Nathalie Greenan

Nathalie Greenan
Nathalie verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Nathalie verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts | CNAM · Lirsa and CEET

Doctorate in Economics


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My main interests are in the theoretical and empirical study of changes within organisations, their economic performance and their consequences for employees and on the labour market. I have led the scientific development of a French linked employer employee survey on organisational changes and computerisation (COI). At the European level, I have coordinated the MEADOW project and I am currently leading the French participation in the Bridges 5.0 project.


Publications (127)
We investigate the links between the technological transformation of firms and employee control over working time. We conduct EU-wide analysis at the meso-level by relating information from the European Company Survey 2019 (Eurofound and Cedefop) with the Labour Force Survey ad hoc module 2019 (Eurostat). This dataset allows analysing the technolog...
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L’intelligence artificielle (IA) suscite un débat autour de la transformation des métiers. Son introduction au travail nécessite des choix collectifs quant à son déploiement, ce qui motive les syndicats à encourager un dialogue social au niveau européen et français pour pouvoir explorer de façon participative son potentiel. Ce numéro de Connaissanc...
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Ce data paper présente les étapes de la construction de la base de données CAGE (Collective Agreements for Gender Equality), qui consigne, pour un échantillon représentatif d’entreprises françaises, non seulement une masse d’informations sur les processus de négociation et leurs acteurs, mais aussi, et cet aspect est plus novateur, sur les contenus...
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Le rapport offre une analyse critique et nuancée des enjeux liés à l'introduction de l'IA dans les entreprises et institutions, allant au-delà des discours simplistes sur les bénéfices de l’automatisation au travail et la crainte de perte d'emplois. Il met en lumière l'importance cruciale des choix organisationnels et de la participation des travai...
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This paper investigates the effects of digitalization and organizational practices on innovation in Europe, between 2010 and 2016. We analyze the cross-country and industry differences in firms’ investments and capabilities to adopt and use new technologies and their effects on innovation outputs. Along with traditional drivers of innovation, such...
La capacité d’apprentissage de l’organisation est un facteur d’innovation identifié dans la littérature économique et de gestion mais qui reste la plupart du temps non mesuré et donc absent des études empiriques sur la transformation technologique. Pourtant, ce facteur semble essentiel à la réussite de la double transition digitale et écologique.
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This article evaluates the impact of cumulative ICT and management changes on long-term sickness absences. We use a unique dataset matching a company-level survey on comput-erisation and organisational change with an administrative file allowing us to track health issues amongst the working population. We implement a difference-indifference approac...
Purpose This paper examines to what extent formal training targeted to workers aged 45 and over could enhance their knowledge transmission activities specifically in changing work environments. This is a key issue for human resources practitioners. Allowing older workers to keep on interacting with their colleagues and transmitting their knowledge...
Conformément aux objectifs européens d’une croissance et d’un marché du travail plus inclusifs, la question de la vulnérabilité des travailleurs occupe un pan essentiel de la politique économique et sociale européenne.Ce travail s’insère ainsi dans une réflexion visant à définir et à mesurer les différentes formes de vulnérabilité qui peuvent surve...
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Les transformations digitales auxquelles sont confrontées les organisations de travail et que la crise sanitaire actuelle vient renforcer, se déploient de manière souvent brutale et non concertée, et sont accompagnées de messages qui oscillent entre deux pôles contradictoires soulignant tour à tour les vertus émancipatrices du progrès technique off...
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The article evaluates the impact of organisational changes on long-term sickness absence. We use a unique dataset matching a company level survey on computerisation and organisational changes with an administrative file allowing to follow up health issues in the working population. We implement a difference in difference approach using two time win...
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Gender equality at work has become in recent years a priority for governments. In France, collective bargaining is the main lever to achieve progress on gender equality issues. In a two‐tier bargaining framework, industries and firms are required by law to negotiate on the reduction of gender inequalities. Using firm‐level survey data on labor rela...
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In this report, we explore the feasibility of a European database of working conditions clauses in collective agreements in EU countries. Our proposal builds on the methodology developed by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the WageIndicator Foundation to build an international database of collective agreements and in the BARCOM (VS/2016/0106)...
