Nicolay Leme da CunhaCentro Científico Tecnológico - Patagonia Norte · CRUB-ECOTONO
Nicolay Leme da Cunha
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September 2009 - February 2014
Publications (38)
Background and Aims The balance between stochastic forces and frequency-dependent mating largely governs style morph frequencies in heterostylous
populations. In clonal species, deviations from equal morph ratios often result from founder events and unfavourable conditions
for sexual reproduction. The aim of this study was to investigate whether di...
1. The association of species distribution and abundance patterns with environmental and spatial
variables is often used to identify signatures of niche-based and spatial processes in metacommunity
structures. If there is no association, however, then stochastic processes may be interpreted as a possible
factor driving community assembly.
2. We sam...
Inundation and fire can affect the structure of riparian vegetation in wetlands. Our aim was to verify if there are differences in richness, abundance, basal area, composition and topographic preference of woody species in riparian forests related to the fire history, flooding duration, or the interaction between both. The study was conducted in th...
The breeding system of Eichhornia
azurea (Pontederiaceae) has been described as being both self- and heteromorphic incompatible based on crossing experiments performed
on plants grown in an experimental garden. We studied the breeding system of tristylous E. azurea population under natural conditions in the Pantanal wetlands, Brazil. Controlled pol...
Key message
A relationship between vertical acropetal inflorescences with protandrous flowers and bee pollination was hypothesized by Darwin back in 1877. Here we provide empirical evidence supporting this association across the angiosperms.
Plant reproduction is not only determined by flower traits but also by the arrangement of flowers...
Diversity can be partitioned into several components and dimensions that are affected in different ways by habitat loss and fragmentation. However, these partitions and dimensions are rarely investigated in human-modified landscapes. In this study, we investigated different partitions (Hill numbers) and dimensions (taxonomic [TβD], functional [FβD]...
The number of open flowers on a plant (i.e., floral display size) can influence plant fitness by increasing pollinator attraction. However, diminishing marginal fitness returns with increasing floral display are expected as pollinators tend to visit more flowers per plant consecutively. An extended flower visitation sequence increases the...
Identifying large-scale patterns of variation in pollinator dependence (PD) in crops is important from both basic and applied perspectives. Evidence from wild plants indicates that this variation can be structured latitudinally. Individuals from populations at high latitudes may be more selfed and less dependent on pollinators due to higher environ...
A Bacia do Alto Paraguai (BAP) inclui a planície inundável do Pantanal e as áreas altas no entorno que drenam para o rio Paraguai, uma região de transição entre quatro grandes domínios fitofisionômicos da América do Sul – Cerrado, Chaco, Amazônia e Mata Atlântica. A fauna da região é pobre em endemismos, porém as posições central e transicional no...
Diversity can be partitioned in several components and dimensions that are affected in different ways by habitat loss and fragmentation. However, these partitions and dimensions are rarely investigated on human-modified landscapes. In this study, we investigated different partitions (Hill numbers) and dimensions (taxonomic [TβD], functional [FβD] a...
Many eukaryotic organisms reproduce by sexual and asexual reproduction. Genetic diversity in populations can be strongly dependent on the relative importance of these two reproductive modes. Here, we compare the amounts and patterns of genetic diversity in related water hyacinths that differ in their propensity for clonal propagation – highly clona...
Plant reliance on animal mutualists is expected to decrease with latitude owing to increasing environmental instability. As a consequence, more erratic animal pollination in the temperate zones than in the tropics could translate into lower efficiency in pollen transfer, and thus increasing pollen wastage. Despite the relevance of this hypothes...
Understanding the main patterns that affect biodiversity in local and biogeographic scale is central in ecological and conservation studies. Here, we investigated the trappability of small mammals by different methodologies in a fragmented landscape on Atlantic Forest-Cerrado ecotone, and compared the estimated richness and composition of this stud...
Artificial selection and genetic engineering plus an expanding repertoire
and use of agrochemical inputs have allowed a rapid and continuous increase
in crop yield (i.e., volume production per unit area) over the last century,
which is needed to fulfill food demands from a growing human population. However, the
first signs of yield deceleration and...
Understanding the relationships among community structure, vegetation structure and availability of food resources are a key to unravelling the ecological processes that structure biological communities. In this study, we tested (i) whether the composition of small mammal communities changed across gradients in habitat quality in tropical forest fr...
The relationship between organisms’ traits and the characteristics of their habitats has been a central theme in ecology. Using two complementary approaches to analyze three-matrices of species composition, functional trait, and environment data (RLQ and fourth-corner analyses), we tested if environmental gradient determines aquatic plant traits in...
Tristyly is a genetic polymorphism in which populations are comprised of three floral morphs (mating types) differing reciprocally in sex-organ height. Intermorph (disassortative) mating governed by a trimorphic incompatibility system should result in 1:1:1 morph ratios at equilibrium, but both deterministic and stochastic processes can cause skewe...
