Nadja Weisshaupt

Nadja Weisshaupt
Nadja verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Nadja verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Finnish Meteorological Institute



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My research focuses on studying bird migration and environmental drivers of migratory movements using amongst others remote sensing tools and citizen science data.
Additional affiliations
July 2007 - November 2007
Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
  • Research Assistant
  • Studies on hummingbird - plant interactions
September 2013 - November 2016
Aranzadi Science Society
Field of study
  • Ornithology
September 2012 - September 2013
Heriot-Watt University
Field of study
  • Translating and Conference Interpreting
July 2005 - April 2007
University of Bern
Field of study
  • Department of Conservation Biology


Publications (43)
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(1) The aliasing of radial velocities from weather radars is a known challenge in meteorology. It may also occur during bird migration if the unambiguous velocity threshold is below the birds’ ground speed. High variability in birds’ radial velocities and high flight speeds lead to multiple aliasing (folding) and challenge meteorological dealiasing...
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Studying nocturnal bird migration is challenging because direct visual observations are difficult during darkness. Radar has been the means of choice to study nocturnal bird migration for several decades, but provides limited taxonomic information. Here, to ascertain the feasibility of enhancing the taxonomic resolution of radar data, we combined a...
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The study of nocturnal bird migration brings observational challenges because of reduced visibility and observability of birds at night. Remote sensing tools, especially radars, have long been the preferred choice of scientists to study nocturnal migrations. A major downside of these remote sensing tools is the lack of species-level information. Wi...
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Various types of radar systems are increasingly being used to monitor aerial biodiversity. Each of these types has different detection capabilities and sensitivities to environmental conditions, which affect the quantity and quality of the measured objects of interest. Radar wind profilers have long been known to detect birds, but their use in orni...
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The latest established generation of weather radars provides polarimetric measurements of a wide variety of meteorological and nonmeteorological targets. While the classification of different precipitation types based on polarimetric data has been studied extensively, nonmeteorological targets have garnered relatively less attention beyond an effor...
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Citizen science bird observation repositories established in the past 20 years have accumulated millions of entries of species-specific information across vast areas. These databases potentially hold a great trove of information for biodiversity monitoring studies. They can be used either as stand-alone data or as a complement for other research to...
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Weather radars provide amongst others measurements of radial velocities of targets. Radial velocities are reliable as long as a certain target type does not exceed the maximum unambiguous velocity, so-called Nyquist velocity, determined for a given pulse repetition frequency (PRF). Velocities of targets exceeding this limit are folded and require c...
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Meteorological conditions are a key modulator of bird migration dynamics. Besides wind, precipitation is considered a decisive antagonist to bird migration intensity. However, the role of precipitation might not be so straightforward and its detriment to migrants could be modulated by other factors, not only by presence and absence of rain, but als...
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Migrant birds rely on environmental and celestial cues for navigation and orientation during their journeys. Adverse weather, such as heavy rain or fog, but also thick layers of low-level clouds, affect visibility and can challenge birds’ ability to orientate. Therefore, birds typically favour certain meteorological conditions for migration. Photop...
Weather radar networks have great potential for continuous and long-term monitoring of aerial biodiversity of birds, bats, and insects. Biological data from weather radars can support ecological research, inform conservation policy development and implementation, and increase the public’s interest in natural phenomena such as migration. Weather rad...
Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutus ihmiskuntaan on viime vuosina saanut kasvavaa huomiota. Ilmastotutkimuksissa yritetään arvioida, kuinka suureen lämpötilan nousuun voidaan vielä jollain tapaa sopeutua. Mutta miten eläimet meidän ympärillämme pärjäävät?
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Millions of bird observations have been entered on online portals in the past 20 years either as checklists or arbitrary individual entries. While several hundred publications have been written on a variety of topics based on bird checklists worldwide, unstructured non-checklist observations have received little attention and praise by academia. In...
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The study of large‐scale animal mass movements requires suitable large‐scale sampling methods. Weather radars (WR) have been known to register biological targets since the 1960s. Arranged in large networks, they are suitable to study regional to continent‐wide dynamics of aerofauna and to respond to increasing human‐wildlife conflicts in the air. T...
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Large parts of the continents are continuously scanned by terrestrial weather radars to monitor precipitation and wind conditions. These systems also monitor the mass movements of bird, bat, and insect migration, but it is still unknown how many of these systems perform with regard to detection and quantification of migration intensities of the dif...
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Nocturnal avian migration flyways remain an elusive concept, as we have largely lacked methods to map their full extent. We used the network of European weather radars to investigate nocturnal bird movements at the scale of the European flyway. We mapped the main migration directions and showed the intensity of movement across part of Europe by ext...
Conference Paper
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Operational radar wind profilers used in meteorology have been known to register biological targets, such as birds (e.g. Wilczak et al. 1994). Migrating birds seriously affect the quality of meteorological data, i.e. wind measurements. Existing signal processing approaches have contributed to improved data quality, in particular the Gabor frame bas...
Capsule: Nocturnal passerine migration patterns were studied by a network of weather radars within the East-Atlantic flyway providing large-scale information on the effect of a geographical barrier. Aims: The aim of this study was to obtain a large-scale spatial overview of the effects of a sea barrier on migratory flyways in northern Spain/western...
