Niels Pausch

Niels Pausch
Leipzig University · Maxillofacial Surgery


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Publications (123)
Background Due to its exposed position, nasal trauma is a relatively common occurrence. Depending on the origin of impact, invading forces may result in fractures of the thin bone structures of the nasal pyramid. Blunt forces generally cause bruising or laceration of the skin. Sharp objects can damage the complex soft tissues of the nose; they may...
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Introduction Three-dimensional facial scans have recently begun to play an increasingly important role in the peri-therapeutic management of oral and maxillofacial and head and neck surgery cases. Face scan images can be generated by optical facial scanners utilizing line-laser, stereophotography, or structured light modalities, as well as from vol...
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten stellen insgesamt häufige Fehlbildungen dar. Ihre Versorgung beginnt bereits unmittelbar nach der Geburt und umfasst eine Vielzahl von Behandlungsschritten, welche sich nicht selten bis in das junge Erwachsenenalter hinein erstrecken. Die chirurgische Rehabilitation besteht in der plastischen Korrektur d...
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Background Computer-assisted design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) techniques have been implemented in craniosynostosis surgery to facilitate cranial remodeling. However, until now, computed tomography (CT) scans with ionizing radiation were necessary to plan the procedure and create guiding templates. The purpose of this study was to present our seri...
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Introduction: Three-dimensional facial scan images have been showing an increasingly important role in peri-therapeutic management of oral and maxillofacial and head and neck surgery cases. Face scan images can be open using optical facial scanners utilizing line-laser, stereophotography, structured light modality, or from volumetric data obtained...
Introduction: Mixed reality (MR) represents a new evolution in technological development that combines both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create a blend of the physical and digital worlds. However, the potential role of MR in preoperative diagnostics in oral and maxillofacial surgery has not been scientifically investigated an...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic affects basic health care in maxillofacial surgery (MFS) due to the shift in resources and the change in patient disorders treated during the pandemic. This paper aims to elucidate the medical and financial consequences driven by the measures for COVID-19 treatment in a tertiary care centre. Material and method...
Introduction With current advances in medicine, many surgical methods have emerged for the reconstruction of soft and hard tissue defects of the head and neck area. Current literature only provides a limited amount evidence on studies addressing differences in quality of life for specific therapeutic measures in microvascular reconstruction. Mater...
Purpose: Excessive ear protrusion (prominauris) can negatively affect facial appearance. Because the concept of an ideal auriculocephalic angle is controversial, however, it is difficult to define when an obtrusive auricle requires surgical intervention. It is often assumed that angles exceeding 30° require corrective surgery. However, little is k...
Zusammenfassung Die Korrektur ausgeprägter skelettaler Dysgnathien des maxillofazialen Bereiches erfordert ein interdisziplinär gut abgestimmtes Behandlungskonzept. Digitale Planungsmöglichkeiten spielen – auch hinsichtlich der Kommunikation zwischen Behandlern – eine immer größere Rolle. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Stationen dieser k...
Introduction: Radial forearm free flaps (RFFF) are often used to replace tissue removed in head and neck surgery. In recent years, many attempts have been made to reduce donor-site morbidity and to prevent common complications such as infection, skin-graft necrosis, tendon exposure and subsequent impairment of hand function. One promising option i...
Die Korrektur der spaltbedingten Nasendysplasie als ein noch immer präsentes Stigma ist für betroffene Patienten ein wichtiger Bestandteil der chirurgischen Rehabilitation. Zudem beinhaltet sie funktionelle Verbesserungen. In der Literatur finden sich zahlreiche Berichte zu chirurgischen Techniken. Die weltweit publizierten Ergebnisse lassen allerd...
Introduction: For treatment of lagophthalmos, metallic weight implants can be inserted in the upper eyelid to aid eyelid closure. Rigid and flexible implants are available. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of implant type and patient variables on the survival of lid load implants. Materials and methods: Forty-four patien...
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PurposeThe aim of the study was to analyze the eligibility of resorbable collagen membrane in the treatment of midfacial fractures to prevent gap formation and subsequent cheek tissue retraction. Material and methodsWe included nine patients (six males, three females; mean age 51; range 20–73 years; mean bone gap size 8.03 × 13.12 mm) in a retrospe...
Condylar fractures are the type of jaw fractures that occur most frequently. Complications such as abnormal or malfunctional occlusion can arise from the treatment of condylar fractures. These, in turn, can cause severe symptoms that may require corrective surgery. The etiology of this postoperative complication has not yet been fully clarified; on...
