Newton PereiraFluminense Federal University | UFF · Departamento de Engenharia de Produção (VEP)
Newton Pereira
PhD Naval Architecture and Oceanic Engineering
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Newton Narciso Pereira is an Adjunct Professor at Federal Fluminense University - School of Industrial Engineering Metallurgical in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro.
He has been dedicated to research in the area logistics and transport, port operations, ballast water, ship recycling, humanitarian logistics and sustainability. He is Coordinator of Center for Sustainable Systems Studies - CESS. http://www.cess.uff.br - http://www.professores.uff.br/newtonpereira
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January 2006 - January 2016
Publications (126)
The Brazilian oil and gas industry is undergoing significant transformations, with new production units emerging and older platforms being decommissioned. The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP) anticipates substantial investments in decommissioning activities by 2026. This study focuses on the decommissioning of...
Since this demand is being executed, the decommissioning of Exploration and
Production units in the Oil & Gas sector is already a reality in Brazil. However, it is an
incipient market that is being structured. As a result, gaps are noted during this process, such as the final destination of equipment from a decommissioned FPSO Unit and the potentia...
The Brazilian oil and gas industry is transforming with new production units and
decommissioning old platforms. This study compares ship recycling in South Asia with the possibility of servicing in facilities regulated by European standards, considering economic, environmental, technical, and safety factors. In 2022, 443 ships were dismantled globa...
The port sector is integral to both global and local economies, managing a substantial share of international trade. Given their economic significance, ports are also prime locations for advancing sustainability, with many adopting measures aligned with this objective. The integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the port sect...
This study highlights the importance of the ship recycling industry, especially in developing countries. It notes the growing number of ships being dismantled as they end their operational lives. The study aims to address the efficient end-of-life management of ships, a need that is implicitly highlighted throughout the research. The explicit objec...
Objective: This study explores global sustainability initiatives adopted by Brazilian ports and terminals, aiming to identify key frameworks that influence sustainability practices. Theoretical Framework: The research is underpinned by international sustainability frameworks, particularly the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Ac...
Objective: This study aimed to analyse the disclosure of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in reports published by ports and terminals with the highest cargo movements. Theoretical Framework: The research is grounded in key concepts of sustainability and sustainable development, focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifica...
The Brazilian oil and gas industry is undergoing significant changes, with new units emerging and older platforms being decommissioned. The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) anticipates substantial investments in decommissioning by 2026. This study examines the decommissioning of Floating Production Storage and...
Brazil's oil and gas industry is undergoing transformations, with new production units and decommissioning of old platforms.The ANP foresees investments in Installation Decommissioning Programs (PDI) until 2026. The study addresses the evaluationof platform decommissioning, considering economic, environmental, technical and safety aspects. Internat...
• Ballast Water Report compliance kept rising after 2015 and can reach 99.54 % in 2024.
• Yet, a higher and more equivalent inspection rate would be expected between areas.
• The digitalization of the reports in 2022 allowed more complex automated analysis.
• Main ballast water discharges come from the Indo-Pacific Region and Brazil....
O transporte marítimo é responsável por 90% do comércio global de bens físicos e considerado um dos setores econômicos mais difíceis de descarbonizar. Apesar do foco na mitigação das emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) na operação das embarcações, proveniente da queima de combustíveis fósseis, a etapa de construção dessas embarcações também é...
One of the main challenges of the health sector is to reconcile the increase in demand with the installed capacity while maintaining the quality of service. Many of the reasons that prevent a quality treatment have their origin in problems related to the flow, management, and misuse of resources. Based on the above, this article aims to present a g...
The port sector has been under pressure from stakeholders to improve its environmental management. Port Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) rank ports and port terminal performance and promote transparency. This paper analyzes disclosure levels of global and specific Sustainability Report indicators published by Brazilian Public Ports (PPs)...
