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Nils-Axel Mörner

Nils-Axel Mörner
Independent Researcher

Ph.D. 1969


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Additional affiliations
September 1973 - March 2005
Swedish Research Council
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Personal Associate Professorship (Rådsdocent) in Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics which location of work at Stockholm Univeristy
October 1972 - March 2005
Institute of General Geology and Paleontology
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics (P&G) 1991-2005
September 1969 - June 1970
Western University
  • PostDoc Position
March 1991 - March 2005
Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University
Field of study
  • Geology and geophysics
March 1981 - May 1981
Institute of General Geology at Stockholm University
Field of study
  • geology
September 1973 - May 1978
Swedish National Research Council
Field of study
  • Quaternary geophysics


Publications (491)
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At about 3000 C14-years BP or 1200 cal. yrs BC, the Baltic Sea experienced a mega- tsunami with a wave-height of 10 m or more, and a run-up height of up to 16.5 m. This event had significant geological and archaeological effects. We explore the records from the Lake Mälaren area in Sweden. The tsunami event is linked to seismic ground shak- ing and...
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Supplementary Materials for The Kaali Impact as trigger of a mega-tsunami event and violent seismotectonics in Sweden published in International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysice 10 (2020)
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Nuclear power was designed to produce electric power. Each part of the chain from uranium mining to handling of the waste is linked to serious contamination risks, however. Uranium mining is generally linked to local to regional contamination. The fuel production also produces depleted uranium at a ratio of 1:7. The reactors are operating under dan...
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We report a novel finding that Stonehenge in England and Ales Stones in Sweden were built with the same basic geometry and using the megalithic yard as standard of measure. This opens quite new perspectives into cultural influence, travel and trading in the Bronze Age.
Technical Report
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I säkerhetsfrågor gäller inte antalet personer som applåderar Stolta meddelade SKB 2020-05-05 "Starkt stöd för SKB:s planerade slutförvar i Östhammars kommun. Det finns ett starkt stöd för SKB:s planerade slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle i Forsmark. Åtta av tio kommuninvånare (eller 82 procent) säger ja till ett kärnbränsleförvar i kommunen, enlig...
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I have been expert reviewer 1999, 2003 and 2013 (when I withdraw due to the exceptionally low quality of the sea level chapter). I am a sea level specialist – yes, indeed. But just because I am a sea level specialist, it implies that I will guide my review with respect to Science of sea level changes and its frames set by physical laws, accumulated...
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The tide-gauge stations all over the globe frequently include gaps, earthquake deformations of reference level, damages of stations and re-locations of sites. In meaningful reconstruction of past sea level change all such structures must be handled with great care. In the original databases of PSMSL and NOAA they are ignored, invalidating meaningfu...
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The Sun’s activity constantly varies in characteristic cyclic patterns. With new material and new analyses, we reinforce the old proposal that the driv- ing forces are to be found the planetary beat on the Sun and the Sun’s mo- tions around the center of mass. This is a Special Issue published on Pattern Recognition in Physics where various aspects...
Conference Paper
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Listen to Science, they say. But what science do they mean by that? Scaremongering or Observational-Based Science? This paper is devoted to the Science of the Oceans, i.e. the ocean circulation system with special reference to the Gulf Stream beat, the forces controlling this (i.e. the planetary beat on the Sun and the Earth), sea level changes and...
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" The International Geosphere-Biosphere Program: A Study in Global Change" was launchedasamajorcooperativescientiifc research proj ect for the 1990s in order to provide abetter understanding of the global environmentalchangestobeexpectedinthe n e a r -f u t u r e a n d t h e v a r i a b l e f a c t o r s t h a t i nfluence conditions for change.
Conference Paper
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In sea level research we don’t have any stable point – but we have observational records in time and space, documenting the effects of different processes involved, their amplitudes and rates. The problem is that Sea Level Science has become vulgarized by modelists and lobbyists in recent time.
Conference Paper
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Biblioteket i Alexandria, Galilei Galileo och Bob Lind (Leif Hjärre ser en röd tråd). Ales Stenar byggdes med en solklar funktion som astronomisk kalender (Bob Lind). Stratigrafi och C14-dateringar visar otvetydigt att den byggdes 750-700 f.Kr. (Nils-Axel Mörner). Solhjulet vid Madsebakke har samma funktion (Mörner & Lind, Archaeological Discovery,...