Introduction: Excessive exposure of maxillary teeth when smiling can have a negative effect on the aesthetics and attractiveness of the face. The presented study was aimed to evaluate the effect of different amounts of gingival exposure on the perception of such human characteristics and qualities as age, attractiveness, gender specificity, and fe...
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Background Sinonasal inverted papilloma is a locally aggressive tumor arising from the Schneiderian membrane which lines the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Aggressive surgical approaches, such as lateral rhinotomy, were used until recently for complete removal of the inverted papilloma. Currently, endoscopic resection is the gold standard in t...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare professional rating and patient satisfaction of nasal appearance after secondary cleft rhinoplasty. Method: We used a cross-sectional study design and enrolled German adults with nonsyndromic unilateral or bilateral cleft lip and/or palate (UCLP and BCLP, respectively) undergoing secondary clef...
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Tutankhamun foi um faraó da 18ª dinastia (Novo Império) do antigo Egito. Estudos médicos e radiológicos de seu crânio revelaram detalhes sobre o estado dos dentes e mandíbula da múmia. Já houve relatos sobre a relação mandibular, o prognatismo maxilar, retroganatismo e micrognatismo mandibular. Neste estudo foi feita análise cefalométrica com radio...
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the frequencies of lower eyelid complications after subciliary versus transconjunctival approaches to orbital floor fractures. Materials and methods: The investigators implemented a retrospective cohort study and enrolled a sample composed of subjects who had orbital floor repair. The predictor varia...
Eine 26jährige Frau stellte sich mit einer Über mehrere Monate rezidivierenden, unilateralen Sinusitis maxillaris rechts in einer kieferchirurgischen Klinik vor. Die Beschwerden traten intermittierend auf und äußerten sich in unilateralen infraorbitalen Schmerzen und zeitweiliger Absonderung von trübem Nasensekret. Konservative Behandlungen einschl...
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The main purpose of this study was to analyse the reactions of a panel (non-cleft adults) when observing cleft lip morphology. Although rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate is improving, there are still indications of social rejection of cleft patients by the people around them. Polarity profiles have been used since 1973 to measure social distan...
The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors associated with postrhinoplasty mucous cyst (PMC) among adult cleft patients undergoing rhinoplasty. PMC has been reported sporadically in the literature. Its aetiology is uncertain. The purpose of this study was to determine whether three factors, (1) patient age, (2) surgical trauma, and/or (...
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To identify factors associated with scientific productivity (SP) of German oral-maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) training centers. This retrospective cohort study was composed of a set of data from German OMFS training centers. A total of eight predictor variables were grouped into demographic, structural, and personal categories. The outcome variables...
Objective Primary cleft lip closure can be achieved by use of different types of surgery. The procedures of Millard, Veau, and Delaire are among the techniques most frequently performed worldwide. The factors which affect development of the columella have not been studied, however. Setting University Hospital of Leipzig, Germany, Department of O...
Paget´s disease of bone is a common, progressive disorder with uncertain etiology. It results in the replacement of normal skeletal areas with highly vascularized, low density bone. The most frequent symptom is bone pain, which is a result of periostal irritation due to increased metabolic activity. However, the disease may run without any symptoms...
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Der Morbus Paget ist eine verbreitete, progre­ diente Knochenerkrankung unklarer Ätiologie. Charakteristisch ist ein Umbau von regulären Skelettarealen in hypervaskularisierten Knochen verminderter Dichte. Zu den häufigsten Sympto­ men zählen Knochenschmerzen, welche eine Fol­ ge der periostalen Reizung infolge des gesteiger­ ten Stoffwechsels sind...
Perception of the facial appearance of cleft patients has, until now, been evaluated on the basis of photographs of the patients. Research based on photographs generated by use of a morphing technique has not yet been reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate female and male raters' panel perception with regard to the following: (1) pa...
Die Operation nach Caldwell u. Luc beinhaltet die Entfernung der Kieferhöhlenschleimhaut und die Anlage eines Drainagefensters zum unteren Nasengang. Häufige Folgezustände sind Schmerzen und chronisch rezidivierende Entzündungen bei erheblicher Volumenabnahme des Sinus. Eine mögliche Therapieoption ist in schweren Fällen die Oberkieferteilresektion...
Columellar cartilage graft helps improve esthetic results in secondary cleft rhinoplasty for patients presenting with cleft lips. However, inadequate skin coverage of the cartilaginous graft can result in columellar necrosis and graft loss. Moreover, the scar after Millard's primary cheiloplasty may not be esthetic. The aim of this article was to p...
