N. Kazancı

N. Kazancı
Ankara University · Department of Geological Engineering


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Publications (135)
Conference Paper
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Ülkemizde yerleşim alanlarının büyük bir kısmının Kuvaterner yaşlı çökeller üzerinde bulunması, deprem, sel ve heyelan gibi doğa kaynaklı afetler açısından bu alanların ayrıntılı incelenmesini gerektirmektedir. Kuvaterner yaşlı çökeller genellikle pekişmemiş olduğundan zayıf zemin özellikleri taşımaktadırlar. Bu çökeller çökelme ortamı, çökel özell...
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Doğal ve/veya jeolojik miras şehirlere değer katan ve kimlik kazandıran varlıklar olup giderek daha çok dikkat çekmekte ve korunmasına özen gösterilmektedir. Jeolojik miras, bulunduğu bölgenin jeolojik evrimini ve o evrimdeki çok önemli olayları temsil eder. Mevcut bilimsel veriler ışığında jeolojik mirasın belirlenmesi, envanterinin yapılması yerb...
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The ancient city of Ḫattuša, which is already in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is one of the most attractive cultural tourism spots in the central Anatolian landmass. The city is located in the Boğazkale district of the Çorum province and is one of the most important settlements in the Hittite history. The city had served as the capital of the Hi...
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Coastal spits are low-lying landforms at the depositional shores and seem to be relatively young and vulnerable formations formed under the control of both terrestrial and marine environments. These features reflect the sedimentary and hydrodynamic characteristics of the relevant shores. They can develop in critical environmental conditions dependi...
Göbeklitepe is an UNESCO World Heritage site located in SE Turkey, dating back to 11.7 ka BCE. It consists of laterally aligned, circular rooms without doors and T-shaped limestone columns up to 5 m high, placed in the middle and in the walls of the rooms. Most columns contain animal drawings. Studies have suggested that the site had a special func...
Mahkemağcin Underground City (MUC) is a four-floored rock-cut dwelling complex carved into ignimbrite tuffs of Early-Middle Miocene age in central Anatolia. The whole interior of the complex is covered by a 1-5 cm thick alteration crust which is not detected in any cave nor outcrop in the region. This crust is investigated using microscopy, SEM, XR...
Technical Report
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ÖZ Ülke genelinde deprem tehlike değerlendirmelerinde kullanılabilecek ulusal bir program kapsamında yürütülen, sistematik bir yaklaşımla hazırlanmış bölgesel ölçekte (1/25.000) sıvılaşma yatkınlığı haritaları ve araştırmalarının bulunmaması, bu çalışmaların gerekliliğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Sıvılaşmaya yatkınlık haritalarının oluşturulmasında sad...
Central-west Turkey is a transition zone both tectonically and climatically between the quite different central and western regions of Anatolia. Central Anatolia represents the seismically quiet part of the otherwise highly active Turkey. On the other hand, this region has some of the lowest precipitation and highest evaporation ratios of Turkey. C...
Central-west Turkey is a transition zone both tectonically and climatically between the quite different central and western regions of Anatolia. Central Anatolia represents the seismically quiet part of the otherwise highly active Turkey. On the other hand, this region has some of the lowest precipitation and highest evaporation ratios of Turkey. C...
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Öz: “Kapadokya” tarihi ve kültürel varlığı dolayısıyla uluslararası bilinirliği olan, orta Anadolu’da Nevşehir, Kırşehir,Yozgat, Aksaray, Niğde ve Kayseri arasında, turizmin geliştiği, peribacaları ile tanınan bölgenin genel coğrafikadıdır. Son zamanlarda turizme ilişkin resmi düzenlemelerde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Ancak bu alanın sınırlarıbelir...
Conference Paper
Mahkemeağcin Village in Central Anatolia (Kızılcahamam, Ankara) hosts a former multi-floor underground city carved in a layer of Early-Middle Miocene ignimbritic tuffs of Galatean Volcanics. The complex structure of the settlement include large living spaces, a chapel and a wine-production center. The interior parts of these rooms (walls, windows a...
