Niklas JohanssonSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences | SLU · ArtDatabanken
Niklas Johansson
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (41)
Åhusområdet i nordöstra Skåne i sydligaste Sverige är känt som en nationell hotspot för sandmarkslevande insekter. För drygt tio år sedan bildades naturreservaten Horna Sandar och Sånnarna. En rad skötselåtgärder påbörjades för att gynna artmångfalden. Uppföljning av insekter gjordes i reservaten 2022–2023. I artikeln presenteras resultat av uppföl...
The Swedish species of Lissonota Gravenhorst, 1829 and the single Western Palaearctic species of Helotorus Townes, 1978 are revised and notes (diagnosis, ecology and distribution) are given for all species currently known from the Western Palaearctic. The study recognises 165 species, 44 of which are described as new to science and 95 species have...
The Swedish species of Coleocentrus Gravenhorst, 1829 are revised and the study recognises five species as occurring in Sweden. Coleocentrus borcei Constantineanu, 1929 syn. nov. is synonymised with Coleocentrus soleatus Gravenhorst, 1829 and Coleocentrus soldanskii Bishoff, 1915 syn. nov. is synonymised with Coleocentrus heteropus Thomson, 1894. C...
In this survey, we present distributional data for 628 wasps of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) collected in several Malaise traps at different altitudes in the Kintrishi National Park in Sakartvelo (Georgia) during the whole collection season of 2018. 337 of these Ichneumonidae are new records for the fauna of Georgia and 249 species are ne...
The Scandinavian species of Xorides Latereille, 1809 are revised and the study recognizes 13 species occurring in Sweden and 11 in Norway. One species, Xorides hilszczanskii Johansson sp. nov., a parasitoid of the cerambycid Saperda perforata (Pallas, 1773) is described as new to science. The following taxonomic updates are proposed: Xorides hedwig...
The Northern European species of the Odontocolon dentipes species complex are revised
using integrative methods combining molecular and morphological data. The revision
recognizes three species of which two, Odontocolon kodama sp. nov. and Odontocolon
longitarsum sp. nov. are described as new to science. To promote nomenclatorial stability, a neoty...
The cleptoparasitic bee attacking the Bilberry Mining Bee Andrena lapponica Zetterstedt, which has traditionally been regarded as a form of Nomada panzeri Lepeletier, is confirmed as a distinct species based on both morphology and the mitochondrial CO1 gene sequence (DNA barcode). It is here referred to as Nomada glabella sensu Stöckhert nec Thomso...
Johansson, N., Paukkunen, J. & Hellqvist, S.: Passaloecus taigaensis sp. nov., a northern sibling of Passaloecus insignis (Vander Linden, 1829). [Passaloecus taigaensis sp. nov., en nordlig systerart till Passaloecus insignis (Vander Linden, 1829).] – Entomologisk Tidskrift 142 (4): 233–244. Björnlunda, Sweden 2021. ISSN 0013-886x
A new species of...
This paper presents the descriptions of four new species of the genus Enicospilus Stephens, 1835 and ten species of Ophion Fabricius, 1798: Enicospilus (Allocamptus) izquierdoae sp. nov., E. borderai sp. nov., E. erebus sp. nov., Ophion albanicus sp. nov., O. anatolicus sp. nov., O. canariensis sp. nov., O. castilloae sp. nov., O. cypriotus sp. nov...
In this study, material of Iranian Ophioninae was examined. In total, 63 species are recognized as occurring in Iran. Sixteen species are described as new to science: Enicospilus amerii Johansson sp. nov., E. apocalypticus Johansson sp. nov., E. haladai Johansson sp. nov., Enicospilus peri sp. nov., Ophion al Johansson sp. nov., Ophion angustigena...
The Swedish species of the genus Metopius are revised. Ten species are recorded from Sweden and an additional four species are included in an illustrated key to the species occurring in Northern and Central Europe. Metopius dentatus (Fabricius, 1779) is interpreted and a neotype is designated. Metopius vespulator Aubert, 1979 stat. rev. is reinstat...
