Nieves Pascual SolerValencian International University | VIU
Nieves Pascual Soler
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Publications (57)
Since it premiered in June 2018, Yellowstone has become one of the most popular series on television. Because fandom and food go together, given the rise of popular culture cookbooks featuring main courses, sides, appetizers, desserts, and drinks from and inspired by beloved series, it is no surprise that two cookbooks were published recreating wha...
Reseña de Susan Glaspell. Teatro, vanguardia y humor (1917-1918), de Nieves Alberola Crespo
Reseña del libro Tecnologías del yo. Mujer, sujeto y subjetividad (Berlín: Peter Lang, 2022), de Ángeles Mateo del Pino (ed.). La obra. compila las investigaciones realizadas por los miembros del Grupo de Investigación «Pensamiento, Creación y Representación en el ámbito de los Estudios Culturales (PeCRaEC)» bajo la dirección de la doctora Ángeles...
Since it premiered in June 2018, Yellowstone has become one of the most popular series on television. Because fandom and food go together, given the rise of popular culture cookbooks featuring main courses, sides, appetizers, desserts, and drinks from and inspired by beloved series, it is no surprise that two cookbooks were published recreating wha...
En La política sexual de la carne. Una teoría crítica feminista vegetariana (1990), Carol Adams teoriza el consumo de carne como parte de la dominación masculina sobre los animales y las mujeres. Vincula la lucha feminista al vegetarianismo mediante el concepto de “referente ausente”, el cual define como una estrategia patriarcal para separar al an...
In 2020, during the COVID-19 lockdowns, as home cooking grew in the US, sales of cookbooks surged and community cookbooks started showing up in the households of the country. This essay is concerned with community cookbooks in the pandemic era. Drawing on the familiar ‘COVID-19 is a war’ metaphor, it investigates the relationship between cooking du...
En situaciones de cambio drástico, cuando el presente se interrumpe, recurrimos a la continuidad del pasado para dar sentido a la identidad de nuestras vidas. En la pandemia del coronavirus se documentó un fuerte sentimiento de nostalgia como: a) escape de la angustia y la incertidumbre de la enfermedad, y b) necesidad de entretener el tiempo que s...
This essay explores the trace as a passage of becoming in The Passion According to G.H., first published in 1964, by Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector. The framework used is mysticism and Deleuzian materialism. I suggest that the cockroach into which Lispector’s narrator transforms herself in the text is not only a metaphor of the divine but a rea...
This essay analyzes the structures of recognition underlying the reception of three video narratives telling stories of Covid-19 survivors. Published by top US news networks between March and April 2020, these recordings were intended to reassure the American public that the epidemic would be contained. Taking as its point of departure Priscilla Wa...
El presente ensayo investiga el regalo que el 24 de marzo de 2020 el sitio pornográfico Pornhub ofrece a los usuarios como entretenimiento durante el confinamiento por el coronavirus. Investiga las razones públicas de este presente y el incremento en el consumo de porno que se produce a raíz del aburrimiento que genera la cuarentena. Propone que si...
This essay is concerned with the relationship between femininity and divinity in feminist speculative fiction. It equates becoming divine with becoming plant, and studies the transformations that attend women in this process in modernity, postmodernity and transmodernity. Taking as its point of departure Mark Taylor’s evolution of the concept of Go...
A modo de anécdota cuenta Veronica Makowsky que cuando trabajaba en el libro Susan Glaspell’s Century of American Women: A Critical Interpretation of her Work (2001) a menudo se le preguntaba quién era Susan Glaspell y si era tan digna de estudio por qué no formaba parte del canon literario. Citando a Jane Tompkins, Makowsky nos recuerda que «[l]a...
Pascual Soler historicizes the place of food within men’s autobiographies and examines the reasons why food has become increasingly prevalent in life narratives written by men. The chapter also draws attention to the relation between the autobiographical genre and the masculine gender, framing the study within a broad context of literary history/cr...
Pascual Soler offers a summary of the reasons for the prominence of food in autobiographies written by men since the 1980s. The chapter looks at three typically masculine autobiographical narratives: the heroic, the criminal and Wild West stories and examines the ways in which the inclusion of food as a main ingredient has altered their structure....
Pascual Soler offers a reading of chef Marco Pierre White’s autobiography, The Devil in the Kitchen: Sex, Pain, Madness and the Making of a Great Chef (2007) within the larger framework of criminal autobiography. The chapter offers a summary of the relationship between cooking and crime, focusing on the gangster conventions used by White, the sensa...