History of mining in Anatolia goes back to the pre-pottery Neolithic in parallel to history of ancient civilizations in the region. Based on archaeological findings, native copper was the first metal used by humans, and right after, it was mined in central Anatolia. The mining of copper seemed to cause both the birth of metallurgy and powerful civi...
Conference Paper
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The global sea level changes during the middle-late Pleistocene is well documented by using direct evidence or multi-proxy data from various data resources distributed worldwide. This global sea-level curve is used to correlate the regional data to decipher other influences, such as tectonic settings. The history of the changing levels of the Black...
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Abstract The study presents the late Quaternary evolution of the southern Marmara region in the northwestern Turkey and discusses the suitability of the area for settlements. It is based on interpretation of sediment analyses together with radiometric dates obtained from the drilling cores. As three fourth of the southern Marmara region (ca 30 000...
The Büyük Menderes River is the longest river that discharges into the Aegean Sea, with a length of 615 km. It is one of the main rivers dominating in the geomorphology of western Turkey, with its drainage basin that reaches to 24,000 km². The river is also very important because of its meandering channel patterns. The term ‘meandering’ in geomorph...
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Turkey could be subject of a case study for the diversity of risks and threats on landscapes from soil erosion to desertification, from rapid transformation of the nature by waterworks to salinization and to decreasing level of groundwater. Deterioration of the landscapes, particularly of highlands by quarry and mining activities and road-cuts are...
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The core of Turkey’s land is the Anatolian Peninsula, which is surrounded by several seas (Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea). Offering a high variety of morphological landscapes, Anatolia is an orogenic plateau bordered to the north by one of the world’s most seismically active strike-slip faults, the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ),...
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This chapter (Introduction) presents the content and organization of the information provided by the book “Landforms and landscapes of Turkey”. The book is divided in two groups of chapters. The first group assembles three chapters which have in common to present thematic data concerning the main types of processes that have been at work in shaping...
The part of south-west Anatolia called the “Lake District” neighbouring the Mediterranean region of Turkey, includes nine large and over twenty small lakes that are mostly tectonic and some karstic in origin. These lacustrine basins are disseminated within depressions of the Taurus Mountains that are part of the Alpine–Himalayan belt. Here, the Tau...
The Köroğlu Mountains between Sakarya and Kızılırmak rivers form the inner part of the western Pontides. They are 550 km long and 40–60 km in width, with a mean elevation of ca 1800 m a.s.l. The highest point is 2399 m at Mt. Köroğlu, a large stratovolcano that gives its name to the entire highland area. Geographically, these mountains constitute t...
Technical Report
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ÖZ Ülke genelinde deprem tehlike değerlendirmelerinde kullanılabilecek ulusal bir program kapsamında yürütülen, sistematik bir yaklaşımla hazırlanmış bölgesel ölçekte sıvılaşma yatkınlığı haritaları ve araştırmalarının bulunmaması, bu çalışmaların gerekliliğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Sıvılaşmaya yatkınlık haritalarının oluşturulmasında sadece jeolojik...
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In the northeast extension of Datça- Kale- Acı Göl Oligocene basin, sedimentary sequence is divided into Mortuma, Çardak and Hayrettin formations which are interpreted as alluvial fan, fan-delta, beach, marine input, inner shelf carbonates, offshore deposits. Oligocene Datça- Kale main breakaway fault bounding the southeastern margin of the basin i...
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Natural formations in a city have primary roles in the development of an urban identity and the city’s history. This article discusses Kanlıgöl (Bloody Lake), a long-forgotten district of Ankara between the historic train station and Sıhhiye district. Evidence is presented that demonstrates that the origin of the name Kanlıgöl derives from the pres...
