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Negrea Bogdan Mihai

Negrea Bogdan Mihai
Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)Centrul de Economie Montană ”CE-MONT” · Environment, climate change, and mountain legislation department

Researcher Biologist


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My main research interests concern the ecology and biology of plants, especially the ecology, phenology, and corology of rare plants, endangered with special status. I believe that these rare species can be used as quality indicators or markers to quantify the anthropic pressure in different types of ecosystems. I am passionate about studying these aspects.
Additional affiliations
October 2007 - June 2008
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
  • Research Assistant
  • Study to preseve endemical species Andryala levitomentosa in the natural habitat / Vegetation types from Pietrosul Bistritei Mount
October 2006 - June 2008
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Field of study
  • Quantitative and Qualitative assessment of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
October 2002 - June 2007
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași
Field of study
  • Environmental Management in Industry
October 2002 - June 2006
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Field of study
  • Biology


Publications (60)
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This paper approaches the subject thought evolution of radial growth of the trees in the studied stand. We also discuss about the influence of climatic parameters (temperature and precipitations) on the physiological regress. The study was conducted in the Dragomirna plateau, a part of Suceava Plateau (Băcăuanu 1980) in beech stands affected by phe...
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This paper presents a brief overview of the most important species of alien woody plants of the Danube Delta. Also presents the habitats where they are found. Stational conditions are studied and described of each habitat type apart, in order to study the affinity of species to certain environmental conditions. In the annex paper there is presented...
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This study is located in two neighboring mountain sites, Rarău and Giumalău in Bucovina area. Here, were made four dendrochronological series, two series on spruce and one on fir and stone pine. The studies related a tight connection and a significantly correlation between radial growth and studied climatic parameters. Rezumat. Studiul este localiz...
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The interdependence between ecological factors of the forest site rock-soil has a large variability in the case of Dragomirna plateau (because of the geology of the area) and occurs in various situations of site quality. As an consequence of this diversity, some of the soil properties represent a larger influence on the biometrical characteristics...
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The current paper presents a study upon the scientific knowledge on the conservation status and future perspectives of the endemic species Pietrosia levitomentosa Nyárády ex Sennikov. The scope of the paper is to improve our understanding about this endemic species and to underline its importance. The present study case is being used to highlight t...
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Dark tourism has received a growing interest by both practicioners and scientists in the last decades. Romania has a rich tourism potential in this area. Therefore, this paper aims to map the dark tourism destinations in the country and to analyze the role of storytelling in promoting dark tourism. In the framework of the paper we used the analytic...
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Această lucrare este o primă încercare ce se referă la încadrarea analitică a mișcării unui circuit, și/sau poate exprima viteza reînnoirii înțelegerii explicitare analizată și adecvat înțeleasă printr-un Dicționar de Montanologie care este concomitent luat în considerare prin diferite puncte de vedere: ca instrument de descriere tehnico-economic s...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: Currently, in the field of energy on a global level and in Romania, intersectoral synergies are being witnessed that formalize hybrid electric/energy systems, by combining different classic, traditional sources with renewable ones. In fact, the integration and simultaneous use of different technologies and energy sources takes place in or...
Conference Paper
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Currently, in the field of energy on a global level and in Romania, intersectoral synergies are being witnessed that formalize hybrid electric/energy systems, by combining different classic, traditional sources with renewable ones. In fact, the integration and simultaneous use of different technologies and energy sources takes place in order to rea...
Conference Paper
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Digital transformation has the potential to significantly impact the ecotourism industry in the mountain areas by improving the efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility of ecotourism experiences. In the paper there is an analysis of the four digital transformation process for the mountain ecotourism industry with focus on a few elements of hig...
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Abstract: This paper aims to assess land use and land use change (LULC). For this purpose, supervised mapping on satellite imagery, using the European Space Agency (ESA) SNAP programme from LANDSAT databases, publicly accessible through the European Copernicus portal, was used. At the same time, an analysis of the degree of landscape fragmentation...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we intended to analyze non-native plant species that spread uncontrollably and have a visible and quantifiable impact in the analyzed area. The analyzed plant species demonstrate a strong invasive character, overwhelming the native plant species. This fact leads to a loss of biodiversity at the local level, but especially to producti...
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Abstract: The Danube River has a large hydrographical basin, being the second largest river in Europe. The main channel flows through seven European countries with many species of fish inhabiting it. In this review we focused on the invasive species silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), which plays an important ecological and economic role in...
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The Danube River has a large hydrographical basin, being the second largest river in Eu-22 rope. The main channel flows through seven European countries with many species of fish inhabit-23 ing it. In this review, we focused on the invasive species silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), 24 which plays an important ecological and economic role i...
