ni putu wiwin Setyari

ni putu wiwin Setyari
Udayana University | UNUD · Department of Developmental Economics


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Publications (72)
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The agricultural sector as a pillar of development together with the tourism sector and small industries. As part of the agricultural sector and the livestock subsector, the laying hen farming business is growing in line with the increase in egg production in Indonesia. However, during 2020 – 2022 egg production decreased in several districts in Ba...
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This literature review discusses the relationship between regional financial performance, capital expenditure, and environmental expenditure and their role in sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as development that is able to meet current needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Previo...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak PMA terhadap jumlah TKA di Indonesia dari tahun 2017-2023. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai PMA sebagai variabel interes (X1), selisih skor GII Indonesia dengan negara asal TKA (X2) dan indeks keterbukaan ekonomi bilateral Indonesia (X3) sebagai variabel kontrol. Metode penelitian yang di...
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One of the issues that emerged in tourism sector employment during the recovery period from the Covid-19 pandemic was the decline in the quality of human resources, namely related to the labor who previously worked in the tourism sector not all returning, causing a shortage of trained personnel in the midst of tourism recovering. This creates probl...
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Objective: This study investigates the impact of the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Provision Program (Pamsimas Program), implemented in Bali from 2017 to 2021, on improving access to clean drinking water and sanitation in rural communities. Theoretical framework: It draws on the S-shape and Inverted L-shape curves to emphasize plann...
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An inclusive labor market for persons with disabilities is one of the priority issues discussed in the G20, especially in the Employment Working Group (EWG) field. Typically, the number of individuals with disabilities participating in the labor market is lower than that of their non-disabled counterparts, mainly due to the company’s reluctance to...
The National Economic Recovery (PEN) Program is set by the government of Indonesia comprehensively regarding the handling of the devastating impact of COVID-19. The target recipients of the PEN program are classified into two, namely: the first group, State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and the second group are non-SOEs business units, where for SOEs t...
Cocoa is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Cocoa is also one of Indonesia's export commodities which is quite important as a foreign exchange earner besides oil and gas. Indonesia is the world's third largest cocoa producer and exporter after Ghana and Ivory Coast. The development of c...
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The Simantri program is a long-term regional initiative aimed at the welfare of Bali's farmers as well as self-sufficiency in food, feed, organic fertilizer, energy, and biogas. This study aims to determine the probability scenario and the scenario's sensitivity driving the Simantri program's sustainability. This study was conducted within the Taba...
Demokrasi menjadi salah satu peran penting untuk mendukung terjadinya perdagangan antar negara satu dengan yang lainnya. Peran sistem politik disuatu negara baik demokrasi maupun autokrasi memiliki implikasi yang penting untuk semua keputusan ekonomi yang dibuat oleh pemerintah. Interaksi perkembangan ekonomi dengan demokrasi sangat berpengaruh bag...
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As Indonesia enters the post-pandemic world, it faces high uncertainty, especially in terms of access to basic education. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the education sector grew by 0.42%, the second-lowest of all sectors. However, its contribution to economic growth was the highest at 3.02%, surpassing six other sectors with...
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitization process in service systems and manufacturing industries in most countries, although at varying speeds. This was triggered by social distancing requirements and other COVID-19-related regulations imposed by governments around the world, including Indonesia. Digital technology is widely regarded...
Pasar modal merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perekonomian suatu negara, karena melalui kegiatan jual beli di pasar modal dapat diketahui daya beli penanam modal atau disebut investor yang sering kali dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur kondisi perekonomian suatu negara. Saham adalah salah satu instrumen pasar modal yang semakin berkembang di kalanga...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (BLT-DD), Status Bekerja, dan Pendapatan secara simultan dan parsial terhadap Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Miskin di Desa Pelaga Kecamatan Petang pada masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Pelaga, Kecamatan Petang, Kabupaten Badung Provinsi...
This study aims to analyze the effect of economic growth, school enrollment rates, village funds and labor force participation rates simultaneously and partially on poverty rates in regencies/cities of Bali Province, as well as determine the variables that have a dominant effect. The study used secondary data with 54 observation points, which were...
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Istilah "Industri Berkelanjutan" mengacu pada sektor ekonomi yang diharapkan dapat bertahan dan bahkan berkembang di masa mendatang. Perusahaan yang telah beroperasi selama beberapa generasi dapat dengan mudah dijumpai pada berbagai level perusahaan. Perusahaan dapat terus berkembang berkat warisan kepemimpinan pemilik awal, yang telah diwariskan d...
