Nikolay Takuchev

Nikolay Takuchev
Trakia University · Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Physics



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November 1983 - July 2022
Trakia University
  • Associated professor
  • Teaching physics, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, forecasting, and modeling of air pollution in urban systems. Research interests: Climate change, environmental impact on health, in particular the impact of solar radiation on mortality from heart disease, psychological foundations of training and knowledge assessment, colorimetry.
November 1983 - present
Trakia University
  • Associate professor
  • Teaching physics, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, forecasting, and modeling of air pollution in urban systems. Research interests: Climate change, environmental impact on health, in particular the impact of solar radiation on mortality from heart disease, psychological foundations of training and knowledge assessment, colorimetry.
November 1983 - February 2022
Trakia University
Field of study
  • Physics, Environment, Colorimetry, Drug Design


Publications (115)
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The 1st section of the book named Urban Air Pollution: The Mysterious Suprathreshold Gassing of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria – Facts and Hypotheses
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Knowledge assessment through tests is an objective and effective technology, widely used in modern education. Tests (multiple-choice tests), consisting of dichotomous items - a question with one correct and one or more incorrect answers (distractors) are widely used in modern education to assess students' knowledge. Test developers face the problem...
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Between the incidence of solar lentigo (benign dark skin spots) and type-2 diabetes, there is a statistically proven positive correlation - diabetics have more solar lentigo. Both depend on prolonged exposure to solar radiation. Still, there is a logical contradiction - while the frequency of solar lentigo increases among those exposed to protracte...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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Short description of several case studies of air pollution - sources, conditions, health consequences.
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References cited in the book
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Data on the incidence of certain malignant diseases of the lymphatic system show a relationship between them and the incidence of melanoma. A mysterious common risk factor has been suggested. With examples from mortality statistics in Europe and the Mediterranean, combined with data from satellite observations, it is shown that it is possible that...
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In the present work, a dangerous phenomenon for mankind is described, increasing mortality, mainly from the most deadly diseases on the planet-circulatory diseases, in particular ischemic heart diseases. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics sources EUROSTAT and US medical statistics,...
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Not all students are dealing equally successfully with educational tasks. One of the reasons is the student's lack of understanding of his/her memorial qualities in learning new knowledge. A metacognitive method is designed for psychological counseling, based on an experimental (“psycho-physical”) study of memory (Ebbinghaus). The method aims at re...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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Arguments that global warming in the Earth›s atmosphere over the last 70 years is partially or entirely caused by changes in the solar magnetic field are presented in the work. Global warming is probably due to ionizing radiation emitted from the Sun mainly in the «rise» phase of solar activity. The ionizing radiation is positively charged particle...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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A high negative correlation between the average Sun Spot Number in phase “rise” in the 11-year cycle of solar activity and the annual average Earth’s surface temperature was observed in the data from several meteorological stations – first in the temperature data from meteorological stations in Bulgaria, and then from many stations from Europe and...
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In the present work, the author presents arguments that global warming of at least the last 70 years is partly or entirely caused by changes in the solar magnetic field and is probably a consequence of ionizing radiation emitted as a result of solar activity. The ionizing radiation is positively charged particles with high energy. They penetrate de...
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In recent years, the population of the Bulgarian city of Ruse has suffered from frequent air pollution. This work estimates the consequences of air pollution on mortality in the region.
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In the present work, a dangerous phenomenon for mankind is described, increasing the mortality from the most deadly diseases on the planet-circulatory diseases, in particular ischemic heart diseases. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics sources EUROSTAT and US medical statistics, it...
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A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase...
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Arguments that global warming in the Earth's atmosphere over the last 70 years has been partially or entirely caused by changes in the solar magnetic field are presented in the work. Global warming is probably due to ionizing radiation emitted from the Sun mainly in the "rise" phase of solar activity. The ionizing radiation is positively charged pa...
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In the present work, a dangerous phenomenon for mankind is described, increasing the mortality from the most deadly diseases on the planet – circulatory system diseases, in particular, the deadly ones of ischemic heart diseases. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics sources EUROSTAT,...
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In cases where it is important to track how changes in the environment affect the vital activity of a living organism (the main task of ecology), it is necessary to use quantities whose numerical values change accordingly (adequately) to the reaction of living organisms to changes in the environment. Changes in human sensations under the influence...
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Introduction. Between 2006 and 2012, the stationary automatic air quality monitoring station in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria repeatedly registered peaks of gassing with nitrogen dioxide with concentration over threshold levels (a record for the country) with unknown origin. The main suspect was traffic оn the street near the measuring station. Objective....
