Nahla TariqUniversity of Baghdad · Department of Food Sciences
Nahla Tariq
PhD Assist. Prof
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Dr. Nahla Tariq Current Grade: Assist. Prof. Currently works at the Department of Food Science, University of Baghdad. Nahla does research in Environmental Science, Water Science and Food Science. Their current project is 'My major work now is on applications cheese whey in food'.
Publications (30)
Background: Cheese, due to its high nutritional value, appealing taste and wide availability, is an important part of the diets of many different age groups. At present the dairy industries in many countries have developed improvements in their cheese products through the addition of nonstructural materials such as plant proteins, fresh...
In the current study, the utilization of wheat( Triticum Vulgare )germ incorporated with soft cheese was investigated. The antimicrobial efficiency of the wheat germ was examined against a few pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus , and Streptococcus sp. The results presented that, there was an...
This study aimed to make a comparison between the effect of nano-filtration and evaporation techniques on one of the most important dairy products absolutely, concentrated milk, in order to see the strengths and weaknesses of both, and harnessing nano-filtration technology to produce condensed milk if it proves to be the most effective technology....
Thymus vulgaris, thyme, ethanolic extract, aqueous extracts, antioxidants activities, phenolic compounds, flavonoids
prebioticانتاج شراب شرش غني بالمحفزات الحيوية
The effect of adding different proportions of hot and cold aqueous extracts of wheat germ was observed on the physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of soft cheese. The hot and cold aqueous extracts wheat germ were added into soft cheese at 0.5 and 1.0 % before pressing process, and were stored at a temperature (8 C ± 2 C) for 0, 7, 14 a...
The effect of adding different proportions of hot and cold aqueous extracts of wheat germ was observed on the physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of soft cheese. The hot and cold aqueous extracts wheat germ were added into soft cheese at 0.5 and 1.0 % before pressing process, and were stored at a temperature (8 C ± 2 C) for 0, 7, 14 a...
Oxidation of foodstuffs has become an issue concerning with food quality and consumer health,
specifically in dairy products which contain a percentage of fat. The present study aimed to use whey
proteins concentration (WPC) as additive to some samples of dairy products selected from local market.
Adding WPC to these products with different concent...
Some Beet slices constituents; total acidity, total soluble solids and pH were determined and found 0.21 %, 12 and 5.51 respectively. Beet slices constituents have been extracted by cold and hot water for different periods of time. Some extract constituents, pigments, total acidity, pectin, total soluble solids and pH for both extracts were determi...
The effect of addition of different plants like (spices, herbs) onacrylamide content in bread crust was studied, loaf bread with 3% of green tea, Thyme, anise, garlic and cinnamon powders were prepared, sensory evaluation of loaf bread was done ,chemical content of all types of bread were determined, acrylamide content of crust bread was determined...
At present, the dairy industries in many countries have developed improvements in their cheese products through the addition of nonstructural materials such as plant proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and other plants that have exhibited possible health benefits.
Background and Objective: Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of the most commonly produced vegetables around the world, recently, plant extracts containing phenolic compounds have been screened to find new natural food ingredients. The antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds is mainly due to their redox properties, which can play an important ro...
Abstract: Background and Objective: At present, the dairy industries in many countries have developed improvements in their cheese products through the addition of nonstructural materials such as plant proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and other plants that have exhibited possible health benefits. This study aimed to support the structur...
Background and Objective: Many herbs are known to contain large amounts of phenolic antioxidants other than the well-known compounds like vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids. Phenolic antioxidants in herbs primarily consist of phenolic acids, flavonoids and catechins. The antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds is primarily due to their redox p...
Lactulose is a synthetic and non-absorbable disaccharide sugar containing glucose and fructose units. It is used for the treatment
of constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. The purpose of this experiment was to synthesized lactulose in the presence of
sodium hydroxide as a catalyst. The evaluation of lactulose synthesis was carried out at differe...
استخدمت الطريقة الكيمياوية في تحويل لاكتوزالشرش الى اللاكتلوز بطريقة المفاعلات العمودية. اذ اختيرالمركب القاعدي صوديوم الومينيت في هذه الطريقة , يفضل وجود عنصر الالمنيوم على الكالسيوم في عمليات التحويل لقابلية الاول في تكوين معقدات مع المركبات الوسطية تقلل بدورها من حدوث التفاعلات العرضية.