Cuckoo wasps of the Chrysis ignita species group are difficult to identify at the species level, and the taxonomic status of various taxa has consequently been controversial. COI barcoding has helped clarify some of the taxonomic problems in this group, but also revealed cryptic diversity at the genetic level that remained difficult to interpret ta...
Although Sweden is a country with a comparatively well-known fauna, there are still many species that await discovery, especially in the boreal regions. In this study five new species of Diplazontinae, Homotropus klopfsteinae sp. nov., Homotropus hellqvisti sp. nov., Homotropus mugerwai sp. nov., Homotropus riedeli sp. nov. and Woldstedtius aureoti...
The Darwin wasp Enicospilus undulatus (Gravenhorst, 1829) is recorded as new to Sweden. The distinguishing characters between E. undulatus and the closely related E. inflexus (Ratzeburg, 1844) are illustrated. The host dynamics of E. undulatus with focus on the grass eggar Lasiocampa (Pachygastria) trifolii (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) are discus...
Neoxorides Clément, 1938 is a small genus of ichneumonid wasps that develop on wood-boring beetles. We here revise the Western Palaearctic species of the genus, with a special focus on Sweden. A new species, N. striatus Johansson sp. nov. is described. Neoxorides opacus (Kokujev, 1903) stat. rev. is excluded from the synonymy with N. nitens (Graven...
The Swedish species of Odontocolon Cushman, 1942, are revised and a new species, Odontocolon styx sp. nov. is described from Swedish material. Odontocolon thomsoni (Clément, 1938) syn. nov. is synonymized with Odontocolon appendiculatum (Gravenhorst, 1829). Odontocolon cretense (Szépligeti, 1914) stat rev. is excluded from synonymy with Odontocolon...
The wood wasp Xiphydria (Konowia) betulae (Enslin, 1911) is reported for the first time from Sweden and the known Swedish records of the rare Xiphydria picta Konow, 1897 are presented. An account of two of the ichneumonid wasps associated with Xiphydria; Pseudorhyssa alpestris (Holmgren, 1860) and Rhyssella obliterata (Gravenhorst, 1829) and their...
Survey of unique insects in xerothermic clay slopes in Sundvik at the West Coast of Scania, south Sweden
The Swedish species of Ophion Fabricius, 1798 are revised. More than 4800 specimens and relevant type material were studied; 234 sampled specimens produced COI sequences. The study recognises 41 species, 18 of which are described as new to science, mainly from Fennoscandian material: Ophion angularis Johansson & Cederberg sp. nov., Ophion arenarius...
The Swedish species of Enicospilus are reviewed. Three species are described from Swedish material; Enicospilus cederbergi sp. nov., Enicospilus intermedius sp. nov. and Enicospilus ryrholmi sp. nov. Four species: Enicospilus cerebrator Aubert, 1966, Enicospilus combustus (Gravenhorst, 1829), Enicospilus merdarius (Gravenhorst, 1829) and Enicospilu...
The fauna of solitary aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) was examined on three
dry-meadow type sites in the upper Emå river valley in south Sweden during two seasons.
This woodland region on the eastern slopes of the Southern Swedish highlands contains
one of the most well preserved ancient agricultural landscapes in Scandinavia. During the
Several specimens of the rare woodland hoverfly Psilota atra (Fallén, 1817) were recorded
in the province of Småland at Skärvete near Vetlanda. The species was in Sweden previously
only known from two single specimens. The latest record, a single male was made
in the province of Uppland in 1993. The species occurred in a light pine-oak forest on th...
The ichneumonid genus Cidaphus Förster, 1869, and its three known European species
Cidapus areolatus (Boie, 1850), C. alarius (Gravenhorst, 1829) and C. atricillus (Haliday,
1839) are reported as new to Sweden based primarily on specimens collected in light
traps during projects monitoring nocturnal moths. The available material indicates that C.
Two species of saproxylic hoverflies; Brachypalpus valgus (Panzer, 1798) and Criorhina
pachymera (Egger, 1848) (Diptera: Syrphidae) are presented as new to Northern Europe.
Both species were recorded on several localities in the municipality of Nybro in southeast
Sweden. This region is known for its high species diversity of saproxylic insects asso...