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An example of creating a site for calculating the conditions for the appearance of a lens effect in space. Published in proceedings of XXXV national conf. on physics education issues. Pleven, Bulgaria, April 1-4, 2007, 183-186.
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The location of the City of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, determines the specifics of air currents in the area, which in turn induce specific behavior and migration of air pollutants. The study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the behavior and migration of air contaminants in the region. As a result of the study it was found that : 1. Mini...
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The society of the City of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria blames the urban traffic as a source of unexplained high peaks in the city's air pollution with nitrogen oxides. The study with measurement of pollution concentration with an automatic environmental station and simultaneous counting of the vehicles and modeling the pollution dispersion reveals that...
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The microclimatic study of the Ancient Thracian tomb of Kazanlak, Bulgaria, under the protection of UNESCO, was carried out. A number of problems were found in maintaining the microclimate in the building protecting the tomb. Based on specific photographic material and data from the microclimate monitoring devices, conclusions were made about the...
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A microclimatic study was carried out of the fifth-century BC Thracian tomb "Shushmanec", Shipka town, Bulgaria, concerning its forthcoming conservation and preparation for tourist visits. The study sought to obtain the specific values of the microclimatic tomb features temperature and relative humidity of the air and their change over the year. Th...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. Trying to find out what should be understood by ‘climate’, the inquisitive reader is surprised by the lack of sufficient clarity about the content of this concept even today, although the term was used in antiquity and literally translated from Greek means "slope" (of the Sun's rays relative to the Earth's surface). The purpose of the...
According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease is at the top of the list of morbid causes of death on the planet. In the present work: 1. Data are given showing the probable impact of positively charged particles of solar origin with high energy on mortality from ischemic heart disease; 2. A hypothetical mechanism is proposed to...
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In the present work, a dangerous phenomenon for mankind is described, increasing the mortality from the most deadly disease on the planet – ischemic heart disease. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics of several countries, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively...
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Introduction. Knowledge assessment through tests is an objective and effective technology, widely used in modern education. Tests (multiple-choice tests), consisting of dichotomous items (a question with one correct and one or more incorrect answers (distractors)) are widely used in modern education to assess students’ knowledge. Test developers fa...
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According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease is at the top of the list of morbid causes of death on the planet. In the present work: 1. Data are given showing a dangerous phenomenon - an impact of high energy positively charged particles of solar origin on mortality from ischemic heart disease; 2. A hypothetical mechanism is p...
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Unbeknownst to us, we are at risk of sudden death due to hitherto unexplored cosmic radiation, which may be currently striking our heads and taking its toll - mostly on the elderly.
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According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease is at the top of the list of morbid causes of death on the planet. In the present work:  Data are given showing the alarming phenomenon – the probable impact of positively charged particles with high energy of solar origin on mortality from ischemic heart disease in Bulgaria, South...
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According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease is at the top of the list of morbid causes of death on the planet. In a series of publications, data were presented on the existence of a dangerous phenomenon - a relationship between the annual mortality from ischemic heart disease and the annual average flow of cosmic positively c...
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The formation of motivation for learning is a complex process, which also depends on external influences, often remaining unconscious to the learner. A study was conducted to reveal causes for significant differences in the learning achievements between the small administratively formed student groups. The study identifies the emotional leaders, an...
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Introduction. In recent years, the population of several major cities in Bulgaria, particularly in Ruse, has often expressed a civil protest against the failure of the responsible authorities to deal with the problem of polluted urban air. The study aims to clarify the extent to which the protests are justified in terms of morbidity in the Ruse dis...
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Увод: Мотивацията за учене се формира в резултат на сложен процес, податлив и на външни влияния, често неосъзнати от обучаващия се. Цел: В настоящата работа са изложени резултатите от изследване, целящо разкриването на социално-психологическите предпоставки за статистически значимите разлики в средно-груповия успех на малки групи от студенти. Матер...
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Introduction and purpose. Fertilization optimization is a significant research aim in the production of barley. The purpose of the present study is to use mathematical methods of regression modeling and the subsequent model optimization to propose a fertilization strategy leading to maximum yield with minimal fertilizer consumption. Material and me...
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Introduction: According to the results from several studies high-energy positive solar particle fluxes, invading Earth are correlated with mortality from ischemic heart diseases. According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics ischemic heart diseases are the first in the list of the 10 most frequent causes of death in 2016, regardless of th...