Pascual Soler offers a reading of the autobiographies of chefs Michael Ruhlman (The Making of a Chef 1997), Bill Buford (Heat 2006) and Grant Achatz (Life, on the Line 2011) utilizing Joseph Campbell’s archetype of the hero described in The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949). The chapter draws attention to the relevance of Campbell’s work in today’s...
Pascual Soler focuses on recent food autobiographies written by chefs Randy King (Chef in the Wild 2015), Steven Rinella (The Scavenger’s Guide to Haute Cuisine 2006) and Hank Shaw (Hunt, Gather, Cook 2011). The chapter offers a reading that links their life narratives to the tropes and themes of the nineteenth-century hunting autobiography, connec...
This book is concerned with food autobiographies written by men from the 1980s to the present. It concentrates on how food has transformed autobiographical narratives and how these define the ways men eat and cook nowadays. After presenting a historical overview of the place of food within men´s autobiography, this volume analyzes the reasons for o...
The study analyzes the gender narratives linked to cats in Nestlé Purina Pet Care Company (NPPC) advertising. Out of the ten cat food products lines it markets, each offering from one to nine different formulas, nine are discussed. The focus is on dried food in pouch packages. It is argued that against the traditional association between cats and w...
Pascual Soler explores the transition from the nation to the postnation through memories of food in the autobiography of the arrival of Cuban playwright Eduardo Machado in the USA in 1961, and his experience of exile. The chapter draws on Donald E. Pease’s theory of the (post)national narrative and looks at Paul Ricoeur’s classification of the thre...
This article explores the transition from nationalism to postnationalism through food in Tastes Like Cuba: An Exile’s Hunger for Home (2007), by playwright Eduardo Machado. The framework used is Sigmund Freudʼs narrative of the Oedipus complex. I suggest that the exilic condition of Oedipus and his rebellious behavior make the Oedipal narrative a u...
This collection consists of eight essays that examine the way narratives determine our understanding of old age and condition how the experience is lived. Contributors to this volume have based their analysis on the concept of »narrative identity« developed by Paul Ricoeur, built upon the idea that fiction makes life, and on his definition of »trac...
This collection consists of eight essays that examine the way narratives determine our understanding of old age and condition how the experience is lived. Contributors to this volume have based their analysis on the concept of »narrative identity« developed by Paul Ricoeur, built upon the idea that fiction makes life, and on his definition of »trac...
This collection consists of eight essays that examine the way narratives determine our understanding of old age and condition how the experience is lived. Contributors to this volume have based their analysis on the concept of »narrative identity« developed by Paul Ricoeur, built upon the idea that fiction makes life, and on his definition of »trac...
In her analysis of contemporary advertisements, Susan Bordo affirms, “Men are supposed to have hearty, even voracious appetites. It is a mark of the manly to eat spontaneously and expansively, and manliness is a frequent commercial code for amply portioned products” (16). Women, in contrast, are not “permitted to lust for food” (18) and are advised...
Despite the fact that Food Studies has grown into a well-established field, literary scholars have not yet fully addressed the prevalent themes of food, eating, and consumption in Chicana/o literature. This exciting anthology examines representations of food in contemporary Chicana/o literary texts. Here, contributors propose food consciousness as...
Comidas Bastardas. Gastronomía, tradición e identidad en América Latina remite desde el título a aquello que “degenera de su origen o naturaleza”, podríamos apuntar que de algún modo se alude a lo que no es legítimo. A raíz de esta definición cabe preguntarse: ¿es posible entonces hablar de comidas bastardas? Creemos que sí, porque ahora más que nu...
En «Murder on the Menu» Burton Smith observa que «desde el principio ha habido una curiosa asociación entre comida (y bebida) y crimen en la ficción de misterio». Si bien está en lo cierto, también es verdad que el ingrediente comida nunca fue básico en la fórmula de detectives y quedo reducido a mero ornamento. Desde aproximadamente 1980, coincidi...
Departing from Jean-François Revel's differentiation between regional and international cooking on the grounds of translatability in Culture and Cuisine (Revel 1982), this paper examines Spanish chef Ferran Adrià's international cuisine through the lens of translation theory. I argue that translation is a way of thinking about food and that interna...
This text provides a new framework for examining the relationship between voluntary hunger as an emotion and the written voice.
“Pascual Soler writes in a lucid manner about complex ideas and presents a sophisticated analysis solidly grounded in relevant academic literature….[She] treats effectively an original idea about a topic that is of...
En Latinas in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia se describe el trabajo de Elaine Romero como sigue: «Elaine Romero, hija de una familia que operaba un pequeño restaurante mexicano en West Seattle […] ha retenido [en su obra] ciertos elementos de la cultura fronteriza mexicana que fusionan los valores de la familia, la comunidad y las tra...
