Nadja Schott

Nadja Schott
University of Stuttgart · Institute of Sport and Exercise Science



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December 2009 - present
University of Stuttgart
September 2007 - December 2009
Liverpool Hope University


Publications (147)
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Numerous studies have examined the role of socioeconomic status on physical activity, obesity, and cognitive performance in youth or older adults, but few studies have examined the role of neighborhood socioeconomic status (NSES) on motor or cognitive performance in kindergarten children. This study aimed to examine whether lower NSES (measured by...
Research has shown that nonright-handedness in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is associated with poorer motor and cognitive performance. This study investigated the influence of degree and direction of handedness on performance using the Home Handedness Questionnaire, the Hit-the-Dot test, the Movement Assessment Battery fo...
Purpose. Studies on object control skills (OCS) have described changes in movement patterns over time, but mostly in children and adolescents, young adults, or older adults. Most of these studies focused on only one skill and usually only on the process- or product-oriented outcomes. Thus, this study aimed to explore OCS performance in children, yo...
Studies on the effects of acute exercises on cognitive functions vary greatly and depend on the duration and intensity of exercise and the type of cognitive tasks. This study aimed to investigate the neural correlates that underpin the acute effects of high‐intensity interval (HIIE) versus moderate‐intensity continuous exercise (MCE) on fine motor‐...
One of the key challenges in assessing cognitive performance is to detect not only apparent impairment but to also pick up on subtle differences. Computerized tests benefit especially from the acquisition of fine-grained outcome measures. However, the equivalency of paper-based and computerized tests cannot be assumed. The Trail-Making-Test is a pa...
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Introduction Falls pose significant health risks to older adults, impacting their quality of life. Preventive strategies are crucial, as research shows that fall prevention interventions can effectively reduce fall risks. However, these interventions often suffer from low adherence and uptake. Digital, interactive interventions, incorporating exper...
Developmental Coordination Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are common neurodevelopmental disorders that often co-occur and have similar secondary symptoms. While DCD and ADHD are considered separate conditions, their commonalities create challenges for differential diagnosis and support. Therefore, this preregistered broad-spa...
In Zeiten zunehmender Digitalisierung von Unterricht (BMBF, 2022) ist es entscheidend, Lehrkräfte adäquat auf sich verändernde Unterrichtssituationen, neue Lernwege und damit einhergehende Anforderungen vorzubereiten (Arnold, 2020), insbesondere durch technologieorientierte Fortbildungsangebote. Allerdings liegen in Bezug auf die Herausforderungen,...
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In Zeiten zunehmender Digitalisierung von Unterricht ist es entscheidend, Lehrkräfte adäquat auf diese Themen vorzubereiten, z.B. durch technologieorientierte Fortbildungsangebote. Allerdings liegen in Bezug auf die Herausforderungen, die mit einer Digitalisierung in der Lehrkräftefortbildung einhergehen, bislang kaum Befunde zu evidenzbasierter Le...
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Including breaking in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games entails numerous structural changes, such as developing a scientifically based training system for national squad athletes. So far, breaking has been chiefly practiced without access to trained coaches with a sports science background, and no research has addressed its training structure. This stud...
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Soccer is a competitive sport that relies on distinct motor skills and cognitive processes. However, cognitive aspects are often overlooked, with a focus mainly on motor skills. Limited research has explored screening tests within motor-cognitive navigation dual-task (DT) paradigms. This study aims to validate a sensitive approach for assessing soc...
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Background and objectives The experience obtained from motor expertise may contribute to and enhance the development of particular visuo-spatial abilities. This exploratory and preliminary study compares the response times of a mental rotation task with egocentric and object-based transformation instructions between soccer players of varying perfor...
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Verbundprojekt KuMuS-ProNeD im Rahmen des Kompetenzverbundes lernen:digital Die Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften gilt als eine der zentralen Herausforderungen der digita-len Transformation im Schulwesen. Um diese Herausforderung zu bearbeiten, bedarf es einer engen Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Akteursgruppen. Finanziert durch die Europäisch...
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Introduction: Motor-cognitive learning is crucial for achieving and maintaining wellbeing. Exergames can effectively facilitate this type of learning due to their inherent qualities of exertion and game-related disciplines. These qualities can create effectiveness, enjoyment, and meaning in the lives of individuals. To address these aspects equally...