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Introduction. The reflective and color characteristics of the soil are carriers of important information for research and plant production. Aim. To explain theoretically the dependence between the soil organic matter (humus) and the reflectance from the soil surface by developing a theoretical model of soil reflectance and on its basis developing s...
Conference Paper
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Увод. Правейки опит да открие какво следва да разбира под „климат“, любознателният читател остава изненадан от липсата на достатъчна яснота за съдържанието на това понятие и в наши дни, въпреки че терминът е използван още в античността и буквално в превод от гръцки означава „наклон“ (на слънчевите лъчи спрямо земната повърхност). Цел на изследване...
Conference Paper
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Настоящата работа съдържа резултатите от педагогически експеримент, чиято цел беше да провери степента на адекватност между две системи за оценяване на знания – от една страна група преподаватели в средни училища и Висши Учебни Заведения (ВУЗ), наричани по-долу експерти, а от друга два типа алгоритми за оценка на компютърен тест, условно наречени "...
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Charged solar particles - protons and alpha particles with different kinetic energies, are constantly reaching the Earth's orbit. The kinetic energy of most of them is insufficient to penetrate deep into the Earth's atmosphere. As a result of explosive processes on the solar surface, streams of high-energy particles– with the energy of the order of...
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През август 1993 г. в курортното селище Старозагорски минерални бани се проведе международна конференция по археоастрономия, на която присъстваха учени от цял свят с интереси в тази научна област. Авторът поднася извадка от най-интересните според неговото мнение докладвани факти и интерпретации с акцент върху докладите за археоастрономически обекти...
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The Fourth International Conference in Archaeoastronomy "OXFORD 4" was held at the end of August 1993 in Bulgaria, at the Stara Zagora spa. Scientists from 20 countries presented papers. Most of the participants were from the USA, Bulgaria, Russia, Italy, and Mexico. The basic discussions at the conference were on the methods of extraction and inte...
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The Christian Chronology is based on Jesus Christ's birth year. But which one is the 1st year? In Takoutchev N., S. Penchev, 1995. The Christian Chronology - Facts and Hypotheses, ICO News 5, 9 - 14 (Japan)
Conference Paper
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Увод. За оценка на ефективността на образователен подход като СТЕМ е необходим съответен метод на оценяване на придобитите знания. Цел. Предложен е метод за оценка на знания чрез дихотомен тест (със задачи с еднакъв брой отговори всяка, един от които е правилен, а останалите са заблуждаващи (дистрактори). Дистракторите са конструирани така, че инте...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. The funding of public universities in Bulgaria depends on the commitment of the university to train a certain number of students - the so-called "government procurement". The higher school would receive maximum funding if it applied for the optimal number of places by state order - the largest that the higher school can fill without l...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease (coronary heart disease) is at the top of the list of the 10 most common causes of death. Objective: In the present work, data are presented showing the probable impact of positively charged particles of solar origin registered by satellites in geostationary orbit on m...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. In recent years, the public of Sofia is concerned about the frequent winter exceedances of air pollution with fine dust particles - carriers of viruses, bacteria and heavy metals to the respiratory system. Purpose. A study of air pollution over Sofia was conducted with a combined method - ground and satellite observations for an 18-ye...
Conference Paper
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A model for assessment of knowledge by a dichotomous test is proposed (with tasks with one correct and several misleading answers (distractors, incorrect answers). The model is based on the so-called semantic direction of Information Theory, in which the process of knowledge assessment is considered as an information process with the transfer of in...
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Introduction. The formation of motivation for learning is a complex process, which also depends on external influences, often remaining unconscious for the learner. Objective: The paper presents the results of a study aimed at revealing the reasons for a noticeable difference in the success of groups of first-year students, studying physics at Trak...
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Introduction. Assessing the full examinee' knowledge is impossible due to the time constraints of the exam. The assessment of knowledge through the unique sampling method-when the examinee takes by chance a few questions from the bank of all possible questions (syllabus), assumes that the revealed knowledge is representative (or near-identical) wit...
Conference Paper
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Предложен е модел за оценка на знания чрез дихотомен тест (със задачи с един правилен и няколко заблуждаващи отговора (дистрактори, неправилни отговори). Моделът е основан на т.нар. семантично (смислово) направление на Теория на информацията, в който процесът на оценяване на знания е разгледан като информационен процес с предаване на информация. Ин...
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Introduction: 20% of Bulgarians die of ischemic heart disease. A study was conducted in order to get more information on whether and to what extent mortality from ischemic disease in Bulgaria is related to external causes – in particular to the corpuscular solar radiation. Materials and Methods: Data for mortality of ischemic heart disease from th...