The paper aims to identify the environmental sustainability initiatives applied in Brazilian public ports. The survey was conducted with twenty port managers located along the Brazilian coast, and the results revealed that sustainability initiatives in Brazilian public ports are consistent with international practices. The study observed a trend in...
Ports and terminals are directly related to world economic development due to international trade. In this sense, port management has expanded actions in terms of sustainability and mainly linked to circular economy (CE). The port environment is not alien to society's developments and for that it needs to improve its efficiency and operability, red...
The link is a power bi dashboard resume of world ship recycling available for everyone.
You only have to click on the link for access. Enjoy an cite us
Product: Shiprecycling Dashboard
Owner: CESS - Centro de Estudos Para Sistemas Sustentáveis
Databases: Sipbreakingplatform anual list
Deveoped By: Euler Sánchez, Patick Fernandes, and Newton Perei...
One of the main challenges facing ports is reducing social and environmental impacts and integrating sustainability into their core business practices. Ports must make explicit moves toward publishing their policies and contributions to the low carbon economy in their reports. In 2015, the United Nations adopted a global action plan for sustainable...
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from maritime transport, the International Maritime Organization has been studying measures to be implemented in the short term. However, there is a need to carefully analyze the impact of these measures on transport costs. The present work presents an assessment of cost and CO 2 emissions from mandatory speed red...
"Engenharias - Automação, Robótica, Metrologia e Energia: Estudos e Tendências" é um livro abrangente que investiga as tecnologias de ponta que estão moldando o mundo da manufatura e da energia. O livro fornece uma visão geral de processo colaborativo entre professores, estudantes e pesquisadores que se destacaram e qualificaram as discussões obser...
Ships that transport oil or derivatives on the Lower Amazon River waterway are at a considerably high risk of suffering spills, with severe environmental and socioeconomic consequences. The present study is aimed at modeling and simulating the oil dispersion and magnitude of these accidents in terms of the vulnerability of biological resources, con...
This article aims to evaluate the flow of patients within an Emergency Care Unit (UPA) located in State of São Paulo, Brazil. Patients are classified according to the degree of risk and the medical specialties of care. An analysis entitled the patients timeline was performed, which considers from the arrival to the departure of patients (length of...
This work aims to evidence the operability and effectiveness of using Fast-Track strategy to manage overcrowding in Emergency Departments. This study presents the results of a literature review on Fast-Track using database of the implementation of a Restructuring Project for the Implementation of Humanization in the Flow of Patients at Emergency Ca...
Lean healthcare presents as a potential means to overcome barriers in the health sector by eliminating unnecessary movements, waiting, transport, and stockpiles. However, time spent in set-up activities does not add value to the process because the patient is not receiving service. One of the Lean tools that can help mitigate waste in those activit...
Performance indicators are an important tool for managers to identify how their organization is performing over time. Thus, a concept of the patient's timeline within the health unit was defined, which consists of monitoring from entry to exit, considering all the steps that patients went through during their stay in the emergency care units (UPA)....
Objetivo do Estudo: Propor o uso de contêineres marítimos adaptados como abrigos temporários para pronta resposta aos desabrigados vítimas de desastres naturais no Brasil.Metodologia/Abordagem: Neste estudo nós denominamos esta alternativa como Bases Logísticas Humanitárias (BLHs). Para realizar esta proposição, foi realizada uma coleta de dados ju...
O presente trabalho objetivou o mapeamento e elaboração do modelo de negócios para inauguração de uma loja online de bijuterias e acessórios. O mapeamento foi baseado na ferramenta Business Model Canvas, proposta por Osterwaldere Pigneur (2011). Tal ferramenta concede uma visão geral do funcionamento da empresa estruturada em nove principais blocos...
Neste artigo apresentamos um estudo da aplicação da tecnologia blockchain na indústria de logística. Os maiores/principais problemas na área de logística são atrasos na entrega, perda de documentação, fonte desconhecida de produtos, erros e entre outros, podem ser minimizados e até evitados pela implementação da blockchain. Essa tecnologia de block...
