Nina TopintziAristotle University of Thessaloniki | AUTH · Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Nina Topintzi
BA Univ. of Crete; MA & PhD UCL
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Nina Topintzi is Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Nina does research in Phonology and Linguistic Typology.
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January 2019 - May 2023
September 2014 - December 2018
October 2003 - December 2006
Publications (50)
This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to key principles in phonetics and phonology with a special focus on the sound pattern of English. Both segmental and suprasegmental aspects of the language are explored and several of the main concepts of phonetics and phonology are discussed in relation to English, Greek, as well as other language...
After decades of research, opinions are still split as to whether geminates should be represented as long or as heavy. In this paper, we attempt to resolve this issue by entertaining a model that rests on the assumption that all underlying geminates are moraic consonants but they might not emerge as such on the surface. We argue that this intuition...
Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελεί μία διεξοδική εισαγωγή στην επιστημονική μελέτη της γλώσσας. Απευθύνεται σε φοιτήτριες και φοιτητές που παρακολουθούν πανεπιστημιακά μαθήματα Γλωσσολογίας, αλλά και στο ευρύτερο κοινό που ενδιαφέρεται να κατανοήσει πώς μελετώνται επιστημονικά οι γλώσσες. Γλώσσα αναφοράς στο συγκεκριμένο έργο είναι η Ελληνική. Αυτό προάγει τη...
Our study looks into End-weight (EW) manifestations in Standard Modern Greek (Greek). EW refers to the tendency of certain constituents which pattern as heavy to occur closer to the right edge of the prosodic phrase, in order to align with its most prominent locus, nuclear stress (Ryan 2019). This phenomenon ties in with other known manifestations...
Cypriot Greek geminates have been the subject of much past research and controversy. One major challenge has been their proper syllabification. Another involves their weight status. Taking stock of recent phonetic evidence that supports an inherent mora for Cypriot Greek geminates and tautosyllabicity on the basis of durational effects on the vowel...
Item ordering in the coordination of binomials of the type 'A and B', such as salt and pepper, is not random, but governed by a number of factors, including phonological ones, which are often seen in the light of so-called prosodic End-weight, i.e., the tendency of prosodically heavier constituents to occupy a position closer to the end of a senten...
Poster on binomial word order in Greek
Γίντιν, Επένα, Κούρτοπ, Λέτι, Νγκανάσαν, Ρότοκας, Σιριόνο… Αυτές είναι μόνο λίγες από τις 7.000 γλώσσες που μιλιούνται αυτή τη στιγμή ανά την υφήλιο. Στη συντριπτική τους πλειονότητα, οι γλώσσες αυτές είναι άγνωστες στο ευρύ κοινό. Αποτελούν, όμως, μαζί με τις πιο γνώριμες σ’ εμάς Γερμανική, Αγγλική, Γαλλική, αλλά και τη μητρική μας Ελληνική, το «υ...
Στόχος της παρούσας έρευνας είναι η διερεύνηση της συλλαβικής δομής των
διμελών συμφωνικών συμπλεγμάτων της μορφής αποφρακτικό-έρρινο (ΟΝ) σε
μεσοφωνηεντική θέση μέσω διεξαγωγής πειράματος συλλαβοποίησης. Στην
πειραματική διαδικασία οι συμμετέχοντες εκτέθηκαν σε ψευδολέξεις με τα υπό
εξέταση συμπλέγματα και κλήθηκαν να επιλέξουν ανάμεσα σε δύο προκ...
Στόχος της παρούσας έρευνας είναι η διερεύνηση της συλλαβικής δομής των διμελών συμφωνικών συμπλεγμάτων της μορφής αποφρακτικό-έρρινο (ΟΝ) σε μεσοφωνηεντική θέση μέσω διεξαγωγής πειράματος συλλαβοποίησης. Στην πειραματική διαδικασία οι συμμετέχοντες εκτέθηκαν σε ψευδολέξεις με τα υπό εξέταση συμπλέγματα και κλήθηκαν να επιλέξουν ανάμεσα σε δύο προκ...
