Najat BoucettaAbdelmalek Essaâdi University | UAE · Research team in pedagogical engineering and science didactics (ERIPDS) Higher Normal School Abdelmalek Saadi University Tétouan Morocco
Najat Boucetta
Doctor in Pedagogy and Didactics of Sciences of Health and Nursing Sciences
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November 2002 - present
Ministry of Health and Social Protection Morocco
- Midwife teacher and coordinator of the geriatric nursing option
- I am a teacher specializing in midwifery training. I teach modules on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Normal and High-Risk Pregnancy, Management of Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies. Additionally, I am responsible for the educational coordination of the geriatric nursing option, which is integrated into the Nursing program at ISPITS Tetouan.
Publications (39)
In the present educational context, enhancing students' understanding of ecological concepts is increasingly crucial in addressing global environmental challenges. Pedagogical engineering, which involves the systematic design of learning processes, is emerging as an effective strategy for improving science education. Although the Moroccan education...
Clinical simulation is a key tool for healthcare professional development, providing immersive scenarios that bridge theory and practice, enhance decision-making, and build confidence. By simulating critical events like obstetric emergencies, it better prepares practitioners for real-life challenges. Continuous training and support improve care qua...
We are interested in the problem of constructing problematized knowledge, based on the observation of an
ordinary sequence (in the 2nd year of the baccalauréat). The hypothesis of this research is that certain notions are not
accessible to a majority of students because they are not problematized or even taught in a problematized form. The
Interactive learning methods as fundamental tools of the competency-based educational approach, usher in a dynamic learner-centred educational experience. By transcending the traditional barriers of instruction, they encourage the acquisition and development of skills, while stimulating engagement and understanding. A literature review, grounded in...
This article investigates the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on enhancing the process of text production, emphasizing the advantages, difficulties, and consequences associated with its use. The author emphasizes the transformative impact of sophisticated language models on the development of textual material, since they provide high-qual...
Suicide remains a pressing public health concern in Morocco, yet the research landscape surrounding this issue is relatively sparse. To address this gap, we conducted a comprehensive review of 96 articles about suicide in Morocco, sourced from the Scopus database. Focusing on the period from 2014 to 2023, 68 articles were selected for detailed anal...
Nurses and midwives play a vital role in patient care, serving as the backbone of the healthcare system. This review aims to examine critically the competency-based approach in the context of nursing and midwifery education. We conducted a literature review of studies published between 2010 and 2023, gathered from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and...
Avis de Soutenance De Doctorat En Sciences Boucetta Najat
Trastornos del sueño en los profesionales de la salud: Una revisión bibliográfica Introducción Los trastornos del sueño en profesionales de la salud representan un fenómeno relevante, afectando su bienestar físico y mental con consecuencias directas en su desempeño laboral. La falta de sueño adecuado puede generar fatiga, reducir la concentración y...
La dépression du post-partum est un trouble mental affectant les femmes après l'accouchement. Cette étude vise à identifier les facteurs influençant la survenue de la DPP chez 17 femmes ayant présenté des symptômes. Les résultats soulignent les défis socio-économiques des femmes. d'autres principaux problèmes gravidiques complexifient la situation....
Simulation is a powerful educational tool for training future professionals and for continuous professional development coaching of novice healthcare professionals who should provide quality technical, educational and relational care with professionalism and humanism for patients. This paper examines the potential of using simulation technology int...
Nurses and midwives play a vital role in patient care, serving as the backbone of the healthcare system. This review aims to examine critically the competency-based approach in the context of nursing and midwifery education. We conducted a literature review of studies published between 2010 and 2023, gathered from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and...
Today's science education plays a central role in shaping tomorrow's citizens. Its
aim is to develop a solid scientific culture in individuals, enabling them to make
informed decisions on science-related issues. The aim is not only to pass on
scientific knowledge, but also to train citizens who can use their scientific
knowledge productively in...
Engagement Instrument, Middle and hight school students. The article investigates the factors influencing student engagement in educational institutions in Ouezzane, Morocco. Student engagement refers to the extent to which learners invest in their learning, actively participate in school activities, and persevere in pursuing their academic goals....
Obstetric emergencies are critical situations that jeopardize the health of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy or childbirth. This study aimed to validate the effectiveness of clinical simulation training in managing these situations. We conducted a narrative review of studies published between 2008 and 2022, collected from databases inc...
Simulation using role-playing is a recurrent didactic strategy among the training activities applied in the field of education. In health sciences training, communication and interaction between students and the various health professionalsinvolved in emergenciesand resuscitation care is one of the strategic pillars of health science education in g...