The sediments inside the ballast tanks might compromise the effectiveness of the ballast water exchange procedure. In the present study, the sediment removal from double bottom ballast tanks due to flow-through ballast water exchange is investigated by simplified experimental and numerical models. Two flow rates and two sediment densities were cons...
Large ships are efficient in transporting oil and its derivatives. However, they can cause spills in the event of accidents. The aim of the study is to simulate oil dispersion processes in scenarios of likely accidents with ships traveling on sea routes interconnected with Amazonian ports and with the Atlantic Ocean. Navigation routes were based on...
Large ships are efficient in transporting oil and its derivatives. However, they can cause spills in the event of accidents. The aim of the study is to simulate oil dispersion processes in scenarios of likely accidents with ships traveling on sea routes interconnected with Amazonian ports and with the Atlantic Ocean. Navigation routes were based on...
O objetivo principal deste livro é contribuir para o desenvolvimento do setor portuário brasileiro, uma vez que apresenta uma visão sobre a atividade portuária considerando seus elementos chaves, no âmbito do planejamento, gestão, transporte marítimo e fluvial, infraestrutura, operação, regulação, concorrência, desafios da sustentabilidade, mudança...
Ship recycling is commonly developed in Asian beaches due to labourcost and legal flexibility. The extraction of steel from ship recycling makesthis activity economically viable and must accomplish with the labour andenvironmental requirements. In that way, local steel scrap market in Brazilpresented a deficit of at least 3.0 million / tons in the...
Maritime transport is responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions representing around 1000 million tons of CO2 annually.
The situation of shipping emissions that strongly depends on future economic grows is aggravated by the fact that global Green House Gas (GHG) emission are predicted to increase between 50% and 250% by 2050. Thi...
The present invention comprises an apparatus; to a system of
protection against invasive species from coral and invasive species.
through the use of a metallic material which makes up the hull of platforms covered material of (nylon, plastic, fibers, among others). The goal is to create a contact layer between the original hull and the organisms ma...
South Asian countries are the main players in the recycling industry, there are problems linked to contamination, occupational health, and procedures that are not sustainable. Due to recent regulations in the recycling industry, shipyards outside Asia with sustainable practices can be authorized by the European Union to participate in this market....
This book presents selected contributions to the Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transport and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL), which is in its twenty-fifth edition and has become a reference event for the global maritime and port sector, attracting more and more participants from different countries.
The 2017 congress was held in...
Os contêineres marítimos são empregados no transporte de cargas conteinerizadas por um período que varia de 10 a 15 anos dependendo das suas características de uso. Após o termino de sua vida útil no setor marítimo muitos contêineres ainda continuam íntegros e podem ser reciclados para serem empregados em outras funções. Uma delas é a utilização na...
Este artigo apresenta a utilização de contêineres marítimos adaptados para moradias como alternativa de pronta resposta aos desastres naturais no Brasil. Uma dificuldade encontrada é a antecipação dos eventos, devido à alta instabilidade da demanda. Com isso é necessário um estudo detalhado das áreas com alta probabilidade de ocorrência de um desas...
A reciclagem de navios é uma prática comum realizada no final da vida útil do navio como objetivo de recuperar os materiais pertencentes a sua estrutura e gerar valor para empresas de navegação e estaleiros de reciclagem. No entanto, os principais locais envolvidos nesta atividade localizam-se em países subdesenvolvidos que utilizam de técnicas ain...
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar as vantagens e desvantagens nas aplicações de Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) mais conhecidos como “Drones” no ambiente portuário. Deste modo, nós verificamos as principais aplicações dos drones no segmento de transporte, bem como, em experiências internacionais na área marítimo portuária. Foi realizada uma...
Areciclagem de navios é uma prática comum realizada no final da vida útil do navio como objetivo de recuperar os materiais pertencentes a sua estruturae gerar valor para empresas de navegação e estaleiros de reciclagem. No entanto, os principais locais envolvidos nesta atividade localizam-se em países subdesenvolvidos que utilizam de técnicasaindas...