Freely available here:
In this paper we report on Greek Rhyme (GrR), the first freely accessible pilot database on rhyme in Greek poetry. The database contains several poems and is constantly expanding. For the purposes of this project, specially designed algorithms have been constructed for automatic rhyme detection and classification according to numerous parameters, i...
The Australian language Arrernte has been argued by Breen & Pensalfini (1999) and Evans &
Levinson (2009) to present a case of VC syllabification (vowel-consonant constituency, with coda
maximization), rather than CV syllabification (consonant-vowel constituency, with onset
maximization). In this paper we demonstrate that greater insights for a num...
Poster outlining the construction of a database on Greek poetic rhyme. Web address:
Edge geminates (EGs) are of a different nature than intervocalic geminates. They are rarer
and structurally different; they emerge – at least superficially – as tautosyllabic within an
onset (word-initial geminate) or coda (word-final geminate), as opposed to the typically
heterosyllabic intervocalic geminates. In this paper, we present an initial...
We explore the morphophonology of the Greek glide in prevocalic position, where it surfaces either as a palatal fricative or merges with a preceding consonant of the set [k, g, x, ɣ, n, l] to produce [c, ɟ, ç, ʝ, ɲ, ʎ]. We offer empirical evidence for the glide’s dual nature, both as an allophone of /i/ and as a distinct phoneme and we demonstrate...
Iquito (Michael in press) presents R-L bimoraic trochees and normally bans degenerate feet, unless by including them, a dipodic prosodic word is formed. Thus, alongside the binary-only-footed L(ˌLL)(ˈLL) or L(ˌLL)(ˌLL)(ˈLL), one also finds unary feet in (ˌL)(ˈLL), (ˌL)(ˈH) and (ˌL)(ˈHL). I claim that this asymmetrical tolerance of degenerate feet i...
The point of departure of this article is the processes that front vocoids induce as triggers in language. We start with a description of 'palatalization', using Standard Modern Greek and other Greek dialects as an empirical basis. We then introduce a new, so far undescribed type of palatalization, dubbed 'strengthened palatalization'. Despite its...
Dekapentasyllavo (DPS), the dominant poetic meter in the Modern Greek poetic tradition since several centuries, has barely received any attention by modern linguistic theories. Basing our discussion on the analysis of several dimotiká tragoúdia (folk songs), we seek to understand the structure underlying the meter. Our investigation reveals which p...
The concept of the 'onset', i.e. the consonant(s) before the vowel of a syllable, is critical within phonology. While phonologists have examined the segmental behaviour of onsets, their prosodic status has instead been largely overlooked. In fact, most previous accounts have stipulated that onsets are insignificant when it comes to the 'heaviness'...
Dekapentesyllavo (DPS): the most important indigenous meter of the Modern Greek (MG) poetic tradition. No formal linguistic analysis to date, save for Nespor (1999) who briefly discusses DPS. • We aim to start filling in this gap! • Our claim: the well-formedness of DPS is based on the principle of Regulated Asymmetry (RegA) the strict control over...
This paper explores the relationship of the glide /J/ to the high front vowel and the palatal consonants. We argue that /i/ and /J/ are both phonemes, which nonetheless undergo contextual neutralization in a large class of nouns under paradigmatic pressure. The proposed phonemic status of the glide has repercussions for the other palatal consonants...
This paper aims to identify the stress pattern of Greek acronyms experimentally and to provide insights over default stress, in light of work suggesting that this arises in morphologically-bare forms (Krämer 2009), such as acronyms. Two experiments with novel acronyms were conducted. The first tested stress preferences; the second attempted to unde...