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Our Sun is the source of life-giving energy for our planet. Is it possible for the Sun to act in some cases as an executor for humans, causing sudden death in certain circumstances? The curious reader with scientific interests will find in the exposition of the book arguments in favor of this statement, based on satellite data and medical statist...
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Introduction. The condition of the vegetation cover can be traced from Space. Aim of the research. To assess the condition of the vegetation cover in Bulgaria during the last twenty years – its distribution over the country, its change in connection with the typical climatic changes, its seasonal change. Material and methods. The vegetation index N...
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Introduction: 20% of Bulgarians die of ischemic heart disease. A study was conducted in order to get more information on whether and to what extent mortality from ischemic disease in Bulgaria is related to external causes-in particular to the corpuscular solar radiation. Material and methods: Data for mortality of ischemic heart disease from the Bu...
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Introduction: Nutrition with genetically modified foods divides society in the group supported it and the group worried about possible distant consequences for the health and the environment. This paper describes the results of a study aimed at monitoring how the process of knowledge accumulation and the development of environmental thinking within...
Conference Paper
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Обучаемите не се справят еднакво успешно с образователните задачи. Една от причините е индивидуалната паметова специфика при усвояване на нови знания, а от нея зависи какъв би бил най-подходящия индивидуален подход към усвояването на нови знания. Съвременната образователна система до голяма степен е оставила на обучаемия сам да открие най-подходящи...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: Individuals in the group do not cope equally well with educational tasks. One of the reasons is the individual differences in the learning process. Objective: The learner can be assisted in the process of forming his own method of learning new knowledge by providing him with information about his own pace of learning new knowledge and...
Conference Paper
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20% of Bulgarians die of ischemic heart disease. A study was conducted in order to get more information on whether and to what extent mortality from ischemic disease in Bulgaria is related to external causes – the planetary magnetic field, the corpuscular solar radiation and the galactic cosmic rays. Data for mortality of ischemic heart disease in...
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Introduction. Not all students are dealing equally successfully with educational tasks. One of the reasons is the student's lack of understanding of his/her own memorial specificity in learning new knowledge of a given type. Aim and Results. A metacognitive method is designed for psychological counseling, based on an experimental (“psychophysical”)...
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Introduction: With the advancement of space technology, it is possible to monitor the quality of the ground air on large areas of the Earth's surface, in particular, tracking the average air quality over large cities with millions of inhabitants. Goal: Searching for an answer to the question: “Is it possible to monitor the dependence of mortality i...
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INTRODUCTION. The city of Ruse has often suffered from air pollutions. The PURPOSE of the study is to estimate both the patients' number in the hospitals of Ruse district due to air pollution and the cost of their treatment. METHODS. The correlation and regression analyzes were used to study the dependencies between the meteorological parameters an...
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Introduction. Between 2006 and 2012, the stationary automatic air quality monitoring station in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria repeatedly registered peaks of the nitrogen dioxide concentration over-threshold levels with unknown origin. The main suspect was traffic оn the street near the measuring station. Purpose. To confirm or reject the hypothesis that t...
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The present work describes the results of a study designed to examine how the process of accumulation of knowledge and the development of environmental thinking in the secondary school affects students' assessment of the benefit and risk of using synthetic substances in contact with the skin. The high school students' perception of the risk and ben...
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Introduction. Stara Zagora (42,4283° N; 25,6559° E, population 150000) is a densely populated town with developed industry and heavy traffic, subjected to the above-threshold pollution by nitrogen dioxide. Aim. To estimate the contribution of the city traffic to the annual urban air pollution with NOx. Material and methods. The number of vehicles r...
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Introduction. Stara Zagora is a densely populated town with developed industry and heavy traffic, subjected to the above-threshold pollution by nitrogen oxides. Goal. The aim of the paper is to estimate the contribution of the industry of the city to the annual urban air pollution with NOx. Material and methods. Data of the fuel used in 2012 from t...
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Аir quality control and management is one of the areas in which Europe has been the most active in recent years. Air quality assessment is the process of determining the nature of ambient air pollution using monitoring and supplementary techniques such as modelling. Aim of this study was to evaluate the air pollution as a result of the traffic in...
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Introduction. The environmental thinking is formed mainly in the secondary school, when the students learn enough about the surrounding world. Goal. The present work describes the results of a study designed to examine how the environmental thinking, development in the secondary school affects students' assessment of the benefit and risk of using s...