Changes in phenological events have a prominent position in current global change research. Phenological studies for the Brazilian savannah plants are geographically restricted and long-term variation is still unclear. Thus the use of herbarium data can provide long-term phenological evaluation and it is important to understand the phenology-climat...
Habitat quality and its availability affect the structure of communities at a variety of different spatial and environmental scales, including habitat and landscape levels. Analyses conducted at multiple scales have demonstrated the importance of landscape patterns with regard to community structure. We used a multi-scale approach to better underst...
Despite the widespread distribution of the giant armadillo Priodontes maximus, this species is found at low densities, often in disrupted populations. Here we report 12 new records, including five incidents of roadkill of P. maximus in different points of the Cerrado and one in an Atlantic Forest fragment in central-western Brazil. In addition to t...
We updated the checklist of mammals from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil based on primary records only. One hundred and sixty-six mammal species were listed as occurring in the state, 47 of them being medium to large, 47 small mammal and 73 bat species. The listed species are distributed in 31 families: Didelphidae (17 spp.), Dasypodidae (7 spp.), Myrme...
Population fluctuations of small tropical mammals are often related to temporal and environmental variations in resource availability. Here, we aim to associate population variation of Gracilinanus agilis with seasonality, and type and position of traps in fragments of semi-deciduous forest in Southern Goiás, Brazil. We conducted a mark-recapture s...
Eichhornia is a genus composed of eight species of aquatic herbs with free-floating, floating-leaved or emergent (erect or procumbent) growth forms. Some species (E. crassipes and E. azurea) possess the largest flowers in the Pontederiaceae, a family of approximately 35 species of freshwater macrophytes. Flowers of Eichhornia are weakly zygomorphic...
Bats have been increasingly studied in the last 15 years in Mato Grosso do Sul, and several
records were not yet considered in reviews of South American bat distributions. Here, we present the bat
species and their distributions in Mato Grosso do Sul based mainly on data compilation from literature,
but also on complementary information from zoolog...
We developed a framework to incorporate biodiversity information about target species based on expert knowledge into landscape metrics in order to subsidize conservation planning. Four steps make up our framework: 1) biodiversity expert consults, 2) processing and organizing the information, 3) validating the information and 4) incorporating biodiv...
New northwestern records of the striped treefrog Hypsiboas caingua (Carrizo, 1991 " 1990 ") are presented for Brazil, extending its known geographic distribution approximately 115 km northward (linear distance) of the previous northernmost record of the species. In all new localities, individuals of H. caingua were only found in calling activity un...
To determine how different habitats affect the bird community structure is fundamental for the
formulation of conservation strategies. Herein, we performed a comparative study on the community of
tyrant flycatchers in a mosaic of habitats in the Cerrado, located in eastern Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The
avifauna sampling was accomplished via point...
Although there is a crescent literature regarding Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) and future predictions of organisms under global warming effects, few studies are available for amphibians in the Brazilian hotsposts Cerrado and Atlantic forest. In this study I hypothesize that current climatic conditions can be us...
Studies on Neotropical aquatic macrophytes have increased in recent decades, however species richness in wetlands of South America is far from being fully known. In addition, studies having an ecological approach are scarce in the Pantanal. Rapid assessments are essential for gaining knowledge of the biodiversity in the region. This study was perfo...
The Cerrado (savanna) is a wide Neotropical formation, but the knowledge on the occurrence and distribution of bat species for this phytogeographic region is scarce, especially in the western portion. Here we address what are the bat species and their relative abundances in a western Cerrado site, municipality of Sonora, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil....
The Urucum Mountains comprehend a hilly region in western Brazil which lies in the western edge of the Pantanal wetlands, being characterized by the contact among forests, savannas and grasslands. It is usually known that the community structure of small mammals is strongly influenced by the habitat diversity. Based on this, we determined the influ...
The doline Buraco das Araras is a peculiar environment and important destiny for ecotourism in the Serra da Bodoquena region, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Here we describe the bat fauna of the doline and surrounding areas, and report its use as dayroost by the bat Nyctinomops laticaudatus. Bats were mist-netted during two field expeditions, in Novem...
Growth parameters were estimated for Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858) (Characiformes, Characidae), a small-sized and very abundant fish of the Pantanal lentic habitats commonly known as "pequira ". A method based on the length frequencies distribution and the ELEFAN I routine from the FISAT program were used. The fish were collected in the Baia d...
This work presents a spatial analysis of the distribution of the lagoons located at Rio Negro and Barranco Alto Farms, at the lower Nhecolandia, Brazilian Pantanal. However the origin of the thousands of water bodies present on all over Nhecolandia (the region between Taquari and Negro rivers) is not well understood. Using an ALOS - AVNIR image (Ad...