Nicolai Jørgensgaard GraakjærAalborg University · Department of Communication and Psychology
Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær
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Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær currently works at the Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University. Nicolai does research in Music and Advertising, Sound Branding, Sports in Media, Media Aesthetics, Social Psychology, Communication and Media Studies.
Publications (63)
The music and sounds of video games have become an inescapable part of our world. Not only do these sonic elements profoundly shape the experiences of billions of players every day, but also the soundscapes of games have stretched out from our living rooms to encompass spaces as diverse as pinball arcades, concert halls, museums, and classrooms acr...
Den skønne, stønnende lyd af tennis på tv Holger Rune er lydløs, mens konkurrenten Carlos Alcaraz stønner. Hvad betyder det for deres tennis? Og hvad gør lyden for os som seere? Danske Holger Rune er en af favori terne ved årets Roland Garros. Men er hans manglende støn faktisk et handicap? (Foto: Shu terstuck)
The sounds of spectators at football (soccer) are often highlighted – by spectators, tourists, commentators, journalists, scholars, media producers, etc. – as crucial for the experience of football. These sounds are often said to contribute significantly to the production (at the stadium) and conveyance (in televised broadcast) of 'atmosphere.' Thi...
This chapter presents an application of close reading methodology for the systematic analysis of why and how object sounds in audio-visual settings holds the potential to influence the experience of brand objects. The approach is informed by semiotics and offers a tripartite model of modes of listening and corresponding relationships between signif...
Based on a case of (the sounds of) champagne, this chapter shows the significance of sounds of foods in digital media as examined from a textual perspective. The chapter’s text analytical approach is informed by semiotics as it aims to show how sound embodies part of the potential meanings that can be considered to be built into digital foods. Spec...
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Advertising assembles an array of forty-two pathbreaking chapters on the production, texts, and reception of advertising through music. Uniquely interdisciplinary, the collection’s tripartite structure leads the reader through these stages in the communication of the advertising message as presented by Chris Wharton...
Menneskets frembringelser af æstetiske udtryk er uløseligt forbundet med medier. Det ved vi fra kunstens verden og fra studier af sang, drama, billeder og skrift. Uden for kunstens område kommer æstetik til udtryk i bl.a. massemediernes og digitale mediers fremstillingsformer gennem bestræbelser på at skabe sansemæssigt nærvær på trods af afstand....
This article aims to specify the role of spectator sounds in football simulation video games as exemplified by FIFA 19: what are the structures and functions of spectator sounds and how are these sounds related to the visuals of the video game and the player’s actions and potential experience of disruption? Although the examination generally adds t...
This paper explores how music contributes to actualizing meaning potentials in a case of televised football. From the perspective of textual analysis-informed by multimodal discourse analysis and semiotics of music-the paper specifically focusses on the title music and demonstrates how the music contributes to offering impressions of 1) the charact...
This article is inspired by a mismatch between, on the one hand, the prevalence and purported significance of spectator sounds in televised soccer, and, on the other hand, the limited understanding of its actual structure and functions. Based on a prototypical example of current televised top tier soccer – as well as on observations made of the sam...
While the sonic logo for McDonald’s i’m lovin’ it campaign has been widely distributed and highly praised, little is known about the actual characteristics and meaning potentials of this particular musical discourse. From the perspective of multimodal discourse analysis, this paper seeks to unravel the discourse of the sonic logo as it appears in a...
Hvilken funktion har æstetik, når den også vedrører andet end det, som vi almindeligvis betegner som kunst, og hvad gør denne udvidelse af funktionaliteten ved vores æstetikforståelse? Det er de to hovedspørgsmål, som undersøges i denne bog med fokus på æstetiks stemningsskabende potentiale. Her står bogen langtfra alene, da en fornyet interesse fo...
Hvilken funktion har æstetik, når den også vedrører andet end det, som vi almindeligvis betegner som kunst, og hvad gør denne udvidelse af funktionaliteten ved vores æstetikforståelse? Det er de to hovedspørgsmål, som undersøges i denne bog med fokus på æstetiks stemningsskabende potentiale. Her står bogen langtfra alene, da en fornyet interesse fo...