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Introduction. Stara Zagora city, Bulgaria (population approximately 150000) is undergoing frequent air pollutions, often exceeding the threshold limit values (TLV) of dust, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides. In many cases these sources of contamination remained unknown or, at least debatable. Goal. This work presents a description of an experiment...
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The aim of the present study was to establish a relationship between antibacterial activities of newly synthesized derivatives of 8-Quinolinol and their structure. To accomplish the latter, the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC, mg/dm 3) of the investigated compounds against Staphylococcus aureus were determined and applied in the mathematical...
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Introduction. The environmental thinking is formed mainly in the secondary school, when the students learn enough about the surrounding world. Goal. The present work describes the results of a study designed to examine how the process of accumulation of knowledge within a secondary school in Plovdiv, Bulgaria affects students' notion of benefits an...
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Brightness of the emission of electroluminescent light sources reduces over time of its exploitation. This work describes the method of corrections calculation to eliminate the impact of the quenching on the emitting spectra of the electroluminescent structure.
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A negative trend of the average autumn temperature in the region of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria for the last 109 years was found. The autumn temperature was calculated from data in ten-day average temperatures for the period of astronomical autumn-from the last ten-day period of September to the second ten-day period in December. There is literature con...
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Introduction. By the end of 2009 intensive air pollutions with nitrogen dioxide were registered in Stara Zagora town, Bulgaria. The main suspect as the gassing source for the local media and society was a military range "Zmeyovo" near the town, where the suitability of the ammunitions are tested through their shooting and a certain amount of gasses...
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Introduction. By the end of 2009 the air quality control station of Stara Zagora town, Bulgaria register intensive pollution with nitrogen dioxide. There were suspicions that the pollution could be fictitious due to a technical problem in the station. Goal. A method for post factum check the operation of the station is described in the paper. Metho...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. One of the most important features of professional competence of the modern school teacher is the environment's culture. The ecological influence on the contents of the school teaching is permanent tendency which appears at the primary stage of education, therefore the preparation in this direction acquires increasing importance. The...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. The purpose of this work is to investigate the thermal regime in the region of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, in the last 109 years, by tracing the changes of the air temperature (2 m above the surface) in this period. Material and metods. Temperature data, obtained at the Meteorological Observatory Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, with coordinates 4...
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Introduction. Computer tests for both training and knowledge assessment for the students medics in Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, were built in the 2004/2005 academic year. Description and results. A handbook with training tests in a CD was published and renewed annually. The handbook consists off four parts, according to the course of...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: A study of temperature changes in Stara Zagora region Bulgaria for the last 109 years was carried out. Goal. To study the local temperature changes in the conditions of global warming. Material and method. The study is based on the temperature records in the last 109 years, registered by the local meteorological observatory in Stara Z...
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Abstract The frequent intensive contaminations of the air over Stara Zagora town, South-East Bulgaria, in the period 2002-2004 are the object of the reported research. The daily data from the observations in six stations for environmental monitoring with manual sampling, working together in the mentioned period, published in lnternet, are used for...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. The ionizing radiation – artificial and natural, is an invisible threat for the living organisms but also contributes benefits to humans – in medicine, energetics, construction. Goal. To study the opinion about the ionizing radiation of students from Bulgaria and Turkey. Material and method. A comparative analysis, based on an inquiry...
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An Impression of one visit to UK Science and Technology Centers and their work with young children. Published in Proceedings of 35th Bulgarian conference “The experiment in physics education“, 2007, 176 – 178.
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Introduction. The electroluminescent phosphors are widely applied as light sources in the contemporary indicators and displays, but their possrble colors are limited number by reason of physical limitations. For the electroluminescent phosphors of a pre-puncture type the color variety limitations are partially avoidable, if in a common mixture are...
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Studies of the food values of the 2-year old male and female carp were carried out. Flesh samples of the female fish contained higher quantities of fat and lower levels of water. In addition these samples had a higher content of phosphorus. Data obtained from reflectance spectra of the flesh exhibited spectral gender differences at both ends of the...
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Introduction. Applicants for the specialized secondary school or for the university in Bulgaria have to take written examinations (once annually). Commission of experts in the respective field of knowledge assesses the works. Every expert has his/her assessment error. Goal. The work of the assessing commissions in Biology for admission examinations...
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Introduction. Two forms of examination of biology are carried out in Trakia university students admition – by multiple choice tests and objective assessment with computer and by written examination and holistic assessment with experts. Goal. To make a comparison between test assessment and the holistic expert assessment of biology on the basis of s...