Nazeem FahamiyaUniversity of Colombo (Instiute of Indigenous Medicine) · Department of Unani
Nazeem Fahamiya
Professor [BUMS (Hons.)- Sri Lanka; MD (Jamia Hamdard - India); PhD (R - Jamia Millia Islamia - India); SEDA (Eng)]
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I am Dr Nazeem Fahamiya, Professor, IIM, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.Chairperson of the Specialty Board of MD Ilmul Advia in Unani Medicine at PGIIM, University of Colombo. I have done research in Nephroprotective activity of herbal drugs in experimental model and standardization of many herbal drugs. At present I am involved in quality control, toxicity and bio- efficacy study and development of SOPs of herbo-mineral products and also engaged in formulation of herbal shower gel.
February 2018 - February 2022
July 2009 - July 2012
August 1998 - September 2003
University of Colombo (IIM)
Field of study
- Unani Medicine
Publications (120)
Continuous and excessive secretion of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory chemicals and cytokines may further deteriorate inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs play an imperative role in inhibiting the evolution of inflammatory diseases. As per the Unani doctrine, a holistic treatment approach is used to treat illnesses. Therefore,...
Renal failure is an emerging problem worldwide and it is defined as the presence of renal parenchymal damage. Its manifestations are abnormal albumin excretion or decreased kidney function. Solanum nigrum L. (Mako), ‘Black Nightshade’, belongs to the family Solanaceae known in Unani medicine for its nephroprotective activity, especially...
Background: Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Darchini), Alpinia galanga (Khulanjan), and Withania somnifera (Asgand) have been used in joint diseases by Unani scholars since long. The combination of these ingredients may be more effective than they are given alone as these drugs are having potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic and rejuvenating pro...
Bisehri Booti (Aerva lanata L.), a member of the Amaranthaceae family, is a significant remedy in Unani medicine. Although it was introduced late in clinical practice, it is now routinely used to treat urinary illnesses. It has demonstrated remarkable therapeutic potential in the treatment of diseases of the kidney, prostate, and bladder. The purpo...
Introduction: Elwa (Aloe barbadensis / Aloe vera) is also known as Sibr in Unani medicine, which is dried juice obtained by the inspissations and used to treat many diseases, especially digestive disorders, arthritis, gastric ulcer, jaundice, amenorrhoea, kidney diseases, diseases of spleen and liver, constipation, nervine disorders, woun...
Over the past years, it has become more apparent that the kidneys are seriously affected by variety of chemicals and therapeutic agents. Meanwhile, herbal medicines have shown great potential in curing several illness and disease of human being since long; because, they are easily available, effective and safe with few side effects.The aim of this...
Kulanjan (Alpinia galanga) is a rhizomatous perennial herb used in
traditional systems of medicine especially in Unani medicine. It is
used as a single drug or as a compound medicine and it has actions
such as expectorant, nerve stimulant, digestive, appetizer,
stomachic, cardiac tonic, carminative, etc. The aim of this study is
to gather rele...
Joint diseases in Unani System of Medicine are categorized under the broad term ‘Waja-ulMafasil’. This terminology is used for all types of arthritis. “Waja” means pain and “Mafasil”
means joints in Arabic. Hence, Waja-ul-Mafasil means pain in joints. Ibn-e-Sina has used
Waja-ul-Mafasil for pain, inflammation, accumulations, depositions and other...
Multi-herbs dominate as the largest segment, capturing a significant share of the overall herbal supplements and remedies market worldwide. The global herbal supplements and remedies market has been forecasted to reach about US$ 93.15 billion by the year 2015, spurred by increasing incidence of aging population and consumer awareness about general...
Kulanjan (Alpinia galanga) is a rhizomatous perennial herb used in
traditional systems of medicine especially in Unani medicine. It is
used as a single drug or as a compound medicine and it has actions
such as expectorant, nerve stimulant, digestive, appetizer,
stomachic, cardiac tonic, carminative, etc. The aim of this study is
to gather rele...
The seed of Cucumis melo Linn. is having diuretic, lithotriptic, laxative, demulcent and cooling properties. The
present investigation was carried out to evaluate the nephroprotective activity of methanolic extract of Cucumis
melo (ME-CM) seed kernel in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity. The ME-CM was administrated orally (190
mg/kg/d) for 8 day...
Usr e tams (Dysmenorrhea) is defined as painful menstrual cramps with or without any demonstrable pelvic pathology. It is stated to be the single commonest cause of the female absenteeism from school, college and workplaces that affects almost 50% of women with regular menstruation. In conventional medicine, pain and symptoms are control by giving...
Strychinus nuxvomica (SN) is an evergreen and medium sized deciduous tree, usually 15-20 m high and up to 70 cm diameter. The fruits are globose, 2.5-5cm. in diameter, orange red when ripe containing many discoid, compressed coins likes seed in fleshy pulp. Seeds are used for therapeutic purposes. The objective of the present investigation was deve...
Unani healing system employs a holistic approach in prevention and treatment of diseases. This system of medicine emphasizes six essentials prerequisites (Asbab-e-Sitta-e-Zarooriya) that have been laid down for the promotion of health and prevention of disease. Among them food is one of the prerequisites. Ancient Unani physicians gave much importan...