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Companies’ top management and trade union organisations are thinking about what actions should be developed to limit hyper-connection. Awareness-raising and best practice charters or, more radically, cutting off servers at the end of the day are frequent responses without always being convincing. The article is based on an exploratory study focused...
Companies’ top management and trade union organisations are thinking about what actions should be developed to limit hyper-connection. Awareness-raising and best practice charters or, more radically, cutting off servers at the end of the day are frequent responses without always being convincing. The article is based on an exploratory study focused...
Technical Report
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This guidance paper provides a common intellectual understanding for the BEYOND4.0 research project. It explains what is to be analysed, why and how. As part of this task, it explains the key developments, issues and concepts that drive the project. It provides a common starting point for the aim of BEYOND4.0 to support the delivery of an inclusive...
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The representative bureaucracy literature provides a growing body of empirical evidence that a representative public workforce enhances the efficacy and legitimacy of public services. However, little attention has been paid to the capacity of civil service competitive examinations to give equal opportunity of access to public jobs to equally compet...
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This paper looks at the effect of technological and organisational changes on the probability for workers in the second part of their careers of transmitting their knowledge to other colleagues in their employing firm. We use matched employer-employee data to link changes occurred at the firm level with knowledge transmission behaviours measured at...
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We investigate the human sustainability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and management changes using a French linked employer-employee survey on organizational changes and computerization. We approach the human sustainability of changes through the evolutions of work intensity, skills utilization, and the subjective relationship t...
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We investigate the human sustainability of ICT and management changes using a French linked employer-employee survey on organizational changes and computerization (COI). We approach the human sustainability of changes through the evolutions of work intensity, skill utilization and the subjective relationship to work. We compare in the private secto...
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This working paper examines the relationship between forms of work organisation and vulnerability of the workforce to non-employment. Vulnerability to non employment is defined as the probability to make a transition from employment to non employment over a one year period.It relies on the data from the first two rounds of the survey on adult skill...
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In the harsh new world of global competition and in the face of new wave of technological innovation , the world of work seems to undertake continuous changes. Further, structural transformations of the economy induced and extended by economic crisis as well as demographic and labour market changes imply the emergence of new forms of employment. Ho...
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Secteurs public et privé sont souvent opposés l’un à l’autre, donnant lieu à des controverses où chacun prend l’autre comme exemple à ne pas suivre. Pourtant, ils sont travaillés par d’importants changements depuis plusieurs décennies. L’intention de cet ouvrage est d’abord d’en rendre compte. Technologies, organisation, gestion, tout change dans l...
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Cet ouvrage retrace, dans une première partie, différents travaux théoriques et empiriques relatifs aux centres d’appels ou à la technologie numérique. Il nous plonge ensuite au cœur d’une expérimentation randomisée réalisée dans des conditions de travail réelles au sein d’un centre d’appels sous-traitant. L'angle choisi est celui de l’étude de l’i...
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Le développement de systèmes de surveillance électronique sur les plateformes d’appels téléphoniques permet l’enregistrement et la mesure de la performance des salariés de manière continue. L’expérimentation dont rend compte ce Connaissance de l’emploi vise à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des systèmes de surveillance électronique dans un con...
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The main contribution of this paper is to study empirically how the horizon effect and the technological or organisational changes interact to explain the probability of being an internal trainer at the end of career. We use data from a French matched employer-employee survey on Organisational Changes and Computerisation (COI) conducted in 2006. It...
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The aim of this chapter is to examine whether company level changes affect differentially the quality of working life according to employees’ age. We use data from a French linked employer-employee survey. The quality of working life is captured through three dimensions: the feeling of fair work recognition, the opportunity to learn new things at w...
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Performance appraisals have become a widespread practice in OECD member countries. However, whereas the problem of constructing an optimal contract with subjective evaluation receives a lot of attention, firm level performance appraisals are strikingly left outside of economic theory. The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to theoretically...
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The objective of this paper is to provide an empirical evidence for whether the hierarchical position (determined by firm’s quality strength) of different types of quality supply chain categories implies the same hierarchy in terms of economic gains. Using data collected in France through a survey, we distinguish between four types of quality suppl...
