Nelly Elias

Nelly Elias
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | bgu · Department of Communication Studies

Doctor of Philosophy


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Nelly Elias (Ph.D.) is a Professor at the Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Among her main research interests are media and migration and media and childhood. In her recent projects she has studied the roles of mass media in the lives of immigrant children and youngsters and the media effects on young children’s development and family life.
Additional affiliations
September 2003 - present
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (64)
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This study of 267 mothers of young children explores, for the first time, the associations between recollection of parental mediation during childhood and current parental mediation of children’s media uses. The analysis indicated that the mothers’ recollections were significantly associated with mediating their children’s media use in the present....
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Research on the mediation of children's media use tends to overlook the existence of several significant caregivers, who may apply different mediation practices. Based on a survey of 267 dyads of grandmothers and mothers of young children (aged 4-8 years old), the present study explored similarities and differences in grandparental and parental med...
It has become increasingly common for parents and children to engage in individual digital activities which disconnect them from each other while remaining in each other’s presence. Accordingly, this paper examines how parent-child face-to-face communication is associated with mobile phone use during a family meal in eateries. The study included un...
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Though prior research has examined how parents use mobile devices in public, we know less about children’s use of mobile devices outside the home. The present study therefore explores how children use mobile devices in public places they visit with their parents in order to conceptualize how device use affects children’s interactions with their par...
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Based on online surveys conducted in the United States and Israel, this study explored grandmothers' involvement in mediation of their grandchildren's digital media use. Study participants were highly involved in restrictive, instructive and supervising mediation-and to a much lesser degree in co-use and technological mediation. Their involvement w...
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According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children younger than 18 months of age should have no access to screen media, while children aged 18 to 24 months may be allowed occasional viewing of high-quality children’s programs together with their parents. Despite these stringent recommendations, however, television and digital devices manifes...
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This study aimed at revealing the factors determining grandparental mediation of their grandchildren's screen viewing and interactive media use, based on online surveys conducted among 291 American and 356 Israeli grandparents who reported taking care of 2-to-7 years old grandchildren at least once a week. Past mediation, familiarity with children'...
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Findings from a pioneering study in Israel, which combined an online survey of grandparents of children aged 2 to 7 years with in-depth interviews, suggest that grandparents apply a complex set of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours to grandchildren’s media use. A clear distinction was noted between mediation of non-interactive and interactive med...
Recent studies point to the heavy rate of smartphone use by parents while they are accompanied by their children in public places This, in turn, leads to parental technoference, which raises concerns regarding children’s safety and their emotional wellbeing. Accordingly, the present study aims to ascertain the cross-cultural manifestations of paren...
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A investigação sobre crianças, jovens e media registou, nas últimas duas décadas, um avanço considerável no que diz respeito ao número de estudos produzidos, aos temas abordados e às metodologias utilizadas. Esta área, por natureza multidisciplinar, foi-se afirmando no campo das Ciências da Comunicação, marcando a agenda científica e abrindo o deba...
צעירים בני הקהילה האתיופית בישראל מתקשים להתקבל ללימודים במוסדות להשכלה הגבוהה, להצליח בלימודיהם, ובסופו של דבר להשתלב בחברה באופן שיבטיח את ניעותם החברתית. לאור הפוטנציאל הגלום ברשתות חברתיות מקוונות, ובמיוחד בקבוצות למידה הקיימות בתוכן, בוחן מחקר זה כיצד אלה יכולות לסייע לסטודנטים ממוצא אתיופי להתגבר על הקשיים עימם הם מתמודדים במהלך לימודיהם. המח...
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Inclusion of immigrant students into higher education is of major social, political and academic importance. Hence, much effort has been made to identify factors that are essential for their successful integration into the academic world. One factor that has received only little attention is online networks, and specifically-the online study groups...
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Studies of television programs and films targeting children at elementary school age systematically reveal a vast spectrum of sexist and ageist stereotypes regarding older women and men, presenting children with distorted sociocultural perceptions that perpetuate the social marginalization and devaluation of older adults. Little is known, however,...
