Nigel McBeth TurnerUniversity Medical Center Utrecht | UMC Utrecht · Intensive Care Centrum
Nigel McBeth Turner
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Publications (155)
Quality improvement in prehospital emergency medical services (EMS) can only be achieved by high-quality research and critical appraisal of current practices. This study examines current opportunities and barriers in EMS research in the Netherlands.
This mixed-methods consensus study consisted of three phases. The first phase...
Abstract Background The Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability and Exposure (ABCDE) approach is a universal, priority-based approach for the assessment and treatment of critically ill patients. Although the ABCDE approach is widely recommended, adherence in practice appears to be suboptimal. The cause of this non-compliance is unknown. As knowl...
In this educational article, we summarize the changes in the new European Resuscitation Council guidelines on Newborn Resuscitation and Support of the Transition of Infants at Birth, emphasizing important aspects for the pediatric anesthesiologist including umbilical cord management, airway management, inflation pressure, and oxygen in relation wit...
In this educational article we summarize the changes in the new European Resuscitation Council guidelines for Pediatric Life Support, emphasizing the most important aspects for the anesthesiologist. Among these are: the use of two-thumb-encircling technique for thorax compressions in infants, 10 ml/kg as the standard volume fluid bolus and ventilat...
Diese Leitlinien des European Resuscitation Council basieren auf dem internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konsens 2020 zur kardiopulmonalen Reanimation mit Behandlungsempfehlungen (International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations [ILCOR] 2020 CoSTR)....
The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) Paediatric Life Support (PLS) guidelines are based on the 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). This section provides guidelines on the management of critically ill or injured infan...
These European Resuscitation Council education guidelines, are based on the 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations. This section provides guidance to citizens and healthcare professionals with regard to teaching and learning the knowledge, skills and attitudes of resuscitation with the u...
These European Resuscitation Council Paediatric Life Support (PLS) guidelines, are based on the 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations. This section provides guidelines on the management of critically ill infants and children, before, during and after cardiac arrest.
El grupo de redacción de guías pediátricas de ERC ha realizado una adaptación «temporal» de sus recomendaciones en la época de la covid-19. Estas deben interpretarse dentro del contexto de cada sistema sanitario, considerando el grado de propagación de la enfermedad y su evolución dentro de esa región, así como el impacto general sobre los recursos...
Herkennen van het ernstig zieke kind: primary survey
Aanknopingspunten bij verminderd bewustzijn
Astma – qureshiscore en behandeling van mild/matig astma
Elektrolyten– hypo- en hyperkaliëmie
Snelle interpretatie van zuur-base-evenwichtsstoornissen
Ritmestoornissen – algemeen behandelschema inclusief behandeling bradycardie
Aandoeningen van de bovenste luchtweg
Aanknopingspunten bij respiratoire aandoeningen
Sepsis – antibiotica en aanvullend onderzoek
Trauma – hypovolemie en massaal bloedverlies
Gestructureerde benadering in de spoedeisende geneeskunde bij kinderen
Kindermishandeling – stappenplan
Levens- of ledemaatbedreigend trauma aan de extremiteiten
Trauma – primary survey en eerste handelingen
Reanimeren onder specifieke omstandigheden
Secondary survey bij respiratoire aandoeningen
Astma – behandeling van ernstig en levensbedreigend astma
Dehydratie en elektrolytenstoornissen
Shock – herkennen en beoordeling
Traumatisch hersenletsel – eerste handelingen
Traumatisch hersenletsel – specifieke therapie
Checklist bij overlijden van een kind
Kinder–Advanced Life Support (K-ALS) – universeel algoritme
Pediatrische Basic Life Support (PBLS) voor professionals
Verhoogde intracraniële druk (ICP)
Secondary survey bij circulatoire aandoeningen
Verminderd bewustzijn – gestructureerde benadering
Elektrolyten – hypo- en hypernatriëmie
Differentiaaldiagnose van typen shock