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Edited by Francisco VALERA This section includes the abstracts of some of the PhD-Dissertations submitted in Spain during the 2016-2017 academic year as well as some others not published in earlier volumes of Ardeola. They are in alphabetical order by University where they were presented and, then, by year and alphabetical order of the author's sur...
In the past 70 years radar technology has been increasingly applied in ornithological research in various geographical areas worldwide and contributed greatly to better understand bird migration. Many different radar types have been used such as tracking, ship or weather radars. However, radar wind profilers (RWP) have been largely neglected in avi...
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ABSTRACT Capsule: Citizen science data on Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix showed that the species non-selectively used a wide variety of habitats during migration but had a tendency for settling to breed in forest and natural areas. Aims: We tested the hypothesis that habitat used during spring stopovers in Spain differed from habitat use d...
Conference Paper
Operational radars used in meteorology have been known to detect biological targets, such as birds. The continuous operation mode and widespread use of these radars offers potentially a great treasure of biological data. The present study uses data from a radar wind profiler (RWP) designed to measure three-dimensional winds. In a previous study,...
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Despite the growth of the English-speaking audience, audiovisual translation is still widespread and appreciated by a considerable proportion of media users, who watch audiovisual products in their native tongue. These products are translated using different transfer modes, such as subtitling, dubbing or voice-over. This study focuses on the qual...
1.Radars of various types have been used in ornithological research for about 70 years. However, the potential of radar wind profiler (RWP) as a tool for biological purposes remains poorly understood. The aim of this study is to assess the suitability of RWP for ornithological research questions. 2.A 1290 MHz RWP at the southeastern coast of the B...
Conference Paper
Operational radars used in meteorology have been known to register biological targets, such as birds. These radars accumulate a great treasure of data based on their continuous operation mode and widespread use. In this study a novel methodology is presented to extract bird migration parameters such as flight altitude and migration traffic rates fr...
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ABSTRACT Capsule: Bird migration was recorded by an infrared device at three sites in the southeastern Bay of Biscay, indicating seasonal east–west differences in migration flow. Aims: The main aims of this study were to quantify and describe nocturnal migration dynamics in proximity of a sea barrier, and to assess seasonal and geographical drive...
Conference Paper
Raw data from operational meteorological radar systems like wind profilers remains partly unexploited because the echo signatures of non-meteorological targets are often simply discarded as clutter by the signal processing. The reason is that the processing is focused on the meteorological measurements. However, the removed data contains sometimes...
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The East-Atlantic flyway represents one of the main bird migration routes worldwide, in which the Bay of Biscay acts as a geographic barrier. So far, the significance of the Bay of Biscay for migrants and its impact on their routes has not received a great deal of attention. The main goal of this study is to characterize the composition of nocturna...
Conference Paper
Migratory flyways of birds are strongly determined by geographical barriers such as mountain ranges, deserts or large water bodies. The Bay of Biscay, situated in the East-Atlantic flyway, one of the main migration routes worldwide, is considered a geographical barrier. However, its role during bird migration remains poorly studied. Along the Bay o...
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230 Localisation of bird sounds in the German and English versions of Lars Svensson’s Swedish ornithological field guide Fågelguiden Nadja Weisshaupt, Aranzadi-Society of Sciences/University of the Basque Country ABSTRACT It is often argued that localisation is exclusively used for software development in the computer industry. This study has, howe...
Conference Paper
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Migratory pathways of birds are strongly determined by geographical barriers such as mountain ranges, deserts or large water bodies and it is well known that many migratory bird species have developed strategies to avoid or reduce the crossing of barriers. Due to the vast dimensions of both bird movements and barriers and often adverse conditions p...
Most farmland birds have declined significantly throughout the world due to agricultural intensification. Agri-environmental policies could not halt the decline of ground-foraging insectivorous farmland birds in Europe, indicating a gap in knowledge of species’ ecological requirements. This represents a major impediment to the development of effici...
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Capsule Large‐scale intensification of agricultural management during the past 50 years has resulted in a reduction of invertebrate abundance and higher and denser ground vegetation. Food availability for insectivorous birds foraging on the ground has been negatively affected, but the interactions between birds and their food availability are compl...
Estimates of the mean model parameters and of their variability among individuals from the most complex model (b+b2+h+h2) for each species. Values in parentheses show the limits of the 80% credible intervals for each estimate. (0.05 MB DOC)
Selection probability of habitat use in relation to amount of bare ground and vegetation height for hoopoe and wryneck in different habitat categories as revealed by the most complex model. The grey lines show the individual effects, the black and blue line shows the population (marginal) average with 80% credible intervals. Note that selection pro...
Selection probability of habitat use in relation to the amount of bare ground and vegetation height for four farmland species as revealed by the best models (Table 1). The grey lines show the individual effects, the coloured lines show the population (marginal) average with 80% credible intervals. Note that selection probabilities below 0.5 indicat...
Sample sizes, locations and the use of radio-tags for the four studies: number of individuals, total number of observations and random points, and mean number of observations and random points per individual. (0.04 MB DOC)
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Conceived to combat widescale biodiversity erosion in farmland, agri-environment schemes have largely failed to deliver their promises despite massive financial support. While several common species have shown to react positively to existing measures, rare species have continued to decline in most European countries. Of particular concern is the st...
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When determining the age of fully grown passerines, ringers can often rely on plumage characteristics or other subtle colour characteristics such as iris coloration (eg in Sylvia spp) or tongue-marks in some warblers (Svensson 1992). For most species, plumage differences between adults (EURING age codes 4 or greater) and birds hatched in the curren...


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