Natalia KochkinaUkrainian National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance
Natalia Kochkina
PhD in Economics and Management
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Experience: 25+ years of research&teaching activities; 20+ years of coordinating didactics; 20+ years of business consulting; 7+ years as business co-owner. Entered an editorial board of several international peer-reviewed journals and supervises the X-Culture Global Collaboration Project. Lecturer of courses in international business: Marketing Management, Advertising, Business Communications.
Publications (34)
The increasing role of women in society is manifested in the expansion of their participation in social processes and business. Therefore, gender equality is an important component of a country's socio-economic development. However, is there any correlation between gender and economic growth? This article will answer this question.
Article is publi...
This chapter explores the journey of Iryna Andriushchenko, as told by her former classmate, Nataliia Kochkina. Her story follows her from her early childhood as a schoolgirl in Soviet Ukraine to getting her first job and becoming a successful tech entrepreneur with her startup, This chapter explores how the initial vision of was...
The story centers around Inna, a seven-year-old girl from Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, who enjoys a contented life with her family, pets, and a passion for school. However, the narrative takes a dramatic turn with the onset of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, plunging Inna's life into chaos and conflict. Seeking safety, her family finds...
Background: The favourable perception of Ukraine, bolstered by global support during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, has profoundly influenced the country's national brand. This has increased receptiveness towards Ukrainian products, particularly in Europe and North America. These perceptual shifts have yielded notable ramifications for...
This study investigates the essence and characteristics of entrepreneurial universities during wartime in Ukraine by applying theoretical abstraction and expert survey methods. A statistical analysis of hypotheses reveals a positive impact of the entrepreneurial model on university innovativeness. The research highlights a notable deficiency in und...
This article examines consumer motivation within the luxury watch markets of Ukraine and Italy before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, as well as their future prospects following the conflict's conclusion. The expert survey indicates that both countries share similar motivations and purchasing behavior, with social status,...
This study aims to highlight the resilience and innovation of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU) in the face of internal and external risks, particularly during times of war and political instability. KNU’s commitment to advancing knowledge is evident through its successful maintenance of educational, scientific, and economic activi...
This study aims to highlight the resilience and innovation of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU) in the face of internal and external risks, particularly during times of war and political instability. KNU's commitment to advancing knowledge is evident through its successful maintenance of educational, scientific, and economic activi...
Навчальна дисципліна «Креативні рекламні технології» викладається бакалаврам та магістрам галузей знань 05 Соціальні та поведінкові науки та 07 Управління та адміністрування як обов’язкова або дисципліна вибору. Мета навчальної дисципліни – відпрацювання навичок розробки та впровадження ефективних рекламних стратегій суб’єктів господарювання на осн...
The aim of the research is to explore the natural predisposition of the world's nations to implement an effective and efficient Economic Intelligence strategy, through the calculation of an index that measures the country's position in the network of international relations. Economic Intelligence is a new discipline introduced by scholars in order...
The aim of the research is to explore the natural predisposition of the world’s nations to implement an effective and efficient Economic Intelligence strategy, through the calculation of an index that measures the country’s position in the network of international relations. Economic Intelligence is a new discipline introduced by scholars in order...
The concept of “ethnocentrism” has been developed in sociologymore than a century ago (Sumner, 1906), in order to distinguish between in-groups (those groups with which an individual identifies) and outgroups (those groups with which an individual does not identify). Its psychosocial nature opened the way to a wide array of applications in internat...
em> The need to incorporate cultural aspects into business practice is long-standing. The cultural environment in Ukraine and Italy was reshaped, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social networks reflected such transformation both at the personal level and in the business activities of national companies on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and...
Подано основні вимоги щодо змісту та оформлення
кваліфікаційної роботи магістра, рекомендації для ефективної
організації роботи над нею, підготовки до захисту, а також
викладено основні положення щодо дотримання академічної
доброчесності здобувачами вищої освіти розроблені з
урахуванням вимог Болонської системи. У видання включено
щоденник підготов...
28 листопада 2021 року Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка святкує десятиріччя затвердження «Програми заходів із забезпечення якості освіти». Це був проривний документ, що поставив питання культури якості на перше місце. Згодом був змінений традиційний процес організації навчання «одна спеціальність – одна програма». З’явились...
This paper reveals the impact of linguistic manipulations on the psychological well-being and behavior of people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and Ukraine. An online survey discovered uncritical information perception and strong irrational fears among the Italians. Ukrainians appeared to be more calm, balanced, and rational. An explanation...