Dear Editor, Maternal and newborn mortality is a pressing global public health issue, representing one of the most significant health disparities worldwide and serving as an indicator of health system shortcomings. It poses both a human rights concern and a challenge to achieving fair socioeconomic development 1. Extensive endeavors have been under...
Le constructivisme est une approche pédagogique majeure dans l’enseignement des sciences, mettant l’accent sur l’implication active des apprenants dans la construction de leur propre connaissance. Cependant, les études menées au Maroc révèlent un faible niveau de compétences en sciences de la vie et de la terre chez les élèves, révélant des lacunes...
This study aims to describe the learning environment that can influence the construction of scientific concepts among Moroccan students. It focuses on the role of students' initial conceptions in the teaching practice of Life and Earth Science (LES) teachers in Morocco. To conduct this study, we performed a quantitative analysis of collected data u...
Science teaching requires not only the acquisition of scientific knowledge, but also the appropriation of scientific ways of thinking and the development of a scientific and technological culture. According to the constructivist model, the teacher must consider the classroom as a research laboratory, enabling learners to apply scientific approaches...
Recently, the aims of science education have evolved towards
developing citizens with scientific literacy and the ability to drive national
progress. To achieve scientific literacy (the goal of all science education),
individuals must possess knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts
and processes necessary for making informed decision...
Efficacité de la technologie de simulation dans les programmes de FC en gestion de la pré-éclampsie et de l'éclampsie, visant l’amélioration des compétences professionnelles des SF novices.
Selon les évidences scientifiques disponibles, le fait d'avoir des pratiques de selfcare adéquates en matière de SSR réduit les complications mortelles qui diminuent la qualité de vie des femmes (Castro, 2012).
Partant de cette irritation, nous nous sommes proposés de mener une étude auprès des femmes en âge de procréer fréquentant le CRSR de la pr...
Impacto del trabajo nocturno en la salud y el bienestar de los profesionales de enfermería del Hospital de la cuidad Tetuán en 2021 BOUCETTA, NAJAT , Instituto Superior de Enfermería y Profesiones Técnicas de la Salud-Ciudad de Tetuán Marruecos. EL ALAOUI, MUSTAFA , laboratorio interdisciplinaria de investigación en ingeniería pedagógica, Universid...
El trabajo nocturno se ha convertido en algo habitual en la sociedad contemporánea. Este horario
va en contra del ritmo de vida habitual y provoca alteraciones en la salud. Se realizó un estudio
cuantitativo y descriptivo entre 43 profesionales de enfermería en el Hospital de Tetuán en 2021.
Los datos se recogieron mediante encuesta online. Los...
La distocia de hombros es una verdadera emergencia en el periparto que complica el parto, por lo que requiere mucha atención y una práctica especializada de las maniobras obstétricas. Objectivo Mostrar la conducta práctica frente a la distocia de los hombros y las maniobras a practicar en este caso Metodologia Revisión bibliográfica de la literatur...
Shift work has become common in contemporary society. This work schedule goes against the usual rhythm of life. It results in alterations to the health of professionals, because of the desynchronization of circadian rhythms. A descriptive study was conducted using a questionnaire composed of socio-demographic and professional items to characterize...
Introduction: there is a high proportion of novice midwives assigned to healthcare centers located in rural area difficult to access geographically. To improve professional communication and professionalization of these novice midwives, e-mentoring is proposed as a solution to consolidate support of the novice midwives. The aim of our research is t...
Etude menée au centre hospitalier provincial de Tétouan pour explorer le retentissement du travail posté chez les professionnels de santé et pour proposer des recommandations réduisant les éventuels risques physiologiques et psychosociaux.
El aprendizaje práctico de cuidados obstétricos de emergencia en formación inicial de partería
2 ème Journée scientifique de l' ISPITS FES Nos difficultés dans la communication • l'information transmise n'est retenue par le patient que dans une proportion très faible (15-30%) M.Stewart 1995 • Nos plans thérapeutiques ne sont que très partiellement compris Cole et Bird 2000 • Nos recommandations ne sont que peu suivies
Introduction: Clinical practice in education is the backbone of a midwife's professional career, it is a fundamental
component of the teaching and learning process that gives the student the opportunity to develop the competencies required
for professional practice. However, experience in clinical practice creates constraints and difficulties.
Le dossier de soins infirmiers est un document unique et individualisé,
regroupant l’ensemble des informations concernant la personne soignée. Il est indispensable pour la cohérence et la continuité des soins dispensés à la personne soignée par l’équipe pluridisciplinaire. Il est le support du processus de soins Infirmiers. Il est une des préoccup...
Modèle de coaching professionnel de Sages Femmes novices,
région Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, Maroc, 2019