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Ondokuzuncu yüzyılın ortalarına doğru yerbilimciler arasında, özellikle Kuzey Avrasya ve Kuzey Amerika’da oldukça geniş alanlar kaplayan ve çoğunlukla pekişmemiş halde gözlenen kırıntılı çökeller başlıca tartışma konusuna dönüşmüştür. ‘Kuvaterner’ teriminin bir zaman dilimi olarak ortaya atılması her ne kadar bu dönemlere rastlasa da, bu zaman dili...
The new locality of Çeştepe in the Kazan Basin, 45 km NNW of Ankara, yielded the remains of three species of reptiles (cf. Lacerta sp., Anguinae indet. and Varanus sp.) and an ochotonid lagomorph, Ochotona mediterranensis Suata Alpaslan, 2009. The latter species suggests an early Pliocene age (MN14). The fossil layer is included in the Sinap Format...
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Hızlı kentleşme, aşırı nüfus artışı ve işsizlik, özellikle gençlerde doğaya karşı yabancılaşmayı ve yerbilimi eğitimine ilginin azalmasını doğurmuş görünmektedir. Buna karşın büyüyen su ve enerji ihtiyacı, doğal afetler, iklim değişmeleri, sürdürülebilir kalkınma vb. ihtiyaçlar insanları doğaya bağımlı kılmaktadır. Bu çelişkili durumun ortadan kald...
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Turkey is geographically positioned as a bridge between the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. Th e country has very rich and complex geology and geomorphology characterized by the presence of various rock exposures, landscapes, active and inactive volcanic centers, mountain belts, active fault zones, etc. However, geoscience education in a cou...
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Aksaray-Kırşehir-Niğde-Nevşehir-Kayseri arasında yaklaşık 45000 km²’lik bir alan kaplayan Kapadokya Volkanik Kompleksi (KVK), çoğunlukla Geç Miyosen-Holosen aralığında yerleşen volkanik ürünlerden kuruludur. Bunlar; Melendiz, Keçiboyduran, Koçdağ, Göllüdağ gibi volkanlar, Acıgöl ve Derinkuyu volkanik kompleksleri, Erciyes ve Hasandağ stratovolkanla...
Conference Paper
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Exposures of Late Neogene and Quaternary marine, littoral and coastal sedimentary units can only be observed within the Sinop Peninsula along the southern Black Sea coastal zone due to the continuous uplift. The available stratigraphy of this sedimentary units has been built on their relative positions. The lithological similarities of these units,...
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Lake Neor is the largest lacustrine basin in the high mountains of the Middle East, at 2500 m altitude in the Alborz belt. This lake of Holocene age is a shallow, fresh water body of glacial origin with ca 4 km2 surface area and a 40 km2 drainage area. Its sedimentary sequence comprised of peat and gyttja consists of >10 m infill, which is fairly t...
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Owing to their continuous sedimentation, lacustrine environments are usually excellent archives of palaeo-environmental changes (Stockhecke et al., 2014; Sharifi et al., 2015). Even environmental changes at an annual scale may be detected in lake sediments and therefore offer an opportunity to study past changes at high resolution, e.g. when the se...
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Geosites and the special type of geosite called geological heritage are tangible materials such as rocks, fossils, minerals, sedimentary sequences, or structures about which there are results and!or documents of significant events in the geological history. A Framework List deciphers the geological events of the past without mentioning the localiti...
This study aims to understand the various effects of known tectonism on a fluvial network and to interpret the tectonic deformations using described, and analysed systematic anomalies in the drainage basin of the Yeşilirmak River in northern Turkey at countermarch. This region, which is divided into several faulted wedges by right-lateral strike-sl...
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Central Turkey represents the only orogenic plateau in the Mediterranean region. Also, the largest closed drainage basin and the largest intracontinental basin of Turkey, the Lake Tuz Basin, is located in this region. Results from a three-dimensional (3-D) computer modeling study of the Lake Tuz Basin indicate a southward-deepening freshwater lake...
