Nicole Colin

Nicole Colin
Universidad Austral de Chile · Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Evolutivas

PhD Biodiversity


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Additional affiliations
March 2019 - present
Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Professor (Assistant)
May 2017 - February 2019
Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
  • PostDoc Position
December 2011 - April 2017
University of Barcelona
  • PhD Student
December 2011 - June 2016
University of Barcelona
Field of study
  • Fish Ecotoxicology
March 2008 - January 2011
University of Concepción
Field of study
  • Bird Ecology
March 1999 - December 2004
University of Concepción
Field of study
  • Bird Ecology


Publications (38)
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Las interacciones de parásitos con sus hospedadores son altamente complejas donde se destaca una elaborada comunicación bioquímica entre ambos. Un estudio reciente ha reportado efectos significativos de la presencia del trematodo Tylodelphys sp. en la cavidad craneal del hospedador intermediario pez Galaxias maculatus sobre su comportamiento con na...
The South American rivers discharging to the Southern Pacific are located between 30° and 54° latitude south, encompassing a wide range of climates, from Mediterranean in the north to cold climate in the south. Rivers have a low diversity of fauna and flora but a high number of endemic species and groups with restricted distribution such as Galaxif...
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Percilia gillissi es un pez dulceacuícola endémico de Chile. En las próximas décadas se espera reducción significativa de sus hábitats producto del cambio climático (hasta 60%). El conocimiento de ecología de las poblaciones de P. gillissi en los ríos de centro-sur de Chile es limitado y esencial para planificación de su conservación efectiva. El p...
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The threats generate from the hydroelectric industry have a series of ecological consequences, mainly connectivity lost and riparian habitat alteration. This could generate change in water quality, riparian and fluvial habitat, and freshwater assemblages. Currently, Chapo Lake watershed, located in the Los Lagos Region, Chilean Patagonia, present t...
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Behavioral ecotoxicological assessments in freshwater ecosystems allow early pollution detection and are highly sensitive to environmental changes. We assessed changes in general activity, exploration, foraging, and group cohesiveness of Galaxias maculatus in response to 2,4-dichlorophenol.
Diplomystidae is an early-diverged family of freshwater catfish endemic to southern South America. We have recently collected five juvenile specimens belonging to this family from the Bueno River Basin, a basin which the only previous record was a single juvenile specimen collected in 1996. This finding confirms the distribution of the family furth...
Northern Patagonian River systems located between the Araucanía and the Los Lagos Regions of Chile are characterized by lake regulation and seasonal predictable flow regime. As these systems originate in large glacial lakes, their flow velocities are lower compared to other Andean River systems in Chile. The San Pedro River (Valdivia River basin) i...
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The effects of human-induced stressors on riverine fish assemblages are still poorly understood, especially in species-poor assemblages such as those of temperate South American rivers. In this study we evaluated the effects of human-induced stressors on the taxonomic and functional facets of fish assemblages of two central-southern Chilean rivers:...
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Salmonid introductions for sport fishing and, more recently, for farming, have had a large impact on freshwater ecosystems in many regions worldwide. In Patagonia, both activities have contributed to the colonization of freshwater systems particularly by species such as Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The ecologi...
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Kelp forests are associated with high biodiversity as they provide habitat and food source for many species. Redspotted catshark Schroederichthys chilensis is a coastal shark species associated with kelp forests of southern South America dominated by Lessonia trabeculata. Despite its common occurrence redspotted catshark the knowledge on its trophi...
Technical Report
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Utilizando el concepto de Ecosistema de Referencia se evaluó el estado de componentes del ecosistema en el origen del río Maullín, en la Región de los Lagos.
• Understanding of trophic structure and flow of energy within river systems is essential for informed management of these ecosystems and conservation of native fish fauna and fisheries resources. Food resources used by riverine fish depend on productivity within the main stem and adjacent floodplains, terrestrial inputs, and longitudinal and later...
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The ancient catfish family Diplomystidae, with seven species endemic to rivers of southern South America, represents one of the oldest branches of the diverse order Siluriformes. With most species endangered, new reports of these species become extremely valuable for conservation. Currently, it is assumed that Diplomystes species inhabit only Andea...
Mediterranean rivers are characterised by strong environmental constrains and species-poor, highly endemic fish fauna. In Europe, these systems are exposed to multiple stressors due to extensive human activities. Studies on the effects of some stressors on riverine fish are available but complex responses of fish assemblages to interplay of flow al...
Technical Report
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Resumen ejecutivo Los ecosistemas de agua dulce o humedales presentan una enorme diversidad en Chile, desde bofedales, vegas y salares en el norte a bosques pantanosos o hualves, ñadis y turberas en el sur, incluyendo lagos, lagunas, pantanos, ríos, esteros y arroyos, entre otros. Todos ellos tienen en común contar con un cuerpo de agua permanente...
Conference Paper