The standard Caldwell-Luc procedure includes the removal of most of the maxillary sinus mucosa and the introduction of an inferior meatal antrostomy to promote sinus drainage. Pain, chronic relapsing inflammation and loss of volume are typical sequels of this procedure. Partial maxillary resection and iliac crest bone graft harvesting is a new conc...
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Fibular free flap is considered as an "old dog" in reconstructive surgery because it was first described by Taylor and his colleagues in 1975, and was then introduced for mandibular reconstruction by Hidalgo in 1989. There are some "tricks" for fibular free flap that have been used and recognized in many European maxillofacial surgical units over t...
Backgrounds: Microvessel density (MVD) can be used for determining neoplastic neovascularisation. Tumour angiogenesis correlates with prognosis of cancers in many organs. The aims of this study were to evaluate MVD as demonstrated by CD31 and CD105 in salivary gland tumours (SGTs), and to correlate the MVD results with clinicopathological characte...
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Inverted papilloma is an uncommon primary nasal tumor. Despite its benign nature, this tumor represents three typical characteristics: a high propensity of recurrence, local aggressiveness and association with malignancy. Inverted papilloma can reduce the patient's quality of life due to compromised nasal function, extension to the orbit and brain....
To compare test scores in English-error detection between Thai high school students undergoing self-learning by an online tool (computer-assisted learning: CAL) with versus without tuition/lecture. This prospective, randomized, controlled study enrolled a sample of grade-12 high school students from a Thai secondary school. The predictor variable w...
ARTICLE TITLE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Recovery after third-molar surgery: the effects of age and sex. Phillips C, Gelesko S, Proffit WR, White RP Jr. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138(6):700.e1-8 REVIEWERS: Poramate Pitak-Arnnop, DDS, PGDipClinSc (OMS), MSc, PhD, DSc Niels Christian Pausch, MD, DMD, PhD PURPOSE/QUESTION: To assess the...
BACKGROUND: German animal terms have been used to name oral cleft deformity for centuries. However, their contemporary use and influence on cleft patients remain unstudied. OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the current use of German animal terms for oral cleft and their influence on the perception of cleft patients. METHODS: We...
Cleft-lip nasal deformity alters patient's self-image, as well as posing unique challenges for the rhinoplastic surgeon. The main purpose of this study was to compare the panel perceptions of nasal aesthetics following secondary cleft rhinoplasty with versus without caudal septal extension grafting (columella grafting). We also investigated whether...
Cleft-lip nasal deformity (CLND) affects the overall facial appearance and attractiveness. The CLND nose shares some features in part with the aging nose. This questionnaire survey examined: 1) the panel perceptions of the role of secondary cleft rhinoplasty in nasal rejuvenation; and 2) the influence of a medical background in cleft care, age and...
Background: Mucous cysts of the nose are a rare complication of rhinoplasty. They may develop as a result of implantation or herniation of mucosa. The entrapped epithelium may proliferate, forming a subcutaneous cyst. Patients and methods: Two patients with unilateral cleft lip nose deformity had previously undergone corrective rhinoplasty. Year...
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Objectives: To review outcomes and complications of endoscope-assisted submandibular sialadenectomy (EASS) and to analyze this innovative technique with regard to ethical issues. Methods: We used a systematic review study design to identify clinical studies on EASS, published in English, French, German, and Thai. The last electronic search was c...
Hintergrund: Das Peters-Syndrom ist eine seltene kongenitale Glaukomerkrankung. Das Peters-Plus-Syndrom wird darüber hinaus durch eine Vielzahl weiterer Fehlbildungen charakterisiert. Während einige der bekannten kraniofazialen Fehlbildungen wie Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten beim Peters-Plus-Syndrom häufig auftreten, wurden Nasenfisteln und -zysten b...
Peters anomaly is a rare congenital glaucoma disease. The Peters' plus syndrome is characterized by distinct malformations. As some of the common craniofacial malformations like cleft lip and palate are frequent in Peters' plus syndrome, no nasal dermoid sinus cysts has been reported so far. Nasal dermoid sinus cysts usually present in isolation, a...
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Die Maligne Hyperthermie (MH) ist eine seltene, oft lebensbedrohliche Komplikation der Allgemeinanaesthesie. Die rechtzeitige Diagnose einer beginnenden MH-Krise, als Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Therapie, kann auf Grund nur geringer und unspezifischer Frühsymptomatik für den narkoseführenden Anaesthesisten schwierig sein. Besonders in den F...
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a rare, often life-threatening complication of general anaesthesia. The timely diagnosis of an MH crisis in onset, as a prerequisite for successful therapy, can be difficult for the anaesthetist because of the few and non-specific early symptoms. This is even more so in patients in whom anaesthesia with MH trigger sub...