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Although many grandparents are involved in caring for their grandchildren, they were completely ignored in previous research on mediation of children's media use. Informed by the Grandfather Involvement Framework and the Process Model of the Determinants of Grandparenting, the present study aims at exploring variations among grandparents in mediati...
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The amount of time that children spend using various screen devices and the factors predicting it have long been the subject of empirical inquiry because of the negative outcomes associated with extensive media exposure. Most research has focused on factors such as parents’ sociodemographic characteristics and their attitudes regarding media, with...
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A substantial effort was made over the years to reveal predictors of children’s screen time in an attempt to suggest effective ways to minimize its negative effects. Studies were mostly based on parents’ reports and ignored other major caregivers, particularly grandparents. Accordingly, this study offers a pioneer exploration of young children’s in...
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This study presents the development of a new scale for measuring mediation of children's noninteractive and interactive media use by their caregivers. Comprising two subscales, this 16-item measure was tested in a pilot study and then included in an online survey of 356 grandparents. The mediation constructs had good internal homogeneity, significa...
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Recent studies show that television is no longer the primary choice for screen viewing among very young children, having been surpassed by online viewing platforms, among which YouTube is dominant. YouTube’s simple user interface, that allows even toddlers to proceed to the next item on the playlist and affords them easy access to their favorite vi...
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Students of Ethiopian origin belong to one of the weakest sectors in the Jewish population of Is-rael. During their studies they have to deal with social alienation, cultural gaps, economic hardships , and racial stereotypes which reduce their chances to successfully complete their academic degree. In this respect, the present research asks whether...
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This article examines the representation of social workers in the Russian-language immigrant press in Israel. Social work is a public service that did not exist in the USSR and most Russian immigrants were not familiar with it before immigration. This lack of basic knowledge underscores the importance of reliable representation of this major public...
מעברים בתקשורת: לכבוד דן כספי ופועלו - עורכים: נלי אליאס, גלית נמרוד, צבי רייך, עמית שכטר. אסופה של 17 מאמרים של חוקרי תקשורת, העוסקים בסוגיות בולטות במציאות התקשורתית בישראל ובחו"ל. כל אחד מהם פותח בביקור חוזר בתחנה מרכזית בקריירה הענפה של כספי, וחוזר ממנה עם ממצאים ותובנות.
Numerous studies have noted the dual role the media play in the lives of minorities: Assimilation into the majority society and isolation therefrom, adopting new identities and preserving original ones. In this context, Israeli society provides a rare test case, as nearly half of its population comprises various minorities, the most significant of...
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This chapter sheds light on the role of immigrants’ media uses in their integration into the host society in the case of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany. In both cases, these immigrants meet the definition ‘returning diasporas’ by virtue of their belonging to the dominant nationality of the target country, entitling th...
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This article aims to explore how using the internet may facilitate coping with the challenges of immigration in later life, based on the case of older Jewish immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel. For that purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with 32 immigrants living in southern Israel. Results indicated that internet usages by...
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This research explores the professional and life experiences of a Russian-speaking immigrant journalist who relocates herself in Israel, within the new professional and cultural environment. She engages intensively in decoding and interpreting her new society for the immigrant readers. We conducted an ethnographic narrative analysis to examine the...
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This paper critically examines the representation of two major minorities in Israel, Arab citizens of Israel and Jewish immigrants, by focusing on the widely popular genre of reality shows. We demonstrate that this genre contains sophisticated mechanisms of differentiation and selection that inevitably exclude and stigmatise minority participants....
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This study investigated various roles played by host, homeland, and global media in the lives of immigrant families from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS, former USSR) to Israel and Germany, as well as the place of different media in family conflicts, consolidation, and parenting strategies. The study was based on focus group interviews...
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This study examined the roles of popular music in the lives of immigrant adolescents from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS—former Soviet Union) in Israel. Based on 70 in-depth interviews with newly arrived adolescents aged 12–18, our research revealed that these adolescents' musical preferences matched different stages of adaptation to t...
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The proposed paradigm aims at differentiating between two prototypes of ethnic minority media - media-for and media-by minorities - according to a series of twelve criteria clustered into three major categories. The first category comprises four criteria addressing medium initiative and design, i.e. the initiative behind the medium establishment, t...
