Nguyen Xuan Thinh

Nguyen Xuan Thinh
TU Dortmund University | TUD · School of Spatial Planning

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.


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GIScience, Remote Sensing, Multivariate Statistics, Modelling and Simulation, Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis; Methods of Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst, Fuzzy Methods, Compromise Programming, AHP, Cellular Automata; Current working on applications of Big Data, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Machine Learning for Detection of Land-Use Types and Prediction of Water Related Land-Use Patterns
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September 1989 - March 2011
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
  • Privatdozent
  • Privatdozent and Project Manager


Publications (59)
There is a great need for high-quality and comprehensive data in the energy sector. This data is collected and preprocessed at considerable expense and is not only required for research, but also by planning offices and other industries in connection with planning activities, such as the creation of municipal heat planning. The NEED ecosystem will...
Conference Paper
Zum 20. Jubiläum des GeoForums MV möchten zwei Autoren, welche sich fast 20 Jahre gemeinsam mit Systemen, Daten und Anwendungen der Geoinformation befasst haben, historische Entwicklungen, Meilensteine und Entwicklungspfade reflektieren. Beide Autoren haben einen engen Bezug zur Professur für Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Universität Rostock. Z...
Präsentation auf dem 20. GeoForum MV "20 JAHRE GEOINFORMATION - QUO VADIS?" in Rostock-Warnemünde am 02.09.2024
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Over the past decades, novel parameter regionalisation techniques have been developed to predict streamflow in data-scarce regions. In this paper, we examined how the choice of gridded daily precipitation (P) products affects the relative performance of three well-known parameter regionalisation techniques (spatial proximity, feature similarity, an...
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Cities are increasingly confronted with multiple environmental and climatic stressors. Especially during heatwaves, street canyons are both producers and sufferers of air pollution and urban heat island (UHI) effects, with severe risks on public health. To better design mitigation measures, it is important to consider both the microclimate behavior...
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Over the past years, novel parameter regionalisation techniques have been developed to predict streamflow in data-scarce regions. In this paper, we examined how the choice of gridded daily precipitation (P) products affects individual catchment calibration and verification, as well as the relative performance of three well-known regionalisation tec...
The conversion of agricultural land into developed infrastructure entails trade-offs. Therefore, studying the dynamics of change between agriculture and developed areas is essential. This study utilizes remote sensing technology to study this dynamic. In particular, satellite images were utilized to assess the current land use master plan for the p...
The accurate representation of spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation is an essential input for numerous environmental applications. However, the estimation of precipitation patterns derived solely from rain gauges is subject to large uncertainties. We present the Random Forest based MErging Procedure (RF-MEP), which combines information from gr...
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As negative impacts of climate change tend to increase in the future, densely-populated cities especially need to take action on being robust against natural hazards. Consequently, there is a growing interest from scientists in measuring the climate resilience of cities and regions. However, current measurements are usually assessed on administrati...
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Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), economic center and most populous city of Vietnam faces a strong structural change since its market liberalization in the late 1980s. Big challenges occur in the form of uncontrolled urban sprawl due to rapid population growth with encroachment of agricultural land, which leads to environmental and climatic issues like urba...
Technical Report
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Aggregates mining for the construction industry is an important economic activity in fast urbanizing countries, such as Vietnam. Against this background, the joint Vietnamese-German R&D project MAREX led by the Leibniz-Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) in Dresden on the German side, was conducted between 2015 and 2018. I...
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Rapid urbanization has dramatically spurred economic development since the 1980s, especially in China, but has had negative impacts on natural resources since it is an irreversible process. Thus, timely monitoring and quantitative analysis of the changes in land use over time and identification of landscape pattern variation related to growth modes...
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Urban heat islands (UHIs) are a worldwide phenomenon that have many ecological and social consequences. It has become increasingly important to examine the relationships between land surface temperatures (LSTs) and all related factors. This study analyses Landsat data, spatial metrics, and a geographically weighted regression (GWR) model for a case...
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Rapid urbanization has dramatically spurred the economic development over the past three decades, especially in China, but has nevertheless had negative impacts on natural resources since it is an irreversible process. Thus, it is essential to timely monitor and quantitatively analysis the changes in land use over time and to identify the landscape...