Conference Paper
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By utilizing the studies throughout the country, it is important to define the areas which are susceptible to liquefaction in order to reduce the damage caused by earthquake. Based on these data, relative liquefaction susceptibility maps at the very low-very high range areas in the recent sediments can be prepared on a regional scale. Areas suscept...
The natural inorganic materials (minerals and rocks) exceed the limits of the Earth. Therefore, the geology, which is the study of the Earth, represents only a small part of the natural inorganic world. Certain questions about the genesis of the universe are related to the evolution of our solar system and the evolution of life on our planet. In th...
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Bu yazı, bu dergiye ve okuyuculara olan saygı nedeniyle, yazarın ortak olduğu Kazancı vd (2014) makalesindeki eksiklikleri belirtmek ve düzeltmek amacındadır.
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Although there are several studies discussing the pre-Neogene development of the LakeTuz basin, which is the largest terrestrial basin in Turkey, investigations delineating thecharacteristics of the Neogene and particularly Quaternary period of this basin are quitelimited. Whereas studies regarding such periods of the basin are quite informative fo...
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Although there are several studies discussing the pre-Neogene development of the Lake Tuz basin, which is the largest terrestrial basin in Turkey, investigations delineating the characteristics of the Neogene and particularly Quaternary period of this basin are quite limited. Whereas studies regarding such periods of the basin are quite informative...
Conference Paper
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BeyşehirLake, covering 650 km2area in Konya-Isparta province, is the 3rd biggest fresh water lake of Europe and has formed in relation to general tectonic and karstic evolution of the province. Lake Beyşehir is a wetland with international A group certificate, a national park with varieties, a protected area with the prosperities of history culture...
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Surface water and sediments derived from the southern Marmara region (= Susurluk Drainage basin- SDB) transport to lakes Manyas and Ulubat first and then go to the Sea of Marmara via the Kocasu River only. The present drainage system of the SDB provides a good opportunity to study erosion rate and subsequently occurrence times of large-scale valley...
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Surface water and sediments derived from the southern Marmara region (= SusurlukDrainage basin- SDH) transport to lakes Manyas and Ulubat first and then go to the Sea ofMarmara via the Kocasu River only. The present drainage system of the SDH provides a goodopportunity to study erosion rate and subsequently occurrence times of large-scale valleys i...
Conference Paper
Water and sediment load of modern Lake Beyşehir derived mostly from the inland of Taurus Mountains have been transported to Lake Suğla and Çumra plain of Konya and finally to Tuz Gölü. This drainage pattern clearly indicates that Lake Beyşehir is a telescopic part of central Anatolian closed basin at the Taurus Mountains. Subsequently, the geologic...
Conference Paper
The Lake Beyşehir basin is represented by an area of 4200 km2 in central-west Anatolia region. The region, where the basin situated, is considered geographically as western Taurus. On the other hand, this region was correspond to an area where nap emplacements occurred within the Taurid orogenic belt in the paleotectonic period. In the neotectonic...
Conference Paper
Lake Beyşehir, which is Turkey’s third largest lake, is an important area to observe the effects of climatic changes on water lands due to its depthand wide spread area.The lake is surrounded by Taurus Mountains to the south and west, Erenler Mount to theeast, and to the west by the Sultan Mountains. Interms of drain age basin, this basin is separa...
Conference Paper
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Catastrophic losses requires the development of specific national strategies and applications. These may include liquefaction which is the main causes of great loss of life and property damage during the major earthquakes. A national research program on liquefaction susceptibility for earthquake hazard assessment is not available. To amend this sho...
Conference Paper
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Karasu-Kocaali coastal plain constitutes the eastern part of the Sakarya River delta. It was formed by the accumulation of terrestrial sediments along the coast. In this study, the coastal Quaternary units of the coastal plain are presented in detail. The 1:25 000 scaled geological maps were used as data base. Barrier islands, old and actual beach...