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This article provides a mapping of quality of working life and measures its evolution between 1995 and 2005 with European Working Conditions Surveys. Using multilevel modelling, we assess the sensitivity of observed trends to “composition effects” and “country effects”. Results suggest a decreasing trend in the quality of working life: physical str...
Is there a convergence in the commitment of private sector employees and civil servants of the State when they face organisational changes? Using a linked employer-employee survey on computerisation and organisational change (COI), we compare the effects of organisational changes on the evolution of employee commitment in public and private sector...
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Using a linked employer-employee survey on computerisation and organisational change (COI), we compare the effects of organisational changes on the evolution of employee commitment in public and private sector organisations. Our main finding is that of a non-convergence between the two sectors. Confronted with organisational changes, civil servants...
Organisational changes and the evolution of working life quality: a comparison between the private sector and the state civil service А bstract: Using a linked employer-employee survey on computerisation and organisational change (COI), we analyse the effects of organisa-tional changes on indicators of work intensification, skills development, and...
This chapter draws on the results of a 3-year EU funded project designed to development guidelines for collecting harmonized data on organisational change and its economic and social impacts. Following a general introduction focusing on the importance of organisational practices and process of organisational change for successful product and servic...
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Changes Within Companies and Access of Older Workers to Further Training in the 1990’s and 2000’s This paper examines whether dynamic professional contexts in manufacturing are associated with specific age-training profiles. During the 1990s, a comparative disadvantage of blue collar workers and clerks aged between 50 and 59 with regards to trainin...
Technical Report
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Au moyen du dispositif d’enquêtes couplées Changements organisationnels et Informatisation (COI), nous avons analysé les effets des changements organisationnels dans le secteur privé et la Fonction publique d’État, sur des indicateurs d’intensification du travail, d’évolution des compétences et de variation de l’implication des salariés. Les change...
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Le débat social a questionné récemment le rôle des TIC (technologies de l'information et de la communication) dans la souffrance au travail. En replaçant les conditions de travail dans le contexte de l'entreprise, le dispositif d'enquêtes couplées COI (Changements organisationnels et Informatisation) permet d'aborder de manière inédite les liens en...
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Do new management practices disrupt organizational structures? This article examines the link between the diffusion of new managerial practices and the internal organizational structure of firms. The authors draw on quantitative data from the COI-TIC 2006 survey on a representative sample of some 14,000 private-sector firms with at least ten employee...
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The dynamics of long-term change This article examines the organizational dynamics of French manufacturing firms over a period of nearly twenty years (1988-2006). The authors draw on three waves of an employer-level statistical survey based on representative samples of over 2,000 firms with 50 employees or more. The objective is two-fold: to find out...
This paper has three main objectives: provide a mapping of quality of work across European countries, measure its evolution between 1995 and 2005 and explain the observed trends. This general assessment on quality of work is based on three waves of European Working Conditions Surveys carried out with persons in employment in 1995, 2000 and 2005. We...
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Une certains nombres de tableaux en annexe du numéro ont été mis en ligne sur le site Ces tableaux ainsi que l'annexe du dossier sont associés au texte de présentation du dossier.
This volume shows that interaction within organisations - as well as individual and organisational learning and training - are important for innovation. The analytical tools and empirical results this study provides show how some work organisations may foster innovation through the use of employee autonomy and discretion, supported by learning and...
The MEADOW Guidelines propose a measurement framework for collecting and interpreting internationally harmonised data on organisational change and its economic and social impacts for both private and public sector organisations. Reliable harmonised statistics on organisational change would provide the basis for effective benchmarking through the ex...
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The MEADOW Guidelines propose a measurement framework for collecting and interpreting internationally harmonised data on organisational change and its economic and social impacts for both private and public sector organisations. Reliable harmonised statistics on organisational change would provide the basis for effective benchmarking through the ex...
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The objective of this article is to provide an empirical evidence that supports the claim of ISO certification as a Club Good. To this purpose, we use two French cross sectional surveys called the "Enquête Annuelle d'Entreprises" (EAE 1997) and the "Changement Organisationnel et Informatisation" (COI 1997) and we show that there is a positive relat...