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Background Few studies have examined the relationship between motor skill competence and device-measured physical activity in large samples and none have used non-linear modelling. This study assessed the linear and non-linear associations between motor skill competence and physical activity in children using pooled data from eight studies. Method...
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This systematic review synthesizes the literature on physical activity amongst people with DCD using the COM-B framework. The review questions were: (1) what is the Capability (C), Opportunity (O) and Motivation (M) for physical activity and (2) what does physical activity behavior (B) look like? A mixed-methods systematic review was conducted by s...
Conference Paper
Proactive actions are vital for promoting healthy aging, emphasizing the necessity to to address the physical, cognitive, and emotional needs through discipline-specific expertise. Exergames, withtheir inherent characteristics, offer the potential to bridge the gap between the disciplines of exertion, user experience, and games. This paper presents...
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Background: Interdependencies of health, fitness, cognition, and emotion can promote or inhibit mobility. This study aimed to analyse pathways and interactions between individual subjective and objective physical performance, cognition, and emotions with activities of daily living (ADLs) as mobility indicators in multimorbid nursing home residents...
Conference Paper
The dual-task nature of exergames makes them a promising tool for motor-cognitive health interventions to promote healthy aging. However, interdisciplinary design approaches are required to bridge the gap between exertion and game-related research disciplines. In this paper, we present a theory-based design process for a mixed reality exergame inte...
Background: According to current estimates, the number of people needing care will double in the next 40 years. It is expected that between 130,000 and 190,000 additional nurses will be needed by 2030 in Germany. Physical and psychological burdens associated with nursing in long-term care facilities can develop into serious health risk factors and...
Der erste Teil dieses Beitrages zur motorischen Entwicklung über die Lebensspanne ist der Darstellung von zentralen Begriffen, Theorien, Konzepten und wichtigen historischen Aspekten gewidmet, gefolgt von der Darstellung der Entwicklung der zentralnervösen, sensorischen und motorischen Systeme. Daran schließt sich die Beschreibung ausgewählter loko...
Introduction/Background : In 2016, the Adolescent Motor Competence Questionnaire (AMCQ) was developed in Australia. The AMCQ was developed to assess perceived motor competence in adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years. The 26 items represent four factors: participation in physical activity and sports, activities of daily living, public per...
Research Proposal
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Our main goal is to identify the known differences between DCD and ADHD. This review will be conducted across many domains, such as motor skills, cognition, socio-emotional factors, genetics, neurological functioning, and more.
Since Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a heterogeneous disorder with symptoms, such as tremors, gait and speech disturbances, or memory loss, individualized diagnostics are needed to optimize treatment. In their current form, the typical paper-pencil methods traditionally used to track disease progression are too coarse to capture the subtleties of clin...
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Background and aims: Most research on Parkinson's disease (PD) focuses on describing symptoms and movement characteristics. Studies rarely focus on the early detection of PD and the search for suitable markers of a prodromal stage. Early detection is important, so treatments that may potentially change the course of the disease can be attempted ea...
Background and Aims. Most research on Parkinson's disease (PD) focuses on describing symp-toms and movement characteristics. Studies rarely focus on the early detection of PD and the search for suitable markers of a prodromal stage. Early detection is important, so treatments that may potentially change the course of the disease can be attempted ea...
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Background Although an extensive body of literature is trying to verify the acute effects of exercise, findings are highly contradictory due to many different study protocols. The number of studies using an intermittent exercise (IE) protocol is limited, especially with regard to comparison across the life span. We examined whether the effects of a...
1965 prägte Bernard Isaacs den Begriff "geriatrische Riesen" und schloss in diese Definition Syndrome wie Immobilität, Instabilität und Stürze und kognitive Beeinträchtigungen ein. In den folgenden fünf Jahrzehnten entwickelten sich die modernen "geriatrischen Riesen", die die vier neuen Syndrome der Gebrechlichkeit, der Sarkopenie, der Anorexie de...
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Background Several studies have shown that acute exercise has a small positive effect on cognitive performance. However, it is still unclear what type of exercise has a sustained impact on cognitive performance during post-exercise recovery. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to investigate cognitive performance at the behavioral level, and th...
The physical self-concept is considered a significant predictor of physical activity and persistence in childhood and youth. Based on Shavelson, Stanton, and Hubner's (1976) hierarchical structure of self-concept, several approaches have been developed to measure physical self-perception. A multi-dimensional fitness-based approach by Marsh (1990) s...
