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Nikolaos H. Solomos

Nikolaos H. Solomos
HNA - Piraeus · Applied Physics & Naval Electrooptics Laboratories (AP/NEO labs)

Doctor of Philosophy


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Defense Science, Experimental Physics, Design of Field Experiments - Maritime Studies & Technology, Applied Physics - Electrooptics - Instrumentation, Detection System Theory - Sensors, Optics & Photonics -:-:-:-:- Fundamental Physics, Space Science applications, Observational Astrophysics, Education in Physics & Astrophysics, -:-:-:-:- Domestic Policies


Publications (83)
Conference Paper
ΕΠΙΤΟΜΗ ΔΟΘΕΙΣΗΣ ΟΜΙΛΙΑΣ: Στην πατρίδα μας διαπιστώνουμε την επί πολλές δεκαετίες εξαίρεση και απουσία του αμυντικού κλάδου από πηγές χρηματοδοτήσεων στοχευμένων στην απόκτηση νέας γνώσης. Ουδέποτε η αμυντική επιστήμη συμπεριελήφθη στις προτεραιότητες των χρηματοδοτικών εργαλείων ανάπτυξης της οικονομίας. Πλήν ελαχίστων φωτεινών εξαιρέσεων αυτό έχ...
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Models of quantum systems on curved space-times lack sufficient experimental verification. Some speculative theories suggest that quantum correlations, such as entanglement, may exhibit different behavior to purely classical correlations in curved space. By measuring this effect or lack thereof, we can test the hypotheses behind several such models...
Conference Paper
Αρχικά περιγράφουμε μία ολιστική επιτελική επισκόπηση και στην συνέχεια θίγουμε ενδιαφέρουσες επιμέρους όψεις εγχώριας/αυτοτελούς τεχνολογίας μέτρησης και διαχείρησης ναυτικής υπογραφής IR που αναπτύξαμε βαθμιαία κατα τα τελευταία έτη στο Εργαστήριο ΕΦ/ΝΗΟ ΣΝΔ. Η τεχνογνωσία έχει προκύψει με εκμετάλλευση των πάσης φύσεως σχετικών πορισμάτων της διε...
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Models of quantum systems on curved space-times lack sufficient experimental verification. Some speculative theories suggest that quantum properties, such as entanglement, may exhibit entirely different behavior to purely classical systems. By measuring this effect or lack thereof, we can test the hypotheses behind several such models. For instance...
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Eισαγωγή στην Επιστήμη του Φωτός με τη μορφή ταχύρυθμων μαθημάτων τα οποία επιδιώκουν να συνδυάσουν την ιστορική εξέλιξη των κεντρικών ιδεών και αντιλήψεων της Οπτικής, με την ταυτόχρονη καλλιέργεια κριτικής σκέψεως. Η ανωτέρω παιδαγωγική προσέγγιση συμπληρώνεται απαραίτητα από στοχευμένες συνεδρίες βιωματικής μαθήσεως προετοιμασμένες πρός διεξαγωγ...
General relativity and quantum mechanics predict phenomena on very different scales. Several models predict a decoherence like effect due to gravity . A recent advance based on the event formalism predicts a nonlinear quantum effect that can only be observed using entangled systems. We present a detailed mission proposal to measure this gravitation...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this work is to provide a self-contained but concise approach for an introductory account of the fundamental physics framework that lies behind the contemporary research efforts to obtain anti-stealth capabilities for the Early Warning Systems (EWS) of the future Radar system variants. Such approaches, which are exploiting rather unconve...
In parallel with the world-wide demand for pushing our observational limits (increasingly larger telescope collecting power (ELTs) on the ground, most advanced technology satellites in space), we nowadays realize rapid rising of interest for the construction and deployment of a technologically advanced meta-network or Heterogeneous Telescope Networ...
The first working version of a new ultrafast three-beam photon counting photometer (QOP) has been materialized and demonstrated by the Applied Physics / Electro-optics Laboratory of the Hellenic Naval Academy in Piraeus. The QOP has been installed on the new 0.51m TVD telescope. The instrument is currently being used for quantum-optical study of at...
The new Greek 1.4m ``Constantine Caratheodory'' Telescope (TCC) to be operational from June 2010 onwards, is an advanced robotic telescope-the second biggest reflector and the most advanced tracking facility in Greece-. It will be robotically integrated to a sophisticated fast rotating metallic dome 7m in diameter and a group of real-time environme...