In developing countries, an accurate representation of the spatio-temporal variability of rainfall is currently severely limited, therefore, satellite-based rainfall estimates (SREs) are promising alternatives. In this work, six state-of-the-art SREs (TRMM 3B42v7, TRMM 3B42RT, CHIRPSv2, CMORPHv1, PERSIANN-CDR, and MSWEPv2) are evaluated over three...
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Carbon storage is closely connected to the productivities and climate regulation capacities of ecosystems. Assessing the effects of urban expansion on carbon storage has become increasingly important for achieving urban sustainability. This study analyzed the effects of urban expansion on terrestrial carbon storage in Xuzhou City, China during 2000...
Zunächst charakterisiert der Beitrag die vielfältigen Aufgaben und Tätigkeiten sowie die erforderlichen Kompetenzen der Raumplanerinnen und Raumplaner und zeigt auf, dass Raumplanung ohne Daten nicht möglich ist. Danach wird beantwortet, welche Informationen und Geodaten die Raumplanung braucht, und angeführt, dass sich moderne Geodaten vor allem d...
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Urban land use patterns are increasingly recognized as significant contributors to energy consumption. However, few studies have quantified the impacts of urban land use patterns on energy consumption. In this study, we analyzed the impacts of urban land use patterns on energy consumption for 20 provincial capital cities in China from 2000 to 2010....
Conference Paper
The suitable classifications are not often clearly and qualitative meanings in land evaluation in crisp environment. Sustainable land management in agriculture is a very complex and challenging concept. Optimal use of agricultural land is very important in the context of rapid population growth and urban expansion which make it useful for agricultu...
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As climate change and urban development are closely interlinked and often interact negatively, this edited volume takes Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam’s first mega-urban region as a case study to analyse its vulnerability to climate change and to suggest measures towards a more sustainable urban development. The book offers an overview on land us...
The contribution describes available geo-data and spatial analysis using geographic information systems and remote sensing for flood monitoring and research in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). Hazard maps for HCMC are created. The determination of impervious sealed areas and open space is elaborated as prerequisite for flood mapping. Furthermore, an analys...
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Urban spatial patterns are usually affected by different factors in urbanization processes. Scientific interpretations of the effects of underlying determinants of spatial patterns are important for a better understanding of urban developments. However, only few studies have quantitatively examined the spatiotemporal relationships between spatial p...
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Modellierung ist ein wesentliches Element in der Wissenschaft und Forschung. In jeder Wissenschaftsdisziplin ist die Modellierung und Simulation als dritte Säule zum Gewinnen von Erkenntnissen, neben der Theorie und dem Experiment , nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die vorliegende Publikation dokumentiert die überarbeiteten Beiträge zum 17. Workshop Modelli...
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Analyzing spatiotemporal characteristics of land-cover (LC) change is important for assessing environmental consequences of urban growth and supporting land management and planning. Less attention, however, has been given to the comparison between land-cover change patterns in developing and developed countries. In this study, Xuzhou city and Dortm...
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Die Ressourceneffizienz von Siedlungsstrukturen stellt eine relativ neue Thematik in der ökologischen Raumforschung dar, welche das Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) zu einem Forschungsschwerpunkt erhoben hat. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt – ausgehend von einer theoretischen Fundierung zur Ressourceneffizienz von Siedlungs...
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Im Spannungsfeld der Notwendigkeit, komplexe geographische Fragestellungen anzugehen und die Forschung wissenschaftstheoretisch auf mathematischer Grundlage zu fundieren, gewinnen in jüngster Zeit quantitative Methoden wieder zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die vorliegende Publikation dokumentiert den fortgeschrittenen Stand als auch das breite Spektrum de...
Typically, landscapes are modeled in the form of categorical map patterns, i.e. as mosaics made up of basic elements which are presumed to possess sharp and well-defined boundary lines. Many landscape ecological concepts are based upon this perception. In reality, however, the spatial value progressions of environmental parameters tend to be “gradu...
This paper describes the adaption needs of Ho Chi Minh City and its efforts to develop and incorporate adaptation principles into its urban decision-making and planning processes. We outline an approach that is envisioned to lead to an increase in the citys resilience to climate-related physical and social vulnerabilities. This paper describes the...
Conference Paper
Climate change is altering the traditional context of urban land-use planning and is shaping the priorities of sustainability. The environmental dimension of spatial planning in emerging megacities, such as Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), has become a strong rationale for coordinating spatially well defined adaptation actions and responses and integrating...
Conference Paper