Conference Paper
SEDIMENTARY, LIMNOLOGICAL AND PALEOCLIMATIC OF BEYŞEHİR LAKE: PRELIMINARY RESULTS - BEYŞEHİR GÖLÜNÜN SEDİMANTOLOJİK, LİMNOLOJİK VE PALEOİKLİMSEL ÖZELLİKLERİ ÖN SONUÇLAR Beyşehir Gölü, Toros Dağları’nın batı kesiminde Isparta Dirseği olarak adlandırılan kesimin kuzeyindeki çöküntü alanı içerisinde yer alan yarı kapalı özellikte Türkiye’nin en büyük...
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The southern Caspian Sea lowland in Iran forms a thick sedimentary prism produced by interactions of marine, deltaic, and fluvial processes during the Late Neogene and Quaternary. Deltaic and fluvial deposits have been developed mainly by the Sefidrud, which is the largest river of the country. Its drainage area (ca. 61,600 km(2)) includes nearly t...
Conference Paper
Ankara ili üç adet Karagöl’e ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Üç Karagöl de ismini etrafındaki çam ormanlarından alır. Bunlardan Beypazarı Karagöl, Ankara’nın KB kesiminde yer almakta olup kent merkezine yaklaşık 120 km mesafededir. Gölün tabanı hemen hemen düz olmakla birlikte en derin yeri 5,5 m civarındadır. Bir diğer Karagöl Ankara’nın kuzey doğusunda...
Country-scale geological events of Neogene and Quaternary age are called neotectonism and so this is known as the neotectonic period in Turkey, where it was responsible for initiating and molding the present-day geomorphology of Anatolia. The neotectonism of the northwestern Anatolia (=western Pontides) are mainly represented by volcanic rocks call...
Conference Paper
The Güvem columnar basalts of Late Miocene are one of significant geosites of the Kızılcahamam – Çamlıdere Geopark in Ankara, Turkey. It forms a superposition of collonade and entablature basalts such an occurrence, superimposed regular and irregular basalt columns are very rare in the geological records. Therefore the geosite is a unique locality...
A 27 cm thick, loose tephra deposits has been observed within coarse-grained colluvium at Çardak area of Denizli on the northern apron of the Acıgöl graben in western Anatolia, Turkey. It is a biotite-rich tephra with mean grain-size of coarse silt. Chemically it is dacite and rhyolite with average of 66.35% SiO2 and 4.70% alcalia (Na2O + K2O) in b...
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Z Mucur yöresindeki (Kırşehir) Geç Miyosen-Pliyosen istifinin çökelleri içinde, boyları 1 metreden 3-4 cm'e kadar değişen koyu renkli, çoğunluğu breşik dokulu metamorfik kaya çakılları ile az sayıda, silis kabukla çevrili bazalt görünüşlü ergimiş kaya parçaları bulunmuştur. Petrografik olarak takilit veya impaktit şeklinde adlandırılan çok özel tan...
Conference Paper
Kızılcahamam-Çamlıdere Jeoparkı Ankara Valiliği öncülüğünde kurulmaya çalışılan, ülkemizin ilk yarı resmi jeolojik koruma, jeoturizm ve doğa eğitim alanıdır. İlk ünitesi Temmuz 2010’da ziyarete açılmıştır. Jeopark çalışmaları başlangıçtan bu yana Ankara Üniversitesi ile Jeolojik Mirası Koruma Derneği-Jemirko’nun bilimsel ve yönetsel, Kızılcahamam v...
Conference Paper
Nüfus baskısının getirdiği yeni yerleşim yerleri, çeşitlenen mühendislik yapıları, hammadde ihtiyacı, kötü arazi kullanımı ve benzeri giderek artan insan faaliyetleri, jeolojik sitlerin (=jeosit) hızla ortadan kalkmasına yol açmakta olup, öyle ki, yakın gelecekte jeoloji eğitimi ve araştırmaları yapılamaz hale gelecektir. Sorun kayaçların tüketilme...
