Nikolett Arató

Nikolett Arató
Eötvös Loránd University · Department of Counselling and School Psychology

Master of Arts


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Assistant professor at Eötvös Loránd University researching cyberbullying and its relations to social, socio-emotional and moral development.
September 2014 - June 2016
University of Pecs
Field of study
  • Psychology
September 2011 - June 2014
University of Pecs
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (25)
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Having good digital skills is essential today, yet little is known about the cognitive factors that influence the development of these skills. Given the importance of executive functions (EFs) in adapting to environmental changes and acquiring skills, EFs might contribute to acquiring digital skills too. EFs might also influence people’s approach t...
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Problematic internet users (PIUs) tend to have poorer attentional control, impaired working memory (WM), and poorer executive functions. Based on previous results using verbal and visuospatial WM tasks, there might be a difference in the processing efficiency of various types of information. Visuospatial processing skills might be enhanced in PIUs,...
The assessment of bullying-related attributes is vital in developing anti-bullying intervention and prevention programs. The revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ-R) is one tool that has been widely used for this purpose. Thus, as we noticed a rising interest in research on bullying and there is a scarcity of proper psychometric tools to...
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Interactive features and multimedia elements in electronic storybooks might enhance knowledge acquisition in children due to the playful learning experience they provide. However, to date, there is no systematic research on the long-term efficacy of storybooks, and the individual cognitive factors that influence information processing when using th...
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Az iskolai kortárs bántalmazás negatív rövid- és hosszútávú következménnyel jár az érintett diákok számára (Grinshteyn és Yang, 2017; Ladd, Ettekal és Kochenderfer-Ladd, 2017), így annak megelőzését és kezelését széleskörű érdeklődés övezi mind a kutatók, mind a gyakorlatban dolgozó szakemberek részéről. A bullying rendszerszintű megközelítése (Twe...
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A COVID-19 világjárvány több okból is szorongást és félelmet vált ki. A szociális távolságtartás, és a világjárványhoz kapcsolódó egyéb változások nagymértékben megnövelték a mentális egészségügyi problémák kockázatát. Jelen kutatásban az volt a célunk, hogy rámutassunk a legfontosabb kockázati és védő faktorokra, valamint, hogy megértsük ezen tény...
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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the factor structure and validity of the Hungarian versions of the Dimensions for Identity Development Scale (DIDS) and Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS). Both models assume that the iterative process of exploring and evolving commitments occurs in two distinct cycles. The sample...
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Objective COVID-19 triggers anxiety and fear due to several reasons, and thus, dealing with it requires prolonged coping mechanisms. When the number of infections soared, to slow the spread, many governments decided to close universities and dormitories and move teaching to online platforms. The majority of the university students decided to move b...
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Family and peer effects, as well as socio-emotional skills, are considered to have an essential role in cyberbullying. Although the dynamics of social factors and socio-emotional processes underlying cyberbullying are still open for research to further understand the direct and indirect relationships among the social factors (e.g., peers and family...
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It has been shown that individuals who are highly socially anxious prefer computer-mediated communication over face-to-face communication possibly due to the control and social liberation that it provides. Yet, little is known about transdiagnostic psychopathology constructs as mediators that may help understand this relationship. In the present st...
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People seem to differ in their visual search performance involving emotionally expressive faces when these expressions are seen on faces of others close to their age (peers) compared to faces of non-peers, known as the own-age bias (OAB). This study sought to compare search advantages in angry and happy faces detected on faces of adults and childre...
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Objective During COVID-19 lockdown the enforced social isolation and other pandemic-related changes highly increased the risk of mental health problems. We aimed to discover how elderly people coped with the psychological burdens of pandemic and the social isolation in Hungary. Methods This study included 589 (441 females) Hungarian individuals, a...
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Background Although social anxiety disorder is one of the most frequent disorders, it often remained unrecognized. Utilizing brief, yet reliable screening tools, such as the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS-6) and the Social Phobia Scale (SPS-6) are helping to solve this problem in parts of Western Europe and the US. Still some countries, lik...
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Bevezetés: A bizonytalanságintolerancia egy egyén alapvető képtelenségét jelenti a negatív események előfordulásának, valamint az ilyen események be nem jósolhatóságának elvi selésére. Az ebből fakadó állandósult stressz és túlzott aggodalom súlyos fizikai és men tális problémákhoz vezethet. Korábbi tanulmányok eredményei szerint a jelenség a szo r...
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Emergencies that occur during natural disasters, such as avalanches, earthquakes, and floods, tend to be sudden, unexpected, and ephemeral and recruit defensive responses, similar to the ones recruited when faced with dangerous animals. Defensive behaviors are triggered by activity in survival circuits that detects imminent threats and fear is the...
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Previous research warned that internet and social media use could have a negative effect on the social lives of excessive users. Based on the social compensation hypothesis, however, factors related to social fears could lead to problematic social networking site (SNS) use because individuals try to compensate for their offline popularity. It was s...
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Social and emotional competences are considered to have a crucial role in cyberbullying as, e.g., difficulties concerning emotion regulation and empathy can characterize both cyberbullies and cybervictims. Although, the dynamics of socio-emotional processes underlying cyberbullying are still open for research, as e.g., there are contradicting resul...
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Previous studies investigating the advantage of emotional expressions in visual processing in preschool children only used adult faces. However, children perceive facial expression of emotions differently when displayed on adults’ faces compared to children’s faces. Similarly, adults might perceive emotional expressions on the faces of children dif...
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Elméleti háttér: Az internetes zaklatás jelensége gyakori Magyarországon a serdülőkorú fiatalok mindennapjaiban. Ezért megnőtt az igény az ezzel kapcsolatos kutatásokra is, amelyhez szükség van egy megbízható, érvényes mérőeszközre. Célok: Jelen tanulmány célja két internetes zaklatást mérő kérdőív, az Internetes Zaklatás Áldozata és Elkövetője Kér...
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Összefoglalás: Bevezetés: Az egyik leggyakrabban elôforduló mentális zavar a specifikus fóbia. Ezen belül is kiemelke- dôen magas az állatfóbiák, mint a pókoktól és a kígyóktól való félelem prevalenciája. Az irracionális félelmi reakciók esetén a viselkedés megváltozásán túl (például a helyzet elkerülése), sajátos agyi aktivitási mintázat is megfig...
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The aim of this current study to explore the possible relationship between orthorexia nervosa and a complex approach of narcissism. With the emerging social and scientific interest around the issues of behavioral addictions, relatively large number of novel constructs became known in the field of psychology like social media addiction, codependency...


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