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Cet article étudie les liens qui existent entre la diffusion de nouvelles pratiques managériales et la structure organisationnelle interne des entreprises en mobilisant les données quantitatives de l'enquête COI-TIC 2006 recueillies auprès d'un échantillon représentatif d'environ 14 000 entreprises privées de 10 salariés et plus. Les pratiques mana...
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This paper examines how organisational changes and ICT adoption affect workers’ wages and wages progression. We use the 1997 French survey on organisational change and ICT use (COI 1997), which is a matched employer/employee survey describing both changes occurring in the life of manufacturing firms between 1994 and 1997, and labour market history...
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The complementarity between the use of information technology and innovative organisational practices, on the one hand, and the selection principles that guide their diffusion at the work post level, on the other hand, must be analysed in a unified framework. The common selection principles governing the allocation of information technology and the...
Using a matched employer-employee dataset on the French manufacturing sector in the 1990s, we investigate how training incidence responds to technical and organizational changes. Using a difference-in-difference approach across age groups and types of firms, we find that older workers in low-skill occupations lag behind in terms of training (in com...
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Individual evaluation interviews have become a widespread practice. 52% of employees in French manufacturing firms over 50 employees declared an annual individual evaluation interview in 1997. However whereas the problem of constructing an optimal contract with subjective evaluation (which is defined simply as a signal in most papers) receives a la...
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In this paper, we try to characterise organisational changes and computerisation processes in French manufacturing firms during the nineties, taking their diversity into account. We also explore the relationships that link them with workers job contents. To achieve this aim, we use the numerous information given by the employer and employee section...
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This paper explores empirically the relationships between the renewal of generations, employment instability of young workers and technological dynamics of firms using the business section of the French survey on organizational changes and computerization ( C.o.i . [1997]) matched with the Dads data file (“Déclarations Annuelles de Données Social...
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Individual evaluation interviews have become a widespread practice. 52 % of employees in French manufacturing firms over 50 employees declared an annual individual evaluation interview in 1997. However whereas the problem of constructing an optimal contract with subjective evaluation (which is defined simply as a signal in most papers) receives a l...
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Villeval, as well as participants in the LI e AFSE congress, in the 2004 summer school of the GDR TICS, in the 4 th IZA/SOLE transatlantic meeting of labor economists and members of the C.O.I work group for the remarks and enlightenment they have contributed on earlier versions of this paper. We of course assume complete responsibility for any erro...
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We model and test the hypothesis that technical and organizational change may be biased againstolder workers. This may occur through a direct adverse effect on their productivity, or throughinsufficient training responses to change. We show that the impact of technical and organizationalchange on the optimal training profile and on the age of retir...
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Nous proposons un cadre d’analyse unifié des liens de complémentarité entre usage de l’informatique et pratiques organisationnelles innovantes ainsi que des principes de sélection qui sous-tendent leur diffusion au niveau des postes de travail. Nous montrons que les principes communs de sélection, dans l’attribution de l’informatique et le design o...
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ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND COMPUTERIZATION How are relationships at work survey ? This article presents the « Organizational Change and Computerization » surveys undertaken in 1997 and 2006. It first considers the origin of this new statistical tool which links organizational and technological developments and allows simultaneous observation and eve...
This article presents the « Organizational Change and Computerization » surveys undertaken in 1997 and 2006. It first considers the origin of this new statistical tool which links organizational and technological developments and allows simultaneous observation and even comparison of the statements of company directors and their employees. It then...
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Cet article propose une théorie des entretiens d’évaluation alternative à celle d’une mesure ex post de la performance lorsque l’autonomie se développe, les salaires restant peu flexibles. Notre modèle d’agence avec travail en équipe met en évidence que de fortes interdépendances horizontales et une technologie super-modulaire ne garantissent pas l...
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This article proposes a theory of individual evaluation interviews alternative to ex post performance measures when autonomy diffuses with little wage flexibility. Our agency model with teamwork shows that strong horizontal interdependencies and a supermodular technology do not guarantee coordination towards the Pareto-optimal equilibrium. The cost...