Dada a relevância dos portos para a economia de um país e para a competitividade das empresas, neste artigo apresentam-se aspectos e atributos, identificados por meio da literatura nacional e internacional, utilizados para priorizar a dragagem em portos marítimos. Com base em pesquisa realizada com os stakeholders, foi definida a importância de cad...
A utilização da energia solar na produção de eletricidade remonta há pelo
menos três décadas (Solangi et al., 2011). Esta energia é produzida quando a
radiação solar incide em um painel fotovoltaico e então os elétrons desta célula são
postos em movimento (Lewis, 1999).
Em um cenário moderado, segundo a Agência Internacional de Energia (IEA),
a ene...
Maritime transport is responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, around 1000 million tons of CO2 annually. The situation of ship-ping emissions that strongly depends on future economic grows is aggravated by the fact that global Green House Gas (GHG) emission are predicted to increase between 50% and 250% by 2050. This increase...
The Amazon Estuary is the channel of entry and exit for ships operating in the international maritime trade (IMT). However, maritime transportation is considered a vector for the transfer of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in oceans and coastal regions in several parts of the world. To prevent this problem, countries that are members of the Internat...
A luz solar é uma grande fonte de energia disponível no planeta. A América do Sul é uma região próxima da linha do Equador e o Brasil é um país com grande quantidade de irra-diação solar. Neste artigo, considerar-se-á apenas 4 portos dos 37 portos públicos (TPP) da costa brasileira que transportam milhões de toneladas de carga por ano. Os TPP's são...
O desmantelamento de navios é uma prática comum realizada no fim da vida do navio para a recuperação de materiais utilizados na sua estrutura. No entanto, os principais países envolvidos nesta atividade localizam-se em países subdesenvolvidos que utilizam as piores técnicas apresentando perigos aos trabalhadores e ao meio ambiente. Com este trabalh...
O objetivo desta pesquisa é fazer uma avaliação da eficiência operacional das compa-nhias docas administradas pelo governo federal no ano de 2015 através do uso de técnicas de Apoio Multicritério à Decisão. Os portos considerados nesta análise foram os pertencentes às companhias docas do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Ceará e Pará. Os d...
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar as vantagens e desvantagens nas aplicações de Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) mais conhecidos como "Drones" no ambiente portuário. Com o avanço tecnológico os drones passaram a fazer parte do cotidiano e são utilizados em diversas operações de monitoramento e transporte. Deste modo, nós verificamos as princi...
Uma organização obtém vantagem competitiva quando desenvolve ou executa ações que lhe permitam superar seus concorrentes. Dentro do ambiente concorrencial do mercado, os portos, como elos importantes da cadeia de abastecimento internacional, devem buscar destaque em sua atuação. Com o aumento da importância dos portos marítimos na economia, a compe...
A luz solar e o vento são fontes de energia disponíveis em abundância no planeta. O Brasil é um país privilegiado pela quantidade de irradiação e insolação solar e elevadas velocidades de vento que atingem ao longo do seu litoral. Considerando estes aspectos, neste artigo nós buscamos determinar o potencial energético desperdiçado diariamente nos p...
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma investigação conduzida para identificar o mercado potencial para a reciclagem de embarcações de até 50.000 t de Deadweight (DWT) em estaleiros de pequeno porte no Brasil. Foram analisados os dados das embarcações registradas na ANTAQ para determinar o número de embarcações possíveis de serem recicladas. Fo...
Este artigo apresenta os resultados do desenvolvimento da Certificação da Alta Qualidade Ambiental Portuária-AQUA-PORTOS. Esta certificação visa avaliar o desempenho ambiental e sustentável das instalações portuárias brasileiras. Ela foi desenvolvida considerando 342 itens que podem ser avaliados dentro de 15 categorias que envolvem três grandes gr...