Najib Abou Karaki

Najib Abou Karaki
Najib verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Najib verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Jordan | UJ · Department of Geology

PhD, Seismology, 1987, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg I, Institut de Physique du Globe.
Monitoring deterioration of the Dead Sea environment towards an EWS/sinkholes & related hazards. Seismicity &Tectonics.


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Now Professor at The University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan President of Al-Hussein bin Talal University, Ma'an Jordan.18-3-2018/12-9-2020. Professor of Geophysics/Seismology Former Dean of the Faculty of Science (2012-2014) The University of Jordan. The main line of research is devoted towards the goal of saving the Dead Sea environment for the future generations to enjoy. Alsoنجيب+ابو+كرك
Additional affiliations
September 1990 - present
University of Jordan
  • Professor (Full)
  • Professor of Geophysics (Seismology)
March 2013 - March 2013
University of Oulu
  • Professor
  • Professor’s Erasmus exchange program.
March 2018 - September 2020
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
  • CEO
  • Professor of Seismology, President of the University from 18-3-2018 to 12-9-2020.
November 1983 - June 1987
University of Strasbourg
Field of study
  • Geophysics, Seismology
October 1982 - October 1983
Sorbonne University
Field of study
  • Geophysics
October 1979 - September 1982
Ecole Nationale des Sciences Geographiques
Field of study
  • Ingenieur des Travaux Geographiques et Cartographiques