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Temperature changes in the ocean water masses affect the vertical height of the water column by expansion at heating and contraction at cooling. The surface change is a function of the amount of heating and the depth of heating (or cooling). A heating of 0.55 °C as observed for the upper 100 m of the ocean surface would correspond to a sea level ex...
Conference Paper
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Biological criteria and shore morphology do not lie. Therefore, they are key elements for a proper reconstruction of sea level changes during the last 500 years. The elements have to be observed, understood, documented and dated. Having done so in the Maldives, Bangladesh, Goa (India), Fiji and New Caledonia, a new picture emerged. The observationa...
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The remarkable Swedish scientist Nils-Axel Mörner, who has Russian roots, has done a lot in his life both in earth science and for scientific cooperation of the former Soviet republics and western countries. He is a passionate advocate of scientific truth, and therefore, naturally, a mocking opponent of all kinds of climate alarmism, with its silly...
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There are physical laws setting the frames of possible rate of sea level rise, rate of ice melting and thermal expansion of water (Figure 1). As true scientists, we must provide statements and estimates that respect those frames (i.e. lie within the blue box of Figure 1). Ignoring the frames, and you are in the pink field of nonsense. Figure 1 Rece...
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Biological criteria and shore morphology do not lie. Therefore, they are key elements for a proper reconstruction of sea level changes during the last 500 years. The elements have to be observed, understood, documented and dated. Having done so in the Maldives, Bangladesh, Goa (India), Fiji and New Caledonia, a new picture emerged. Sea level is not...
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On March 9, 2019, The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) published their weekly report beginning with review note on “Rising Seas – At Sea, or Shore” (http://www.sepp.org/the-week-that-was.cfm...). We found it far too superficial to have any meaningful message to tell. Instead, we wrote the following comments.
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Angående: utökad verksamhet vid anläggningen för slutförvaring av låg-och medelaktivt avfall (SFR) m.m. i Forsmark, Östhammars kommun, Uppsala län Yttrande: över SKB:s "Bemötande" av 2018-12-19 (M 7062-14, Aktbil: 116) vad gäller mitt yttrande "Synpunkter från Docent Nils-Axel Mörner" av 2018-10-28". I mitt yttrande av 2018-10-28 framförde jag kons...
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The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) is misleading humanity about climate change and sea levels, a leading expert on sea levels who served on the UN IPCC told The New American.
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Plutonium (Pu) är ett av våra absolut värsta grundämnen på grund av sin höga radioaktivitet och långa halveringstid (ca 24.000 år), vilket gör att den måste hållas strikt skild från biosfären i minst 100.000 år (vid deponering av kärnbränsleavfallet från våra kärnkraftverk). Koldioxid (CO 2), å andra sidan, är en grundförutsättning för liv på jorde...
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Plutonium (Pu) is one of our absolutely worse elements because of its high radioactivity and long half-life (c 24,000 years), which implies that it must be strictly sealed off from the biosphere in at least 100,000 years (at the deposition of high-level nuclear waste from our nuclear power plants). Carbon dioxide (CO2), on the other hand, is the ba...
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In July 2018, a sea level graph was published online. It has became known as "the AGU sea-level graph 2018". It has little or no anchoring in observational facts, however. This paper presents an analysis of actual situation. Real global sea level changes varies over the globe between ±0.0 mm/yr and +1.0 mm/yr.
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Climate has always changed, and will always change. The global warming (1970-2000) is real, but driven by natural forces (NGW) not anthropogenic (CO2) forces (AGW). Observational facts and physical laws set the frames of what is possible, and what must be discarded as nonsense. Despite this the IPCC concept of AGW forcing has gained remarkable inte...
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Changes in sea level are a hot topic, and frequently addressed in present day media. The quality of statements is another thing. Doomsday statements of a rapidly rising sea are not anchored in observational facts. In this paper, a recent photography taken of the shore on Ouvéa Island in New Caledonia provides a unique insight to the entire problem....
Conference Paper
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Whatever the IPCC proponents may try to say at the COP24 meeting in Poland about sea level changes, we have exceptionally firm data indicating a present sea level rise of 0.9–1.1 mm/yr (Mörner, 1973, 2014). In the Kattegatt Sea, we have records – in time and space – over the last 15,000 years. For the last 8000 years the hinge between uplift and su...