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Land-use changes often have significant effects on river flows and sediment yields from specified catchment. Thus, land-use changes have ecological implications not only for the health of terrestrial but also for aquatic ecosystems. Over the last decades, south-central Chile has suffered a drastic replacement of native forest by exotic forest plant...
Mediterranean rivers are strongly affected by pollution and water scarcity. Over the summer period, urban and industrial effluents arrive into the rivers with little dilution. In order to assess the water quality, two native fish species, Barbus meridionalis and Squalius laietanus, were collected from six sites along the Ripoll River (Spain). PAH m...
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Trait-based ecology has been developed for decades to infer ecosystem responses to stressors based on the functional structure of communities, yet its value in species-poor systems is largely unknown. Here, we used an extensive dataset in a Spanish region highly prone to non-native fish invasions (15 catchments, N = 389 sites) to assess for the fir...
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We document movement patterns and home range of Diplomystes camposensis, an endemic and threatened freshwater catfish from Chile. We tracked the movements of seven individuals of different body size (13.5 to 19 cm SL) using portable radio telemetry equipment to investigate movement patterns in relation to day/night activity and habitat use in the S...
Recycled water is important for maintaining river flow in semi-arid regions. However, it has ecological risk, as suggested by comparison of habitat and white and red blood cell count in two wild fish species (Barbus meridionalis and Squalius laietanus) before and after an input of recycled water in Ripoll River (NE Spain) in 2009. Due to the lack o...
The textile industry is one of the largest sectors globally, representing up to 20% of industrial water pollution. However, there is limited insight into how fluvial ecosystems respond and recover from this impact. From summer 2012 to spring 2013, we examined water quality and ecological status upstream and 1.5 km downstream the input of a textile...
Conference Paper
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Mediterranean Rivers have experienced a long-history of anthropogenic impacts. Water pollution is still one of the major threats to freshwater biota despite the marked investments in sewage treatment plants (STPs) in recent decades. This is attributed, in part, to the reduced water flow of these systems due to climate and water abstractions, couple...
Conference Paper
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Whilts the negative effects of industrial sewage discharge on aquatic communities are well known, how it affect to multi-taxa, and how communities are recovering trough upstream-downstream gradient is poorly studied. The present study examined the response of maprophytes, diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages to the effluent from an indu...
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RESUMEN El conocimiento de la dinámica natural de las comunidades biológicas en sistemas fl uviales es relevante para la conservación de estos complejos ecosistemas. El río San Pedro, ubicado en la zona sur de Chile (39º46' – 39º51' S), es un sistema que posee una alta naturalidad dado el bajo nivel de perturbaciones antrópicas signifi cativas. En...
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RESUMEN Los peces nativos chilenos se caracterizan por ser de tamaño pequeño (<30 cm). Por ello, generalmente se les menciona como de baja capacidad de natación y desplazamiento. Sin embargo, no existen estudios empíricos que lo demuestren. En este estudio describimos los patrones de movimiento de seis especies nativas en el río San Pedro (Aplochit...
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Eggs, larvae and juveniles stages of the Chilean native freshwater fish are practically unknown. To know their seasonality, morphology and habitat use is relevant to understand their biology and to allow the conservation of this highly threatened ichthyofauna. Likewise, the early stages of fish's life cycle are highly labile and their success deter...
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The Chilean native fish are characterized for having small sizes (< 30 cm). Due to this, they are generally described with a low swimming capacity and movement; nevertheless, there is no empirical study to show it. In this study we describe the movement patterns of six native species in the San Pedro River (Aplochiton taeniatus, Galaxias maculatus,...
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Eggs, larvae and juveniles stages of the Chilean native freshwater fish are practically unknown. To know their seasonality, morphology and habitat use is relevant to understand their biology and to allow the conservation of this highly threatened ichthyofauna. Likewise, the early stages of fish's life cycle are highly labile and their success deter...
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Aim Globally, one of the major threats to the integrity of native faunas is the loss of biodiversity that can result from the introduction of exotics. Here we document recent changes in the distribution of five common fish species that are linked to introductions in Chile. Location Chile from 28° S to 54° S. Methods We assess the extent of changes...
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Surgically implanted radio transmitters are useful for monitoring fish behaviour, movement patterns and home range. In Chile, there are no reports using this particular technique in native freshwater fish. Therefore, no standardized protocols have been developed in Chile to describe surgical procedures for inserting the implant nor the required dos...
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Common name: Tollo (Spanish). Conservation status: Endangered in Chile (Glade 1989) and data deficient (IUCN 2007). Identification: Elongate diplomystid, maximum length 249 mm. Snout well developed slightly pointed or rounded in adults. Dorsal and pec-toral fins with strong leading spine. Nostrils surrounded by large skin folds; a skin fold complet...


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