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Publications (140)
How can scientific creativity be fostered or encouraged among researchers? The present contribution proposes a critical and constructive review of programs or methods designed to develop the creative abilities of individuals, the so-called ‘ creativity trainings ’. More specifically, it examines whether these trainings can be used in the specific c...
Previous research has indicated that individual differences play a role in group creativity. Group creativity activities have different outcomes, leading to numerous ways to assess the effectiveness of these creative activities. To date, no meta-analysis has been performed on the relationship between the outcomes of the creative activity and person...
The term 'creative' is commonly used in everyday language and in academic discourse to discuss the nature of artistic and innovative productions. This usage implies the existence of a variable of creativity that allows different production to be compared. The standard definition of creativity asserts that a production must possess both value and no...
The term "creative" is commonly used in everyday language and in academic discourse to discuss the nature of artistic and innovative productions. This usage inherently implies the existence of a variable of creativity that allows different creative works to be compared. The standard definition of creativity asserts that a production must possess bo...
How can scientific creativity be fostered or encouraged among researchers ? The present contribution proposes a critical and constructive review of programs or methods designed to develop the creative abilities of individuals, the so-called 'creativity trainings'. More specifically, it examines whether these trainings can be used in the specific co...
Catégorie de soumission : communication longue RÉSUMÉ L'objectif de cette étude est de développer une méthode d'évaluation du coût cognitif de tâches aéronautiques pour optimiser la formation des pilotes. La méthode a consisté, pour 28 participants novices en aviation, à réaliser deux tâches aéronautiques (maintien en mémoire des éléments d'un plan...
With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the field of creativity faces new opportunities and challenges. This manifesto explores several scenarios of human–machine collaboration on creative tasks and proposes “fundamental laws of generative AI” to reinforce the responsible and ethical use of AI in the creativity field. Four scenarios are pr...
Design means conceiving of objects or processes for accomplishing goals and it is a way to intentionally changing part of the world, as it is the case in prospective ergonomics. The design process usually requires creativity since designers have to propose objects or processes that are both new/novel – and possibly unexpected – and adapted to the d...
Ce livre établit un panorama des recherches les plus actuelles sur la créativité
pour mieux la comprendre et la favoriser. Plus de cinquante auteurs ont participé à sa rédaction. La première partie fait état des théories portant sur différentes facettes de la créativité, ses processus, les facteurs favorisant ou inhibant la créativité. La seconde...
Créativité en situations d'interactions humain-système
People systematically overlook subtractive changes and favor additive ones when generating new ideas. In a preregistered experiment conducted via the Prolific platform among French adults (N = 477), we replicated Experiments 2, 3 and 4 in Adams and colleagues (2021)’s study. We replicated the overlooking of subtraction, as participants generated 11...
After decades of political, economic, and scientific efforts, humanity has not gotten any closer to global sustainability. With less than a decade to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) deadline of the 2030 Agenda, we show that global development agendas may be getting lost in translation, from their initial formulation to their final...
Cette recherche porte sur l’activité de conception d’artefacts dans une perspective de développement de la créativité d’enseignants en contexte de formation. Plus précisément, elle vise à favoriser la mise en œuvre d’une démarche de pensée à la fois créative et réflexive, tout en y intégrant un dialogue réflexif externalisé à l’aide d’outils graphi...
Due to the difficulties of understanding all the aspects of creativity, the study of this complex phenomenon has been placed at the crossroads of various disciplines. Among these, social psychology has been interested in this exploration. Incidentally, various approaches in creativity research highlighted the importance of social factors in the pro...
This paper explores the recent advances in research concerning the impact of immersive virtual environments affordances on the expression of users' creativity at individual and team levels. While the top virtual reality (VR) application areas are entertainment and gaming, simulation and training for professionals, research in the domain of the psyc...
In scientific research on creativity, there has been considerable debate concerning the criteria by which a production can be judged more or less creative, that is, about the definition of creativity. The most frequent definition – the standard definition – incorporates the criteria of novelty and value. However, other definitions, based on a singl...
Previous research has investigated the relationship between personal factors and group creativity characteristics. On one side, they showed that individual differences play a role in group and team creativity. On the other side, they showed that group creativity activities have different characteristics, leading to numerous ways to assess effective...
