Nils Van KesselRadboud University | RU
Nils Van Kessel
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Publications (36)
Inleiding en achtergrond Van nature komt de Grote modderkruiper voor in ontwikkelde (kwel)moerassen, sloten en traag stromende beeklopen en –meanders. Door de natuurlijke dynamiek zijn dergelijke habitats onderhevig aan extreme omstandigheden, vooral wat betreft waterpeil en -temperatuur. Vaak is Grote modderkruiper één van de weinige vissen die in...
The ecological efficacy of river restoration projects may change over time, resulting in the loss of their ecological function for targeted species. The goal of this study was to evaluate the rheophilic nursery function of restored floodplain channels over time, by analysing 30 years of monitoring data from 12 restoration projects in the lower rive...
Sightings of the Spirlin (Alburnoides bipunctatus) have always been very rare in the Netherlands. Most historical records of these sightings are dated from 1919-1931 in the Jeker River. Due to poor water quality and habitat deterioration the species disappeared in the Netherlands. However, in 1995 the species was rediscovered in the Geul River and...
Invasions of Ponto-Caspian fish species into north-western European river basins accelerated since the opening of the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal in 1992. Since 2002, at least five Ponto-Caspian alien fish species have arrived in The Netherlands. Four species belong to the Gobiidae family (Neogobius fluviatilis, Neogobius melanostomus, Ponticola kessle...
Sampling locations.
1: Hollands Diep; 2: Waal; 3:IJssel; 4: Zandmaas; 5: Grensmaas; 6: Geul; 7: Gulp.
Raw measurement data on functional feeding traits.
Food specialist profiles.
Effects of the sizes of morphological traits on the capacity to feed on different aquatic food types. Effects can be negative, positive or neutral (0). For velocity suction capacity, relative gape area, and relative body depth an optimum instead of a continuous relationship was used, a deviation from the optimum was seen a...
Steeds meer exotische vissoorten vestigen zich in Nederland. Sommige invasieve exoten doen het zelfs zo goed dat ze inheemse vissen verdringen. Welke kenmerken verklaren precies dat deze exoten zo succesvol zijn en andere vissoorten niet?
The stability of habitat conditions in littoral zones of navigated rivers is strongly affected by shipping induced waves and water displacements. In particular, the increase of variability in flow conditions diminishes the suitability of these habitats for juvenile fishes. Recently, a novel ecosystem based river management strategy has resulted in...
Alternative reproductive tactics are characterized by the occurrence of discrete alternative morphs that differ in behavioural, morphological and physiological traits within the same sex. Although much effort has been made to describe the behaviour, morphology and physiology of such alternative morphs, less effort has been invested investigating ho...
Bar graph of mean GSI (%, logarithmic scale) with confidence intervals given per river location and overall for both sneaker and parental morphs.
Abbreviations indicate river locations as followed: All: all river locations pooled together, GIJ: Gelderse IJssel, N: Nederrijn, UW: upstream Waal, DW: downstream Waal, and NW: Nieuwe Waterweg.
Round Goby population dataset and population subset of mature males.
Characteristics of the Dutch Round Goby population per river site.
Invasive alien species (IAS) are considered an important threat to global biodiversity due to major ecological impacts. In 2014, the European Union (EU) introduced a regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of IAS. The first risk prioritized list of IAS of EU concern was adopted on the 3 rd of Aug...
Regulated rivers in Western Europe have rapidly been colonized by invasive alien Ponto-Caspian gobies. In particular, the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) can reach high densities in habitats with hard substratum, such as groynes and dams made of basalt stones. High densities of Ponto-Caspian gobies negatively impact native benthic fishes. It is...
Invasions by alien species may cause a decline in populations of vulnerable protected species through interference and resource competition. During the last decade, four invasive goby species of Ponto-Caspian origin have displayed rapid dispersal in The Netherlands. High densities of these species have been recorded in large rivers and hydrological...
Het Nederlandse rivierenlandschap is de afgelopen eeuwen sterk door de mens veranderd.
Hierdoor is de ooit zo karakteristieke riviervisgemeenschap met trekvissen, zoals de
Houting (Coregonus oxyrinchus), Fint (Alosa fallax), Elft (Alosa alosa), Zalm (Salmo salar)
en Atlantische steur (Acipenser sturio), en typerende soorten van stromende wateren
In dit rapport worden de risico’s geanalyseerd van exotische vissoorten die zijn opgenomen in de Visserijwet en hun hybriden. De volgende soorten en één specifieke hybride zijn in de analyse meegenomen: beekridder (Salvelinus alpinus); roofblei (Leuciscus aspius); karper (Cyprinus carpio); Amerikaanse hondsvis (Umbra pygmaea); graskarper (Ctenophar...
The presence of Asian weather loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, was confirmed for the first time in the River Meuse basin in September 2012. Initially, four specimens were caught in the Tungelroyse brook near the Belgium border. Based on settlement patterns in other parts of the world the species may become invasive. Potential ecological impacts s...
Het afgelopen decennium zijn de Nederlandse rivieren in hoog tempo gekoloniseerd door vier Ponto-Kaspische grondelsoorten, namelijk de marmergrondel (Proterorhinus semilunaris), zwartbekgrondel (Neogobius melanostomus), Kesslers grondel (Ponticola kessleri) en Pontische stroomgrondel (Neogobius fluviatilis). Deze uitheemse grondels zijn invasieve v...
The presence of Asian weather loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, was confirmed for the first time in the River Meuse basin in September 2012. Initially, four specimens were caught in the Tungelroyse brook near the Belgium border. Based on settlement patterns in other parts of the world the species may become invasive. Potential ecological impacts s...
Recent invasions by non-native gobiid fish species that are ongoing in the Western European rivers Rhine and Meuse, will lead to interactions with native benthic fish species. Since both non-native gobiids and native benthic species are bottom dwelling species with a preference for shelter during at least part of their life cycle, it is likely that...
The western tubenose goby, Proterorhinus semilunaris, of Ponto-Caspian origin, already recorded in 2002 from the lowest course of the Dutch River Meuse, was caught upstream for the first time in 2008 in the Border Meuse, the river-stretch forming the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. In 2009 it reached the upstream extremity of the Border...
The Pontian monkey goby, Neogobius fluviatilis, was recorded for the first time in the Netherlands in March 2009. Seven specimens were caught in the lower parts of the River Rhine, at close distance of the German border. Based on the species invasive history, N. fluviatilis could become invasive. Potential ecological impacts should therefore be stu...