Onsets are obligatory in the most typical syllable found cross‐linguistically, the consonant—vowel (CV) syllable, and as such, are found ubiquitously across languages. This chapter explores various aspects of onsets, covering much of their structural, segmental, and suprasegmental behavior. Using empirical data as a point of departure, various stan...
For all papers in the volume, click on this url:, and go to 'Publication'.
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r/ στο ιδίωµα της Σαµοθράκης. Το φαινόµενο αποτελεί εξόχως ιδιάζουσα περίπτωση, καθώς πρόκειται για συνύπαρξη φωνολογικής αδιαφάνειας (opacity) και συνωµοσίας (conspiracy). Τα σειριακά παραγωγικά µοντέλα µπορούν µονάχα να αναλύσουν την πρώτη, ενώ η Θεωρία του Βέλτιστου (ΘτΒ) τη δεύτερη. Ισχυριζόµαστε ότι ακόµα και οι πρόσφατες παραλλαγές της ΘτΒ πο...
Moraic theory standardly syllabifies geminates in a coda-onset configuration whereby the coda bears a mora. Initial geminates
pose a serious problem for the theory since word-initially no coda exists to host the first half of the geminate. Previous
proposals have addressed this issue but have not resolved it satisfactorily, because they have create...
In this paper, I explore Bella Coola Word Minimality which is satisfied by words such as VV, VC and surprisingly CV. V words on the other hand are banned (Bagemihl 1998). Standard moraic theory approaches cannot capture these facts since they cannot differentiate between V and CV words, both of which are considered light monomoraic (Hayes 1995). Ot...
This paper addresses cases of weight alternation occurring at morpheme boundaries, commonly referred to as 'weight polarity' and focuses on data from Hausa and Ancient Greek. The analysis presented explains such alternations by means of OCP constraints that ban consecutive syllables of identical weight. The account naturally extends to a host of ot...
Samothraki Greek onset-/r/ deletion with subsequent compensatory lengthening (CL) of the following vowel poses two major problems for current phonological theory. First, such a pattern should be impossible because in moraic theory onsets never bear weight, thus — under the assumption that CL is all about mora conservation (cf. Hayes 1989 and severa...
r/ in Samothraki Greek deletes from an onset position and, depending on the environment, causes lengthening of the following vowel. This is a unique case of compensatory lengthening (CL). I investigate the phenomenon in detail and argue that onset /r/-loss relates to the placelessness of /r/, while I attribute CL to preservation of an input mora at...
The main previous account of the N. Karanga verbal stem tonology, Hewitt and Prince 1989, relies on derivation s and makes heavy use of extrametrical ity. I propose an output -based analysis in which tone triplication is the result of FtHd Locality interacting with the OCP. Construction-specific extrametricality is dispensed with in favour of a req...
0. Introduction Biaspectual Phonology (Bye 2005) is an approach to phonological opacity based on a notion of phonology that has been around for a long time: that phonology mediates between systematic/lexical and discrete phonetic representations (Process Morphophonemics; Postal 1968, Kiparsky 1973). In this paper we apply biaspectual phonology to d...
Two conceptions of crucial non-ranking have been proposed in the literature: i) one that produces variation (Anttila 1997) and ii) that of equal ranking (Crowhurst 2001, Crowhurst and Michael 2005, Topintzi 2005, Rice in press). I show that the former is erroneous in that it predicts unattested variation or fails to account for certain cases altoge...
s (s ? ), s 碌at s碌 t p e a t ap t es碌a a ep d se 碌eta t pe s碌 e a e 碌碌 s, t at e 碌碌 s t p d 碌e t de t p s d a , pe s碌 p s d a f a e t s碌 a t t d at s t t ? s st s e 碌碌 t p. te eta 碌 a e a a a s, s 碌f a 碌e t p a d af et t p p p a 碌at ta f t p pt ap t e st epa e s t d s pe s碌. p s te 碌 eta t ta p s d a s 碌ata p apa t ta ap te ap e t d at p a 碌at se t...