أستخدمت صوديوم الومينيت كعامل محفز في المفاعلات العمودية بت...
The present study was conducted to evaluate the synthesis of lactulose from whey lactose by using 1, 2 and 3M sodium aluminates as alkaline catalyst in batch reaction system at 30 and 70°C. The effect of different sodium aluminates molarities on the isomerization of lactose to lactulose and the time periods were also investigated. The maximum conve...
Chemical isomerization of lactose to lactulose was studied, and the
optimal conditions for isomerization were tried practically. Two pathways
procedures have been carried out to isomerize lactose to lactulose; batch
reactions and column reactors. In the batch reactions two basic catalysts
were used, sodium aluminate and calcium hydroxide. Each isom...
أستخدم نظامان من المذیبات لأستخلاص الكاروتینویدات من مخلفات الطماطة الجافة . تكوّن النظام الأول من أستیون
60 مْ) ، حیث استعمل الاسیتون اولا ثم بعد عزله عن المخلفات استخدم الایثر النفطي – والایثر النفطي (درجة غلیانه 40
1) ، ثم شخصت : 2 : لاستخلاص الصبغات منه ، وتكوّن النظام الثاني من خلیط من أسیتون : هكسان : كحول أثیلي ( 1
فأمكن التعرف على 17 مركباً...
Carotenoids of dry tomato residues were extracted by two systems of solvent
namely acetone - petroleum ether (b . p. 40 – 60 °C)(System 1) and acetone – hexane – ethanol (1 :
2 : 1) (System 2) . The pigments in extracts were identified by HPLC technique . From the 17
pigments identified , lycopene was the major .
System 2 gave higher percentage of...
استخلصت صبغة الشوندرbetacynin
من جذور الشوندر الحمراء باستخدام طريقة الاستخلاص المائي البارد والساخن وقدرت فيها كمية الصبغة وال
كما استخدم مستخلص الصبغة في تلوين ،CRD العوامل في كفاءة استخلاص وثباتية الصبغة في تجارب ضمن تصميم
المثلجات المائية والهلام وقد أظهرت النتائج أن الاستخلاص البارد أعطى أعلى كمية من الصبغة بلغت 0.863 ملغم/غم،
6.4 والحموضة الك...
Red betacynin pigment from beet root was extracted by cold and hot water. The total pigment, pH, acidity,
pectin and total solids were determined. Some effective factors in extraction efficiency, stability of pigment
including CRD design and using it as colorant in ice water and jelly were investigated. The results showed
that cold extraction yield...
شملت الد ا رسة ثلاث معاملات من جبن الموزریلا بطریقة التحمیض المباشر وباستخدام ثلاث محالیل
5.4 , 6.56, 5.6 (pH) لحوامض اللاكتیك والستریك والخلیك كل على انف ا رد للوصول الى الأس الهیدروجیني
تباعا، فضلا عن تصنیع جبن الموزریلا بالطریقة التقلیدیة من حلیب الابقار الكامل الدسم كنموذج مقارنة
لمعرفة تأثیر الأس الهیدروجیني على بعض الصفات الوظیفیة والنسجة لجب...
In this study, three treatments of Mozzarella cheese. Cheeses prepared by
direct acidification with lactic, citric and acetic acids to reach pH 5.6, 6.56 and 5.4
respectively and a control prepared by conventional method using cow’s milk were
used to study the effect of pH on some functional properties of Mozzarella cheese.
Result showed an increas...
أستهدف البحث دراسة العوامل المؤثرة في إنضاج ملاط الجبن الشبيه بالجبن الأوشاري المصنع من حليب الأبقار. تمت صناعة الملاط من خثرة الجبن الشبيه بالجبن الأوشاري، وشملت العوامل المؤثرة على الإنضاج دراسة تأثير نسب مختلفة من المحلول الملحي (4%و6%) أثناء صناعة الملاط ومستويات مختلفة من المادة الحافظة (بنزوات الصوديوم) وبنسب 0.2% و0.4% فضلاً عن دراسة تأثير د...
This experiment was conducted to study the factors affecting the ripening of Awshari cheese slurry produced from cow ُs milk.The slurry was prepared from Awshari cheese curd , The factors affecting the slurry ripening studied included different levels of salt (4% , 6%) which added during slurry preparation , different levels of preservatives (sodiu...