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Background: On the assumption that motor actions result from the interaction between cognitive, perceptual, and neurological mechanisms, neuromotor dysfunction-such as in children with Down Syndrome (DS)-is expected to affect the central coordination processes required for dual-task (DT) performance. There are few dual-task (DT) studies in individ...
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Background: Children with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit lower motor and cognitive performance than typically developing children (TD). Although there is a relationship between these two developmental domains, only a few studies have addressed this association in children with DS compared to groups of the same chronological age (CA) or mental age (MA)...
Der erste Teil dieses Beitrages zur motorischen Entwicklung über die Lebensspanne ist der Darstellung von zentralen Begriffen, Theorien, Konzepten und wichtigen historischen Aspekten gewidmet, gefolgt von der Darstellung der Entwicklung der zentralnervösen, sensorischen und motorischen Systeme. Daran schließt sich die Beschreibung ausgewählter loko...
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Purpose Well-adapted and validated well-being (WB) instruments for the nursing home population are scarce. To our knowledge, the Laurens Well-Being Inventory for Gerontopsychiatry (LWIG) is a practical and reliable well-being assessment tool that has never been validated for German nursing home populations. Therefore, the purpose of our study was t...
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Background and objectives To achieve independence in activities of daily living, a certain level of functional ability is necessary. The instrumented Timed Up and Go (iTUG) test provides guidance for appropriate interventions, for example, when considering the subphases within the TUG. Therefore, we evaluated the iTUG as a tool to measure the effec...
Background : Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) frequently have difficulties performing gross motor skills such as the overarm throw. Our study examines the differences in both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of overarm throwing for accuracy between typically developing (TD) and children with DCD. Methods : A total...
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The ability to process goal-related visual information while ignoring goal-irrelevant information is essential for the human attention system. The study aimed to investigate how perceptual-cognitive performance was affected during high-intensity interval training (HIIT) using a 3D-multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) task called Neurotracker (NT). In...
Schwimmen zu können hat eine hohe freizeitsportliche Bedeutung und kann in verschiedenen Situationen (über-) lebenswichtig sein. Jedoch beherrschen viele Kinder beim Eintritt in die weiterführenden Schulen nicht die Grundfertigkeiten in den Bereichen Atmen, Tauchen, Gleiten, Schweben und Springen. Inwieweit zwei verschiedene Instruktionsstrategien...
Background While the development of motor imagery (MI) has been extensively studied in sighted children, it is not clear how children with different severities of visual impairment (VI) represent motor actions by using the motor representations constructed through the remaining intact senses, especially touch. Aims Mental chronometry and generatio...
Study Design: A randomized, single-blinded controlled trial. Introduction: Therapy results after distal radius fractures (DRF) especially with older patients are often suboptimal. One possible approach for counteracting the problems are motor-cognitive training in- terventions such as Mental Practice (MP) or Mirror Therapy (MT), which may be applie...
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Introduction: Nursing staff is burdened by high workload and stress. Furthermore, heavy lifting, as well as transferring nursing home residents, cause lumbar tissue damage and back pain. Exercise intervention studies to reduce work-related problems are rare and the evidence for efficacy of studies among nurses is limited. Studies including targete...
Background and aims: The dual-task (DT) paradigm is an ecologically valid approach to assess cognitive function in relation with motor demands, particularly for children with Down syndrome (DS). This study aimed to determine DT performance for a complex Change-of-Direction (CoD_W) walking task in children with DS. Methods: The sample included 12 ch...
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Motor development research has had a rich history over the 20th century with a wide array of scientists contributing to a broad and deep body of literature. Just like the process of development, progress within the field has been non-linear, with rapid periods of growth occurring after the publication of key research articles that changed how we co...
In 1989, Clark and Whitall asked the question, “What is motor development?” They were referring to the study of motor development as an academic research enterprise and answered their question primarily by describing four relatively distinct time periods characterized by changes in focus, theories or concepts, and methodology. Their last period was...
In Part I of this series, we looked back at the 20 th century and re-examined the history of Motor Development research described in Clark & Whitall’s 1989 paper “What is Motor Development? The Lessons of History”. We now move to the 21 st century, where the trajectories of developmental research have evolved in focus, branched in scope, and diverg...
Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende in der Sportwissenschaft und gibt einen Überblick zur Planung und Auswertung von empirischen Untersuchungen. Die beiden zentralen Fragen: »Mit welcher Art der empirischen Untersuchung kann ich zu aussagekräftigen Daten gelangen?« und »Mit welchem statistischen Verfahren werte ich meine Daten...