Althaea rosea L. (AR) seeds are commonly used in renal disorders in Unani medicine. Hence, the present study was aimed to evaluate the nephroprotective activity of methanolic extract of AR seed (ME-AR) and its chloroform soluble (CHSF) and insoluble (CHIF) fractions in gentamicin-induced renal oxidative damage in Albino rats. The rats were divided...
The Unani Materia Medica is a rich storehouse of thousands of drugs. These drugs have been attributed with various properties, actions and find their application in the treatment of number of diseases. In this book, an attempt has been made to summarize important information of the single drugs in a nut shell for quick and easy reference.
This boo...
Recently, there has been a shift in the universal trend of medicine selection from synthetic to herbal medicine, which we can say “Return to Nature”. Medicinal plants have been known for millennia and are highly esteemed all over the world as a rich source of therapeutic agents for the prevention of diseases and ailments.
In Sri Lanka though the Un...
Cancer is a significant global healthcare problem with an estimated worldwide incidence of 10 million new cases per year and morbidity is high with > 7 millions death per year. Among that breast cancer is a major public health challenge is often associated with high morbidity. The goal of carcinoma treatment is first to eradicate the cancer. In las...
Ilaj bit Tadbeer (Regimenal therapy) is a unique method of treatment in Unani medicine for the preservation of health as well as for curing the illnesses. This therapy is composed on many fundamental concepts of Unani medicine. We realize that there is a lack and malpractice in regimenal therapy as there is no sufficient resource materials....
The most common cause for limiting mob ility of the elderly people is j oint disease , especially knee osteo arthritis. I t is the major cause of disability and socioeconomic burden at present . Qurs - e - mafasil is a Unani poly herbal compound formulation mentioned in a Unani pharmacopeia , Qarabadeen - e - Majeedi . In which it is recommended fo...
Khatmi (Althaea officinalis), commonly known as Marsh Mallow is one of the important medicinal plant used in Unani medicine. Khatmi is a perennial plant with light brown coloured, long and thick root, ovate-cordate, slightly toothed leaves and pale pink or pale purple coloured flowers. Root, leaves, flowers and seeds are mainly used in medicine. Al...
The Unani system of medicine originated from Greece. Hippocrates is the father of medicine who initiated the humoural theory. Then Arab and Persian physicians like Rhazes, Avicenna constructed and developed this system. The aim of this study is to provide comprehensive review in cupping therapy which is now practiced effectively worldwide. This rev...
Cucumis melo which is commonly known as musk melon belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae and it is known as kharbuzah in Unani medicine. It is an annual climbing or creeping herb with angular, scabrous stem, simple soft hairy orbicular-reniform leaves and bears tendrils, by which it is readily trained over trellises. The aim of this review is to expl...
Khatmi (Althaea officinalis), commonly known as Marsh Mallow is one of the important medicinal plant used in Unani medicine. Khatmi is a perennial plant with light brown coloured, long and thick root, ovate-cordate, slightly toothed leaves and pale pink or pale purple coloured flowers. Root, leaves, flowers and seeds are mainly used in medicine. Al...
Althaea rosea is a stately ornamental plant, producing large single, semi-double, double or frilled flowers of many colours belongs to the family Malvaceae. It is commonly known as Hollyhock. The aim of this review is to reveal the comprehensive information about Althaea rosea, to highlight the areas of research have been carried out in this d rug...
Breast milk has been considered as the "gold standard" of infant nutrition in world wide. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for infants up to six months as the normal infant feeding method. Prolactin is the hormone responsible for the production of milk. Though many women can produce enough milk to meet their infant's...
The influence of lifestyle on human health is of worldwide increasing concern. Disease profile is changing rapidly. Currently, lifestyle disorders are becoming more problem, and policy makers are working on that. It draws major concern because it affects younger working community. Therefore, it would reduce the productivity of the entire nation. It...
IntroductionHistorically physicians have used leech therapy for various ailments. Hirudo medicinalis is commonly used in western countries for medicinal purpose and in other parts of the world, different species are used. In India, Hirudinaria granulosa species is used traditionally for this purpose. Although this treatment approach has been used f...
Cucumis melo Linn. (family cucurbitaceae) is extensively cultivated throughout India particularly in the hot and dry NorthWestern areas. Its fruit pulp, root, seeds and seed oil are used for medicinal purposes. In Unani medicine, the seed kernel is commonly used to treat various disease conditions. Seeds are having diuretic, lithontriptic, laxative...
Bloodletting is an ancient therapy and is being practiced in terms of leech
therapy as well as cupping with scarification for treating various illnesses.
According to Unani classics many diseases are the result of imbalance of
body humors and that can be brought in equilibrium by releasing blood.
Leech therapy has remained a popular option among Un...
‘Qurse mafasil’ is a Unani poly herbal formulation mentioned in
Qarabadeen-e-Majeedi (which is now a part of National Formulary
of Unani Medicine, India), commonly prescribed for rheumatic
conditions. This formulation contains three ingredients Curcuma
longa Linn., Colchium luteum Baker. and Acacia arabica Willd.
These herbals have anti-inflammator...