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Freshwater Lake Ulubat (z mean = 1.5–2.0 m and Area = ~138 km2), NW Anatolia, Turkey was filled in by fine-to-medium-grain silts during the late Holocene. Deposition in Lake Ulubat has been 1.6 cm year−1 for the last 50 years, but the sedimentation rate over the last ~1,600 years was lower (0.37 mm year−1). The organic matter and carbonate contents...
The Büyük Menderes Graben is a seismically active depositional basin in the N–S extensional tectonic region of western Anatolia, Turkey. It extends in an E–W direction and is bounded by the Aegean Sea to the west. The infill of this tectonic basin comprises ca 850 m and 245 m thick clastic sequences of Neogene and Quaternary, respectively and the Q...
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The Pleistocene and Holocene Burdur Basin of Turkey is a still active graben, about 12 km wide and 75 km long, which is presently occupied by Burdur and Yaraşh lakes. Active extension, combined with lake-level oscillations and climatic changes, has produced a composite/cyclic basin-fill. The sedimentary facies and depositional characteristics vary...
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The Neo-Tethyan suture zone in the western margin of the Çankırı basin (NW central Anatolia, Turkey) has been reactivated as a pinched crustal wedge due to a NW – SE compression created by the right lateral North Anatolian Fault Zone and the Kırıkkale – Erbaa Fault Zone. This neotectonic structure, the Eldivan-Elmadağ pinched crustal wedge-(EPCW),...
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The discovery of unexpectedly young tephra, with K-Ar dates of 1.50 ± 0.18 and 1.38 ± 0.13 Ma BP, in the Lake Eǧirdir area sheds new light on the time-span and magnitude of explosive volcanism in west-central Anatolia and on the physical behaviour of pyroclastic currents. The Gölcük maar near Isparta, widely thought to have ceased its activity in P...
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Remains of fossil hominins from temperate regions of the Old World are rare across both time and space, but such specimens are necessary for understanding basic issues in human evolution including linkages between their adaptations and early migration patterns. We report here the remarkable circumstances surrounding the discovery of the first fossi...
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Freshwater Lake Ulubat (c. 1.5 m deep and c. 138 km2) receives sediment from a 10.414 km2 area in the seismically active Susurluk Drainage Basin (SDB) of NW Turkey. The B and trace element contents of the lake infill seem to be a link between the fresh landforms of the SDB and the lacustrine sediment. Deposition in Lake Ulubat has been 1.60 cm a−1...
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The Neogene tuffs of the Akkaşdaǧι region, in the south eastern part of the Çankιrι-Çorum Basin in Central Anatolia, yielded one of the richest mammalian faunas of Turkey. The main aim of the present study is to provide data on the distribution, age, petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical composition of these tuffs. It is shown that they are...
2005. — Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Neogene mammal bearing deposits in the Akka ș da g ˘ ı area, Turkey, in Sen S. (ed.), Geology, mammals and environ-ments at Akka ș da g ˘ ı, late Miocene of Central Anatolia. Geodiversitas 27 (ABSTRACT The Akka ș da ˘gı area, situated in the southern margin of the Tertiary Çankırı-Çorum Basin, Central Anato...
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This paper presents tectonic features of the southern part of Çankιrι basin where is located the rich late Miocene mammal locality of Akkaşdaǧι. Field observations and mapping demonstrated that the late Miocene-Pliocene deposits unconformaly overlie the pre-Neogene basement. The overall thickness of Neogene deposits increases toward NE. Horst-grabe...
The neotectonic development of western Anatolia was characterized by the formation of numerous graben-type basins, which have been well documented by general mapping, although the cause and timing of the Neogene regional tectonic extension remain controversial. Previous interpretations of the origin and evolution of these Neogene basins were based...