Publications (191)
Conference Paper
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This work presents what is probably the most important environmental and economic problem related to the potential Dead Sea zone threatening hazards in the next decades. The Dead Sea water budget has been under accelerated strain during the last six decades. Yet, this is expected to increase with time due to climate change considerations which are...
The Dead Sea area is draining massive tourism and infrastructure investments. However, the area is prone to both induced anthropogenic and natural geological hazards, with indicators requiring innovative monitoring. Hazards are resulting from the zone’s plate boundary tectonic setting and seismicity added to the generalized subsidence and sinkholes...
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Updating about the monitoring of the Dead Sea water level lowering related Hazards.
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ملخص: تتزايد مخاطر الانهيارات الخسفية والتشوهات الناتجة عن الانخفاض السريع لمستوى مياه البحر الميت مع التزايد الكبير بالاستثمارات السياحية وغيرها في المنطقة ( أكثر من 20 ملياردولار) مما يفرض ضرورة الاهتمام بحماية تلك الاستثمارات. نستعرض هنا وبعجالة الجهود البحثية التي كرست على طريق تحقيق ذلك الهدف والمؤدية الى مشروع نظام انذار مبكر يستند لمراقبة...
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Enclosed topographic depressions are characteristic of karst landscapes on Earth. The developmental relationship between depression types, such as sinkholes (dolines) and uvalas, has been the subject of debate, mainly because the long developmental timescales in classical limestone karst settings impede direct observation. Here we characterize the...
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The Dead Sea shore is a unique, young and dynamic salt karst system. Development of the area began in the 1960s, when the main water resources that used to feed the Dead Sea were diverted towards deserts, cities and industries. During the last decade, the water level has fallen by more than 1 m per year, causing a hydrostatic disequilibrium between...
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The fall of hydrological base-level is long established as a driver of geomorphological change in both fluvial and karst systems, but few natural occurrences occur on timescales suitable for direct observation. Here we document the spatiotemporal development of fluvial and karstic landforms along the eastern coast of the hypersaline Dead Sea (at Gh...
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The Dead Sea shore is a unique young and dynamic evaporite karst system. It started developing in the 1960s, when the main water resources that used to feed the terminal lake were diverted towards deserts, cities and industries. The Dead Sea water level started to lower at an accelerating pace, exceeding 1 meter per year during the last decade, cau...
Conference Paper
Is it possible to develop sustainable tourism infrastructures in karst regions where the hydro-geological system is highly perturbed due to the over-exploitation of the water resources? The new resorts area located north-east of the Dead Sea coast in Jordan, is the test-bed used to answer this question. The analysis of Sentinel optical and SAR imag...
Conference Paper
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The degradation affecting the Dead Sea environment and infrastructures due to the lowering of the water level in the area reached the main highway in October 2017 just three weeks before the holding of World Science Forum 2017 at the King Hussein bin Talal Convention Centre 7-11 to Nov 2017. The resulting subsidence, erosion and sinkholes are parti...
Conference Paper
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After the recent seismic activity culminating at the Iran-Iraq border on 12 November 2017 by a Magnitude 7.3 destructive earthquake, this presentation summarizes the fundamentals about earthquakes and the Middle Eastern Seismicity For an audience of Engineers during a workshop held on Nov, 27th 2017 at the initiative of of the Jordanian Engineers a...
Conference Paper
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World Science Forum 2017 Wednesday / 8 nov 16:30 - 18:00 Special session: CAN SCIENCE SAVE THE DEAD SEA Venue: King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Wadi Rum 2 - Ground Floor Abstract: The Dead Sea represents a unique environment of a hyper saline terminal lake located in a pull-apart basin, which is one of the main components of the Jordan De...
Conference Paper
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The Dead Sea area is undergoing a rapid environmental degradation due to five decades of accelerating lowering of the water level in the area. The lowering average rate is close to 1.4 m/yr. during the last few years up to 2017. This is exceeding 14000 times the average rate of sea water level fluctuations deemed without environmental consequences....
The poster gives in a documented concise form analyses of 25 years of DInSAR observation in the Lisan Peninsula Dead Sea, Jordan generally actively subsiding area the results reveal the complexe nature of the dynamic deformations proliferating there.
This article presents and analyses the results obtained from Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) techniques applied to ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, ALOS-PALSAR, COSMO-SkyMed, and Sentinel-1A datasets over the Lisan Peninsula, located in the southern part of the Dead Sea, Jordan. The novelty comes from the integration of three differ...
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Monitoring and Assessment of Environmental hazards on Touristic infrastructure, Development of the Jordanian Dead Sea shore. A selection from about 20000 photos documenting the subsidence related problems on the Dead Sea Jordanian Shore between 1991-2017.
In many areas of the world, subsidence related to the lowering of the water table is modifying the landscape and provoking costly environmental hazards. We consider the Dead Sea (the Earth's lowest lake) as a model. Its water level was 395 m bMSL in the 1960s. Due to water diversions in the catchment area, as of 2016, the level has dropped to about...
Conference Paper
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The paper exposes the direct and indirect environmental consequences of the shortage of water in the Dead Sea area. Sinkhole problems on the Dead Sea shores were taken as a model. we examin the Phenomena, the hazards and propose solutions based upon the idea of an early warning system by monitoring surface deformation by radar interferometry techni...
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A dike burst related to natural causes is always a serious event because it reveals that at least one significant environmental parameter was either underestimated or not detected during the design phase. Therefore, in each case, it is appropriate to understand the issue and to share the conclusions with the scientific community to avoid reproducin...
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A dike burst related to natural causes is always a serious event because it reveals that at least one significant environmental parameter was either underestimated or not detected during the design phase. Therefore, in each case, it is appropriate to understand the issue and to share the conclusions with the scientific community to avoid reproducin...
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A dike burst related to natural causes is always a serious event because it reveals that at least one significant environmental parameter was either underestimated or not detected during the design phase. Therefore, in each case, it is appropriate to understand the issue and to share the conclusions with the scientific community to avoid reproducin...
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The Dead Sea is a pull-apart basin forming a terminal lake (-428 m) located over the Jordan - Dead Sea transform fault. The slope of the fresh/saline interface is ten times shallower than observed near the ocean because salinity is ten times greater than in the average sea water. Underground lateral extension is acting as a high density layer over...