The hoverfly Eumerus ruficornis Meigen, 1822 has since long been considered extinct
from Scandinavia. In this paper a rediscovered small population of the species is reported
from the upper Emå river valley in Småland, in southeast Sweden. Further studies on the
site suggested that Eumerus ruficornis is associated with the nationally strongly decli...
During the summer of 2011 a small population of the crabronid wasp Oxybelus latidens
Gerstaecker 1867 was discovered at Ravlunda skjutfält in the province of Skåne. This is
the first time the species is being recorded from Sweden. O. latidens is considered to be
very rare throughout most of its European distribution range, which includes Central an...
Rechecking some collected material of the genus Mimumesa in the authors collection revealed
a small population of the crabronid wasp Mimumesa spooneri (Richards, 1948)
at Skillingaryds skjutfält in the province of Småland. This is the first time the species is
recorded from Sweden. The morphology of the male genitalia deviates somewhat from
The hoverfly Pelecocera (Chaemasyrphus) lusitanica (Mik, 1898) has hitherto only been
known in Sweden from a few small areas on the Baltic islands Gotland, Gotska Sandön
and Öland. The known localities consist of natural pine forests in coastal sand dunes with
patches of Calluna- heath, a today scarce and rapidly diminishing habitat within the spec...
Two species of Phytodietus, Phytodietus basalis Kasparyan, 1993 and P. maculator Kasparyan
& Shaw, 2008, are reported as new to Sweden. One specimen of P. maculator was
collected by a malaise trap situated by a riverside in the northern part of the country and
two specimens of P. basalis was collected by malaise traps in two oak dominated sites in...
The crabronid wasp, Trypoxylon deceptorium Antropov, 1991 is presented as new to the
Nordic countries. Trypoxylon deceptorium is only known from one single male in Sweden
but is probably overlooked due to its similarity with Trypoxylon attenuatum Smith, 1841.
Also records of specimens that have the characters described for Trypoxylon kostylevi
The mason bee Osmia disjuncta Tkalců, 1995 is reported from the Western Palaearctic for the first time. A single female was discovered during fieldwork in northern Sweden and three additional females were detected in material collected from Finland and Russia. A diagnosis, redescription and ecological notes are provided for the species. Slight morp...
Stora Karlsö is a small island close to Gotland in the Baltic Sea of which the Hymenopteran fauna has not been extensively studied before. In August 2014, a team of eight persons carried out an inventory of Hymenoptera, mainly the parasitoid wasps and saw ies, on the island. Sampling was done with Malaise traps for a period of 22 days, complemented...
The Palaearctic species of the Gasteruption assectator aggregate (Hymenoptera, Gasteruptiidae) are revised and three species are recognised. Two species are re-instated: Gasteruption boreale (Thomson, 1883), stat. n. and G. nigritarse (Thomson, 1883), stat. n., and both are excluded from the synonymy with G. assectator (Linnaeus, 1758). The general...
A critical and annotated review of published records of the Chrysididae of the Nordic and Baltic countries and the Russian part of Fennoscandia is presented with some taxonomic and faunistic notes. A total of 73 species are listed from the region. Additionally, 17 species are deleted. Three species are recorded for the first time from Denmark, six...
A fi nding of the hygroscopic earth star Geastrum fl oriforme Vittad. in the province of Västergötland, South Sweden in March 2008 is reported. About 100 fruiting bodies growing on abandoned low ant-hills of Formica exsecta were detected in a sloping, sandy pasture with dominating Agrostis capillaris and Nardus stricta. The general fl ora on the si...
The earthtongue Geoglossum littorale (Rostr.) Nannf. is a 1�3 cm high, robust earthtongue occurring on regulated lake-shores from September to November. The currently known world distribution is restricted to a total of six lakes in Denmark and Sweden. The original Danish site (from where it was described by Rostrup in 1890) has deteriorated and th...
C.: Spindelörtskinnbaggen Canthophorus impressus (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) i Sverige – nya fynd och status. [Canthophorus impressus (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) in Sweden – new records and status.] – Entomologisk Tidskrift 128 (1-2): 37-42. Uppsala, Sweden 2007. ISSN 0013-886x. Canthophorus impressus is considered as endangered (EN) according to the red l...