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The European Space Agency (ESA) has supported a range of studies in the field of quantum physics and quantum information science in space for several years, and consequently we have submitted the mission proposal Space-QUEST (Quantum Entanglement for Space Experiments) to the European Life and Physical Sciences in Space Program. We propose to perfo...
“Eudoxos” Observatories administered from mount Ainos, Kefallinia island, Greece, target in becoming a multi-telescope, multi-site observational complex. This article presents the self-similarity aspect of the Observatories, as an internal Heterogeneous Telescope Network structure (HTN) within the actual HTN. It proposes an architecture which allow...
This contribution aims to introduce the idea that a well-evolved HTN of the far future, with the anticipated addition of very large apertures, could also be made to incorporate the ability to carry out photonic astronomy observations, particularly Optical VLBI in a revived Hanbury-Brown and Twiss Intensity Interferometry (HBTII) configuration. Such...
The European Space Agency (ESA) has for several years supported a range of studies in the ?eld of quantum physics and quantum information science in space, and consequently we have submitted the mission proposal Space-QUEST (QUantum Entanglement for Space ExperimenTs) to the European Life and Physical Sciences in Space Program. We propose performin...
The scientific need for a standard protocol permitting the exchange of generic observing services is rapidly escalating as more observatories adopt service observing as a standard operating mode and as more remote or robotic telescopes are brought on-line. To respond to this need, we present the results of the first interoperability workshop for He...
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An account of the status and prospects of the National Robotic Observatories Complex ‘EUDOXOS’ is given. ‘EUDOXOS’ is the oldest Greek center for robotic astronomy with astronomical and educational activity that started effectively in 1999, as the official observatory of the Greek secondary education system. EUDOXOS hosts a variety of remotely con...
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This volume is a collection of review papers and recent observational and theoretical results in astronomy and astrophysics. Topics include: Sun, planets, interplanetary medium, our galaxy, stars, clusters, interstellar medium, extragalactic astrophysics, dynamical astronomy, relativity, cosmology, instrumentation, history, and education. --(N.Sol...
The networking architecture of the EUDOXOS' robotic telescopes is presented. We have studied adopted and tested various software & hardware approaches for developing an observational facility equipped with the very high availability needed to achieve continuous operation, inherent capacity for effective multiuser support, fully robotic unattended o...
We have studied, designed built and demonstrated a 270mm diameter scaled-down prototype of a larger 3-mirror telescope (3M-T) of low cost/performance ratio offering an anastigmatic field of 1-deg. A higher performance/cost variant could reach 5-deg field of view, and can be scaled-up to very high diameters. The original concept, the particular opti...
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The entire optical astronomy relies upon the detection of light. In this contribution, we put emphasis to the fact that a new window to the universe could be opened with the obvious idea of applying the ...Quantum Theory to describe incoming light Quanta (!). It is clearly the appropriate approach but, nevertheless, it never deemed necessary in mai...
In the last few years the ubiquitous availability of high bandwidth networks has changed the way both robotic and non-robotic telescopes operate, with single isolated telescopes being integrated into expanding "smart" telescope networks that can span continents and respond to transient events in seconds. The Heterogeneous Telescope Networks (HTN)*...
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The Eudoxos Observatory is located on a mountaintop of Mount Ainos, in Kefallonia Island, Greece. The project started in 1993, with design and development of the domes, telescopes, hardware and software systems and basic curricula for school education. In 1999, first light was seen. Eudoxos is a joint project, developed through the collaboration of...
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The Eudoxos project aims at using the possibilities the Internet offers in order to transform the classroom into a research laboratory. The project studies the applicability of the emerging technology in the school sector and provides a platform that allows the students to use the Robotic Telescopes of the Eudoxos National Observatory for Education...
An analysis on the physics involved in the phenomenon of charge spreading within CCD sensors was presented. We have examined the theoretical consequences of this being due to the charge diffusion in the field-free region, with both mathematical modeling and computer simulation methods. A simple statistical model was developed and extensive computer...
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The theoretical development and application of a proposed statistical method for improving the time measurements to a logic analyzer, is presented. The theoretical study for the improvement of the accuracy is described first. An experimental implementation of the proposed statistical method is subsequently presented as well as the application of th...