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The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. Its size is about 80 km long and 15 kilometers wide. The prevailing climatic conditions are of arid type and allow salt crystals to grow in the open air. The Dead Sea occupies the bottom of one of the pullapart basins that punctuate the JordanDead Sea strikeslip fault. The Dead Sea is composed...
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The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. Its size is about 80 km long and 15 kilometers wide. The prevailing climatic conditions are of arid type and allow salt crystals to grow in the open air. The Dead Sea occupies the bottom of one of the pullapart basins that punctuate the JordanDead Sea strikeslip fault. The Dead Sea is composed...
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The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. Its size is about 80 km long and 15 kilometers wide. The prevailing climatic conditions are of arid type and allow salt crystals to grow in the open air. The Dead Sea occupies the bottom of one of the pullapart basins that punctuate the JordanDead Sea strikeslip fault. The Dead Sea is composed...
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Since the mid-2000s, Arab Potash Company, Dead Sea - Jordan, advised by Royal Haskoning, has performed a number of costly geophysical and geotechnical studies to help repairing and stabilizing 12 km of SP-0A dike 18. In 2012, from a Worldview-2 satellite image acquired the year before, a 300 m circular feature inside SP-0A, close to dike 18 was obs...
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Presentation done at the Arab Potash Company production plant at Safi, Jordan Presentation of the research results to the team of security engineers.
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The Dead Sea is a terminal lake located in the biggest pull-apart basins punctuating the Jordan-Dead Sea Transform. It is the lowest place on Earth (428 m bsl, 2014). The coastal areas are crossed by complex faulted zones and are characterized by highly karstic and fractured rock formations genetically connected with faults. Climate conditions rang...
Conference Paper
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The Dead Sea is a terminal lake located in the biggest pull-apart basins punctuat-ing the Jordan-Dead Sea Transform. It is the lowest place on Earth (428 m bsl, 2014). The coastal areas are crossed by complex faulted zones and are character-ized by highly karstic and fractured rock formations genetically connected with faults. Climate conditions ra...
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The Dead Sea is a terminal lake located in the biggest pull-apart basins punctuating the Jordan- Dead Sea Transform. It is the lowest place on Earth (428 m bsl, 2014). The coastal areas are crossed by complex faulted zones and are characterized by highly karstic and fractured rock formations genetically connected with faults. Climate conditions ran...
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This work deals with the identification, delineation, and interpretation of earthquake ground motion attenuation sites from high resolution COSMO-SkyMed data. Earthquakes in urban areas are unique “shaking experiences” to perform a distinction between attenuation sites and other areas. The delineation work of places having recorded less or no destr...
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This chapter features how radar remote sensing can improve an embankment dam security project, from the planning level, to the feasibility study, the building phase, and the operational stage. The Dead Sea region provides a meaningful test bed owing to dozens kilometers of earthen dikes built over soft and very soft sediments affected by strong sub...
Conference Paper
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Consequence of the anthropogenic alterations along the Jordanian Dead Sea coast The Dead Sea is a terminal lake located over the Jordan - Dead Sea transform fault. At around 428 m bsl, it is the lowest emerged place on Earth. Since the 1960s, the over-exploitation of the water resources in the catchment area has lead to lower the level at an incre...
Conference Paper
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Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-3963, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014 © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Characterization of seepage surfaces from Space-borne radar interferometry stacking techniques, Southern Dead Sea area, Jordan Giulia Tessari (1), Damien Closson (2), Najib Abou Karaki (3), Simone Atzori (4), Simone Fia...
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The Dead Sea is a terminal lake located over the Jordan - Dead Sea transform fault. At around 428 m bsl, it is the lowest emerged place on Earth. Since the 1960s, the over-exploitation of the water resources in the catchment area has lead to lower the level at an increasing pace. In 2014, it is upper than 1m/year. In the last 50 years, a 50 by 15 k...
Conference Paper
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Some areas of the United Arab Emirates suffered from subsidence, cavities and related problems,[0]. Subsidence and, in general, surface land deformations and displacement phenomena, typically involve large regions in the geographical meaning. For such regions, in principle, the terrain displacements should be monitored with an accuracy that is in t...
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Mikhail Ezersky et al. have published the article “Geophysical prediction and following development sinkholes in two Dead Sea areas, Israel and Jordan” (February 2013) in which the paper “Salt karst and tectonics: sinkholes development along tension cracks between parallel strike-slip faults, Dead Sea, Jordan” published by Closson D, Abou Karaki N,...
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Sinkholes, subsidence and landslides around the Dead Sea appear in clusters including from one up to hundreds of elements. A significant number of sinkhole clusters and boundaries of wide shallow subsidence display a clear linear shape. Comparison between their trends and the known fault segments generally shows striking similarities, their distrib...
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Conference Paper
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Since the 1980s, the Dead Sea coastal zone is affected by sinkholes. The dynamic of the salt karst system is attested by a drastic increase of collapse events. The energy available for sub-surface erosion (or cavities genesis) is related to the head difference between the water table and the lake level which drop down at an accelerating rate of mor...
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The Dead Sea is a terminal lake having a rate of water level lowering exceeding one meter per year (>1 m/yr). This is caused mainly by the diversion of surface waters from its watershed. Currently, 1/10 of the Jordan River still reaches the salt lake. The rapid lowering of the lake level does not allow all the surrounding groundwater tables to adju...
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Presentation did at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 22nd January 2013, as invited speaker by Prof M. Weber
Conference Paper
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The Dead Sea is a terminal lake whose level lowers each year of about one meter per year since more than one decade. This is caused mainly by the diversion of surface waters from its watershed. Currently, 1/10 of the Jordan River still reaches the salt lake. The rapid lowering of the lake level does not allow all the surrounding groundwater tables...
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This study tackles paleoseismic features of some archaeological places located along the Dead Sea Transform (DST) which separates between the Arabian plate and the Sinai Palestine plate. A geophysical survey has been utilized during fieldwork throughout conducting this research. It is worth mentioning that magnetic surveys, and electrical surveys u...
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Programme: Springs of life in a “Dead Sea” - Thursday 4th October 2012 09:30 09:50 Coffee and Gathering 09:50 10:00 Danny Ionescu MPI-MM Introduction 10:00 10:30 Michael Lazar Haifa University, Israel Dead Sea Tectonics 10:30 11:00 Daniel Ariztegui Geneva University, Switzerland Filling gaps on the shrinking/swelling tale of the Dead Sea through co...


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