Creative activities are becoming more and more necessary in professional areas, such as in design, towards the development of new products that should be adapted to current (or future) users and usages. In a competitive context, it is crucial, especially for companies, to face the challenge of coming up with innovative products. However, creative a...
In late 2019, an epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 broke out in central China. Within a few months, this new virus had spread right across the globe, officially being classified as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. In France, which was also being affected by the virus, the government applied specific epidemiological management strategies and introduced unprecedent...
The different definitions of creativity that have been proposed by researchers have developed out of what are called explicit theories of creativity, on the basis of logical and semantic arguments, independently of empirical data. The present paper focuses on two such definitions, the standard definition (M.A. Runco & G.J. Jaeger, 2012), which defi...
In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a period of lockdown that impacted individuals’ lifestyles, in both professional and personal spheres. New problems and challenges arose, as well as opportunities. Numerous studies have examined the negative effects of lockdown measures, but few have attempted to shine light on the potential positive...
Traditionally, human-computer interaction is conceived and assessed through the restrictive scope of usability. Although this approach has led to an overall improvement of the interfaces ease-of-use, it should now be overstepped. The question of the positive affect of users has become crucial for the interface project stakeholders. Our research is...
Although campaigns promoting organ donation have proved their effectiveness, increasing the number of people who explicitly agree to become donors is still difficult. Based on the social marketing notion of persuasive technology, we reasoned that it was timely to focus on the design of this persuasive technology and to analyze its contribution in p...
Many studies mention the social valorization of creative individuals. However, previous works show contrasting results concerning both this valorization and the links between creativity and the two dimensions of social judgment (individuals' warmth and competence). Consequently, we implemented two paradigms classically used when examining the norma...
In scientific research on creativity, there has been considerable debate concerning the criteria by which a production can be judged more or less creative, that is, about the definition of creativity. The most frequent definition – the standard definition – incorporates the criteria of novelty and value. However, other definitions, based on a singl...
Decision-making during critical outbreak management may require standard strategies, but also more creative ones. Our goal was to characterize the expert decision processes that take place during critical situations, where rule-based strategies and usual procedures cannot be satisfactorily applied. More specifically, we focused on the strategies ex...
In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a period of lockdown that impacted individual’s lifestyles, in both professional and personal spheres. New problems and challenges arose, as well as opportunities. Numerous studies have examined the negative effects of lockdown measures, but few have attempted to shine light on the potential positive...
Cet ouvrage collectif présente des travaux portant sur la conception d’un artefact, d’un objet ou d’un système, fondés sur des ancrages scientifiques complémentaires, à savoir la psychologie cognitive, l’ergonomie, la didactique, les sciences de l’ingénieur, la philosophie, les sciences de l’éducation, l’histoire, le design, l’architecture et la po...
La conception mobilise des phases de recherche, de questionnement, de génération d’idées, de gestion des contraintes, de création d’hypothèses, d’anticipation et de résolution de problèmes, souvent mal définies, qui nécessitent de la part du concepteur la construction progressive d’une représentation mentale de plus en plus complète et précise (Zei...
Ce chapitre présente une recherche portant sur l’introduction des activités de conception créatives dans la formation des enseignants, dans le but de favoriser leur créativité à l’aide de techniques d’idéation basées sur l’approche Analogie et Gestion de Contraintes
– A-GC (Bonnardel, 2000, 2006 ; Bonnardel et Didier, 2016 ; Didier et Bonnardel, 20...
The design process in preventive and prospective ergonomic contexts requires creativity. However, user-centered methods are not usually aimed at supporting creative design. We therefore devised two variants of the seminal brainstorming technique to favor ideation during design activities. One variant encouraged participants to focus on the evocatio...
In many sectors, designers have to develop products that are creative, and thus both new and adapted to the context. They can use a variety of methods to favor their creative design activities, including a new one that we have developed, featuring dynamic personas. This method allows participants to interact in real time in a virtual space with an...
This paper addresses the possibility to build on the success of digital development in order to design messages that will be seen by individuals as being the most relevant to the object being addressed. By studying the social representations status as well as ergonomic features of interfaces like the information elements’ location and the color of...
