Natalia RaischiInstitutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Mediului
Natalia Raischi
Bachelor of Engineering
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Publications (27)
The stability of air masses in the atmosphere influences not only the dispersion but even the accumulation of pollutants in certain areas. The most common methods for determining the stability in the atmosphere are the Richardson number, the Monin-Obukhov length and the Pasquill-Gifford method. For this study, the Monin-Obukhov length method was us...
In the context of the sustainable development, the problem of the widespread use of renewable energy resources, which are clean and inexhaustible, is becoming more acute. In this regard, it is necessary to develop some capture installations that use renewable energy sources as efficiently as possible and with low impact on the environment. This pap...
In big cities, certain meteorological phenomena can affect air quality even in cases where the main sources of pollution such as traffic have low intensity. The air pollution varies greatly, depending on the emission source and the type of pollutant. In addition, the dispersion of air pollutants is influenced by weather conditions, as well as other...
In the Lower Danube, sturgeon populations have declined dramatically in recent decades. Although efforts have been made at the legislative level since 2006, by forbidden commercial fishing, an assessment of stocks and conservation status of sturgeon species has not yet been made. In this context, it is necessary to estimate the age and growth rate...
Considering that the production of energy from fossil sources causes environmental pollution, increasing health hazards or climate change, the research for new alternative energy sources and the development of high-performance renewable energy conversion systems are a basic concern nowadays. Thus, the development and the use of renewable energy sou...
The Black Sea sturgeons are anadromous fish species, which migrate upstream on the Danube River for breeding. The distance traveled in the migration process varies depending on each species, from tens to hundreds of kilometers . After breeding, the anadromous sturgeons return to the Black Sea and go back to the Danube after a time that varies depen...
As a result of the urban development in the cities, the underground transport has become a priority transit route used by the population, due to the fact that it is a faster route and also due to the need to reduce the road traffic from the surface in order to improve the quality of the air (especially degraded from traffic emissions). Given the la...
This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of installing a photovoltaic system for supplying the electric load of an environmental institute and to determinate the optimal tilt and azimuth angle of an 100 kW photovoltaic power plant located on the roof of institute. Those parameters plays an important role in maximizing the solar radiatio...
Biological filters are wastewater treatment systems that contain a granular filling material, which form an active biological film that contribute to the biooxidation of impurities from the wastewater. Recent research in the field aimed to improve the classical treatment facilities with aerobic fixed film by using inexpensive and easily accessible...
This paper concerns to the air and soil pollution in the area of tailings ponds in Moldova Nouă, situated on Danube bank, near the Romania-Serbia border. The tailings ponds resulted from mining operations since the previous century, represent now a source of historical pollution in the area, especially on air quality, through dispersal of tailings...
This paper attempts to determinate the optimal tilt angle and azimuth angle of an 100 kW photovoltaic power plant for a Bucharest region. Simulations were made with PVsyst V6.39 for south-east orientation (100; 450) and south-west orientation (100; 450), for the tilt angle the simulations were made at 100, 150, 370, 600 and 900. The simulation on 1...
Daily exposure at high concentration of air pollutants could have negative impact on population health, especially on sensitive persons like children, elders or other persons with chronic diseases.(Sources: World Health Organization, Ambient air pollution, http://www.who.int). In urban areas of Bucharest, there is a network for quality monitoring,...
INTRODUCTION This paper presents the results of the research activity in order to establish the stability and leaching potential of ceramic tiles which have been developed using glazes colored with pigments obtained by the extraction of chromium and iron metals from electroplating sludge. Emissions of toxic substances from the decoration and glaze...
The present study focused its attention on understanding the fate and transport of nitrogen species in unsaturated soil overlying Bucharest, Cernica and Frumuşani considering also the influence of soil characteristics on these pollutants. The problem was approached at the laboratory scale employing soil columns experiments.
The performance of photovoltaic panels and lifetime are determined to a large extent by the quality of photovoltaic cells, their soldering technology, the quality of ethyl vinyl acetate film in which they are encapsulated, the encapsulation technology and the back sheet. Depending on the manufacturing technology, photovoltaic panels can be made of...
Final Conference for Programme RO02 Biodiversity and ecosystem services financed under EEA Grants 2009-2014 Bucharest, 18th of December 2017
The research regards the identification and the evaluation of the environmental impact of atmospheric pollution sources present in the area of the waste dump from Moldova Noua.
E d i t e d b y : N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e f o r R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p me n t i n E n v i r o n me n t a l P r o t e c t i o n (I N C D P M) 2 0 1 7 E l a b o r a t e d wi B e s t p r a c t i c e s g u i d e o n ma p p i n g a n d a s s e s s i n g we t l a n d e c o s y s t e ms a n d t h e i r s e r v i c e s Best practices...
Air quality modelling is an essential tool for most air pollution studies. The air quality models are the means whereby pollutant emissions can be related to atmospheric pollutant concentrations. The uncertainties in assessment of air quality are related to both the quality of measured values of pollutant concentrations in local network and the inp...
The overall objective of the study was to obtain new information regarding the behavior of sturgeon species that migrate from the Black Sea to the Danube for reproduction. For this, sturgeons were tagged with ultrasonic tags inserted through surgery, and telemetry monitoring stations were installed in the water flow in certain key points, using sys...
The invention refers to a complex system of electricity production based on the following renewable energy resources: hydropower, wind and solar energy. It is composed by two cylindrical modules with the same diameter: a vertical aerial module with conical solar panel and slots which direct through deflectors (with photovoltaic cells) the airflow t...
The development of renewable energy sources as a global and clean energy power resource is one of the main objectives of energy policies worldwide which, in the context of sustainable development, aim to reduce the energy consumption, to increase the security in energy supply, to protect the environment and to develop sustainable energy technologie...
Emissions of pollutants and air quality in the area of influence of high voltage overhead electrical lines. This paper presents some theoretical and experimental considerations regarding to the impact of energy fluxes that pass through the conductors of high voltage aerial electrical lines (> 110kv) on the environment. Overhead high voltage lines g...
The Danube River is one of the most studied rivers in Europe. Its characteristics regarding biodiversity, hydrological conditions and water quality represent very interesting research domains. Since 2011, INCDPM (National Institute of Research and Development in Environmental Protection) runs a research project to monitor the impact of the hydrotec...
After the construction of the Iron Gates dam in 1972, the sturgeons' population were deeply affected, and in the present, among all European states bordering the Danube, only Romania and Bulgaria still have wild specimens of anadromous sturgeons. Overfishing, poaching, along with other natural factors have already led to the extinction of 2 Danube...