Conference Paper
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The Porto Climate Conference on Basic Science of a Changing Climate: How process in the Sun, Atmosphere and Ocean affect Weather and Climate, Porto September 8 and 8, 2018 included 35 paper, 4 posters and 2 discussion sessions. Below follows a number of statements and conclusions with respect to the material presented and discussed.
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Climate always changes: on the longer-term base as well as on the centennial and decadal base. From 1970 to 2000, Earth experienced a “global warming” of about +0.6 °C. IPCC and its proponents claim that this is due to man-made CO2 emission; i.e. anthropogenic global warming (AGW). We, the climate realists, claim that this is nonsense and that all...
Conference Paper
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During all the Grand Solar Minima in the last 600 years – i.e. the Spörer Minimum 1440- 1460, the Maunder Minimum 1687-1703 and the Dalton Minimum 1809-1821 – northwest Europe experienced Little Ice Age climate conditions (Fig. 1; [1]). Cold Arctic water penetrated all the way down to middle Portugal. The Northern branches of the Gulf Stream severe...
Conference Paper
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The science of sea level changes is complicated and multi-disciplinary and always expands in view of knowledge & interpretation [6-12]. It must be solidly anchored in observational facts in the field – model shortcuts don’t pay off. Glacial eustasy and thermal heating are primarily driven by the Sun. Their contribution to sea level change is small...
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Sweden has thousands of caves cut into the bedrock, two thirds of which occur in the crystalline bedrock, and hence represent pseudokarst phenomena. The formation of these caves can only be understood in terms of paleoseismics. In this paper, we review the parallel evolution of the concept of pseudokarst caves and of the concept of paleoseismic act...
Conference Paper
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Following the successful London climate conference of 2016, Professor Nils-Axel Mörner, Pamela Matlack-Klein and Maria da Assunção Araújo are organizing a high-level conference on The basic science of a changing climate at the Facultate de Letras (Humanities Faculty) in the University of Porto, Portugal, for two action-packed days – Friday 7 Septem...
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The anomalous pattern of relative sea levels for the Samoan Islands that followed the 2009 earthquake and tsunami is explained by coupling tide-gauge time series of relative sea levels and GPS time series of absolute geocentric positions of inland fixed domes. The subsidence of the land is responsible for the relative sea level acceleration that fo...
Technical Report
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Det talas mycket om KBS-3 metodens flerbarriärsystem-berget, bentoniten, kopparhöljet-som ett skydd mot kapseldeformationer och spridning av toxiskt material till biosfären. Vi vill hävda att detta flerbarriärsystem inte alls ger ett trovärdigt skydd mot enskilda och samverkande faktorer, vilka hotar bergbarriären, såväl som bentonitskydd och koppa...
Technical Report
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Till: Miljö-och energidepartementet Miljöbalksprövningen ärende nr: M2018-00217-Me Kärntekniklagsprövningen ärende nr: M2018-00221 Kopia: Magnus Blücher, Björn Dufva och Per Ängquist I NACKA TINGSRÄTT, Mark-och miljödomstolens sammanfattning av sitt yttrande av den 2018-01-23, Mål nr M 1333-11 anges att Verksamheten är tillåtlig om följande korrosi...
Conference Paper
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Hazard predictions must be anchored in very well established observational facts to be meaningful and trustworthy. We highlight observational facts with respect to sea level changes, and to access a recent, model-based, coastal hazard assessment for the New York City region. We conclude that available facts strongly support a modest rise in sea lev...
Conference Paper
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I en torvmosse i Blekinge hittades år 1847 en guldskål. Den kom att kallas ”Nättraby guldurna” eller ”Blekinge guldurna”. Den förvaras i guldrummet på Statens Historiska Museum. Under 170 år ansågs det vara en urna eller skål. Hösten 2017 vände jag den upp-och-ner (i bild) - och fann då något helt annat: En himmelskupol eller Himmelskalender. Med 1...
