be the reason why soils are conserved. The objectives of this stu...
El cultivo de Zea mays (maíz) demanda fertilizante nitrogenado (FENI), como NH4NO3 (nitrato de amonio), el cual, aplicado en exceso, provoca la pérdida de productividad del suelo. Una alternativa de solución para este problema es la reducción y optimización de la dosis de FENI, con inoculantes a base de géneros de bacterias promotoras de crecimient...
In México Zea mays (maize) is a crop which demands nitrogen fertilizer (NIFE) as a NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate), in that sense hiperfertilization causes soil's lost productivity. An altemative of solution to solve this problem is the reduction and the optimization of NIFE with inoculants based on genus and species of plant growth-promoting bacteria (P...
Se presenta una revisión y actualización detallada de la diversidad de los hongos formadores de micorriza arbuscular en los ecosistemas y agroecosistemas de México.
Se presenta una síntesis exhaustiva de los estudios sobre la ecología de la micorriza arbuscular en diferentes ecosistemas y agroecosistemas de México.
Los matorrales y pastizales xerófilos presentan de relativamente bajo a moderado contenido de carbono en la biomasa y el suelo, pero pueden tener un efecto significativo para contrarrestar el cambio climático al absorber las emisiones de CO2 de la atmósfera, ya que ocupan más de un tercio de la superficie terrestre global y más de la mitad de Méxic...
We estimated the aboveground biomass of two legumes (M. luisana and P. laevigata) and one cactus (N. tetetzo), as well as their C content in a semi-arid ecosystem of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, Puebla-Oaxaca, Mexico. Ten sampling squares were established in which 3 individuals of M. luisana and 3 of N. tetetzo were counted and measured; as well...
In this study, we determined the diversity and structure of the vegetation, and estimated the aboveground biomass and C content in two plant associations (Tetechera vs. Mesquital) from the semiarid valley of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, Puebla-Oaxaca, Mexico. Eight sampling squares were established, four in Tetechera and four in Mesquital, at which all the...
Se expone la definición del suelo y su relación con sus procesos de formación. Asimismo, se destaca y ejemplifica la importancia ambiental y agrícola del suelo como un sistema multifuncional esencial para la recirculación de los nutrimentos, hábitat de
microbiodiversidad, almacén de carbono y como proveedor de alimentos y otros servicios ambientales...
In the Mexican economy, and especially in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, coffee is economically important, and sustainable management most cover pests and diseases. In this study, we searched for native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that could be used as biofertilizers in coffee cultivation. We collected 21 soil samples from seven coffee pla...
Abundance and richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in coffee plantations from Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. In the Mexican economy, and especially in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, coffee is economically important, and sustainable management most cover pests and diseases. In this study, we searched for native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)...
In soil spill by 75000 ppm of waste motor oil (WMO) a mix of hydrocarbons (HICO) aliphatic, aromatic is relatively high according to Mexican regulation NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2012 (NOM-138) which indicate that in soil the maximum limit accepted is 4400 ppm of HICO. WMO is an environmental problem because it´s causes lost soil´s fertility. T...
En suelo el derrame de 75000 ppm de aceite residual automotriz (ARA) una mezcla de hidrocarburos alifáticos, aromáticos y poli cíclicos, derivado de automóviles, es una concentración relativamente alta acorde con la regulación ambiental en México, relacionada con este tipo de contaminación, denominada NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003 (NOM-138), la que esta...
En este capítulo se presentan y discuten algunos problemas y limitantes de las estimaciones del método del número más probable (nmp) de bacterias quimiolitotróficas nitrificantes y hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares (hma) del suelo, a partir de una comparación de los procedimientos de estimación en estudios específicos dentro de ecosistemas...
The production of Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) requires nitrogen fertilizer (NF) as a NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate), NF in excess causes soil´s lost productivity. An ecological alternative to optimize the use NF reduced at 50% in P. vulgaris is to inoculate it with a plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPM) as well as Trichoderma harzianum. The object...
Acaulospora alpina y Ambispora fennica se reportan por primera vez para México. Estos taxones se aislaron de la rizósfera de Adiantum capillus-veneris, Baccharis conferta, Quercus candicans, Q. crassifolia, Salvia lavanduloides y Selaginella lepidophylla que crecen en los bosques templados de México. Los especímenes revisados se describen en extens...
En México el cultivo de Phaseolus vulgaris (frijol) requiere de fertilizante nitrogenado (FN) para suplir su demanda nutricional una de los comunes es el NH4NO3 (nitrato de amonio), que en exceso, causa perdida de productividad del suelo. En P. vulgaris una alternativa ecológica para optimizar la aplicación de FN reducido al 50 % es inocularlo con...
We examined the effects of agronomic management (low, moderate, and high inputs) and soil properties on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) community structure collected from the rhizosphere of Capsicum annuum cultivated in six agroecosystems in Mexico. Chemical and physical soil parameters differed among agroecosys-tems. Native communities of AMF-m...
Redescubriendo el suelo: su importancia ecológica y agrícola es un libro muy completo, actualizado y sin duda será de consulta obligada para quienes hacen investigación edafológica y como material elemental para los cursos de pre- y posgrado de suelo y materias afines, tanto en México como en América Latina.
Soil contaminated with 45000 ppm of waste motor oil (WMO) is a relatively high concentration of a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (HC), inhibits mineralization of organic matter and its fertility. This WMO´ concentration is high according to mexican regulation: NOM-138-SEMARNAT/ SSA1-2012 (NOM-138) related to when it exceeds 4400 ppm...