To contribute to a reflection on Education and Training of Ergonomists, the actions performed in France by the CE2 (Collège des Enseignants-Chercheurs en Ergonomie) are first presented. Then a program of Master’s degree in Ergonomics is described: the professional and research Master specialized in Ergonomics: human factors and information system e...
This study focused on the application of Torrance framework about creative thinking in a complex professional context: the management and control of an outbreak by experts in epidemiology and public health. We argue that building accurate responses in this context depends on the complexity of situations, such as ‘epidemiologic problems’ experts hav...
Regardless of the areas considered, designers need to develop products that are both innovative and user-friendly, and thus creative [5]. In order to favor their creative activities, the designers can use different methods, amongst which we propose a new kind of method of personas. The purpose of our study is to submit and test the ‘dynamic persona...
To favor creative design activities, we elaborated variations of the seminal ‘brainstorming’ technique to be used in early design. In contrast to the classical brainstorming’, these techniques are (1) used in individual situations, and (2) they aim to lead participants to adopt either a focus on the evocation of ideas (as in the classical brainstor...
Society’s need for innovation is constantly growing, driven by a demand for new products. To help designers meet this need, we have to fully understand the creative process in design. In this chapter, Bonnardel, Wojtczuk, Gilles, and Mazon characterize creative design activities and provide descriptive models of creativity and design thinking. They...
We tested a training method intended to prevent unsafe aeronautical behavior (i.e., too much time spent gazing inside the cockpit) induced by the modern cockpit, by teaching individuals to perform a task complementing the see-and-avoid mandatory safety task within a limited time interval.
Aeronautical activities led crews...
In many daily situations, our behavior is coordinated with that of others. This study investigated this coordination in a doubles-pong task. In this task, two participants each controlled a paddle that could move laterally near the bottom of a shared computer screen. With their paddles, the players needed to block balls that moved down under an ang...
As part of a project to design more ergonomic web-application portals for older users, we established recommendations on color choices and the level of detail needed to make it easier for seniors to locate icons and lexical labels. The experimental protocol featured an original combination of eye tracking and an ecological environment (participants...
This chapter aims at characterizing creativity in design and, thus, creativity that occurs in an area in which there is an increasing need for innovations in our society. Indeed, designers have to satisfy the demand for new products that differ from existing ones. To help designers come up with new ideas leading to new products, it is necessary bot...
Les activités aériennes, lors des vols à vue (Visual Flight Rules), imposent aux personnels navigants (PN) une charge de travail importante, parfois sous forte contrainte temporelle, dans un contexte où les interfaces homme-machine (IHM) présentent une masse informative de plus en plus conséquente. La nature de ces IHM est de nature à favoriser le...
Cette recherche-action contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de démarches pédagogiques introduites dans la formation des enseignants généra-listes, lors de la réalisation d’activités de conception créatives. Pour ce faire, nous analysons certains indicateurs mobilisés lors la phase d’idéation du concepteur, c’est-à-dire pendant la rec...
In this contribution we set out to study how a team of two players coordinated their actions so as to intercept an approaching ball. Adopting a doubles-pong task, six teams of two participants each intercepted balls moving downward across a screen toward an interception axis by laterally displacing participant-controlled on-screen paddles. With col...
In this paper, we propose to extend an existing method, ‘the personas’, and to develop a ‘dynamic persona’ in a virtual environment. To determine the interest of such a dynamic persona, we compared the influence of dynamic vs static personas in groups composed of two professionals (a designer and an ergonomist) who had to deal with either a dynamic...
One of the challenges in today's society is to satisfy the growing need for creativity and innovation, especially in design contexts, where designers have to come up with products that are both new and adapted to their users. Although designers' professional experience is crucial, we consider that their creative skills can be nurtured in design sch...
The emotional design approach has become increasingly preponderant for the design teams. However, we observed that most of the efforts of the de-signers to elicit positive emotions are based on empirical and subjective ap-proaches. This paper shares the state of our current research towards the proposal of heuristics for emotional and empathic inte...
Ce travail de recherche vise à analyser l'effet des modalités de communication sur les performances créatives de groupes engagés dans une activité de 'brainstorming' au sein d'un environnement virtuel multi-utilisateur (MUVE). Les recherches antérieures ne statuent pas clairement en faveur de la supériorité d'une modalité de communication sur une a...