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Presskonferens "En 3000 år gammal kalender av renaste guld" med anledning av publiceringen i "Archaeological Discovery" (vol. 6, p. 53-61) av "A Golden Calendar from the Bronze Age" av Nils-Axel Mörner, Bob G. Lind och Göran Henriksson
Conference Paper
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In nature, methane occurs in two phases (stages); as gas and as hydrate (clathrate). Methane hydrate is a solid substance of methane and water, also known as “methane ice”. This phase is only stable as a function of temperature and pressure. Whilst methane hydrate occurrence is well known in offshore deposits and sedimentary bedrock, it novel findi...
Conference Paper
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Life on Planet Earth is constantly being threatened by different types of disastrous events; some are natural, some are man-made and some are just imagined. Some threats increase with our population growth and condensation to mega-cities. Plagues and famines have killed hundreds of millions of people through time. Progress in medicine and health ca...
Conference Paper
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Om temperaturstigningen 1970-2000 skulle ha drivits av CO2 ökningen efter 1945, vad skulle då ha drivit den lika stora stigning 1910-1940, för då kunde det ju inte vara CO2? I temperaturkurvan (Fig. 1) syns däremot solens 60-års cykel ganska väl.
Conference Paper
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The Global sea level is presently changing at rates ranging from ±0.0 mm/yr (in the Maldives, Goa India, Bangladesh, Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, northeast South America, Venice, etc) to a rise of 1.0 ±0.1 mm/yr (the North Sea, Kattegatt, the Baltic, northeast USA, etc) [1-5]. This poses not threats for low-lying coasts and islands. There are n...
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New sea level records from the Yasawa Islands in Fiji are presented. Beachrock occurs frequently on the beaches in the zone between mean and high tide levels on most of the islands. They date to the last 4200 years. The present sea level has produced distinct shore marks in the form of undercut notches, rock-cut platforms and sea-caves in the bedro...
Conference Paper
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KlimatSans in Sweden and KlimaRealistene in Norway organized a Nordic Conference on Climate, Mölndal February 16-17. This is Paper 1 by Nils-Axel Mörner on "Observationer kontra Spekulationer"
Conference Paper
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KlimatSans in Sweden and KlimaRealistene in Norway organized a Nordic Conference on Climate, Mölndal February 16-17. This is Paper 2 by Nils-Axel Mörner on "CLEXIT"
Conference Paper
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Sea Level Changes: The shore can be deformed up and down due to relative sea level rises and falls. But it may also be deformed laterally due to a number of dynamic factors. Relative sea level changes are the interaction by crustal movements and sediment compaction (Fig. 2). Absolute sea level may change vertically as well as horizontally (Fig. 3)....
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Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner Prof. Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner Die Fidschi-Inseln standen auf dem COP23-Treffen in Bonn im Mittelpunkt, und auch der Premierminister des Inselstaates war als Präsident von COP23 anwesend. Den Medien zufolge "zeigt sich der Klimawandel nirgendwo so deutlich wie hier" und "der Meeresspiegel steigt so rasch, dass bereits die Gärten...
Conference Paper
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In Bonn – right now – COP23 with the Fiji government as chair-nation There you will hear the same old story as before all based on IPCC, AGW, Paris-agreement, etc. i.e. models and models and political agendas Here follow 2 papers on real field observations in the Fiji Islands (1) on Coastal Erosion by Pamela Matlack-Klein and (2) on Sea Level Ch...
Conference Paper
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Review of the concept of depositing nuclear waste in the bedrock at Forsmark in Sweden according to the KBS-3 method
Conference Paper
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The sea level changes in the Fiji Islands have been the focus at the UN conference on Our Oceans, Our Future on June 5-9, hosted by the governments of Sweden and Fiji, and will surely be in the focus again at the COP23 conference in Bonn, November 6-17, hosted by the Government of Fiji. This focus, however, was quite miss-directed, depending on mod...
Conference Paper
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In geology we have a long-term tradition to base our statements and conclusions on observational facts in nature itself. When it comes to climate change during the Holocene, we have very fine observational records in Scandinavia giving evidence of high-amplitude changes and past temperature 2.5 °C warmer than today.
Conference Paper
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In geology we have a long-term tradition to base our statements and conclusions on observational facts in nature itself. When it comes to climate change during the Holocene, we have very fine observational records in Scandinavia giving evidence of high-amplitude changes and past temperature 2.5 °C warmer than today. Studies of past changes in clima...