35' oral contribution, Special session, HNA, Convenor: J. Koukos
ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Με την έλευση της νέας χιλιετίας, η χώρα μας απέκτησε ένα νέο αστεροσκοπείο τον «Εύδοξο» που βρίσκεται στην μεγαλύτερη νήσο της περιφέρειας Ιονίων Νήσων, την Κεφαλληνία. Εδώ περιγράφεται η πορεία της δημιουργίας του Ευδόξου που ξεκίνησε το 1994 καί ολοκληρώθηκε το 2000. Το νεοιδρυθέν σύμπλεγμα αστεροσκοπείων «Εύδοξος» θα ανήκε στο ΙΚΕΤ (Ι...
(ομιλία 30’) Πρόγραμμα Ομιλιών Εκθεσης Παρουσίασης των Αποτελεσμάτων των Πειραματικών Προγραμμάτων Εργου ΣΕΠΠΕ (Παιδαγωγικού Ινστιτούτου ΥΠΕΠΘ) Θεματική Ενότητα «Διδακτική Φυσικών Επιστημών», Αθήνα Ζάππειο Μέγαρο, 9 Φεβρ. 2000.
Προσκεκλημένη ομιλία/παρουσίαση ως εισηγητής στην οργανωθείσα υπό του ΓΕΝ/Β5 ημερίδα “Η εκπαίδευση στην ΣΝΔ σε σχέση με την Μεταπτυχιακή Εκπαίδευση των αξιωματικών στό εξωτερικό ή εσωτερικό καί την εν γένει εκπαίδευση αυτών”
δύο προσκεκλημένες ομοθεματικές διαλέξεις δοθείσες εις: 1--- “Κύκλος Μηνιαίων Μαθημάτων” Εταιρεία Αστρονομίας καί Διαστήματος Βόλου Βόλος, 7 Νοεμ. 1999. 2---- “Κύκλος Ανοιχτών Επιστημονικών Διαλέξεων” Kοργιαλένιος Βιβλιοθήκη Αργοστολίου, 13 Νοεμ. 1999
(Προσκεκλημένη σεμιναριακή ομιλία 120'). ΕΚΕΦΕ-ΔΗΜΟΚΡΙΤΟΣ: Θερινό Σεμινάριο Προσανατολισμού καί Ενημέρωσης σε Ερευνητικά καί Εκπαιδευτικά Θέματα, Κύκλος ΙV (Διεύθυνση: A. Βεργανελάκης)
Technical Report
Πειραματική διδασκαλία της "φυσικής διά της αστροφυσικής" στην Β'βάθμια εκπαίδευση μέσω της εργαστηριακής αξιοποίησης ενός ειδικού υπερσύγχρονου τηλεσκοπίου προσβάσιμου μέσω Internet από όλα τα σχολεία της Ελλάδας. Αντικείμενο του έργου αυτού ήταν η διερεύνηση, εκπόνηση, πειραματική εφαρμογή και αξιολόγηση ανακαλυπτικών διδακτικών στρατηγικών πρώι...
Technical Report
Αντικείμενο: Το έργο έγκειται στην μελέτη, εφαρμογή στην Β-βάθμια εκπαίδευση και αξιολόγηση πειραματικών διδακτικών μεθοδολογιών διδασκαλίας της φυσικής κατά τις οποίες επιχειρείται εξοικείωση των μαθητών με τις στατιστικές τεχνικές συναγωγής των φυσικών νόμων από πειραματικά δεδομένα. Στα πλαίσια του έργου αυτού διεξάγεται έρευνα επί της εκπαιδευτ...
Το κεντρικό περιεχόμενο δημοσιεύθηκε, τότε στοχευμένα, σε δύο έντυπα, και εν συνεχεία στον παλαιό ιστότοπο του "ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ", με σκοπό την συμβολή στην ανάσχεση ενός προβλήματος το οποίο, μετα τον αστικό χώρο -και σε απομίμηση ενός στρεβλού τρόπου "ανάπτυξης"-, άρχισε να μεταναστεύει επιμολύνοντας την ελληνική επαρχία: [1]. "Η φωτορύπανση του Ουρανού:...
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[1] "Συμπαντική ομορφιά καί ανθρώπινη γνώση" Περιοδικό της Αγροτικής Τραπέζης, τ.7, σελ. 64-67, 1997 καί [2] ανατύπωση στό Περιοδικό «Night Sky» τεύχος Ιαν.2000.