Previous studies investigating the relationship between motor skill, physical activity and fitness in children have not thoroughly considered the role of self-perception. Therefore, the study aim was to test a theoretical framework, which considered both actual and perceived motor skill as well as actual and perceived fitness. Potential moderating...
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Background Executive functions (EFs) not only play an important role in shaping adolescent’s goal-directed, future-oriented cognitive skills under relatively abstract, non-affective conditions (Cool EF), but also under motivationally significant, affective conditions (Hot EF). Empirical evidence suggest a link between EF, exercise and physical acti...
Das normale Altern wird stereotyperweise oft mit einem universellen Rückgang in Gehirnstruktur und-funktion und damit einhergehend nachlassenden motorischen und kognitiven Funktionen assoziiert. Insbesondere die Bereiche Gedächtnis und Exekutivfunktionen zeigen Leistungseinbußen, was sich in einer Atrophie von Gehirnregionen zeigt, die diese kognit...
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Background: Older adults, who are living in nursing homes that provide a high level of long-term nursing care, are characterized by multimorbidity and a high prevalence of dependency in activities of daily living. Results of recent studies indicate positive effects of structured exercise programs during long-term care for physical functioning, cog...
Children’s positive perceived motor competence (PMC) provides motivation for physical activity. Theoretically young children (<8 years) have inflated PMC but as children cognitively develop, perceptions are hypothesized to decrease. This study investigated strength of PMC association over time, whether any change was negative (i.e. PMC decreased) a...
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Background: Epidemiological studies of the effect of physical activity on cognition demonstrated an inverse relationship between physical activity and cognitive decline. However, such health behaviors are hardly invariable over time. The relative homogeneity of the adult lifestyle of nuns/monks as well as master athletes reduces the likelihood of c...
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Purpose of Review The aims of this review are to focus (a) on identifying the neural circuits that are involved by a cognitive task in relation to those that are involved during a simultaneous motor task in children with DCD, (b) to discuss cognition–action trade-offs across different dual tasks, and (c) on the possible training regimes to enhance...
Background: Resistance training is assumed to be a key player in counteracting the age-related decline of functional capacity as well as the incidence of falls in older adults. Functional training using free weights is presumed to mimic daily activities, but there is a lack of studies comparing free weight training with barbells and machine trainin...
Zusammenfassung. Die Forschung zum motorischen Verhalten hat eine lange Tradition, wobei eine Vielzahl von Forschern zu einem breiten und tiefgehenden Verständnis des Themas beigetragen haben. Der Erkenntnisgewinn und Fortschritt in der Theorieentwicklung innerhalb des Feldes war zudem meist nicht-linear, sondern gezeichnet durch schnelle Wachstums...
Throughout this special issue, different authors have discussed diverse aspects of past, present, and future motor development research. In such research, understanding how people move involves much more than studying motor behavior in individuals of different ages. Rather, empirical designs should embed some element of past, present, and future mo...
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Background: Resistance training holds promise for nursing home residents to prevent further disabilities, falls, and fractures. Free weight as well as machine training may offer an efficient option to improve physical performance, but the feasibility of these training regimes among elderly who require continuous institutional care is still open....
Background/aim Parent proxy reports are well used in occupational therapy, yet historically parent report instruments of motor skill have not required parents to report on the same motor skills that their children are assessed on. The aim was to examine how well a parent report of children's fundamental movement skill (FMS) was associated with chil...
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The evidence supporting the effects of age on the ability to coordinate a motor and a cognitive task show inconsistent results in children and adolescents, where the Dual-Task Effects (DTE) – if computed at all – range from either being lower or comparable or higher in younger children than in older children, adolescents and adults. A feasible reas...
Mobility restriction as a consequence of a fall is a major issue in assisted living facilities. Although many factors are related to falling, little is known about the relationship between falls, social support, falls efficacy, and physical activity. We examined the relationship between falls and the Social-Support-Questionnaire, the Activities-spe...
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Although several studies have shown that dual-tasking (DT) mobility is impaired in Alzheimer's disease, studies on the effects of DT conditions in probable Mild Cognitive Impairment (pMCI) have not yielded unequivocal results. The objectives of the study were to (1) examine the effect of a concurrent task on a complex walking task in adults with co...