Подано основні вимоги щодо змісту та оформлення кваліфікаційної роботи магістра, а також рекомендації для ефективної організації роботи над нею, розроблені з урахуванням вимог Болонської системи. У видання включено щоденник підготовки дипломного проекту, який дозволяє випускнику оптимізувати свою роботу.
Методичні рекомендації призначені для студен...
У навчальному посібнику розглянуто роль стратегічного маркетингу у системі корпоративного управління, викладено теоретичні та практичні аспекти визначення привабливості ринку та конкурентоспроможності суб’єкту господарювання, оптимізації бізнес-портфелю, розробки ринково-продуктових, конкурентних та стратегій зростання. Окремий розділ містить ситуа...
This chapter offers analysis of the dynamics and interdependencies between factors determining Ukraine's market environment. The analysis suggests that over the past year Ukraine has improved its rating in relation to political components of global competitiveness and cyber security. At the same time, the population’s law abidance remains low. Sign...
The chapter uncovers the main tendencies in the Ukrainian wine market. It shows that the annexation of Crimea has negatively affected the Ukrainian winemaking industry. It determines the crucial negative factors, namely, the reduction of the land area of vineyards, decrease in gross harvest, and cultivation of grapes that have a limited fit with co...
Teaching portfolio contains the main characteristics of Direct Sales traning discipline, including a thematic plan, the content of the training material, practical tasks, categories and list of recommended literature. Teaching portfolio should be usefull for students of economics and management, including those who acquire second-level higher educa...
The world has changed. We live in an age of information, the volume of which exponentially grows every day. If in 2010 the volume of global data was 1.2 ZB, then in five years it increased by 7 times. The sphere of business accounts for 80% of global information. Hence it is the main object of cyber attacks. The paradox is that the owners of this b...
Навчально-методичний комплекс містить основні характеристики тренінгової дисципліни "Прямі продажі", включаючи тематичний план, зміст навчального матеріалу, практикум, категоріальний апарат та перелік рекомендованої літератури. НМК буде корисним студентам економічних та управлінських спеціальностей, у тому числі тим, що здобувають другу вищу освіту...
Ви тримаєте в руках унікальне зібрання категоріально-понятійного апарату щодо дисциплін, які формують теоретичні знання та практичні навички з фаху «Маркетинг». Термінологічний словник підготовлено викладачами кафедри міжнародної економіки та маркетингу економічного факультету Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка під керівниц...
The research is dedicated to intellectual property provisions in the EU preferential trade agreements. The essence of IPRs is discussed. The economic effect of IPRs protection is calculated using the econometrics methods. The direct correlations between the rule of law, innovation and IPRs protection indicators and the parameters of a country econo...
Growing women’s role in society is reflected in the expansion of their participation in social processes and business. Increasing of women’s intellectual and volitional activity leads to growth of their competitiveness in the labour market, which stimulates gender asymmetry alignment. In general, gender equality contributes to human capital and imp...
The competitiveness of a modern university depends on a quality/price ratio of an educational product promoted on a market. Rising the prices for study the Ukrainian classic universities started to be involved into the global competition for students. Previously Ukrainian bachelor graduates prefer to enter master programs simultaneously in their na...
The study addresses the problem of assessment the effectiveness of company’s strategy. It gives an overview of theoretical and practical foundations for development of company’s strategy. It examines the principles of innovative Blue Ocean Strategy. The Blue Ocean Strategy for Ukrainian companies on wine market is developed. It is proposed to use D...
The wide availability of high-speed Internet, along with the development of social networks, stimulates an increase in online activity of the population throughout the world. In 2013, for the first time in history, the time spent on digital media exceeded the duration of TV viewing. However, interactive communications require specific approaches to...
The article identifies trends in the development of marketing communications in the global interactive space by analyzing the factors of their functioning and researching motivation of viral audience. It is revealed the prevalence of interactive technologies in today's information space and the growth dynamics of interactive advertising market. It...
The article revealed trends on the global advertising market in general and viral advertising market in particular. Growth in worldwide advertising expenditures is defined. The place of the Ukrainian segment of the advertising market is shown. Its saturation is calculated.
The strategic decisions concerning corporate religion formation are substantiated in the conditions of reduction the traditional strategic management tools effectiveness. The author's definition of corporate religion is formulated. The difference between the traditional management approach and corporate religion is revealed. The competitive advanta...