Natalia S Duxbury

Natalia S Duxbury
The Space Science Institute



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The Mars Science Lab. rover data on methane tenfold increase supported our numerical model: N. S. Duxbury et al. “A combination of radar and thermal approaches to search for methane clathrate in Martian subsurface” Planetary and Space Science 52; 2004. Also, numerical modeling of nonlinear dynamical problems with phase transitions. Stefan-like problems conjugated with the Navier-Stokes system. Interaction of climate, permafrost, CH4, CO2 clathrates; ЕхоМars orbiter and lander; Quantum Physics.
Additional affiliations
October 1991 - December 2006
California Institute of Technology
  • Planetry scientist/ Research Scientist/Senior T. Staff
October 1991 - December 1994


Publications (130)
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n connection with recent Galileo images of the Jovian satellite Europa, there has been a significantly increased interest in the subglacial Lake Vostok in central East Antarctica. Since the theoretical prediction by Zotikov [1961] of the existence of lakes (one of which later was named Vostok) under ~4 km of ice in Antarctica and its confirmation b...
Global dust storms on Mars are rare1,2 but can affect the Martian atmosphere for several months. They can cause changes in atmospheric dynamics and inflation of the atmosphere³, primarily owing to solar heating of the dust³. In turn, changes in atmospheric dynamics can affect the distribution of atmospheric water vapour, with potential implications...
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The detection of methane on Mars has been interpreted as indicating that geochemical or biotic activities could persist on Mars today¹. A number of different measurements of methane show evidence of transient, locally elevated methane concentrations and seasonal variations in background methane concentrations2–5. These measurements, however, are di...
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It has been suggested that methane clathrate is stable in the subsurface of Mars (Max and Cliiord, (J. Geophys. Res.-Planets 105 (E2) (2000) 4165). Max and Cliiord (Geophys. Res. Lett. 28(9) (2001) 1787) have proposed that the Martian chaotic terrain could be a surface manifestation of the dissociation of subsurface methane clathrate hydrate. They...
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The authors study the twice codifferentiable functions introduced by Professor V.F. Demyanov and how to calculate their second codifferentials. We proved that a twice hypodifferentiable positively homogeneous (p.h.) function of the second order is the maximum of quadratic forms over some set of matrices from a convex compact set, which coincides wi...
The Dust Complex (DC) instrument was designed to be installed on the landing platform of the ExoMars project. The purpose of the experiment is to study the dynamics of dust particles in the near-surface atmosphere of Mars and to evaluate the main characteristics of the near-surface medium that determine their dynamics. The device makes it possible...
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Billions of years ago, the Northern Hemisphere of Mars may have been covered by at least one ocean and thousands of lakes and rivers. These findings, based initially on telescopic observations and images by the Mariner and Viking missions, led investigators to hypothesize that stromatolite fashioning cyanobacteria may have proliferated in the surfa...
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The surname of author Cathy Quantin-Nataf was misspelled ‘Quantin-Nata’ , authors Ehouarn Millour and Roland Young were missing from the ACS Science Team list, and minor changes have been made to the author and affiliation lists; see accompanying Amendment. These errors have been corrected online.
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The surname of author Cathy Quantin-Nataf was misspelled ‘Quantin-Nata’, authors Ehouarn Millour and Roland Young were missing from the ACS and NOMAD Science Teams list, and minor changes have been made to the author and affiliation lists; see accompanying Amendment. These errors have been corrected online.
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The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) package is an element of the Russian contribution to the ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) mission. ACS consists of three separate infrared spectrometers, sharing common mechanical, electrical, and thermal interfaces. This ensemble of spectrometers has been designed and developed in response to...
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We propose a new technique for the detection of microorganisms by elemental composition analyses of a sample extracted from regolith, permafrost, and ice of extraterrestrial bodies. We also describe the design of the ABIMAS instrument, which consists of the onboard time-of-flight laser mass-reflectron (TOF LMR) and the sample preparation unit (SPU)...
Conference Paper
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A. V. Zakharov · G. G. Dolnikov · V. V. Afonin · I.A. Kuznetsov · I.A. Kuznetsov · I. A. Shashkova · F. Esposito · E. Seran · M. Godefroy · O. F. Petrov · [...] · S. I. Popel · N. D. Borisov · E. A. Vorobyova · V. M. Gotlib · N. S. Duxbury · C. Molfese · F. Cortecchia · F. Cozzolin · B. Saggin · S. Bednyakov
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ABSTRACT: DOI: 10.1002/2014JE004678 The small crater Airy-0 was selected from Mariner 9 images to be the reference for the Mars prime meridian. Initial analyses in the year 2000 tied Viking Orbiter and Mars Orbiter Camera images of Airy-0 to the evolving Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter global digital terrain model to update the location of Airy-0. Bas...
The small crater Airy-0 was selected from Mariner 9 images to be the reference for the Mars prime meridian. Initial analyses in the year 2000 tied Viking Orbiter and Mars Orbiter Camera images of Airy-0 to the evolving Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter global digital terrain model to update the location of Airy-0. Based upon this tie and radiometric tra...
DOI: 10.1002/2014JE004678 The small crater Airy-0 was selected from Mariner 9 images to be the reference for the Mars prime meridian. Initial analyses in the year 2000 tied Viking Orbiter and Mars Orbiter Camera images of Airy-0 to the evolving Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter global digital terrain model to update the location of Airy-0. Based upon th...