Beyond the traditional approach of usability and efficiency, emotional design tends to constitute a new paradigm. This paper presents the state of our current research towards the identification of some emotional design patterns for the user interfaces.
The notions of empathic and sympathetic design are put in light by bringing actual designers pra...
This study investigates the impact of communication modalities on creative performance of groups engaged in a brainstorming activity within a Multi-User Virtual Environment (MUVE). Prior studies are unclear about whether oral or written communication is the most advantageous to support creative activities within virtual teams and especially those w...
This paper describes an exploratory study to determine the influence of using a dynamic persona in a virtual environment on creative design activities. A pilot group composed of two professionals (a designer and an ergonomist) and a dynamic persona had to perform a creative task. We compared both their creative performance and group dynamic with th...
IntroductionThe naturalistic decision-making (NDM) approach deals with how humans make decisions in natural settings, especially professional situations, which can be difficult to reproduce in experimental laboratory studies. NDM explores collaboration and cooperation both between humans, and between humans and systems, as well as situations of dia...
Experience has become the new paradigm of product design. Designers seek to anticipate emotions or associations a user might have when in contact with their design. The factors that influence human product perception are diverse. We firstly show which product dimensions are currently investigated by design researchers. It becomes obvious that besid...
La notion d'utilisabilité est peu à peu devenue une référence incontournable pour la conception et l'évaluation des interactions homme-machine. Cette approche a effectivement contribué à une amélioration de la facilité d'utilisation des interfaces. Pour les équipes de conception souhaitant se différencier par la qualité d'utilisation, de nouveaux d...
Given the challenges associated with the activities of creative design, we first outline characteristics of these activities. Then, we describe several experimental studies, performed in order to deepen the impact of the presentation of certain stimuli (consisting of images or words) on the evocation process of participants having more or less of e...
Prospective ergonomics and age: proposal of methods
This article is part of a project that aims to design an innovative home-assistance in order to allow seniors to benefit from medical surveillance at home as well as to have access to new opportunities for communications and information with the “outside world”. This analysis takes place while the...
Traditionally, human-computer interaction is conceived and assessed through the restrictive scope of usability. Although this approach has led to an overall improvement of the interfaces ease-of-use, it should now be overstepped. The question of the positive affect of users has become crucial for the interface project stakeholders. Our research is...
This article is part of a project that aims to design an innovative home-assistance in order to allow seniors to benefit from medical surveillance at home as well as to have access to new opportunities for communications and information with the "outside world". This analysis takes place while the system does not yet exist, except the specification...
Traditionally, human-computer interaction is conceived and assessed through the restrictive scope of usability. Although this approach has led to an overall improvement of the interfaces ease-of-use, it should now be overstepped. The question of the positive affect of users has become crucial for the interface project stakeholders. Our research is...
This paper aims to present an international project, called the MoLE Project, which provided learning resources and tools for personnel in disaster or emergency situations. Thus, it illustrates the interpenetration of e-Learning and field workers with a variety of roles (medical professionals, eLearning, commercial, government and NGO), from five c...
The current study investigated the use of frames of reference in an asymmetrical spatial dialogue task. Participants navigated through a real environment by following instructions provided by other participants guiding them over the phone. The dialogues were transcribed and analysed to locate the introduction of landmarks. We examined which frames...
The architectural design is a process of solving multifaceted, ill-defined problems, requiring a constant dialog between internal representations (resulting of cognitive processes) and external representations based on the use of different media. This highly interactive process is very demanding on working memory and cognitive resources. In this st...
The present paper outlines an action theory of creativity and substantiates this approach by investigating creative expression in five different domains. We propose an action framework for the analysis of creative acts built on the assumption that creativity is a relational, inter-subjective phenomenon. This framework, drawing extensively from the...
Abstract available here:
Motivation -- Our main objective was to explore the effect of context on designers' creative activities, especially on the emergence of sources of inspiration or ideas. In addition, we wished to suggest educational exercises and new computational systems aimed at stimulating creativity in design.
Research approach -- Thirty-two professional designe...