The present article describes the development of a methodology and of a software for monitoring quality of life as well as the implementation and application in the Urban Planning Authority of Dresden. We will discuss quality of life indicators, approaches to modelling and multiple criteria evaluation of the quality of life in cities. Advantages of...
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Im Rahmen von Forschungen zur Ressourceneffizienz von Siedlungsstrukturen wurden Strukturindikatoren auf der Basis administrativer Einheiten (Kreise und kreisfreie Städte) in Deutschland berechnet. Bei empirischen Untersuchungen stellte sich heraus, dass ein starker Bezug physischer Siedlungsstrukturen zum Naturraum (Makrogeochoren in Sachsen) vorl...
Conference Paper
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Situated in an intra-tropical and low elevation coastal zone, the developing megacity of Ho Chi Minh City is vulnerable to many of the adverse impacts of the present and future changes in climate. In consideration of climate change and urban development interrelations, the research case for adapting to climate change and the risks and opportunities...
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Topography and relief variability play a key role in ecosystem functioning and structuring. However, the most commonly used concept to relate pattern to process in landscape ecology, the so-called patch-corridor-matrix model, perceives the landscape as a planimetric surface. As a consequence, landscape metrics, used as numerical descriptors of the...
Conference Paper
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Our paper describes selected results of the quantification of the land use and land cover structures and changes between 1990 and 2000 in the 440 German districts and 30 largest city regions by using CORINE (Co-ordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover data. In the first part of the present paper we give a short discussion about land...
Conference Paper
Powerful tools for the analysis of spatial data and the characterisation of landscape patterns are required for a sound understanding of ecological processes. This particularly holds true for 3D-data, as topography and surface of vegetation and human artefacts plays an important role in the geomorphological, hydrological, and biological processes p...
Landschaftsstrukturmaße dienen zur Quantifizierung der Ausprägung der Landschaftsgestalt für Zwecke des Monitorings, aber auch als Eingangsparameter in ökologische Modelle. Bisher findet dabei jedoch meist nur die flächenhafte (zweite) Dimension der Landschaft Berücksichtigung. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Erweiterung von Landschaftsstrukturmaß...
Conference Paper
The objective of this paper is to compare cluster analyses conducted by using different methods for 116 administratively autonomous municipalities (kreisfreie Staedte) in Germany. The cluster analyses aim to provide answers to the question as to the impact of land-use structures on the performance potential of towns and cities. Drawing on the datab...
The analysis of patterns of landscape structure is crucial for an un-derstanding of ecological dynamics. This in turn is important for the evaluation of human actions within the environment regarding a sustainable development, especially in cultural landscapes. So far, the patch mosaic model, which uses landscape metrics to describe the spatial arr...
Conference Paper
The objective of this paper is three-fold: (1) to review the current practices of GIS-based modelling and simulation of urban land-use dynamics; (2) to discuss some new trends in the cellular automata (CA) simulation of the urban development; and (3) to describe the development of a CA model as a reliable procedure for the urban simulation. In the...
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The purpose of our paper is twofold: (1) to overview and systematize the techniques and methods for spatial multiple criteria decision making; and (2) to demonstrate the approach of integrating GIS, multiple criteria analysis (MCA), and Compromise Programming (CP) for land suitability evaluation. The CP method is implemented in the ARC/INFO as an A...
Our paper begins with a review of the relationship between sustainability and the compact city in the information age. We defined two dimensions of the compact city: physical and functional. The need for more scientific and objective knowledge leads to a whole range of research on the compactness of urban settlement patterns. However, questions to...
Der Beitrag gibt zunächst einen überblick über Modelltypen in Umwelt- und Raumforschung. Weil die bekannten komplexen Modelle aus diesem Gebiet (beispielsweise Modelle von Forrester, Meadows, Vester) bisher kaum in der Planungspraxis eingesetzt wurden, beschreibt der Autor einen Weg, wie komplexe Simulationsmodelle mit praxisnahem Bezug in Umwelt-...
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Urban green patterns can affect the eco efficiency of towns and cities. For hundreds of years, city planners have been using green open spaces as an integrated part of the urban fabric. They provide a background for recreational activities for which the built-up area does not have enough space. They also contribute to the quality of the environment...
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Spatial analysis and simulation is an essential part of plan-making. This article gives first some results of the application of a methodology developed by the author to analyse the urban form (spatial configuration of the land-use) of the Dresden city region. Using the geographical information system (GIS) ARC/INFO the author computed several metr...
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1 ABSTRACT Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt ein Konzept für die Ermittlung von Energiekennzahlen für Haushalte und Stadtstrukturtypen in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). Die Arbeit stellt eine Teilaufgabe des Arbeitspaketes "Urban Energy" des BMBF-Projektes "Megacity Research Project TP. Ho Chi Minh" dar und soll grundlegende Kenngrößen zum Aufbau eines...


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