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p> The current development of the agricultural sector requires the involvement of stakeholders from various circles. The role of stakeholders is adjusted to the duties and responsibilities they have so that the results achieved can run optimally. This study aims to identify the typology of actors based on the strengths and relationships between act...
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This study aims to explore the economic resilience of the families of women MSMEs actors in Denpasar City during the pandemic. Non-proportional random sampling was used to select samples, and binary logistic analyzes were used to analyze the data. This study reveals that women actors in MSMEs show greater economic resilience than men. We argue that...
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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan harga bawang putih di Indonesia setelah penerapan tarif EHP ACFTA. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Indonesia dengan 16 tahun pengamatan dalam kurun waktu 2005-2020. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi n...
Sustainable tourism is known as an effort to prevent the negative impacts of tourism development by considering economic, social and environmental aspects. Sustainable tourism development is very important to be used as a reference in managing tourism destinations. The large tourism potential in the Bali Province has been inventoried by the Provinc...
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Latar belakang kegiatan: Kegiatan konsumsi berlebihan saat ini telah dianggap membahayakan bangsa, sehingga perlu untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingya pengelolaan keuangan. Dalam rangka mencegah karakter konsumerisme pada siswa sekolah dasar, sekaligus dalam upaya memberikan kecerdasan finansial, maka pendidikan ekonomi perlu di...
This study aims to determine the effect of COVID-19, coffee prices, and exchange rates simultaneously and partially on Indonesian coffee exports. The research was conducted in Indonesia in the monthly time period from 2018-2020 so that the number of observations was 36 observations. The research data was obtained through the government's official w...
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Sustainable tourism development is the main focus of tourism development right now. The idea of sustainability in tourism is a way to deal with the bad things that will happen as tourism grows. This article talks about how local communities can be involved in making tourism more sustainable. The method is a review of the literature, which is based...
Masalah pengangguran (termasuk pengangguran perdesaan) merupakan salah satu masalah makro ekonomi yang menghambat pembangunan daerah karena akan menimbulkan masalah-masalah sosial lainnya. Semakin terbatasnya lapangan pekerjaan, khususnya di wilayah perdesaan, maka akan semakin tinggi tingkat pengangguran dan urbanisasi di kalangan masyarakat desa....
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Pendapatan per kapita dapat digunakan untuk melihat kesejahteraan atau standar hidup rata – rata masyarakat pada suatu negara dari tahun ke tahun. Pendapatan per kapita juga dapat memperlihatkan apakah kemajuan pembangunan yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah telah berhasil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh indeks kemudahan berbisn...
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Village SDGs are an integrated effort to realize villages without poverty and hunger, economic villages grow evenly, villages care about health, villages care for the environment, villages care about education, women-friendly villages, networked villages, and cultural response villages to accelerate the achievement of Village SDGs. The village appa...
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This study is aimed to look at the effect of credit sourced from the banking sector on the MSE’s income in each Regency/City of the Bali Province. This is important because the inclusive development index in Bali Province tends to increase, but the standard deviation for each Regency/City shows an increase until 2017. This condition indicates that...
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This study examines how social capital affects the well-being of individuals in Indonesia. Happiness determinants use several aspects of social capital at the same time: trust, information channels, civic participation, especially political participation. In addition, this estimation also takes into account other socio-demographic factors. The rese...
Institusi keuangan merupakan salah satu institusi yang kekayaannya berbentuk aset keuangan. Institusi keuangan masuk kedalam bagian dari sistem keuangan dalam ekonomi modern dengan tanggung jawabnya yaitu melayani masyarakat pemakai jasa-jasa keuangan. Beberapa indikator yang mencerminkan adanya tekanan dari institusi keuangan perbankan yaitu capit...
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Bali has various types of traditional textiles whose knowledge and local wisdom refer to the skills and philosophy that develop in society due to the interaction between culture, religion, social environment, and nature. However, several threats and constraints in the sustainability of handwoven textiles. The article aims to present an analysis of...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy of Indonesia has weakened and contracted, although currently, the economy has recovered from it. The economy of Bali has experienced its lowest growth of all time. This is due to the huge impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in Bali, which is its economic locomotive. This research aims to analyze the...
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A good economy for a country is an ever-increasing economy. The economy of a country can be affected by its financial sector. Economic activity can be encouraged by developments in the financial sector. In this study, the objectives to be achieved are to analyze the effect of the ratio broad money to GDP (M2/GDP), the ratio of domestic credit to th...
Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) merupakan lembaga keuangan berbasis adat yang sudah terbukti menjadi unsur penting dalam perekonomian masyarakat desa di Bali. Selama dua dekade terakhir, LPD di berbagai desa adat menunjukkan perkembangan yang baik, namun di beberapa desa adat ternyata masih banyak LPD yang belum berkembang sesuai harapan, salah satu...
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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Denpasar are important assets to strengthen the foundation of the regional economy. The MSME sector is currently one of the government's focuses being sought to quickly rise from the downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has a huge impact on all sectors of economy. Thus, MSMEs are expected to be...
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Pembangunan ekonomi yang berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dapat menimbulkan dampak langsung pada sektor ekonomi riil, juga berdampak pada pendapatan perkapita, peningkatan konsumsi dan akan mendorong struktur ekonomi menjadi lebih baik. Akibat dari orientasi pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi dapat berpengaruh terhadap ketimpangan pembangu...
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Many studies confirm the importance of the role of women in theeffectiveness of government programs, especially the programs aimedat improving family welfare. This study aims to examine the effect ofthe government program of direct cash transfers (BLT) on the humancapital of children in households headed by women in Indonesia.Data for the study was...
Indonesia has a diversity of tribes and cultures and natural beauty that attracts foreign tourists to visit Indonesia. With the number of foreign tourists increasing in number every year also encourages international trade, and triggers the development of tourism support sectors such as hotels, restaurants, cafes and others. In addition, the role o...
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The purpose of economic development is to improve people's prosperity. National economic growth is largely determined by the dynamics of regional economy, while regional economy is generally supported by MSME-scale of economic activities, one of them is the sector of handicraft. The empowerment of MSMEs is aimed at making prosperous lives of MSME s...
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The international community that represented in the United Nations World Summit shift gender equality agenda into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). The SDG's stipulates the obligation for United Nations members to respect, protect, regulate, and fulfill national development agenda that reflected the furtherance of gender equality agenda, b...
This study aims to analyze the partial and simultaneous effect of oil and gas exports, foreign investment, foreign debt and inflation on Indonesia's economic growth in 1975-2019. The research method uses a quantitative approach which will be explained associatively. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression method as an econometric tool...
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This paper examines the relationship between orange economy activity which is an activity that allow for ideas to be transformed into cultural goods, local genius, place identity, cultural policies, and sustainability intangible cultural heritage (ICH) of Balinese handwoven textiles. A questionnaire survey was administered to 145 respondents. Parti...
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This study aims, firstly, to find out the category of district/city areas in the SARBAGITA area with Klassen typology. Second, knowing the level of economic inequality in urban districts in the SARBAGITA area with the Williamson index. Third, knowing the relationship between growth and economic inequality in the SARBAGITA region by testing the Kuzn...
Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK) merupakan skala usaha yang mendominasi pada perekonomian nasional maupun perekonomian regional Bali. Memegang peranan strategis, UMK masih memiliki keterbatasan dalam pengembangan usahanya. Salah satu solusi mengatasi keterbatasan tersebut adalah melalui tambahan modal dengan jalur kredit usaha dari lembaga keuangan. Dengan...
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The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) shows the relationship between economic development, which is proxied in per capita income, and environmental quality. This study aims to view the existence of the EKC by arranging the distribution of 62 countries into four sub-samples based on per capita income from 1992 to 2017. By applying panel data, the mo...
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This study intends to examine the authority of local governments to regulate regional policies on tourism development master plan. This paper examines the legal issues related to the basis of the authority from philosophical, sociological, and juridical aspects of the formation of policies regarding tourism development plans. This paper focuses on...
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Electronic money has received high attention from urban people in Denpasar, Bali. However, the use of electronic money is not yet fully known in relation to what factors influence user interest. This study aims to determine the relationship between factors that influence interest in using electronic money in Denpasar City, Bali Province. Data is ob...
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Education is one of the strongest instruments owned by society to reduce poverty and vulnerability. This is because knowledge and skills are acquired through education. Thus, increasing productivity and creating access to employment opportunities. So that income will increase along with the increase in education. The most strategic target in develo...
Resiliensi bisnis merupakan wujud bagaimana sebuah bangunan ekonomi bisa bertahan dan menyesuaikan diri dengan pemberdayaan BUMDesa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model pengembangan kapasitas kelembagaan untuk kesuksesan BUM Desa di Bali. Terdapat 455 BUMDesa di Bali yang bergerak dalam berbagai sektor produktif, sehingga pendekatan yang d...