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Successful missions to Mars, Europа and other bodies of the Solar system have created a prerequisite to search for extraterrestrial life. The first attempts of microbial life detection on the Martian surface by the Viking landed missions gave no biological results. Microbiological investigations of the Martian subsurface ground ice layers seem to b...
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The discovery more than 30 years ago of the unique superlong anabiosis phenomenon (deep sleep/dormancy) for ancient microorganisms buried in Antarctic ice deposits created the experimental and theoretical basis for the fields of cryomicrobiology and astrobiology related to searching for life or its evidence in the universe. This discovery is of spe...
Water ice is the dominant surface component on many surfaces in the solar system. Understanding interaction of ice with organic molecules is of prime importance to many current and planned flight missions [example current missions include Mars, where the polar caps may contain organics at some depth; Cassini, where Titan should have organics in abu...
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Successful missions to Mars, Europa and other bodies of the Solar system have created a prerequisite to search for extraterrestrial life. The first attempts of microbial life detection on the Martian surface by the Viking landed missions gave no biological results. Microbiological investigations of the Martian subsurface ground ice layers seem to b...
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It is well recognized that interpretations of Mars must begin with the Earth as a reference. The most successful comparisons have focused on understanding geologic processes on the Earth well enough to extrapolate to Mars' environment. Several facets of terrestrial analog studies have been pursued and are continuing. These studies include field wor...
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The past decade has seen two global reconnaissance missions to the Moon, Clementine and Lunar Prospector, which have mapped the surface in multiple wavelengths, determined the Moon's topography and gravity fields, and discovered the presence of water ice in the permanently dark regions near the poles. Although we have learned much about the Moon, m...
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One of the most important,inferences of the Lunar Prospector mission data was the existence of subsurface water ice in the permanently,shadowed,craters near both lunar poles [Feldman et al., 1998]. We propose and substantiate an alternative explanation that hydrogen,can exist in the shallow lunar subsurface,in the form of clathrate hydrates: CH4 6H...
It is well recognized that interpretations of Mars must begin with the Earth as a reference. The most successful comparisons have focused on understanding geologic processes on the Earth well enough to extrapolate to Mars' environment. Several facets of terrestrial analog studies have been pursued and are continuing. These studies include field wor...
ABSTRACT: It is well recognized that interpretations of Mars must begin with the Earth as a reference. The most successful comparisons have focused on understanding geologic processes on the Earth well enough to extrapolate to Mars' environment. Several facets of terrestrial analog studies have been pursued and are continuing. These studies include...
A moving body on Earth is deflected to the right (of the direction of motion) in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Earth's rotation (the Coriolis effect). The compound centrifugal force causes water in terrestrial rivers to be deflected more toward one bank and hence water erodes it more than the other ba...
Direct evidence for In-segregation in InGaN/GaN quantum-well structures is given via highly spatially resolved energy dispersive x-ray analysis performed in a dedicated scanning transmission electron microscope. The In fluctuations become increasingly pronounced in the vicinity of dislocations. The latter assist In diffusion and cause severe Ga/In...
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If future Mars Surveyor Missions discover water under the martian North polar cap, we propose that this water was on the martian surface before the formation of the cap and did not freeze all the way to the bottom. Recent MGS MOLA date revealed that the North polar cap is thinner than previously estimated. To reach the melting isotherm the ice has...
Three numerical models (designated the Goodrich, Guymon/Hromadka, and Seregina models) used for calculations of the ground thermal regime which are based on different numerical methods and employ different treatments of freezing and thawing were compared with each other, with analytical solutions, and with measured temperature data. Comparisons of...
We have observed in the laboratory that nitrogen condenses initially as a transparent layer if the deposition rate is less than about 3 μm/hr. To correlate our laboratory results with the Voyager observations of Triton and ground-based observations of Pluto, we have calculated the nitrogen deposition rates on these bodies. The maximum deposition ra...
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For the first time the role of the internal heat source, due to radioactive decay in Triton’s core, is investigated with respect to geyser-like plumes. Triton is one of only three known objects in the Solar System (the other two are Earth and the jovian southern hemisphere, satellite Io) where eruptive activity has been definitely observed. A n...
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Classical,and’’super”solid-state,greenhouses,have,been,suggested,asmech- anismsfor the solar energy,supply,to Tritonian geyser-like plumes,(Brown et al. 1990). In this work we evaluate solar and internal (owing to radioactive decay of U, 7’hand 401{in Pluto’s inferred core) heat,sources,and,their corresponding,mechanisms,for predicted,erup- tive ac...
We derived a local control point network and a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) from Clementine UVVIS multi-look angle images that where obtained on the 30th April 1994, covering a small region of the Lunar Orientale Basin (-19.5 deg S to -15 deg S and 85.6 deg W to 87.6 deg W). The nominal camera pointing and spacecraft trajectory data were photogramme...
According to the albedo maps based on mutual event lightcurves Pluto's northern hemisphere is much darker than the southern. (We use Pluto's angular momentum vector to define North). Currently it is the end of the southern summer on Pluto, with the subsolar point being ~ 12 deg S. Thus, it was surprising to find a large bright feature near the sout...