Los ecosistemas áridos y semiáridos constituyen un tercio de la superficie terrestre global y un 60% del territorio mexicano, pero poco se sabe sobre su importancia en el ciclo del carbono (C). Este trabajo sintetiza y analiza la información disponible sobre almacenes, flujos y controles de la dinámica del C en las regiones áridas y semiáridas de M...
Las especies de hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares Diversispora trimurales, Gigaspora candida y Glomus corymbiforme se registran por vez primera para México. Estos taxa fueron aislados de la rizosfera de Mimosa lacerata, M. luisana, M. polyantha y M. purpusii (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae), especies endémicas de México, 2 de las cuales están restringida...
The arid and semiarid ecosystems cover one third of world continental area and around 60% in Mexico, but their role in the global C cycle regulation is poorly known. The present paper analyzes data on C stocks and fluxes, as well as control factors of C dynamics in several arid and semiarid regions of Mexico. In these ecosystems, the net ecosystem...
The abundance and richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and arbuscular mycorrhizae (AMs) in the roots of four fern species (Cheilanthes myriophylla, Ch. bonariensis, Blechnum appendiculatum and Adiantum capillus-veneris) were examined in relation to soil fertility in February and December. The ferns were evaluated in two ecosystems in Oaxa...
The availability of organic carbon (C) affects microbial processes and nitrogen (N) dynamics in the soil. The microbial theory suggests that depending on C and N availability, microbial populations affect N transformations in the soil. However, other chemical and physical factors may be regulating the interaction between heterotrophic and nitrifyin...
The positive maize response to inoculation with plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) as Azotobacter sp and Burkholderia sp an endophytic type, are an alternative to reduced and optimize nitrogen fertilizer (NF) dose, recommended for this plant, without adversely affect its growth. The aim of this study was to analyze maize respond to inoculation...
Plant species that successfully establish in environments of recent formation, such as barrier islands, exhibit life history traits that allow them to efficiently capture nutrients and water, such ability may be largely due to interactions these plants establish with mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The goal of this work was to chara...
p>Plant species that successfully establish in environments of recent formation, such as barrier islands, exhibit life history traits that allow them to efficiently capture nutrients and water, such ability may be largely due to interactions these plants establish with mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The goal of this work was to cha...
Los bosques tropicales secos tienen una amplia heterogeneidad ambiental y por lo tanto se podría esperar una variación temporal y espacial en la abundancia y tipo de grupos bacterianos activos. Se evaluó, durante dos años consecutivos, el efecto de la estacionalidad de la lluvia sobre algunos grupos bacterianos cultivables y nutrimentos del suelo e...
Microbial biomass and activity in soils are frequently studied in tropical dry forests, but scarce information is available about the relationships between functional bacterial groups and soil fertility, where relief interacts with rainfall seasonality. The culturable-bacterial groups and nutrients were studied during two consecutive years in soils...
Plant species that successfully establish in environments of recent formation, such as barrier islands, exhibit life history traits that allow them to efficiently capture nutrients and water, such ability may be largely due to interactions these plants establish with mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The goal of this work was to chara...
This review analyzes the historical development and advances of the research on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Mexico, as well as the prospects for future research. AMF-research has been focused on studying both diversity and functionality in several ecosystems of Mexico, but mainly in the tropical dry and rainy ecosystems, and the agricultu...
Prosopis laevigata and Mimosa biuncifera are frequently found in arid and semiarid shrublands, but scarce information is available about their influence on plant community structure and soil fertility. We compared plant community structure, diversity and soil nutrients of three semiarid shrubland sites located in Mezquital Valley, Mexico. These sit...
Information about forestry insularity of plants on soil nutrients will be critical for selecting plant species for agrosilvopastoral
or fertility reclamation programs in dry ecosystems. We explored the effects of four Mimosa species (M. lacerata, M. luisana, M. polyantha and M. texana var. filipes) and of rainfall seasonal variation on soil nutrien...
Los microorganismos son seres ubicuos y cosmopolitas de amplia diversidad metabólica que cumplen actividades biogeoquímicas necesarias para la vida, con una capacidad genética útil para la síntesis de metabolitos de importancia agrícola, ambiental, farmacéutica e industrial, son además modelos para la expresión de genes en ensayos transgénicos.
We studied the relationships between soil nutrient availability and microbial biomass and activity of two contrasting soil conditions in a tropical deciduous forest in western Mexico. Hilltops have higher pH, water, dissolved organic C, and ammonium concentrations than hillslopes. Our main hypothesis was that soil microbial biomass, microbial activ...
Mimosa is an important genus of legumes in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of the world, but scarce information is available about
its interaction with microbial symbionts. In Mexico, there are no reports on the responsive of endemic Mimosa species to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization. In this study, the AM association with seedlings of...
Seasonal variation of dissolved organic C (DOC) and its effects on microbial activity and N dynamics were studied during two consecutive years in soils with different organic C concentrations (hilltop and hillslope) in a tropical deciduous forest of Mexico. We found that DOC concentrations were higher at the hilltop than at the hillslope soils, and...
Gains and losses of soil carbon (C), have been reported when tropical forests are converted to pastures. Regional studies are crucial for setting regional baselines and explaining each particular trend, in order to solve this controversy. Tropical deciduous forest (TDF) is under high deforestation pressure, mainly for conversion to pastures. The pr...
In this study, the arbuscular mycorrhizal indigenous colonization of two genotypes of maize (Negro and V-23) and two genotypes of wheat (Berros and San Cayetano), characterized previously as less efficient and more efficient in nitrogen and phosphorus use (N and P), respectively, were evaluated. These genotypes were cultivated in an Andisol during...