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Zusammenfassung Einschränkungen im Gangbild bei mehreren gleichzeitig durchgeführten Aufgaben, sogenannten Doppelaufgaben, werden häufig bei Patienten mit neurodegenerativen Erkran-kungen, z.B. bei Parkinson und Alzheimer, berichtet. Diese Gangeinschränkungen ziehen wiederum ein erhöhtes Sturz-risiko, Sedentariness, funktionale Einbussen, Abnahmen...
Children's self-perception of motor skills and physical fitness is said to be an important mediator between skills and physical fitness on the one hand and physical activity on the other hand. An age-appropriate self-perception scale is needed to understand the development and the differentiation of the physical selfconcept of children and its comp...
BACKGROUND: Before participating in a space mission, astronauts undergo parabolic-flight and underwater training to facilitate their subsequent adaptation to weightlessness. A quick, simple and inexpensive alternative could be training by motor imagery (MI). OBJECTIVE: An important prerequisite for this training approach is that humans are able to...
In this chapter we first review cross-sectional studies using the dual-task approach in children and adolescents, particularly in the areas of gait and postural stability. Second, we will pre-sent an integrative framework for the interaction of cognition, motor performance, and life-course factors.
Objective: Exercise training provides a cornerstone of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in COPD-patients. However, the components of the training are not yet fully investigated. We conducted a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of a sensory-motoric training (SMT) in comparison to a conventional strength training (KT) accordin...
Background: Recently, some researches have reported that exercise facilitates executive functions, whereas others have reported that exercise debilitates them. Furthermore, some studies have examined the selective effect of acute exercise of moderate intensity on poor cognitive performance at rest in children and adults. The extent to which a bout...
Background: While typically developing children produce relatively automatized postural control processes, children with DCD seem to exhibit an automatization deficit. Dual tasks with various cognitive loads seem to be an effective way to assess the automatic deficit hypothesis. Aims: The aims of the study were: (1) to examine the effect of a co...
The study investigated the effect of vision and auditory distraction on the quality of motor imagery (MI). Sixty participants (M age 24.07 ± 3.64 years) completed the experimental task (modified version of Timed-Up-and-Go-Test (mTUG)) under three conditions: (A) baseline (no distraction), (B) positive and (C) negative auditory stimuli. Subjects wer...
Abstract Background. Activities of daily living (ADL), such as walking, often involve the added complexity of walking while doing other activities (i.e. dual task walking). A complex walking task may require a greater motor and mental capacity, resulting in decrements in gait performance not seen for simple walking tasks. Aim. The purpose of this...
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Während der Einfluss von körperlicher Aktivität auf die physische Gesundheit mit zahlreichen qualitativen Studien gut belegt ist, sind die Auswirkungen von Bewegung auf das Gehirn noch vergleichsweise spärlich betrachtet. Dieser Artikel fasst den aktuellen Forschungsstand des Einflusses von körperlicher Aktivität auf die kognitiven Fähigkeiten in B...
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Before participating in a space mission, astronauts undergo parabolic-flight and underwater training to facilitate their subsequent adaptation to weightlessness. Unfortunately, similar training methods can't be used to prepare re-adaptation to planetary gravity. Here, we propose a quick, simple and inexpensive approach that could be used to prepare...
Previous studies suggest that children with Down's syndrome (DS), a genetically based neurodevelopmental disorder, demonstrate motor problems and cognitive deficits. The first aim of this study was to examine motor skills and executive functions (EFs) in school-age children with DS. The second aim was to investigate the relationship between these t...
Results of previous studies show a large interindividual variability with regard to motor skills and motor abilities in children with Down Syndrome (DS). In order to provide detailed information for intervention, adequate assessment methods seem to be necessary to address the child's unique motor profile. Typically, children are either examined usi...
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Background Distal radius fractures are among the most common fractures and account for approximately one-sixth of all fractures diagnosed. Therapy results after distal radius fracture, especially of elderly patients, are often suboptimal. The inevitable immobilization for several weeks leads to reduction in range of motion, deterioration of muscle...
Objectives: This systematic review provides an overview of research elucidating the relationship between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and physical activity (PA) in children and adoles-cents. Design: Systematic review. Method: Prospective studies were identified from searches in Cochrane Library, BioMed Central, Education Resources Information...
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The overall goal of the consortium PROFinD (Prevention and Rehabilitation of Osteoporotic Fractures in disadvantaged Populations) is to develop, pilot, and test interventions that can improve health-related quality of life of osteoporotic patients which are currently not reached adequately because of socioeconomic, medical, or psychological reasons...