Conference Paper
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The sea level changes in the Fiji Islands have been the focus at the UN conference on Our Oceans, Our Future on June 5-9, hosted by the governments of Sweden and Fiji, and will surely be in the focus again at the COP23 conference in Bonn, November 6-17, hosted by the Government of Fiji. This focus, however, was quite miss-directed, depending on mod...
Conference Paper
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Statement of the Problem: In geology we have a long-term tradition to base our statements and conclusions on observational facts in nature itself and physical laws documented in actual processes in our terrestrial system. This is especially important when it comes to predictions and mitigation of different hazards (seismic, volcanic, climatic, coas...
Conference Paper
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Frågan gäller: tillstånd till anläggningar i ett sammanhängande system för slutförvaring av använt kärnbränsle och kärnavfall. Detta fordrar: Bästa metod, Bästa plats, Full Säkerhet (i 100.000 år).Jag hävdar: (1) KBS-3metodenfungerarinte(nu när berggrundsstabiliteten inte längre gäller), (2) Forsmark är inte alls bästa möjliga plats, och (3) Den l...
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Sea level changes is a key issue in the global warming scenario. It has been widely claimed that sea is rising as a function of the late 20 th 's warming pulse. Global tide gauge data sets may vary between +1.7 mm/yr to +0.25 mm/yr depending upon the choice of stations. At numerous individual sites, available tide gauges show variability around a s...
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Shelly Island, the new island formed just off Cape Hatteras in North Carolina is by no means "mysterious". By analyzing Google Earth Pro images from 1993 to 2017 it is quite obvious that the southern tip of the coast has gone through significant morphological change in the last 25 years. Those changes refer to changes in coastal currents, waves and...
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Predictions into the future must be based on observational fact in order to be meaningful and trustworthy. Therefore, we present an evidence-based Corrected Paris Thermometer.
Technical Report
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Among geologists, astronomer and oceanographers very strong and severe critics are raised to the main message of the April 27 issue. Experimental tests have failed to endorse the basic concept of the hypothesis of man-made global warming. There are no real reasons to expect a continual warming of the Arctic peaking in ice-free conditions by 2040,...
Methane hydrate (clathrate, ice) does not only form in shelf environments, but may also accumulate in voids and fractures in continental crystalline rocks. This has turned out to be the case in formerly glaciated areas where the waxing and waning of thick ice caps following the Quaternary alterations between Ice Ages and Interglacial implied very l...
Technical Report
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The removal of a dense population of sea cucumbers along the beach of Yageta Village was the ultimate cause of the change in sedimentary conditions, causing erosion along the beach of the village and giving rise to a vast accumulation of sand to the north- east. We propose that sand be dredged from the depositional area and moved to the erosional a...
Conference Paper
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This is a non-invited contribution to the Heartland 12th International Conference on Climate Change (March 23-24, 2017) in Washington DC. It is an appetizer of our achievements during our expedition March 1-16, 2017. It indicates that eustatic sea level in Fiji is not at all in a rapidly rising mode, but rather in a quite stable mode.
Technical Report
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The paper by Söderberg & Knarrström does not meet the standard criteria for peer-reviewed article (rather it seems to be a case of pal-reviewing). The editors, Martin Hansson & Fredrik Ekegren, refuse to accept comments in their journal, and prolong an article to the 2018 issue (is accepted). Under these conditions, I leave their “local history arc...
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Nils-Axel Mörner: Also sea level data were manipulated to achieve maximum horror scenario of a general flooding to come.
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Presentation av Bob Linds rapport om Ales Stenar med Tillägg ”Bekräftelse vad gäller datering och stratigrafi med hänsyn till geologiska fakta” av Nils-Axel Mörner
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We analyse the location, stability and continuity of the two tide-gauge stations in Fiji. Both stations are awkwardly placed on heavy harbour constructions resting on soft sediments susceptible to serious compaction problems. The nearby GPS stations resting on a bedrock hill offer no solution to the stability problems. The Suva tide-gauge has been...
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There is a fairly strict relation between maximum tsunami wave heights and causation earthquake magnitudes. This provides a new tool for estimating the magnitude of past earthquakes from the observed wave heights of related paleo-tsunami events. The method is subjected to a test versus two paleoseismic events with multiple independent estimates of...