Abstract: This worck aims to test two methods of evaluating Land use and land-use changes (LULUC) of land use. For this purpose, both supervised mapping on satellite images using the SNAP program of the European Space Agency (ESA) from the LANDSAT databases and maps from the CORINE Land Cover program database, with public access through the Europea...
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The inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method was applied to a number of known locations in the Bistrita River basin where populations of the R. japonica and I. balsamina species are currently known to expand. The interpolation results are 2 risk maps shown in Figure 2 (R. japonica) and 3 (I. balsamina), which reflects the possibility of...
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Many invasive plant species use interactions with their anthropic environment as a propagation factor and benefit from climate changes, which have become accentuated in the last decade. The way such species interact with climate changes, as well as their high specific ecological plasticity, gives them a consistent advantage over native plant specie...
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bstract: In this paper, we present a comprehensive research and data regarding the distribution and impact of the most problematic invasive plant species in the Bistrita river basin. There are counted more than 300 allochthonous species of plants. These species cause losses, economically and from the biodiversity point of view. According to our obs...
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Abstract: The problem of freshwater quality is a topical one, not only in the mountain regions but in the world. At the same time, in the regional report, the quality is defined differently, the characteristics of natural sources being contrasting from a mineralogical point of view but also from the perspective of the content of other elements that...
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This contribution aims to provide a brief overview of the spread of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. plant species in the Bistrita River basin. The paper is part of a larger study that refers to the impact of the most aggressive non-native plants in the Bistrita basin. Our goal is to study and record the presence, distribution and impact of these non-nat...
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Descrierea succintă a metodei: Am folosit un sistem de aparate de zbor teleghidate (drone) Mavic Pro II echipat cu o camera Hasselblad de 20 de MP pentru a efectua fotografii sistematice conform unui plan de zbor construit într-un software dedicat și compatibil PIX4D. Pix4D este o companie elvețiană care din 2011 dezvoltă o suită de produse softwar...
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The macrophyte plants Lemnaceae are abundant in the tropical and subtropical regions but now present in the Danube Delta. The plant grows in water with high levels of N, P, and K, synthesizing protein at a remarkable rate. Used as food and feed in some regions it is currently attracting interest especially for its ability to metabolize and purify w...
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In this paper, we intend to present a brief floristic survey and the old literature data over an interesting area in the Harghita County, Romania, Borsaros-Sancraieni swamp reserve, area protected since the beginning of 1939. Important personal scientific observations are highlighted. This paper was written specially to reveal the diversity of vasc...
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The macrophyte plants Lemnaceae are abundant in the tropical and subtropical regions but now present in the Danube Delta. The plant grows in water with high levels of N, P, and K, synthesizing protein at a remarkable rate. Used as food and feed in some regions it is currently attracting interest especially for its ability to metabolize and purify w...
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Abstract. The uncontrolled spread of the invasive plant species is among the most urgent nature conservation issues of this century. There are more than 120 adventive species of plants that are spreading on the Bistritei river basin. Our aim is to study, to do complete research and to present some data linked to the observations regarding the prese...
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In terms of species diversity, Fam. Mymaridae groups worldwide around 1420 species, and 101 genera. Only 21 genera and approximately 460 species are recorded from Europe. Only 18 genera are recorded from Romania. It is well known that fairyflies (or mymarids) are the smallest insects in the world, the majority of the adults are smaller than 1 mm in...
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In the Romanian flora there are five species of Lemna (fam. Lemnaceae: Lemna minor, Lemna gibba, Lemna trisulca, Spyrodella polyrrhiza, Wolffia arrhyza) and a new species from North America - Lemna minor, present only in the Danube Delta. Looks like he got along with the movement of the goods or under the turion stage (inactive), in the winter time...
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The current presentation shows a free-lanced study on the scientific knowledge, the conservation status and future perspectives of the endemic species Pietrosia levitomentosa Nyárády ex Sennikov. Pietrosia levitomentosa Nyarady ex Sennikov is a plant species belonging to the Family Asteraceae, which is known as endemic for Romania (Nyarady 1963) an...
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Is well known that the uncontrolled spread of invasive alien plant species is among the most urgent nature conservation issues of this century. Our aim is to study and publish a few notes linked to some observations regarding the presence, distribution and the negative impact of some invasive plant species from Bistrita river Basin. There are more...
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Nutrients (nitrites, nitrates, phosphates) are essentials for organisms life that use photosynthesis. An excessive growth of these aquatic organisms or contrary may cause an imbalance in the entire aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, the present study aims to determine seasonal dynamics of nitrogen concentrations from ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, total n...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: In August 2015 we conducted field studies on bat fauna of the upper Bistrita river valley. Theywere conducted through ultrasonic microphone records on fixed stations. Were identified a number of 17 species of bats: Nyctalus leisleri, Nyctalus noctula, Eptesicus serotinus, Eptesicus nilssonii, Myotis dasycneme, Myotis nattereri, Myotis myo...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: Within the project "Services for monitoring the conservation status of fish species from Romania" scientific fishing was conducted in a total of 21 stations on the Bistrita and Moldova rivers, on theirs upstream sectors and tributaries. Have been identified 16 fish species with a total of 537 individuals. All specimens were measured and w...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: We bring a modest contribution to the knowledge of the protected entomofauna of Rarau – Giumalau Mountains, adding new data regarding the distribution and habitats of a few protected species belonging to different taxonomic groups. The main investigated species are: Carabus variolosus, Lucanus cervus, Pholidoptera transsylvanica and Rosal...