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Nathalie Greenan Yannick L'Horty La nouvelle économie irlandaise. II y a 1 5 ans, l'économie irlandaise avait l'un des niveaux de vie les plus faibles en Europe tandis que le taux de chômage, l'inflation et la dette publique étaient très élevés. Depuis, elle connaît le rythme de croissance le plus soutenu de l'ensemble des pays de l'OCDE. Son PIB a...
The paper describes the dynamics of employment at a firm and sector level in French industry and examines how far technological innovation can give account of it. We use a sample of 15,186 firms, over the period 1986–90. The two facts we want to explain at a firm and sector level are the net change in employment and the micro turmoil (transfers bet...
This paper analyses the correlations between technological change, organisational change and skill change using a survey on organisational change in manufacturing firms conducted in 1993. Considerable diversity is allowed for in terms of the measure of technological and organisational change, and the analysis shows a positive correlation between te...
Essays on the computer and the economy, particularly in relation to employment rates and to wage inequality. The widespread diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) has had controversial, seemingly paradoxical consequences. ICT are viewed as driving growth and employment in the United States, while contributing to European unem...
Essays on the computer and the economy, particularly in relation to employment rates and to wage inequality. The widespread diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) has had controversial, seemingly paradoxical consequences. ICT are viewed as driving growth and employment in the United States, while contributing to European unem...
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« On peut voir les ordinateurs partout sauf dans les statistiques de productivité » écrivait Robert Solow en juillet 1987 dans un article du New York Times (1). Avec ce simple constat, le prix Nobel d'économie donnait naissance au paradoxe de la productivité qui a suscité depuis quinze ans d'innombrables travaux économiques appliqués aux Etats-Unis...
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The main objective of the study is descriptive. We set out to explore the (cor)relations between five IT and R&D indicators and measures of labor and total factor productivity, average wage and skill composition, on four panel data samples of French manufacturing and services firms over the two five years periods 1986-1990 and 1990-1994. Our first...
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We model the links between skills and changes in work organization. As the proportion of skilled workers increases, the economy travels through a sequence of organizational equilibria. We show that as the relative supply of skills increases the organization of work becomes more decentralized. Both skilled and unskilled workers become more autonomou...
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Cette thèse étudie les changements affectant l’organisation du travail interne aux entreprises en mobilisant les outils de l’économiste : formalisation théorique et tests empiriques s’appuyant sur des données statistiques. Elle définit un espace des choix organisationnels séparé des choix de technologie. Elle analyse les déterminants des changement...
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The main objective of the study is descriptive. We set out to explore the correlations between five IT and R&D indicators and measures of labor and total factor productivity, average wage and skill composition, on four panel data samples of French manufacturing and services firms over the two five years’ periods 1986-1990 and 1990-1994. Our first i...
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[spa] En 1997, todas las empresas industriales de más de 50 asalariados usan la informática, al menos en sus actividades de gestión. Este uso se diferencia por la intensidad del recurso a estas tecnologías, por la articulación de las configuraciones de aparatos en torno a un sistema central o, al contrario, a una red de microordenadores y por el pa...
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Advances in the information and communication technologies are undeniable but no impact has yet been shown on economic performance measured at an aggregated level. This is the conclusion that can be drawn from an overview of economic research on the subject. In both the US and Europe, performance in terms of growth, inflation, structure or level of...
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In this paper, we use a French matched employer-employee survey, the COI survey, conducted in 1997, to describe the general features of organizational change in manufacturing firms with more than 50 employees. In a first section, we explore the methodological issues associated with the building up of a statistical measure of organizational change,...
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[fre] Investissements immatériels, productivité et qualifications. . Les changements et les différences de productivité et de structure de qualifi­cations des entreprises sont-ils liés à leurs investissements immatériels ? L'objet de l'étude est d'éclairer ces questions en tirant parti principalement d'informations sur les effectifs de quatre catég...
Conference Paper
Are the changes and differences in firms productivity and skill composition related to their intangible assets? This study tries to answer by mainly taking advantage of information on the numbers of four categories of specialized workers: computer, electronics, research and analysis related staff Based on large samples of French manufacturing and s...
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In this paper, we make the general point that econometric studies of the firm can be effectively and substantially enriched by using information collected from employees, even if only a few of them are surveyed per firm. Though variables measured on the basis of the answers of very few employees per firm are subject to very important sampling error...