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Based on 50 in-depth interviews with the Jewish immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) to Israel, the present study aims at examining the possible connection between these immigrants' identity patterns and their media consumption, while assuming that immigrants’ media uses simultaneously reflect adoption of the new social and cultural identi...
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The recent wave of immigration from the Former Soviet Union has created the largest ethno-linguistic community of over 1 million people in Israel. Rising communication needs of the newcomers led to the rapid development of Russian-language media that fulfil a dual function: preserving the immigrants' original identity and ties to the former homelan...
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This article sheds light on the “forgotten” medium in the lives of immigrant adolescents, books, by focusing on the youth from the Former Soviet Union, who have immigrated to Israel since 2000. Book reading patterns found in the study reflect the immigrant adolescents’ need to express, comprehend, and legitimize their feelings of sadness, lonelines...
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This article offers an overview of the empirical research on the new second generations in the Israeli setting, while highlighting the sociological problématique emerging from the data. It summarizes key empirical findings on the second generation of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union, Ethiopia, and children of migrant workers, and it introdu...
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The study described in this chapter examines the role of fashion in the lives of immigrant children and adolescents from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) in Israel. It is part of a more extensive, ongoing research project concerned with the role of media in the lives of immigrant children and youth, as they explore their new environment and also look...
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The present study aims to examine the pluralistic potential of reality shows, which might allow minorities to shape the program's script and to gain recognition for their particularistic identities. For this purpose, two prime-time reality shows were chosen- The Ambassador and Seeking a Leader-broadcast in Israel in 2005. The analysis of the progra...
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This article illuminates the roles of the internet in the unique intersection between adolescence and immigration. The data presented were gathered through in-depth interviews with 70 teenage immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel. The analysis suggests that the internet provides valuable resources for personal growth and empowerment, as...
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This study highlights the unique roles the Internet plays at the intersection of adolescence and immigration as a facilitator of young immigrants' search for collective and individual identities. Based on in-depth interviews with 70 teenaged immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) to Israel, the study showed that the Internet provides valuabl...
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This study examines the roles of the different media — those in the host language, those in the mother tongue and those of the global media — in the lives of immigrant children and adolescents from the former Soviet Union in Israel, at a time when they are coping with complex and unique personal and social challenges as a result of the immigration...
What roles do the mother-tongue and host-language media fulfill in the immigrants social and cultural adaptation? How is immigrants’ media consumption influenced by the host society’s reception context and the immigrants’ cultural characteristics? And what is the nature of the interplay between immigrants’ media consumption, preservation of their o...
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The present study sheds light on the local cultural expressions characteristic of the Russian-speaking community in Israel. For this purpose, we analyzed three main cultural institutions established by the immigrants from the FSU in Beer-Sheva (a city located in Southern periphery of Israel): shows and concerts targeting immigrant audiences, Russia...
The present study compares, for the first time, the images of the Jewish minority in the Former Soviet Union prevailing in the Russian press, and the media images of Russian-speaking Jews after their immigration to Israel and Germany, thus providing a rare opportunity to investigate the dialectics of the construction of the minority's images within...
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The major theoretical purpose of the paper is to investigate the implications of globalising and restructuring urban economies on gender-related differences in occupational distribution and earnings within the urban context. The study uses data from national censuses (1983 and 1995) and a labour force survey of 2001, in Israel, to investigate the e...
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Despite the growing economic significance of immigrant consumers in most Western societies, there is no known study that has empirically investigated the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, which purposely addresses the immigrants' special needs, values, and cultural characteristics. Hence, the present study aims to fill this gap through examin...
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The present study compares, for the first time, the images of the Jewish minority in the Former Soviet Union prevailing in the Russian press, and the media images of the Russian-speaking Jews after their immigration to Israel and Germany, thus providing a rare opportunity to investigate the dialectics of the construction of the e minority's images...
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The two waves of immigration to Israel from the former Soviet Union, in the 1970s and the 1990s, have created the largest (over one million people) and most distinct cultural and linguistic ethnic community. Russian-speaking immigrants soon developed their own cultural institutions and attained significant political power. Rising communication need...


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