Redistribution of energy in various forms among the constituents of galaxy occurs predominately in the course of the dynamical process of Star Formation. Significant fraction of the energy involved is in the form of kinetic energy associated with systematic or even turbulent motions of HII/molecular cloud complexes. In view of the ongoing debate co...
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We used our self-consistent optical continuum (568 nm) monitoring database to look for characteristic timescales in the luminosity variations of the NGC4151 nucleus. Variability properties are investigated by examining a long-term light curve constructed from systematic photoelectric photometry observations carried out within 20 d intervals spannin...
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"Ταξίδι στούς Δακτυλίους του Κρόνου" Περιοδικό της Αγροτικής Τραπέζης, τ. Δεκ. 1996, σελ. 64-66.
System design considerations are investigated for the application of photonic tools and optical correlator based techniques to solve certain problems of spacecraft attitude determination, robotic telescope operation and military target acquisition and tracking. Two novel solutions are given. The ideas described here can, among others, find applicat...
The main lines of a broad research programme in astronomical instrumentation which was conceived and proposed in 1993 aiming principally to the radical improvement of the performance and to the widening of the scientific perspectives of the M. Korgialenios 1.2m reflector of the National Observatory of Athens, are presented. Latest advances in contr...
The research potential and the future of the Small Telescopes (STs) is investigated within the framework of the current progress in Astrophysics. A variety of self contained, front-line research or research supporting projects is proposed, the associated instrumentation is briefly analyzed and indicative references are given. It is shown that the r...
We extensively review the underlying physics and theory behind the variable sources within Active Galactic Nuclei. We also investigate new concepts, limitations and proposed improvements of the current astronomical instrumentation expected to radically influence the study of variability of active galaxies in the optical domain of the spectrum, with...
Conference Paper
Oral contribution (Session-1: Advances in Astronomical Instrumentation and its best use. Convenor: Alex Boksenberg) A report is given on the conceptual design, preliminary technological considerations and structure, of a new intensified CCD imager aiming primarily to real time recognition for automated photometry of faint quasi-stellar objects wit...
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A layman review (in Greek) of the current (<1993) well established notions regarding the galactic dynamical phenomena which have been formed from a body of knowledge observationally manifested and theoretically interpreted as the result of the interaction of the ISM with the galactic stellar content. Evolutionary scenarios involving star formation...
Photometric observations of the nucleus of NGC 4151 obtained in a period of 16 nights in April 1990 in the 5672 Å continuum and theU-band have clearly shown that the nucleus has entered into an active phase and its energy output is still rising.
"Ελληνογερμανικό Τηλεσκόπιο Κρήτης ΙΙ: Νεώτερα" Περιοδικό "Επιστήμη & Τεχνολογία" (ΤΕΧΝΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ - Κ&Σ Καββαθά), Τεύχ. 6, Φεβρουάριος 1993.
"Τεχνολογίες Συμβολομετρίας Fabry-Perot για φασματική ανάλυση αμυδρούς ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας". Μονογραφία, Αθήνα (1993)
popular science: "Σε αναζήτηση μελανών οπών με το Διαστημικό Τηλεσκόπιο: ο αινιγματικός πυρήνας του ραδιογαλαξία Μ87" "Επιστήμη καί Τεχνολογία", Τεύχ. 5, Δεκέμβριος 1992.
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Spatially resolved H-alpha profiles have been obtained over a filamentary nebula of large angular diameter. Evidence for radial expansion of 25-35 km/s is found. However, an anomalous velocity features at about -80 km/s with respect to the systemic radial velocity is present in the positional-velocity data array over a fine filament at the edge of...
(talk 20') in the "Activity in Galaxies and Data Analysis in Astronomy", International School organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), Trinity College, Dublin (10-22 September, 1990).
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Flux from the active nucleus of NGC 4151 has been monitored for as many nights as possible within not greater than 3-week periods in 1987, 1988, and 1989 at optical wavelengths, in order to detect the shortest period in its temporal variability. The galaxy has been shown to be in a quiescent phase during each of the 18- and 20-night periods in 1987...
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DEM 34 (N 11) is a 350-pc-diameter giant interstellar shell which has an OB association in its central hole and OB associations within H II regions in its irregular filamentary perimeter. Spatially resolved profiles of the H-alpha emission line have been obtained with the Manchester echelle spectrometer on the Anglo-Australian telescope along a 232...


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