Departing from the relationship between translation and exile, as well as Iván Carrasco’s idea that the two essential strategies used by Chilean poets in exile are superposition and collage, this essay examines how Chile is translated into Canada by Jorge Etcheverry in Tangier, Leandro Urbina in Collect Call and Carmen Rodríguez in a body to rememb...
This essay analyses the connections between the self-inflicted starvation of the anorexic patient in first-person narratives and the hunger inflicted on the indigenous communities of Guatemala described by Rigoberta Menchú in her political testimonial. Both kinds of narrators define hunger as a tool of oppression as well as a symbol of loss, but us...
This study is one of the very few academic works to investigate cooking as a prime category of detection. It examines how cooking and eating transform the identity of the detective, the nature of the crime, the space of mystery, the time of fiction, and even our engagement with the text. Since its inception at the end of the nineteenth century the...
Stories Through Theories/Theories Through Stories explores the uneasy relations—often contentious, sometimes complicit—between American Indian Literature and literary theory. Some of the essays in this book open American Indian narratives to theoretical critique based on "western depth models." Others work from a very different direction, finding c...
Stories Through Theories / Theories Through Stories explores the uneasy relations—often contentious, sometimes complicit—between American Indian Literature and literary theory. Some of the essays in this book open American Indian narratives to theoretical critique based on “western depth models.” Others work from a very different direction, finding...
RESUMEN En «Murder on the Menu» Burton Smith observa que «desde el principio ha habido una curiosa asociación entre comida (y bebida) y crimen en la ficción de misterio». Si bien está en lo cierto, también es verdad que el ingrediente comida nunca fue básico en la fórmula de detectives y quedo reducido a mero ornamento. Desde aproximadamente 1980,...
Feeling in Others: Essays on Empathy and Suffering in Modern American Culture addresses different kinds of suffering as presented in texts, visual and verbal, and proposes empathy as an ethical exigency of the act of reading and critical tool. The volume brings together contributions from Americanists in France, Norway, Austria, Hungary, and Spain....
Este article analitza el sext llibre de la poeta canadenca Sarah Klassen, Simone Weil: Songs of Hunger and Love (1999), una col•lecció de poemes i breus peces en prosa on l'autora presta la seua primera persona a Simone Weil, filòsofa francesa i mística recelosa del misticisme. Partint de la descripció de W.W Meissner del fet místic com inefable, i...
This book comprises a collection of eighteen essays that address topics ranging from feminism to issues on masculinity, from prose to poetry, from written literature to the cinema. The arrangement of the essays in three differentiated parts should be viewed from a certain ironic angle: the feminine and the masculine interconnect, fuse, and collide...
On writing our pain we inevitably write about the past because it is impossible to produce art in situations of acute physical pain. As Elaine Scarry has convincingly argued in The Body in Pain, during severe illness individuals spontaneously lose the means to convey their feelings and emotions. So the art of pain inevitably comes from a witness to...
Writing an autobiography is often acknowledged as a therapeutic measure in situations of pain. It allows reintegration of identity —fragmented during illness— provides agency and helps establish a sense of commonality. But for writing to be effective it requires “new style, new composition, [and] surprising imagination” (Kristeva 51). In this essay...
From mediaeval saints to modern anorectics, starvation has been a pretext and a stimulant for literature. This essay focusses on Anzia Yezierska's obsession with hunger, which was greedily charged with cultural, spiritual, and aesthetic valences. Yezierska wrote to keep her feeling of hunger aroused.
Un estudio de los géneros considerados «populares» desde una perspectiva teórica y práctica (novela rosa, de detectives y académica). Constituye éste una aportación novedosa al campo de la anglística en tanto que presta atención a textos hasta ahora ignorados por la mayoría de las escuelas críticas, pero no por ello menos necesitados de análisis.
Se recoge en este volumen trabajos que los miembros de la James Joyce Spanish Society han producido durante el periodo transcurrido entre los Encuentros James Joyce VIII y IX. Algunos de ellos se prensentaron en la última edición de estos Encuentros (Jaén, abril 1998) en forma de comunicación o ponencias para su discurso y debate. Otros son enteram...
Pretende ofrecer un panorama general de la novela académica según se ha cultivado en Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos, El estudio selecciona diez autores y treinta y dos novelas que, ambientadas global o parcialmente en un escenario académico, describen la psicopatología diaria de profesores y alumnos en sus versiones paródicas
Despite Canadian aboriginals' long-documented inclination towards performance, Native dramaturgy is a recent phenomenon. Born out of the feeling of having been wronged but, fortunately, not of the desire to take revenge, Native playwrights base their pieces on the collision between the Euroamerican intellectual tradition and the mythic perspective...