Conference Paper
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Within the project: "Services for monitoring the conservation status of fish species from Romania" fish fauna assesmenr was carried out in a range of reophile habitats on the Danube river and tributaries. The surveys were conducted by Lena and Samus 725 type electrofishers with direct current. The abiotic attributes of fish habitats (water depth, w...
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Forest regeneration has always been of crucial importance, because it ensures the continuity of the forest. The goal of being sustainable in the process of managing the forest includes the need for wide spread naturally regenerated stands. The paper presents different aspects regarding the natural regeneration process in an area located in the supe...
Conference Paper
Abstract: Multifunctional forestry takes into consideration the whole set of goods and services that can be provided by forests and ensures the appropriate delivery to communities and specific industries to cover growing and diverse demands. It’s crucial that we reach a large scale acknowledgement of the forest’s contribution to water protection, c...
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As stated in the current Romanian Forestry Code (Law no.46/2008) one of the principles for reaching sustainable forest management is increasing forest contribution to rural development. This seems in theory a difficult target, especially in areas with relatively low forest cover like Iasi county, that can't cover large industrial demand. The shift...
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The aim of the present study is to determine the accumulation of heavy metals in plankton collected from four aquatic complexes: Somova-Parcheş, Şontea-Fortuna, Holbina-Dunavăţ (with the highest concentrations of heavy metals) and Matiţa-Merhei, from the Danube Delta area, one of the most important Biodiversity Reserve in Europe. In order to achiev...
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The aim of the present study is to determine the accumulation of heavy metals in plankton collected from four aquatic complexes: Somova-Parcheş, Şontea-Fortuna, Holbina-Dunavăţ (with the highest concentrations of heavy metals) and Matiţa-Merhei, from the Danube Delta area, one of the most important Biodiversity Reserve in Europe. In order to achiev...
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The present study was built on the observation of young Norway spruce trees (Picea abies) growing in forests situated in the proximity of emissions sources as well in protected areas. I^was calculated the dynamic of young spruce trees and stands radial growth, in Tarniţa area, Suceava County, north-eastern Romania, a zone with a very concentrated n...
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This study, based on the effects of a very peculiar type of pollution, was conducted through observation of spruce trees (Picea abies) in forests situated near of emissions sources. It was analyzed the individual health and radial growth of trees and stands beneath Tarniţa area, Suceava County, north eastern Romania, a zone with a very intense nonf...
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This paper summarizes a review of plant resources within the Danube Delta. The material shows the areas of interest in terms of rational exploitation of plant species from the spontaneous, subspontaneous and cultivated flora. It is also a review of meliferrous and medicinal plant species of interest. An assessment was made over the pratological val...
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This paper aims to briefly present the results of a study conducted on a sample surface located inside the reserve "secular Fagetul Humosu". The study highlights the growth losses occurred due to Nectria fungus attack. Statistics study was conducted on age and diameter classes. Thus it has been shown that growth losses due to attack of the fungus N...
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This paper summarizes a review of plant resources within the Danube Delta. The material shows the areas of interest in terms of rational exploitation of plant species from the spontaneous, subspontaneous and cultivated flora. It is also a review of meliferrous and medicinal plant species of interest. An assessment was made over the pratological val...
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The aim of this study is to present the additional information on the taxonomy, biology,ecology of C. marschalliana in Romania and the population status from “Movila lui Burcel” naturalreserve. We present also the negative impact of religious buildings rised up inside this protected area.
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The paper reports 68 species of endemic, rare or protected at national and international levelscormophytes identified in the natural ecosystems from Neagra Broştenilor river basin. For each speciesare presented: distribution in this area, habitat type where the species has been recorded, sozologicalcategory (according to Romanian Red List of Cormop...
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In this paper we present and confirm the presence of Calla palustris L. a rare plant speciesknown in Moldova only from Bolătău Swamp Reserve, Dorna Arini – Suceava country. We also presentthe preliminary studies regarding the population size and density, the area preferred by C. palustris,the species which are associated and grow in that area and t...
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In this paper we present the major and common adaptations to the cave environment ofdifferent animal groups. The common features are: anophthalmia, depigmentation, apterism in the caseof insects, body shape and ecophysiological adaptations.
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The paper treats A. levitomentosa reproductive structures from an anatomical point of view. The species exhibited traits that are common in the Asteraceae family but also a few peculiarities such as a possibly five-carpel ovary, free non connate anthers and filaments fused to the corolla at different levels. Early stage embryos but no seeds were ob...


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