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p> This study aims to analyze the effect of financial development on Indonesia's economic growth using annual data for the 1985-2018 period. The ARDL-ECM model is used to determine the effect in the long term and short term. The results showed in the long run the variable stock market capitalization ratio, the ratio of bank credit to GDP, real inte...
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Peranan pajak dalam membiayai pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia sangat dominan dan semakin penting. Bahkan dalam sejarahnya, peranan pajak pada saat suatu pemerintahan dibangun sudah dilaksanakan dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti pungutan pada sektor pertanian, perdagangan dan lainnya. Meskipun peranan pajak penting, namun tingkat penerimaan pajak di Indo...
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This study aims to determine the comparative advantage of Indonesian pepper commodity exports to its trading partner countries, Vietnam and Malaysia by using the Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) analysis method. In addition, this study aims to look at intra-industry trade between the three countries using the Intra-Industry Trade Ind...
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The classic thesis by Mundell, with the modification of Heckscher-Ohlin model, stated that a substitution relation flows between trade and international capital. Mundell showed that the equilibrium price of a commodity can be obtained through international factor mobility in the absence of trade in goods or vice versa, if the trade barriers of the...
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Community-based tourism is now as an alternative to being able to provide community welfare and community empowerment towards sustainable tourism. Once the importance of community participation in village development becomes a sustainable tourism destination, it has encouraged Community Based Tourism (CBT). The purpose of this paper is to: examine...
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A lot of the views of practitioners outside of Bali looked at the ceremony as one of the causes of poverty. It is seen from the portion of income that must be spent for various ceremonies to be performed by the Balinese Hindu community. This study aimed to answer the fundamental question, whether it is the customs and cultures led to affect Hindu c...
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Poverty is a social dimension in a society that cannot be solved easily. Various government programs implemented in fact it does not negates the poor, but at least they try to reduce the amount. Indonesia so far has various poverty programs aimed at different groups based on the primary target, ranging from household (cluster one), a community or g...
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Within the framework of neo-classical analysis, each individual is assumed homogeneous. However, homogeneity assumption becomes incompatible when discussing human behavior. Latest literatures conclude that men and women allocated resources under their control in different ways systematically. This study was intended to see whether there is an incre...
Koperasi sudah diperkenalkan sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi lemah yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah, dunia usaha dan masyarakat, dalam rangka menumbuhkan iklim usaha secara kekeluargaan berdasarkan azas gotongroyong. Berkembangnya koperasi sebagai usaha masyarakat agar mampu memperkuat dirinya sebagai badan usaha yang tangguh dan mandiri. Koper...
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One of the results of the theory of comparative advantage Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell is the substitution relationship between trades and international capitals. This is due to the absence of incentives for capital to move if a trade has been opened. This paper attempts to examine the effect of a country's comparative advantage on international capital...
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Teori perdagangan internasional yang berbicara mengenai keunggulan komparatif dari Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) model menunjukkan jika sebuah negara akan berspesialisasi dalam produk yang menggunakan sumber daya yang dimilikinya secara melimpah. Dengan kata lain, negara berkembang yang notebene relatif lebih kaya akan tenaga kerja daripada modal akan bers...
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The new trade theory shows the interaction between capital intensity, reflects the comparative advantages of a country as well as the industrial structure, and international capital flows. One main proposition stated if a country has high capital intensity in their industrial structure, and changes tends to be capital intensive, foreign capital wil...
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Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell framework suggests that if a country has unexpectedly increased the permanent labour force, there will be a change in the production structure. Increases in the relative proportion of labour-intensive product demand occur and, hence, decrease the need for investment relative to domestic saving, and encourage the current acco...
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One of the core elements of the neoclassical growth theory is that poor countries have low capital-labor ratios but have higher marginal products of capital than the rich countries. This means the low-income countries experience faster growth rates and become a reason for allowing capital, goods, and technology can move across countries. Assuming t...
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Classical international trade theory predicts if a country relatively rich in labor compared to capital will tend to specialize in labor-intensive industries to be exchanged with capital-intensive products produced by developed countries in the international market. This comparative advantage then regarded as a static character. The developments of...
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The development of new trade theory which incorporates the interaction between trade and international capital flows indicates if the possibility of changes in a country's comparative advantage due to the opening of international capital flows. International capi tal flows allow for changes in the industrial structure of a country depends on the co...
Development strategy of small medium enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia faces many problems namely: product development and quality of human resources (business factor); non bankable effort; and problems of market access and marketing. Most of program rub by government give minor contribution to the development of UMKM, as consequences of financial li...


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