Hvilken funktion har æstetik, når den også vedrører andet end det, som vi almindeligvis betegner som kunst, og hvad gør denne udvidelse af funktionaliteten ved vores æstetikforståelse? Det er de to hovedspørgsmål, som undersøges i denne bog med fokus på æstetiks stemningsskabende potentiale. Her står bogen langtfra alene, da en fornyet interesse fo...
The purpose of this paper is to advance the understanding of sound branding by developing a new conceptual framework and providing an overview of the research literature on non-musical sound.
Using four mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive types of non-musical sound, the paper assesses and synthesizes...
26 december 2017 FORSKERZONEN PSYKOLOGI SAMFUND SPORT Tilskuerlyden er med til at gøre fodbold på tv populaert Tilhaengernes sange og tilråb giver atmosfaere og virker som en auditiv seismograf over kampens forløb, skriver lydforsker og fodboldfan. Lyden til en fodboldkamp har i forskningen laenge vaeret betragtet som noget sekundaert. Men lytter m...
Link: http://mediamusic-journal.com/Issues/8_2.html
This article focuses on music placement in commercials from a text analytical perspective. The article argues that music placement should not be understood merely in terms of usage and the ‘parasitic’ attachment of music to non-musical media texts, brands and products. Such placement includes the...
This presentation focusses on a particular kind of sound during a live television broadcast of a soccer match. Based on a textual examination of the televised English Premier League match for men between Tottenham Hotspur and Leicester City (29 October, 2016), the presentation examines the variety, placements, and functions of the ambient venue sou...
The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate that far more extensive literature on sound branding exists than hitherto acknowledged. The topic has been approached from various angles with differing emphases, and the article provides insight into the variation and range of the literature. Specifically, the article aims to establish an academic...
The study of music in commercials is well-suited for exploring the persuasive impact that music has beyond the ability to entertain, edify, and purify its audience. This book focuses on music in commercials from an interpretive text analytical perspective, answering hitherto neglected questions: What characterizes music in commercials compared to o...
This article presents a four-part text analytical approach to the examination of music placement in television commercials. The approach is developed through a case analysis of a commercial for Apple's iPad featuring the song “There Goes My Love” by the Blue Van. The analysis illustrates how a seemingly “happy marriage” between a band and a brand c...
This article focuses on how sound in combination with visuals (i.e. ‘branding by’) may possibly affect the signifying potentials (i.e. ‘branding effect’) of products and corporate brands (i.e. ‘branding of’) during logo shots in television commercials (i.e. ‘branding through’). This particular focus adds both to the understanding of sound in televi...
The aim of this article is to advance current understandings of cross-media communication in advertising. The study is based on a sample of 80 television commercials and their announced websites, and the article is inspired by recent studies of cross-media advertising effectiveness as well as semiotic perspectives on multimodal analysis. The author...
Taylor, T. (2012). The sounds of capitalism. Advertising, music, and the
conquest of culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the functions of music in stores and similar semi-public settings through a critical discourse analysis of the music in Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F). This is an important field of study, which can arguably only grow in significance. Semi-public commercial places are increasingly struggling to cre...
This article examines music in television commercials from a text analytical perspective. An analytical framework is presented involving three interrelated analytic levels: the text, the co-text and the con-text. The level of con-text is presented as a transtextual matter of the relationship between the music appearing in the television commercial...
Sound seems to be a neglected issue in the study of web ads. Web advertising is predominantly regarded as visual phenomena-commercial messages, as for instance banner ads that we watch, read, and eventually click on-but only rarely as something that we listen to. The present chapter presents an overview of the auditory dimensions in web advertising...
The first irnpression one gets when taking stock of research in music in advertising, is the scarcity of research initiatives. Relatively few books and articles have been published on this issue over the last four decades and almost every publication in this field will welcome its reader with regretting the lack of prior contributions to the field....
På trods af, at funktionel musik spiller en vigtig rolle i medierne, er musik-
kens ’strategiske’ funktioner ikke specielt vel belyst i hverken medieforsk-
ningen eller markedsforskningen. Artiklen næranalyserer 23 sekunders
underlægningsmusik til TV2 Nyhedernes introduktion en tilfældig aften og
belyser i samklang med Jørgen Stigels artikel, hvo...