Nikolina MyofaHarokopio University | HUA · Department of Geography
Nikolina Myofa
PhD in Social Urban Geography
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Nikolina Myofa holds a PhD in Urban and Social Geography from Harokopio University of Athens. Her research interests focus on housing issues, residential segregation and housing policies, the study of socio-spatial developments in urban space, and thematic cartography.
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Publications (23)
Αντικείμενο του άρθρου είναι η συγκριτική μελέτη των πολιτικών εγκατάστασης των προσφύγων του 1922 και του 2016 στη μητροπολιτική περιοχή της Αθήνας. Σκοπός είναι η σύγκριση των χώρων (προσφυγικοί συνοικισμοί και δομές φιλοξενίας αντίστοιχα) που εγκαταστάθηκαν, των κριτηρίων επιλογής των χώρων αυτών, των συνεπειών της επιλογής αυτής καθώς και των ε...
The aim of this survey is to present the Greek social housing model as a part of the southern European model through an Athenian case-study. Several characteristics of the Greek housing model are unique, and the analysis of the Athenian case provides an example that emphasizes those characteristics. Moreover, this survey intends to contribute to fi...
Dourgouti and Tavros are two neighbourhoods of Athens, Greece. They were constructed by the Ministry of Welfare as areas with social housing estates. However, they are exceptional cases in Greek housing models. The main premise of this paper is derived from the analysis of the changes in social physiognomy and the relationships amongst residents in...
Το κείμενο αυτό αποτελεί περίληψη της διδακτορικής διατριβής που η συγγραφέας εκπόνησε στο Τμήμα Γεωγραφίας του Χαροκοπείου Πανεπιστημίου με επιβλέποντα τον καθηγητή Θωμά Μαλούτα (Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο) και μέλη της τριμελούς συμβουλευτικής επιτροπής τον καθηγητή Παύλο-Μαρίνο Δελλαδέτσιμα (Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο) και τον ερευνητή Β΄ βαθμίδας Γιώ...
This article considers changes regarding the social physiognomy of apartment blocks in urban housing in the densely built neighbourhoods of Athens City Centre. The aim is to illuminate the changes that have been a main consequence of the residential mobility that began during the post-World War II period and continues today. Thus, I will provide ev...
Το άρθρο αυτό μελετά τη μορφή του κάθετου κοινωνικού διαχωρισμού και της στεγαστικής κινητικότητας δύο πολυκατοικιών του κέντρου της Αθήνας που χτίστηκαν με το σύστημα της αντιπαροχής. Το άρθρο βασίζεται στα δεδομένα που συλλέχθηκαν μέσω της ποιοτικής έρευνας με συνεντεύξεις οι οποίες διενεργήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο του ερευνητικού προγράμματος «Ιστορίες...
Η αφρικανική μετανάστευση είναι μακραίωνη και ισχυρή σε όλες τις πρώην αποικιακές δυνάμεις. Οι δυνάμεις αυτές - Γαλλία, Βρετανία κτλ. – διατηρούν ένα μετααποικιακό προφίλ, αρκετά ευμετάβλητο ανάλογα με την συγκυρία και τις παγκόσμιες ισορροπίες. Η Ελλάδα με τη σειρά της αποτελεί, μόνο τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, χώρα υποδοχής Αφρικανών μεταναστών και...
Το Δουργούτι και ο Ταύρος ήταν δύο συνοικισμοί της Αθήνας που δημιουργήθηκαν για τη στέγαση των προσφύγων του 1922. Πιο συγκεκριμένα στο Δουργούτι η εγκατάσταση των προσφύγων έγινε, σε παραπήγματα, με αυτοστέγαση ενώ στον Ταύρο σε παραπήγματα τα οποία κατασκεύασε το Υπουργείο Πρόνοιας. Οι πρώτοι κάτοικοι στο Δουργούτι ήταν Αρμένιοι πρόσφυγες που κα...
The study of residential segregation and its implications in urban space follows long and differentiated scientific traditions around the globe. This chapter focuses on segregation and coexistence by providing an overview of the relevant scientific debates focused on the case of Athens. Special emphasis is placed on the conceptualisation of “vertic...
Το σύγγραμμα αυτό αποτελεί εισαγωγή στη σύγχρονη Χαρτογραφία όπως μπορεί να την προσεγγίσει κανείς μέσα από τα Συστήματα Γεωγραφικών Πληροφοριών, των οποίων θεωρείται αναπόσπαστο και αλληλένδετο τμήμα. Είναι γραμμένο με κατανοητό τρόπο, και κατά κύριο λόγο απευθύνεται στους προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και φοιτήτριες του Τμήματος Γεωγραφίας, της Σχολής Π...
The most common form of public housing provision in Greece, and specifically in the Athens, was the construction of social housing estates, as was the case in the rest of Europe. These estates were designed by public agencies mainly from the interwar period to 2004. This study aims to indicate the context within which social housing in Athens was d...
The study area in Tavros is one of the settlements created to accommodate Asia Minor refugees of the 1920s in Athens (such as Dourgouti, Asyrmatos or Ampelokipoi). The refugees in Tavros were housed either in self-made shacks or in apartment blocks built by the state. After the 1920s, the neighbourhood received a large number of internal migrants....
This presentation is about the role of the Greek state in housing provision. The Greek housing system, which is part of the wider Southern European model with its residual welfare state, is characterized by a high rate of owner-occupation, low rental rate in the private sector and complete absence of social rental housing. Although the rate of soci...
This paper examines the socio-spatial development of Dourgouti and Tavros that constituted two Athenian neighborhoods, which were constructed by the Ministry of Welfare for the housing rehabilitation of refugees and internal migrants who lived in shacks. The main research question of this paper is whether Dourgouti and Tavros maintain through the y...
This essay is about housing issues faced by refugees in the Metropolitan Area of Athens in the 1920s and during the recent refugee crisis (2015-2016). The aim is to compare the main characteristics of the refugees' settlements and camps in 1922 and 2016, the criteria for selecting these sites for settlement, the consequences of this choice as well...
This dissertation examines social housing in Athens through the study of two Athenian neighborhoods, Dourgouti and Tavros. The Greek housing model, which is part of the wider South European, is characterized by a high rate of owner-occupation, low rental rate and zero rate of social rental housing.
In Greece and specifically in the Metropolitan ar...
This chapter describes housing estates in Athens, Greece in terms of their number, the periods in which they were produced, the public agencies involved in their production, the profile of their beneficiaries and the changes they have undergone since they were produced. It also provides a map of housing estates in the Athens Metropolitan Region dep...
Our study is about housing issues faced by the refugees in the Metropolitan Area of Athens in the 1920s and recent refugee crisis of the mind 2010s. The selection of these specific time periods is closely related to the fact that Greece, received large refugee flows that induced urgent housing needs. Furthermore, needs were more difficult to meet d...
Dourgouti is an Athenian neighborhood located at the Southern part of the Municipality of Athens.
Historically Dourgouti was a settlement which was created arbitrarily, with self-promotion, from Armenian refugees in the 1920s. From 1922 until the end of construction of apartment blocks from Welfare Ministry in the 1970s, the alternation of populati...